Chapter 1: Meet The Wandering Traveler

Chapter 1: Meet The Wandering Traveler

(Narrator POV)

[Dream World]

Now we a young woman with a tall, slender body. She had long, free-flowing cloud-white hair that floated unnaturally behind her head. Her amber eyes both had a small line going horizontally across their pupils. And a boy with fair skin color, he had long light blue hair with five locks of hair on the front while there's two long hair on the back, and his eyes are blue. For his attire, he wears grey undershirt, grey pants with cyan accents, he wears white gloves with rainbow circles with lines sticking out of the bottom leading to his golden bracelets accented in cyan. The tops of his boots are of a similar fashion with a red gem set in gold. The rest of his boots are navy blue with a white stripe down the center, cyan toes, and gray soles.

???: You have fought well, Y/n Ei

Y/n: You're strong as well, but you're not strong as I am

This made her mad as she was surrounded with yellow aura while Y/n was surrounded with rainbow aura with smile on his face.



Then the Unknown God let out a scream while Y/n let out a hearty laugh as they clashed together, making a flash of light.

[In The Real World]

Now we see Y/n who quickly wake up and he look around his room.

Y/n: That same dream again, I look weird too and who was that girl?

Then he heard someone.

???: Y/n, time to wake up

Then Y/n got out of his bed.

Y/n: Coming mom


Now we see Y/N wearing a grey undershirt, a white cloak with cyan, dark cyan, navy blue, and gold accents with white fur around the neck, dark grey pants with cyan accents, and white gloves with cyan circles with lines sticking out of the bottom leading to his golden bracelets accented in cyan. The tops of his boots are of a similar fashion, with a red gem set in gold. The rest of his boots are navy blue with a white stripe down the center, cyan toes, and gray soles.

As he went down the stairs, he saw a fair-skinned woman with long black hair and blue eyes. For her attire, she wears a white dress, and on top of the dress is a purple corset, a purple scarf around her, and a gold belt.

This is Aimi Abe, Y/n's adopted mother who find Y/n on the foot of her plant shop and she was watering the plants until she heard familiar voice.

Y/n: Hey mom

She then turned around to see Y/n standing there.

Aimi: Hey Y/n, how was your sleep?

Y/n:*scratching his head* It was alright

Aimi: Let me guess, you have the same dream?

Y/n: How did you know?

Aimi: I'm your mother, you silly goose

Y/n: Oh

Then she ask Y/n a question.

Aimi: So, what is it about this time?

Y/n: Well, I saw myself but I look different

Aimi: How so?

Y/n: There was a rainbow glow surrounded me and I was in this strange place and with me was this strange woman and she said my name but instead of Abe, she called me Ei

Aimi: Ei?

Y/n: Yeah, I don't know what it means though. Do you know what that means?

Aimi: I don't know but let's forget it okay?

Y/n: Okay

Then they heard bell ring and turned around to see two boys, one of them is a boy with peach skin, blue spiky hair, and emerald green eyes. For his attire, he wears a white jacket with blue and yellow accents, underneath the jacket he wears a long dark blue shirt, and he wears red boots with a white strap, cuff, and gold buckle each; and a pair of white gloves with sock-like cuffs on the hands. The second boy is a boy with tan skin, black spiky hair with red highlights, and red eyes. For his attire, he wears a black crop top with red accents and white fur around his neck, and he wears  white gloves with black cuffs and red tongues, and air shoes which, like his gloves, have black cuffs and red tongues. he also wears inhibitor rings, one on each of his wrists and ankles.

Y/n: Hey Sonic, hey Shadow

Sonic: Sup Y/n

Shadow: Hey

Y/n: What are you two doing here?

Sonic: We're here to get you

Y/n: For what?

Shadow: Have you forgotten already?

Then Y/n realizes on what he forgotten.

Y/n: Oh yeah, let's go already

Sonic: Way ahead of ya, see ya

Then he run out of the plant shop/Y/n's home at super speed while Shadow shook his head.

Shadow: See ya there

Then Shadow run of the plant shop/Y/n's home at super speed as well.

Y/n: Okay mom, see ya

But before he could leave, he heard Aimi talking to him.

Aimi: Hold on Y/n

Then he stop and look back at Aimi.

Y/n: What is it?

Then she grabbed a fan and a mask from the counter and give them to Y/n.

