Chapter Three: A Jailbird, A Mechanic, A Yellow Alien Car and A Bit of Hope.

Sasha woke up as her music was interrupted by a faint buzzing. She lay there on the couch before remembering. "Oh!" She gasped grabbing her phone and picking up. "Hey Bee, I'll be out soon just let me grab some shoes," Sasha typed, quickly looking for her shoes. She found her black Nike sneakers and putting them on. She grabbed her phone and quietly ran out to the garage. "Hey Bee," Sasha said getting into the driver's seat.

.::Hey Hope::. Bee said while doing the seatbelt for her. "Why thank you, good sir." Sasha teased. Suddenly the ac turned to warm and blasted warm air out. "Awe, Bee. You're blushing!" Sasha giggled. .::What? Nope! No!::. Bee protested making Sasha laugh again "Relax I'm kidding. Now are we going or not?" She asked giggling quietly. .::Yea let's go!::. Bee started up his engine as Sam came running out of the house.

"Scrap! I'm just gonna duck down, Sam can't be allowed to see me!" Sasha yelped climbing into the back for the tinted windows. Sasha watched as Sam started to follow them on his bike. Sam was calling someone on his phone. Sasha started to giggle some more. .::What's funny Hope?::. Bee asked her. Sasha smiled, "Sam's calling the police to say that someone is stealing his car." Sasha said chuckling as Sam followed them into the Junkyard. "Can I get out please Mr Bee?" Sasha asked with a wide smile on her face as Bumblebee opened his door for her. Once she had gotten out Bee transformed into his badass, but super cute, robot form.

Bumblebee contacted the rest of the Autobots by shining a giant beacon into the sky. When suddenly Sam started to get chased by some dogs. Sasha had to stuff her face into her jacket to stop laughing so loud. .::Hop in Hope::. Bee said after transforming into his car form. "Okay! Just to let you know I think you're cute as a giant robot." Sasha said climbing into the back seat once more. It was suddenly super warm in the car. "Come on 'Bee! We've got to get the dogs away from Sam!" Sasha said rolling her eyes at the silly bug as he drove off.

Bee scared the dogs away but then Sam started to throw the keys at Bee."Okay. Please, please don't kill me! I'm sorry! Take the keys! I don't want them! Car's yours!" Sam yelled before running off to the cops. "Sorry bee. Sam can be such an idiot at times," Sasha said rolling her eyes. Sometimes she can't believe that she is his friend. .::It's Ok Hope do you want to go back?::. Bumblebee asked her.

"I'm going to have to go back. Gotta make sure that Sam doesn't suspect anything till the rest get here tomorrow." Sasha sighed resting her head against the window. "I really want a dam hotdog." .::Why do you want a hotdog?::. Bee asked. "It's nothing bee. Inside joke. Now 'To punish and enslave!' that's the plan for tomorrow." Sasha said yawning. .::What do you mean?::. Bee asked. Now Sasha had confused him. "Nothing bee," She said as they pulled up at the Witwicky household. "I'll see you tomorrow bee safe," Sasha laughed at her pun as she went inside.

Bumblebee watched as she went inside. Bumblebee felt as if he had to protect the femme with his life if he had to. And what did Sasha mean with all that random stuff? Bee shrugged (As much as he can as a car) and left before the sire of Sam came out with Sasha.

☆<{□-(Time Skip)-□}>☆

Sasha and Mr Witwicky (Ron) were at the police station with Sam. "Look, I can't be any clearer than how crystal clear I am being. It just stood up." Sam said to the Deputy "It just stood up. Wow. It's really neat. Okay, chiefie. Time to fill her up. And no drippy-drippy. What are you rolling? Whippets? Goofballs? A little wowie sauce with the boys?" the Deputy said. Sasha was inwardly laughing, this was one of her favourite parts.

"No, I'm not on any drugs," Sam said confused now. "What's these? Found it in your pocket. Mo-jo. Is that what the kids are doing now? Little bit of Mo-jo?" The deputy asked. Sasha snorted making him take a glance at her before looking back at Sam. "Those are my dog's pain pills." a poor confused Sam said. "You know, a chihuahua. A little..." Ron started to say making the cop look at him. "What was that?" The deputy asked looking at Sam "Huh?" was Sam's' very intelligent answer. "You eyeballing my piece, Fifty Cent? You wanna go? Make something happen. Do it. 'Cause I promise you. I will bust you up." Mr Druggie said. "Are you on drugs?" was Sam's fantastic question that was the final straw making Sasha burst into laughter.

☆<{□-(Time Skip)-□}>☆

"Morning Mo, morning Hope," Sam said as he walked down the stairs. The TV was on in the background. Sasha looked up from her book, 'The Blood of Olympus', "Hey Sam, so finished your midnight jailbirding?" She said as she went back to reading. "Very funny," Sam said as he opened the fridge, Suddenly Sam gasped and started to call Miles. "Miles? Miles, listen to me. Listen. My car, it stole itself, okay?" Sam started to panic into the phone. Sasha looked up saw Bumblebee outside and smirked.

