Chapter 1: power rangers
(Time-Skip, Cinder's POV.)
I was thinking about all the bad things I have done in the past.
Recruiting Emerald and Mercury for Salem's purpose, stealing half of the Fall Maiden's Power, Killing the Fall Maiden to gain her power and almost killed Professor Ozpin and yet almost everyone forgave me, my team and Mistress for that, included my boyfriend, who I used to bully with team RWBY.
I was looking for team RWBY, I know that the team has been bullying (Y/N) Lovhaug, so I decided why not join in on the fun?
I knocked on their door and it opened revealing Yang, she grabbed me and bashed me to a wall shouting "what do you want cinder?"
Then Blake hold her back.
Then Ruby said "Yang, calm down, she may of tried to take down beacon but she's a student now, no matter how much she deserved it."
Yang then put me down and I asked "mind if I could talk to you for a bit?"
They nod their heads, let me in and I asked "you know (Y/N)?"
Yang: "the weakling?"
I nodded and said "I know how we can have some fun with him."
Weiss: "how?"
Me: "I know you have been bullying him but I'm not going to tell Ozpin, in fact I got an idea to have some fun with him."
They liked the idea and Ruby smirked saying "well, what do you have in mind Cinder?"
(Flashback, Your POV.)
I woke up from my sleep thinking what I should do, but just as got out of my door a bucket of tar landed on my back.
Me: "oh, cmon this is my favourite t-shirt."
(Flashback, No one's POV.)
Cinder and team RWBY was laughing they heads off when they heard you walking off in anger.
Yang: "okay, maybe you are ok after all."
(End of Flashback, Cinder's POV.)
I then felt a tap on my shoulder, it was Neo.
Neo wrote on her white board and shows me what she wrote 'are you ok, Cinder?'
I sighed and said "no, I'm not ok."
Then Neo replies with 'what is bothering you?'
Me: "remember the times we use to bully (Y/N)?"
She nods her head.
Cinder: "Do you think he still loves all of us, even after what we all did to him?"
She nods her head again.
Then I heard a knock on are dorm door, I opened it and saw it was (Y/N).
(Y/N): "hi Cinder."
Me: "oh, hi (Y/N). Can I tell you something?"
(Y/N): "sure, what is it?"
Me: "I just wanted to say, I am sorry for bullying you."
(Y/N) smiles and then said "it's ok, what's past is past, right?" I nodded my head And we shook hands.
Me: "so, what brings you here, cutie?"
(Y/N): "do you remember the time when we was reviewing power rangers: Jungle Fury and Power Rangers: Wild Force?"
Me: "yeah?"
(Y/N): "and the time I Banished Vyce?"
I nodded my head in response.
(Y/N): "well, he revived Master Org and Dai Shi in the end of that world and has summoned them to our world."
Me: "whoa."
(Y/N): "yeah, so that's why I asked for some help." He shows Ruby and Weiss beside him.
(Y/N): "Um, Cinder?"
Me: "hmm?"
(Y/N): "I was going to ask if you would come along with us so we can try to give you some more answers, if it's ok with you?"
Me: "alright."🙂
Ruby: "woohoo, road trip."
Weiss: "calm down, Ruby."
(Y/N) chuckled at Ruby getting excited, got out a remote and said "we'll take Comicron-z to see an old friend."
We then teleported inside his ship, we are in the Zord room.
The Jungle Fury Tiger Zord is staring at me, while the the Jungle Fury Cheetah Zord is looking at Ruby and the Jungle Fury Jaguar Zord is Observing Weiss.
Ruby is nervous and she kept saying "nice kitty, nice kitty."😟
Weiss was trying to calm down but is failing miserably.
I didn't know what to do but I didn't even flinch in fact it was like I knew it wanted me to stroke its head.
I walked to the Tiger Zord slowly, then I started stroking its head, it started purring.
Then suddenly I started glowing red and oddly enough, I felt some kind of power building inside me.
the glowing stopped but I still feel like the giant Tiger and me are connected telepathically.