Aimi: Don't forget these

Y/n: Thanks mom

Aimi: No problem, have fun

Y/n: I will

Then Y/n run out the door with the smile on his face.

Y/n:* thought* Let's get this show on the road


Now we see a boy and two girls, the boy has blonde hair, fiery-gold eyes, and pale skin. For his attire, he wears a gold earring, white scarf, gold and white cape, a gold and brown midriff shirt with a short sleeve, black gloves, black pants, a belt with a star and black boots. The first girl was a fairy like being with a thick white hair with a golden halo, dark purple cosmic eyes, a black-blue cosmic scarf, a white coat have a long big sleeve with the star, and white stockings with white boots. And th second girl was a light fair skin, long hair, and golden eyes. She wears a red bow that is shaped like a bunny ears, brown pilot goggles, two small bags with leather belts, a red and brown glove, a pyro vision tied on the red and orange ribbon, red jacket with long sleeves, a dark brown jumper outfit, and red stock on the white boots has symbols on it.

Paimon: Paimon thinks this place is amazing, right Aether?

Aether: I agree with Paimon, Amber, this place look cool

Amber: You too haven't seen the main event yet

This made Paimon and Aether confused.

Paimon: There's an event?

Amber: Of course, they are the entertainer trio known Team Triple SSS

Paimon: What's the Triple SSS stands for?

Amber: Sonic, Shadow, and Silver. They each had unique abilities: Sonic has anemo, Shadow has electro, and Silver has dendro and they are very unique people though

Aether: Wow, you know a lot about them

Amber: Well of course, I'm friends with one of them

Paimon: Which one?

Amber: Silver, he's the first person I met


Now we see young Amber walk through the street of Mondstadt with a smile on her face.

Amber(narrating): Ever since when I was little, I met him when he was taking an errand

As Amber was walking, she heard someone fall.

???: Ow

She then looked around to see where the noise come from and she saw Y/n when he was younger.

Amber(narrating): I found him on the ground, so I help him

Amber then walk up to Y/n and held her hand out as Y/n look up to see her there.

Amber(past): Do you need help?

Y/n then nodded and grabbed her hand and she help him up as he dust himself off.

Amber(past): Are you okay?

Y/n(past): I'm fine, I just fell that's all

Then he look down and saw a pot of plant was spill.

Y/n(past): Aw

Then he pick up the plant as Amber look at it.

Amber(past): What's wrong?

Y/n(past): This plant is suppose be a gift for my mom

Amber(past): It'll be okay, is there a way to fix it?

Then Y/n got an idea.

Y/n(past): Of course, thank you uhhh

Amber(past): I'm Amber, pleasure to meet ya

Y/n(past): I'm Y/n, it's nice to meet you

Amber(past): So, what idea you have?

Then Y/n hold the plant in front of Amber.

Y/n(past): Could you hold this?

Amber(past): Sure

Then Amber held the plant as Y/n's hand glowed green, and he touched the plant as Amber saw that Y/n had fixed the plant. This made Amber look amazed.

Amber(past): Wow, that's amazing

Y/n(past): Thanks, I learn how to use from my mom

Then Amber gave Y/n the plant back to him.

Y/n(past): Thank you Amber

Amber(past): You're welcome, see ya

But before Amber could leave, Y/n grabbed Amber's hand which made her look back at Y/n.

Amber(past): What is it?

Y/n(past): Do you want to meet my mom?

Then Amber smile and said.

Amber(past): Sure

Amber then follow Y/n to his house.

(Flashback ends)

Amber: Silver is still a nice person to this day

Aether: Wow, he sounds like a good friend

Paimon: He sure does

Then out of nowhere, they heard cheering and look around to see a group of people while shouting Silver's name and realizes what it is.

Amber: Oh, they must be performing

Aether: Then what are we waiting for

Then they walk towards the crowd and they saw Sonic and Shadow who were the mask and they were performing.

Aether: So that's Sonic and Shadow

Paimon: But where's Silver

Amber: Just you two wait

Then they heard laughing and they look up to see Sonic.




Sonic and Shadow: AND HERE'S SILVER!

Then a light appear on the stage revealing to be Y/n who is wearing a mask and holding fan as he let out a hearty laugh.


Sonic, Shadow, and Silver: TEAM TRIPLE SSS!

This causes everyone to cheer while Aether and Paimon were amazed.