"Satan's Camaro. In my yard. It's stalking me." Sam said into the phone starting to panic. Then he ran out and grabbed Judy's pink bike. Sasha giggled putting her book down and grabbing her jacket. "Hey Bee, we gonna go get him?" Sasha said with a smile while getting into the driver's seat. .::Yep::. Bee's radio sang as he did the seat belt for her. "Thanks, make sure you drive on the road bee," Sasha said quickly as the started to drive after Sam. On the footpath.

.::Whoops, ok sorry::. Bumblebee said while moving to drive on the road. They soon made it to the town where they arrived just in time to see Sam flip off the bike in front of Mikaela. Sasha snorted and started to laugh. Bumblebee let her jump out quickly to go help him. "Sam?" Mikaela confused. "Oh Sammy," Sasha laughed shaking her head giving him a hand. "Oh, Hi." Sam said to Mikaela and her friends then turned to look at Sasha, "How did you get here?" Sam asked, an eyebrow raised.

"I teleported duh," Sasha stated looking at her phone, texting. "W-what?" Sam stammered. Sasha rolled her eyes, "I ran after you because you wouldn't tell me what was going on." She lied smoothly. "That was, uh, that was really... awesome." Mikaela offered weekly causing the two of them to look at her. "Uh, well, it felt awesome," Sam said just as weekly. Sasha internally facepalmed. What was she going to do with these idiots? Sasha sighed.

"Are you okay?" Mikaela asked the poor boy. "I'm not okay, all right? I'm losing my mind a little bit. I'm getting chased by my car right now. Got to go." Sam said biking off. Sasha sighed once more. He left her behind again. Why was she even friends with him again?

"You know what? I'm gonna catch up with you guys later." Mikaela said getting onto her scooter. "Wanna ride?" She asked Sasha who smile. "Yea that would be great thanks," Sasha said getting on behind Mikaela. They were driving past a building when they saw Sam coming running out. Sam then proceeds to knock them both off the scooter. Sasha managed to backflip off and land on her feet but the other two weren't so lucky.

"Oh- God! What is your problem, Sam?" Mikaela yelled at him getting up. "Okay, there's a monster right there! It just attacked me! Here he comes!" Sam yelled back. "He's not a Monster he's a 'con there's a difference, Sam," Sasha yelled at the boy. Barricade came running out of the building smashing cars. "All right, get up. Get up and run! You have to run!" Sam yelled at Mikaela while Bumblebee came screeching up.

"Bee!" Sasha cried happily, "Oh how glad I am to see you!" Sasha jumped in the back seat "Sam, what is that thing?" Mikaela yelled at Sam. "Just get in the fragging car dumb afts." Sasha yelled. "You have to get in the car. Get in." Sam said to Mikaela. "I don't want- I don't want to."Mikaela stammered. "Get in the car. Trust me. Trust me!" Sam shouted at her getting into the driver's seat. "Go, go, go, go!" Sam shouted at Bumblebee as Barricade transformed into a cop car and started to chase them.

"Oh, God! We're gonna die! We're gonna die!" Mikaela screamed "No, we're not. No, we're not gonna die." Sam shouted back over the music Bumblebee was playing. While Sasha was in the back cheering and laughing at the two and the speed. "Oh, my God!" Mikaela screamed again. "Trust me. He's a kick-ass driver!" Sam shouted at her. "F*ck it-" he screamed out the window as they smashed into a building. They managed to escape Mr 'Cade. and were hiding in an alleyway when Bee locked the doors.

"We're locked in. Unh! The car won't start. At least we ditched the monster, right?" Sam said slowly. "Sam you're an idiot!" The two in the front jumped as they realized that Sasha was there as well. "First rule of being on an adventure is that you don't say that! Now you've jacked us up. And don't hit Bee!" "When did you get here?" Sam asked. "I've been here the whole time idiot! Now come on bee let's go. Like now!" "Okay. Time to start..." Sam murmured to the car trying to hide the fact that he forgot she was there. He didn't want an angry Hope after him after all.

They drove off just making it past the cop car and making it to an empty power plant. Bumblebee opened his door shoving Sam and Mikaela out. But when Sasha tried to get out Bee stopped her. Sasha furrowed her eyebrows confused. Bumblebee started to transform and by the time he was done Sasha was grasped in his right hand. "Bee I need to get down," Sasha said sternly. Bumblebee sighed. He didn't know why but he felt as if he needed to protect her and have her with him at all times. "Bee," Sasha warned. Bumblebee placed Sasha on the ground by the other two, "Thank you." She said as Barricade came transforming in.

