Chapter 1: Dark days

+ 2 moons before the events +

One night, with the moon full and bright in the sky, and orange cat with red paws and it's back almost looked as if it was burned looked up at the sky with piercing yet calm green eyes. It's expression, on the other hand, was more infuriating yet stressed, it's claws scratched the rocks below.

"H-hey... Rusty?" A cat called out from behind, Rusty turned his head slowly, his gaze turning to the other cat. It was a tabby white cat with a black cape with golden eyes, yet he seemed more lively and friendly than Rusty himself. "Oh..." Rusty said quietly "Yeah... Smudge?"  Smudge slowly walked towards him "You alright? Want me to sit next to you?" He asked him, Rusty only nodded as he turned back to trace the sky again. As Smudge made his way to him, sitting beside him, he hesitantly look at Rusty "You know... this is the second time this week you've ran away from home, actually, this is probably the farthest you've ran away! I thought they locked the windows at night after the first incident." Rusty sighed, "They did, but they didn't locked the back door, so I was just able to jump out." He explained.

Smudge grew worried and then asked "Did... did you go to the forest?..." Rusty became silent, his eyes slowly looked down in pity. "No... not yet at least..." he answered. Smudge place a paw on his shoulder "You know the forest is dangerous, especially for us, there are rumors going around the neighborhood about wild cats with glares as deadly as adders come out from the shadows, seeking cats like us for... well whatever I guess... mostly deadly things..." Rusty looked at Smudge "Cats are not like cougars or mountain lions, cats are cats, though I don't believe that cats would hurt other cats for their sick thoughts or pleasures. Maybe... some cats are friendly? Maybe some cats wished they could live an easier life here? The forest is just... sudden death for them... especially during winter." Rusty stated.

"No way! It may be difficult! But it's still certainly dangerous! Who knows what else could be hiding there besides wild fiends! They might be as dirty as an old truck! And with the lack of prey, they might just find some other alternative-" Rusty stopped Smudge as he covers his mouth "Now let's not get to deep, this is something 5 month old kits probably shouldn't know about... or think about for that matter." He said, as they started at each other, a creek from behind them made them both shiver. "And I bet a 5 month old kit would have the sense to run away from any noise they hear, no matter how small the thing that caused it could be!" Smudge said running away, Rusty followed.

As they finally made it back home, hopping over the fence, they panted from the long run. "Why..." Rusty said silently, but not as silent for Smudge to ignore, "Why do we always run away... I don't want to run away... if anything I would just like to fight back, explore, if anything we just turn into the other cats here! We'll become like... like... Henry!" He shouted. "Hey! Henry is a good friend, he may not be as energetic as he said we was before, but he is still a trustful cat to hang with!" Smudge argued. Rustle looked away in frustration, but then became more embarrassed as he just insulted a neighborhood cat he grew up with almost his whole life, he even felt like he insulted Smudge.

Smudge could tell Rusty wasn't being the same as he used to be, Rusty was always charismatic and had a huge smile, the sun always shined on him as he ran across the garden. Now his pelt just darken along with his eyes, his smile rarely seen, Smudge started to asume that Rusty was at least hiding something, but he just didn't want to upset him even more, though at this time right now, it seemed that he might have just pushed it away for to long.

"Rusty... do you ever dream of... well... going into the forest? Living as a wild fiend?" He asked, Rusty paused as he scratched his neck underneath his collar. "It's... just a... well... yes..." he answered "N-No don't go out there Rusty! I-if you leave I won't have anyone else to play with! It'll be months or weeks until a new cat comes! And yet it still wouldn't be the same!" Smudge said, shocked by his answer. "You'll still have Henry, and who knows, maybe I'll be replaced in the end." Rusty said looking at his lightly dimmed home." Smudge turned Rusty's gaze to him "Please think about this, we are still young Rusty, let's just enjoy what we have, our safety, our home, our... lives..."He pleaded, Rusty saw the sorrow in smudge's eyes, they shimmered as brightly as his. "Ok..." Rusty said with a small grin, Smudge grinned as well with delight.

The two cats have always been kitty pets there whole lives and have grown attach to one another as if they were brothers, as they lived there lives the mention of the forest has rarely been talked about. With what little information they had and what they were able to see from behind the fence, the forest only seemed to be trees, rocks, and hills, something that most wild beings could live in if they could.


There was much more that lied behind those trees, and it lived a dump, but not as what you may think...

Much has happened over the years, the only dump that lied within the trees only created a home and shelter, old cars, old paths and cross roads, buildings abandoned, it only seemed like the barn was the only place where a cat may live.
Though these things have only run down and fell apart, and it's rare for most things to still be active and alive, yet they'd just be under dirt and moss. And somehow life still grew upon them.

But as much as they know about the forest, could be the same for...

'Other fiends...'