Aether and Paimon: WOAH!

Amber: Amazing, isn't it?

Paimon: This made Paimon excited

Aether: I agree with Paimon

Then Y/n let out a hearty laugh again as he has a smile on his face.

Silver(Y/n): Thank you for coming everybody, I would like to say that we have something very special that I want everyone to hear

Sonic: Instead of showing y'all our powers

Shadow: We have decided that

Sonic, Silver(Y/n), and Shadow: We are doing a song

This made everyone confuse even Aether and Paimon.

Aether: I thought they are entertainers?

Amber: They are

Sonic: HIT IT!

(Don't Boo Donbrothers plays)

Then Y/n, Sonic, and Shadow starts clapping their hands.

Silver(Y/n), Sonic, and Shadow: Tumbling down, tumbling down, DON! DON! Swaying with the wind
What kind of Happy End are we aiming for?

Then Shadow uses his electro ability to summon colorful lights which made the crowd to be amazed.

Aether and Paimon:*amazed* WOAH!

Then everyone starts clapping their hands.

Sonic: I've been 'ook-'ooking for it, til' my heart goes on an exciting rampage
An adventure at any time is wan-derful
Connecting bonds, this period of encounters will be a bit tori-cky
But when it works out even the Oni will smile

Then Y/n uses his dendro ability to summon cherry blossoms which made everyone to be amazed.

Shadow: The scenery will always be changing bit-by-bit
Everyone, let's all lend our hands

Then Y/n was surrounded with cyan aura as he starts floating as he open his fan with a smile on his face.


Then Y/n, Sonic, and Shadow starts dancing while everyone starts cheering.

Shadow: DON! DON! Look for your best traits!
Puff up your chest and bring out your best quirks, my Brother

Crowd: WOOO!

Sonic: Being different isn't a problem
Just enjoy it, Don't Boo and be Happy in this Party Time!!

Silver: It's a tumbling gathering, dance and laugh out loud, wa-ha-ha
The old and the young, anyone and everyone, even you are welcome to join

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver(Y/n): Tumbling down, tumbling down, DON! DON! Swaying with the wind
We're aiming for an all's-well-don's-well Happy End!

Then Sonic uses his anemo ability to control the winds to move the cheery blossoms around the crowd.

Shadow: It has started becoming the center of everyday life
A sudden challenge is exciting
Crossing bonds, the winds bring new encounters
I have a hundred people who's got my back

Then Y/n summons more cheery blossoms and surrounded by them.

Silver(Y/n): It's natural that we meet as we live
Everyone, let's change our forms


Then Y/n, Sonic, and Shadow starts dancing.

Silver(Y/n) and Sonic: DON! DON! Follow your best traits!
It isn't smart to give excuses, my Brother

Crowd: WOOO!

Shadow: Having quirks is great, isn't it?
Just dive in, Don't Boo in this Brand New Party Time!!

Silver(Y/n): It's a tumbling gathering, dance and laugh out loud, wa-ha-ha
The past or the future, always and at any time

Sonic, Silver(Y/n), and Shadow: The past or the future, always and at any time
Tumbling down, tumbling down, DON! DON! Swaying with the wind
What Happy End will tomorrow bring?

Silver then float down as Sonic and Shadow was by him.

Silver(Y/n): Whether we laugh or we cry, it's all in this one life that we have
I want to choose happiness without hesitation
No matter where or who, it's immeasurable with any ruler
Let's make you bloom as who you are

Then Sonic, Shadow, and Y/n starts dancing while everyone in the crowd starts dancing.

Aether: I never thought they could sing so well

Paimon: Paimon feels so energetic

Y/n, Sonic, and Shadow then pose together as the crowd start clapping their hands together.

Silver(Y/n): DON! DON! Just give it a try!
Even if you fall, you just have to get back up
Toss all your worries away
Go forward! Challenge it! Let's Go My Way

Then they started dancing.

Sonic: DON! DON! Look for your best traits!
Puff up your chest and bring out your best quirks, my Brother

Crowd: WOOO!

Shadow: Being different isn't a problem
Just enjoy it, Don't Boo and be Happy in this Party Time!!

Silver(Y/n): It's a tumbling gathering, dance and laugh out loud, wa-ha-ha
The old and the young, anyone and everyone, even you are welcome to join

Then Y/n, Sonic, and Shadow starts singing together.