Barricade hit Bumblebee making him fall then turned to the three humans. "Oh for the love of gods Barricade stop being rude!" Sasha shouted at the mech causing him to falter. How in the name of Primus did this little squishy know his name? Barricade then ejected Frenzy. Frenzy started to advance when Bee came and tackled Barricade. "Oh hey, Frenzy!" Sasha said waving, to the smaller bot who looked at her confused. How the pit did this femme know both barricades and his name?

"Statement: Google: Dam. Order: Retreat and Hide." Sasha said to the silver mech hoping that he would believe her. Frenzy froze. His optics went dark for a minute before brighten up. "Frenzy wants the truth. How does femme-spark know ?" Frenzy asked. "Later," Sasha waved him off. "You need to hide before the battle starts. I can find big M but you have to trust me." Sasha said to the small mech. Frenzy blinked, well as much as he can being a bot.

"New Mission: Barricade and Frenzy retreat and hide. Human Spark finds Megatron." Frenzy said over his and Barricade's private comlink which Sasha was able to hear for some reason. (No Author is not telling you now.) The two 'cons quickly left. Sasha turned to Sam and Mikaela, "So how about that?" Sasha smiled, "No-one got killed or sawed!" She cheered as Bumblebee came up to them. "Hey Bee, time to go?" Sasha asked with a big smile.

"What is it?" Mikaela asked Sam from behind Sasha and Bumblebee. "It's a robot. But like a, like a different, you know, like a super-advanced... robot. It's probably Japanese. Yeah, yeah, it's definitely Japanese." Sam said back to her. Sasha turned back to the two of them, "One Bumblebee is not Japanese. Two, they need your grandfather's glasses. Three, 'Bee talks through the radio. Four, 'Bee was contacting the rest of the team and yes Bumblebee is alien to you. Five, yes I know all your questions. Six, He not 'it',  Can we go now?" Sasha said getting impatient with the two of them as bumblebee transformed into his car form again.

"Come on lovebirds!" Sasha shouted getting into Bumblebee's driver's seat making the two blush. Sam go in immediately then turned to Mikaela, "Fifty years from now, when you're looking back at your life, don't you want to be able to say you had the guts to get in the car?" Sam and Sasha said in sinc. Making Mikaela give them a weird look. "What? I've been wanting to say that for years now." Sasha shrugged taking out her phone as Mikaela got in the back seat.

"This car's a pretty good driver." Mikaela said mostly to Sam. "I know." Sam replied. "Um, maybe you should sit in my lap." Sam said sheepishly. "Why?" Mikaela asked giving a look. Sasha was texting bee via phone. 'Oh, my Primus! This is soooo awkward in real life! Save me bee!' Making bee laugh internally he sent 'Nope! Have fun!'. "Well, I have the only seat belt here. You know, safety first." Sam said as the two's conversation continued like Sasha wasn't here.

Mikaela thought about it, "Yeah, all right." She said moving to sit on Sam's lap. "You all right?" Sam asked. "Yeah." was the short reply. "Okay, there you go. There, see? That's better." Sam continued. "Oh. You know, that seat belt thing was a pretty smooth move." Mikaela said leaning back in the seat lying on Sam. "Thank you." Sam said.

You know what I don't understand?" Mikaela said suddenly making Sasha growl suddenly.

"Hmm?" Sam hummed. "Why, if he's supposed to be, like, this super-advanced robot, does he transform back into this piece of crap Camaro?" Mikaela said making 'Bee stop. "Dam it Mikaela! Really you had to bring that up didn't you!" Sasha growled out getting Sam to look at her like she had grown three heads.

"What? She insulted my friend. You really think I'll let her do that?" Sasha huffed. The lovebirds got out quickly but when Sasha tried 'bee was adamant in making her stay. "'Bee. You look great don't let what Mikaela said to get to your spark. I think you look cute like this." Sasha said to him. .::I know but watch this!::. Bumblebee said going onto one side and scanning another car. It felt like Bumblebee was transforming again but instead of becoming a robot be became a different styled car.

"Bee your great no matter what you look like. Remember it's what matters in the spark, not the outside." Sasha said softly to the radio. The radio went to static as the heat turned up slightly making Sasha laugh. "Come on let's go get those two idiots!"

(2560 words)

That's chapter three done people! Comment if it sucks or if it's awesome!

Question of the Chapter: Favourite Autobot or Decepticon?
I don't really have one. Maybe Soundwave? From Transformers Prime. Or Bumblebee? They're my favourite 'Con and 'Bot. I just like them, don't really have a reason for liking Soundwave but I think Bumblebee is cute in all versions of Transformers. Oh! Definitely the Terror Twins as well. And Optimus Prime. I can't forget him.

- Sasha_Hope Signing out.

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