(Your POV.)
Me: "the spirit of the Tiger."
Cinder looks at me and said "Come again?"
Me: "you have the spirit of the Tiger, it's a legendary Zord and a powerful animal spirit.
(No One's POV.)
Weiss then was scratching behind the Jaguar's Zord's ears and it purred, she was glowing blue, the glowing stopped but she feels like she is connected with the Jaguar in a certain way.
Then Ruby rubbed the Cheetah's belly and it started purring also, then she started glowing yellow, the glowing stopped but she was getting some kind of connection with it.
You: "what's wrong, Ruby?"
Ruby: "I feel weird, like I know what she's thinking."
You: "it's normal, to bond with an animal spirit you are."
Weiss: "what do you mean the animal spirit's we are?"
You: "for example, Ruby and the Cheetah Zord are both fast and kind, Cinder and the Tiger Zord are both strong and durable and you and the Jaguar Zord are Smart and Resourceful."
Then Comicron-Z stops and you said "we're here."
Weiss: "where?"
You: "where an old friend lives."
???????: "where RJ lives right?"
Then everyone sees Yang, Velvet, Penny, Nora, Pyrrha, Salem, Neo, Winter and Linkara.
You: "how did you get up here?"
Weiss: "and how come you didn't set off the alarms?"
Yang: "We asked Linkara if we could see you up here, then we teleported next to your Zords and then I started glowing white because I bonded with the Rhino Zord.
Velvet: "me and Penny was looking for you, then we saw the puma and our Leopard Zords was a little scared because of some CyberMat's, so we turned them off and the Puma Zord bonded with Penny and the Leopard Zord bonded with me."
Linkara: "I bought my Morpher just in case of an attack."
Nora: "meanwhile I was falling off a mountain but then I landed on something that isn't normal, then I realised it was the Jungle Fury Elephant Zord, it was awesome, I was really excited, then I heard it chuckle telepathically and I started glowing a light green like I somehow bonded with her."
Pyrrha: "I got teleported underwater and saw the Jungle Fury Shark Zord, it didn't attack me, instead wanted me to pet her, so I did and then I heard it say 'thank you.' telepathically and I started glowing light blue as a sign she has bonded with me."
Winter: "I was teleported into a dark room and I saw the Bat Zord flying towards me, at first I thought of attacking it but then it landed in front of me, so I didn't attack, then a CyberMat tried to attack but I stopped it and the Bat Zord said "thank you" then I started glowing purple and realised she bonded with me."
Neo: 'I was teleported to a Jungle like room, then I saw the chameleon Zord then we had a contest to see who can do most transformations, then I started glowing a dark green and the chameleon told me I'm worthy of bonding with her.'
Salem: "I was transported to a lions den, I then saw the lion Zord, it told me that I have evil inside of me but I have a good heart because of someone I love dearly, then I was glowing a dark gold and it told me that she bonded with me."
You was dumbfounded, then you said "well... let's see RJ."
Then You, Linkara and most of your girlfriends have teleported back to remnant but near RJ's home.
Ruby: "where is your friend's home?"
You: "Check the sign in front of me."
Everyone then see's the sign you're looking at.
Cinder: "Jungle Karma Pizza?"
Weiss: "(Y/N), this isn't the time for pizza!"
You: "on the contrary, this is where my friend lives, come on in."
You, Linkara and most of your girlfriends go inside to find RJ.
You: "Could you wait at that table, please?"
They go over to the table and you go to the counter, where a Male worker is working at the cash register, He then notices you and said "hello and welcome to Jungle Karma Pizza, how can I take your order?"
You: "I'm here to talk to your boss about something... urgent."
The worker looks at you confused and he said "how urgent?"
You took off your jacket and show your order of the claw stripes, (For Plot Point Purpose) then you said "that urgent."
He looks at you in shock and said "I'll go get him."
The worker goes to see the manager (Aka RJ.).
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