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver(Y/n): Tumbling down, tumbling down, DON! DON! Swaying with the wind
We're aiming for an all's-well-don's-well Happy End!

Then they finish off with a pose as everyone starts cheering as they wave at them.

Silver(Y/n): Thank you everyone for coming out, we are very grateful

Sonic: We are so happy that we share this with y'all

Shadow: Thank you all and remember

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver(Y/n): ALWAYS BE SPECTACULAR!

Then Y/n let out a hearty laugh as curtain drops down as everyone starts cheering and they start waking away as the performance is over.

Aether: That was awesome

Paimon: Paimon was amazed

Amber: I knew you two would like it

Then Aether asked Amber.

Aether: Hey Amber, do you think that we could meet them?

Amber: Sure, let's meet them

Then they went backstage to meet Team Triple SSS.


In the forest near Mondstadt, a large dragon with a shade of blue, with his main body being a lighter Azure blue, while his talons and horns colored in more of a darker midnight blue, he also emits light from different areas of his body, notably his eyes that seem to have a blue flame effect, and the scales on his wings that emit an aqua glow. He possesses a total of six large wings on his body (three on each side) allows him to fly. Behind those wings is his massive tail, which resembles bird-like feathering. He possesses two horns on his head that resembles that of a goat, with a blue gradient that gradually fades to black. His front beak is incredibly sharp and possesses very sharp teeth, albeit a low amount. There are four sets of nails on each of the four talons, being very long and sharp with a gradient.

This is Dvalin, also known as Stormterror. He was sleeping until something woke him, he then look around and saw flashing in Mondstadt which made him mad as he spread his wings and flew towards Mondstadt.

(Meanwhile with Team Triple SSS)

With Team Triple SSS, they were taking off their mask as Sonic told them.

Sonic: Man, that was fun, right guys?

Y/n: Yeah, I never thought we would sing together

Shadow: Well, it was your idea

Sonic: And it works, we did great

Then they heard a voice.

???: Excuse me

Then they turn around to see Amber, Aether, and Paimon standing there which made Y/n smile.

Y/n: Hi Amber

Sonic: Hey Amber

Shadow: Sup

Amber: Hey guys

Then Y/n's eyes shifted towards Aether and Paimon.

Y/n: Uh Amber, who are these two?

Amber: Oh, this is Aether and Paimon

Aether: It's a pleasure to meet you three

Paimon: Paimon was amazed with you three's performances

Y/n: I really appreciate your feedback

Sonic: Yeah, we are happy that you like our performance

Shadow: Besides it was his idea

Then Shadow pointed at Y/n.

Amber: It was your idea?

Then Y/n rubbed the back of his head with a red hue on his face.

Y/n: Yeah, I just want to make people happy

Then they heard a loud roar outside and they ran outside to see Dvailn destroying Mondstadt.



Then Dvailn looked at Y/n, Sonic, Shadow, Amber, Aether, and Paimon as he shoot a powerful wind blast at them but Aether went in front of the others and pulls out his sword and deflect it.

Y/n: Thanks Aether

Aether: No problem

Then Dvailn let out a roar again and he fly towards to them as they run away from him.

Y/n: What are we going to do?

Sonic: We need to split up

Shadow: Right, Sonic you're with me

Then Y/n look at Amber.

Y/n: Amber, you're with me

Amber: Right

Then Aether look at Paimon.

Aether: Looks like you're with me, Paimon

Then they split up and went in different directions, which made Dvailn confused as his eyes darted towards Y/n and Amber as he let out a roar and flew towards them.

(With Y/n and Amber)

With Y/n and Amber, they were still running away from Dvailn.

Amber: Is the Stormterror still chasing us?

Then Y/n look back to see no one there and he look back at Amber.

Y/n: I think we lost-

But before he could finish his sentence, Y/n bump into something and he look up to see Dvailn standing there which made Y/n scare.

Y/n: Never mind, I found him

Then Dvailn let out a roar while Amber walk in front of Y/n having her bow out.

Amber: What do you want from us?

Then Dvailn move Amber out of the way and look at Y/n which made him even more scare.

Y/n: W-whatever I did to you, I didn't mean it

Then Dvailn raise his arm up and about to attack Y/n.

Amber: Y/N!

Then Y/n raise his hand up.

Y/n: WAIT!

