Chapter 5
Hiya guys! This chapter is dedicated to SlovakiaOfHetalia, she gave me the idea for the 'date'
Canada was in the hallway of the conference hall. Him and Prussia were going to go hang out after the meeting. Canada sighed. Maybe he forgot..? He felt hurt. I was forgotten, again. Why doesn't anyone notice me? He wondered, tears stinging his eyes.
Canada bit his lip and looked at the clock. Prussia was twenty minutes late. Canada felt tears start to work their way down his rosy cheeks. He stood up, whats the point on waiting for someone if they're not going to show. He started walking quietly down the hallway, tired of being forgotten and unnoticed.
Prussia was running. He had been super late. Germany wouldn't let him leave after the meeting because Prussia had said some pretty rude comments during the meeting. Canada. Canada I'm sorry! He thought. He looked at the meeting spot and saw no signs of the canadian. He felt his heart drop.
Prussia ran around to look for the small blonde. He looked in front of him and he grinned. "Birdie!!" He called.
Canada heard his nickname and he spun around. Prussia gasped. Canada had tears calmly streaming down his cheeks. He quickly wiped his tears away. "O-Oh! H-Hello Gil!" He greeted, trying to mask his sadness.
Prussia of course saw through it and reached over and pulled Canada into a hug. Canada turned a cherry red. "G-Gil?!" He asked shocked.
Prussia tightened his grip on Canada. "Birdie..I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to practically stand jou up. Germany kept me late and I really vanted to be here! So I'm sorry.." He apologized.
Canada sighed and hugged back. "Its fine Gil. I shouldn't have overreacted like that. I'm sorry too." He stated.
They pulled away and looked into each other's eyes. (Now kiss *shoves them together* jk XD that will be later.) They start cracking up. "Kesesese~!" Prussia laughed. Canada joined in too. "Hahaha!!!" He giggled.
"Vhelp! Lets go!" Prussia said, grabbing Canada's wrist, dragging him out the door. Canada blushed. We're practically holding hands! Squee! Wait..did I just squee? He shook his thoughts away.
After ten minutes of walking, Prussia led Canada to a small ice cream shoppe. Canada's eyes widened with happiness. "Thanks Gil!" He thanked happily.
Prussia laughed. "No problem. Lets go in shall ve?" He said, holding the door open for Canada.
Canada giggled and walked in. He ran over to the display cases with awe. "There is so many flavors!" He exclaimed.
Prussia chuckled and ruffled Canada's hair. "Go ahead. Pick vhatever flavor you like." He stated.
Canada looked at him in shock. "I-I can pay for my own.." He said shyly.
Prussia grinned. "Nonsense. The awesome me shall pay for the awesome jou." He boasted.
Canada giggled. He ordered a maple syrup sundae with cone pieces coating the top. Prussia got a double chocolate fudge sundae with three cherries on the top, coated with whipped cream.
They found a small table in the back and began to eat. Canada scooped a huge scoop into his mouth. Prussia chuckled at Canada's childishness. "Birdie jou are too cute." He stated.
Canada blushed and bit his lip. Prussia smirked and saw that Canada had ice cream on the corner of his mouth. He leaned over and meant to kiss it away, but Canada turned his head at the wrong or should I say right moment and they kissed. (Buahaha! I told you!!)
Canada and Prussia's eyes widened. Their hearts were thumping loudly. Ironically, neither of them pulled away and neither of them kissed back. Canada willed himself to close his eyes. He kissed back shyly.
Prussia felt his heart jump. He's k-kissing me back!! So vas not part of the plan, but who gives a fuck!! He smirked and cupped Canada's face and kissed him deeply.
Canada blushed and wrapped his arms around Prussia's neck. "AWWWE!!!" A person squealed. (No Slovakia it isnt us XD this time...)
Prussia and Canada pulled back quickly and looked to see who it was. "I-Italy?! Japan?!" Canada asked shocked.
Japan had a camera and was snapping pictures while Italy was fangirling. "Vhat are jou guys doing here?!" Prussia asked angrily.
Japan sweatdropped. "Tokyo and Slovakia told me to follow you because Czech wouldn't let them." He explained.
Canada sweatdropped. "Ve~ and Germany told me to follow Prussia!" He exclaimed happily.
Prussia glared at them and they backed away. "Uhh..didn't you say Tokyo wanted the new boy love manga coming out?" Italy asked Japan.
Japan nodded and grabbed Italy and bolted from the shoppe. Prussia sighed and sat back down. He looked at Canada. Canada was blushing a bright red. Oh my maple! We kissed!! His heart was thumping hard in his chest.
Canada shyly looked up. His violet eyes shining with awe. He bit his lip. "Wh-Why'd you k-kiss me..?" He asked.
Prussia grinned. "Vhy vouldn't I? Jou're so cute." He stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Canada blushed and was about to say something, but Prussia stood up. "Vell, ve should go." He stated.
Canada nodded and stood up. He followed Prussia out of shoppe. He walked silently behind the older country. Does this mean Gil likes me? He wondered.
Thy arrived at the hotel and Canada thanked Prussia for taking him out. Prussia waved him off. "Vell goodnight Birdie." Prussia said walking away.
Canada grabbed Prussia's sleeve. Prussia looked back at him. "Hm? Is something wrong?" He asked.
Canada bit his lip and stood up on his tippy toes and kissed Prussia lightly. Oh maple oh maple, what am I doing? He's going to push me away for sure.
Prussia's eyes widened, he smirked and wrapped his arms around Canada's petite waist. Canada smiled into the kiss. After a moment, he pulled back. He smiled and he walked into his room. He shut the door, but left a crack. "G-Goodnight Gil.." He murmured before shutting the door all the way.
Prussia felt as if he were floating on air. He walked back to his room with a spring in his step. Oh man how I love jou Birdie.. He thought covering his smiling face.
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