+ 2 months after, in the forest at night +

In the middle of the forest, a small yet not abandoned area was surrounded by a river that almost looked like an ocean from above the rocks, and 'fiends'. Two cats stood on the cold sand, one tall yet cunning slim cat a grey coat and a dark red tail, and another, not as tall as the grey tom, but with ragged brown fur, dark black stripes, scars, sharp yellow fangs and claws, and piercing yellow eyes that can strike a small runt with fear. The scruffy cat looked at the water as it stood still, unnerving.

"Tiger'Claw... are you picking up something?" The tall tom asked, Tiger'Claw stood still in silence, and then he flinched "There here..."

A dark figure quickly jumped out of the water and came at the two, it jumped the both of them, both of it's paws on their necks and claws slightly stabbing them. "I figured Thunder's would be here... I thought y'all wouldn't show up, this here territory... belongs to River'Clan now..." the figure said as it's claws only went deeper within their necks. The two struggled to breath yet the slim cat managed to claw the figures arm. It winced in pain as it jumped off them. "Oak'Heart , you should know very well by now that this territory belongs to Thunder'Clan, this place doesn't have enough prey for two Clans..." Oak'Heart only laughed as the darkness swiftly went away, his orange fur shimmered, dark brown stripes around his body that somewhat almost resemble Tiger'Claw's striped pattern.

"And yet the leader's deputy, Red'Tail, could have barley sensed my presence, even in the water. How can you call yourself a deputy if you can't even feel the presence of another cat within a closure barley similar to yours in such ways that could even make a kittypet go off guard?" Oak'Heart taunted, Red'Tail sighed "Look... the river should have enough food for you can your Clan, and even if there isn't, there should also be at least some birds around the ground nearby!" He said.

"You don't understand how much trouble were in at this time right now, it may not be as serious, but when time comes we would need more land to hunt on, so how about you Thunder's scram and let River's take this territory in the meantime, I promise we won't hunt further than here." Oak'Heart said.

"NEVER!" Riger'Claw yelled as he jumped onto Oak'Heart "Words from a different clan can never be trusted! They'll always be lies!" He argued, Oak'Heart grinned, letting out a sinister chuckle.

"And yet you always believed in your own clans lies..."

Red'Tail gasped "TIGER'CLAW, AN AMBUSH!" Oak'Heart let out a loud growl, thousands of cats came out of the water, with others swimming to the shore. Tiger'Claw froze in surprise, letting Oak'Heart to push him off. Oak'Heart giggled once more "Gr... THUNDER'CLAN! ATTACK!" Tiger'Claw claw yelled. Thousands of other cats came out from the bushes, a fight had began.

The two sides thought each other vigorously, Tiger'Claw fought Oak'Heart in anger, yet is anger only let Oak'Heart to overpower him as he clawed his snout. More River'Clan cats came from the water, even though they fought, there were just to many to fight, one of the River'Clan cats bit down on a small brown cats leg causing it to Yelp in pain, Red'Tail quickly ran towards the two 'I'm starting to see why you said your clan is in a terrible situation Oak'Heart, but this is no day for either of our clan mates two get fatally injured!' He then pushed the other cat off and helped them down "Mouse'Fur, are you still able to walk on all fours?" He asked, the small cat slowly got up, their foot still bleeding but not as in much pain "Y-Yeah!".

"Good, run back to Thunder'Clan, go get as much help as you can!" Red'Tail said, "B-But what about you and Tiger'Claw? What about the others?" Mouse'Fur asked in fright. Tiger'Claw held down Oak'Heart "Just Go Mouse'Fur! Do not get caught or tangled by any other cat or thing that comes your way!" He said, Mouse'Fur nodded and ran into the forest, their blood creating a small trail.

Another small cat, with dark black fur barley shined under the moon, but his deep purple eyes gazed around the battle, 'Sunning Rocks is always fought for... how is it that we're losing after so many victories?...' it thought to it's as it starts to shiver. Tiger'Claw collapses to the ground again as Oak'Heart towers him, Tiger'Claw then spots the small black cat "Raven'Paw, don't just stand there help me!" He ordered. Raven'Paw quickly turned to the two, in a panic he quickly ran towards them, tackling Oak'Heart to the ground, only to get clawed on his side by him as he pushed Raven'Paw off.

Red'Tail looked as doing, dodging most of the attacks coming towards him "Tiger'Claw, there's too many of them! We must retreat!" He shouted, Tiger'Claw slowly got up "No Red'Tail! We mustn't! We can't just let them take over Sunning Rocks, we're dealing with a much greater threat then River'Clan, we mustn't stop now!" He shouted back. Red'Tail signed as Raven'Paw slowly got up in pain "Thunder'Clan is strong, but it seems we're not strong enough this time, the clan will honor your courage Tiger'Claw, but it seems like the odds of us winning aren't so good." He said looking down.

The rocks from the nearby cliff slowly began to crumble as the ground shook, everyone stopped as pebbles slowly began to fall from above, and then more larger rocks fell. "A rockslide!" A River'Clan cat yelled out, many rocks started to rumble down the ground, Oak'Heart, Tiger'Claw, and Red'Tail looked above. But one large Boulder caught their eye as it slowly began to tear itself from the cliff, Raven'Paw, who was near the cliff, limped away as fast he could but kept on tripping on his own legs. Tiger'Claw quickly noticed and ran towards Raven'Paw, dodging the falling rocks in the process. Yet more and more started to block his path, "Dammit, Raven'Paw!"