As Dvailn attacked Y/n, a sigil appeared in front of Y/n, which caused Dvailn to hit the sigil and let out an angry roar. Amber saw this, and she was confused.

Amber: What just happened?

Then Y/n look around and see a sigil in front of him which made him confuse.

Y/n: What was that?

Then Dvailn tried to hit Y/n again, but the sigil blocked the attack, which made him angry. He tried to attack him once again, but Y/n was now angry and told Dvailn.

Y/n: Dude back UP!

Then Y/n push Dvailn away with a cyan aura surrounding him which made Amber amazed.

Amber: Woah

Then Y/n looked at his hands and he look back up at Dvailn.

Y/n: I understand what I have to do now

Then Dvailn walk up to Y/n and they look at each other in the eyes.

Y/n: I will protect everyone's future

Then Y/n ready himself as Dvailn was about to attack him until he stop and he fly away which made him confused.

Y/n:*confused* Huh?

Then Amber walked up to Y/n and hugged him, which made Y/n have a red hue on his face.

Amber: Are you okay?

Y/n:*blushing* I-i'm okay, Amber but why did he leave?

Amber: I don't know but we need to find everyone

Y/n: Right

Then they leave to find their friends.


Now we see Sonic, Shadow, Aether, and Paimon at Aimi's flower shop waiting on Y/n and Amber.

Sonic: I wonder how much longer are they gonna take?

Shadow: Be patient, they'll be here

Then they heard a familiar voice.

???: Hey guys

Then they look around to see Y/n and Amber standing there.

Sonic: Y/n

Then they walk towards to them.

Aether: Are you guys okay?

Y/n: Yeah, we're fine

Shadow: Did that thing hurt you?

Y/n: No, I was protected by some kind of sigil and I thought it was going to fight me but it left

Then he look down at his hands.

Y/n: Is there something more than meets the eye with my power?

Then Amber put her hands on Y/n's hands and he look up at her.

Amber: Although, we don't know about your power but we can try help you learn it

Then Sonic and Shadow walked up to Y/n and place their hands on Y/n's hands.

Sonic: Yeah, and besides we can still be together; we are your friends

Shadow: No matter what, we will be by your side

Then Aether and Paimon walked up to Y/n and place their hands on Y/n's hands.

Aether: And we're gonna help you as well

Paimon: Yeah, Paimon is ready to go

Then Amber realized something.

Amber: Aren't we suppose to meet Jean?

Then Aether look back at Amber.

Aether: Oh yeah, I forgot about that

Y/n: About what?

Aether: Well you see, we were trying to stop the Stormterror and one of the knights told us to meet with Jean

Then Y/n said this.

Y/n: I want to help

This made everyone confuse.

Amber: What do you mean?

Y/n: I've been in Mondstadt for years now and it's time to go to new frontiers

Then he gave Amber a smile on his face.

Y/n: And besides, my dream wants to be an traveling entertainer with Sonic and Shadow, right?

Sonic: Yeah, you held that dream since you were younger

Shadow: And your dream will come true

Then they heard a door open and they turn around to see Aimi standing there.

Aimi: Y/n, there you are

Then she walked up to him and hug him.

Aimi: Are you okay?

Y/n: I'm fine mom

Then she let go and she looked at Paimon and Aether.

Aimi: Who are you two?

Aether: I'm Aether

Paimon: And I'm Paimon

Aimi: It's a pleasure to meet you two. I'm Aimi Abe, I'm Y/n's mother

Aether: It's a pleasure to meet you

Then Y/n hold Aimi's hand.

Y/n: Mom, I need to tell you something

Aimi: What is it?

Y/n: You see, I'm leaving Mondstadt

This made Aimi confused.

Aimi: What do you mean?

Y/n: Well, I want to help my new friends and I want to know what dose Ei means and my dream is being a traveling entertainer

Then Aimi thought about this and nodded at this.

Aimi: Okay Y/n, go and make your dream come true

Then Y/n smile at Aimi.

Y/n: Don't worry mom, I won't fail

Then he let go and looked back at Sonic, Shadow, Amber, Aether, and Paimon.

Y/n: Alright everyone

Then Y/n puts on his mask with smile on his face.


Then Sonic, Shadow, Amber, Aether, and Paimon raised their hands up in the air.

Sonic, Shadow, Amber, Aether, and Paimon: YEAH!

See ya in the next chapter


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