And then, all of a sudden, Oak'Heart followed him and jumped over the blocked path, he ran towards Raven'Paw in a hurry. "OAK'HEART DON'T YOU DARE-" "Oak'Heart watch out!" Red'Tail cut off Tiger'Claw as he followed Oak'Heart, Tiger'Claw then did the same. The Boulder was almost reaching escape and Raven'Paw winced, 'No please... Star'Clan... don't let me die by being crushed! Not like this...' he thought to himself "Raven'Paw!" Oak'Heart yelled out, Raven'Paw gasped in horror until he was swiftly tossed away from the cliff. Red'Tail helped Raven'Paw up as Tiger'Claw stood in shock "Oak'Heart! Get away from there!" He yelled, the Boulder then broke free and came tumbling down, even if he was able to make it out, Oak'Heart's lower half would most likely be crushed and would paralyze him, he'd have to step down. But he didn't move one bit.

"Red'Tail... Tiger'Claw..." he said as he looked at them. The four cats looked at one another, Oak'Heart then slowly smiled "River'Clan might have won this battle, but I hope you won't have to lose a war." He said, and then, in a blur, the Boulder came down.

And crushed Oak'Heart.

Every stopped to only thing left of Oak'Heart was his paw that was peaking out from the boulder, blood slowly started to come out as well. The River's quickly ran back to the river and swam away, Red'Tail sighed in disbelief, "Thunder'Clan, retreat!" He yelled, every Thunder'Clan cat slowly walked back into the darkness of the forest and into the bushes. "Raven'Paw, follow them, this might have disturbed you, you've seen to much..." Tiger'Claw said calmly, Raven'Paw blinked for a moment, but nodded as he limped to the bushes.

As he limped away, he stopped, "Tiger'Claw, he seemed so... collected, seeing Oak'Heart's death like that... he would be very angry... maybe I should go back, see if there ok... something like this will enrage River'Clan..." he said softly, he placed some leaves from the ground and placed them on his wound to slowly stop the bleeding, he then made his way back to Sunning Rocks.

+ Somewhere in Thunder'Clan +

A tall and elegant cat stood on top of a rock, they had grey fur, almost blue, their eyes were also as bright as an ocean as their eyes were blue too, and a small white star appeared in their forehead, although it appeared to seem a bit cracked. A small cat ran out from the pushes and panted out of breath, looking down at the ground, "B-Blue'Star... there you are..." it panted. Blue'Star didn't move, she just stood still without emotion "How many of our warriors came back?" She asked. "Almost all that have followed Red'Tail and Tiger'Claw, they all seem to be coming back now..." they said looking up, their amber eyes only showed worry instead of relief. "And Mouse'Fur?" Blue'Star continued, "They should make a full recover by tomorrow, luckily their leg didn't get shattered in the process, but they shouldn't walk for a while so that the leg will heal completely." The small cat answered.

Blue'Star sighed "Spotted'Leaf, do you know how much trouble Thunder'Clan is in?" She started to question, Spotted'Leaf sat next to her, "You should hear what our warriors have said, it seems like River'Clan is in a situation similar as ours." She said, "Yes, but I can see why they have fought for Sunning Rocks this time, too many mouths to feed. For us however, we're just losing more warriors instead of gaining, and the newest additions are the ones we must feed, we must care for, I'm worried we won't have enough prey for all of us. And it seems that we might have to face a greater issue sooner or later then we expected..." she said quietly.

The two looked up at the sky, Spotted'Leaf could tell that Blue'Star was disappointed even though she hides it from her and other cats. "Say... Spotted'Leaf..." Blue'Star continued, "Y-Yes Blue'Star?" "Has Star'Clan sent any messages yet to us, it's been a while since our last message." Spotted'Leaf stood still "Yes it has... a couple of moons now... yet I'm still not getting any messa-" She paused as her eyes dialed into slits.

She felt a burning sensation from her pause, and as she blinked, she could only see fire. She grew horrified until she saw a figure appear from the blazes, slowly making her way to her. But then she blinked once more, and the blaze was gone. She gasped as Blue'Star looked at her confused and shocked "What's wrong Spotted'Leaf? Are you alright?" She asked her.

"A-A message... from Star'Clan..." she answered as she calmed down, "What did they say?" Spotted'Leaf turned to look at her "Fire alone will Save our Clan..." she said. "Fire? That can't be right... fire destroys not saves others..." Blue'Star said sternly, "Indeed but... I saw something else... a figure, a cat almost, their fur looked almost the same as the blazes I saw..." Spotted'Leaf continued, Blue'Star paused and then got up, walking back to camp, Spotted'Leaf followed. "We'll then... if that's what Star'Clan has said... then fire shall save this clan..."

+ End of Chapter 1 +

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