Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Home Again

Around Fuchsia City-

            Where are you? thought Lance.  He was flying on Dragonite above Fuchsia City and all the surrounding lands.  He had made it to the Seafoam Islands to investigate the strange weather pattern a couple of days ago, only to find that the strange weather wasn’t so strange anymore. 

            He remembered the phone call he had received from Janine, the new Gym Leader of Fuchsia and Queen of the Ninjas.  She had just battled the Phantom, and lost.  All the Gym Leaders had been given explicit orders to notify Lance if they should meet any trainer matching the Phantom’s description.

            Almost immediately, Lance had taken off from the Seafoam Islands and made a beeline for Fuchsia City.  Dragonite’s top speed allowed him to make it in less than an hour.  He then sought out Janine, who told him that the Phantom had been sighted here and there and seemed to be heading for the Safari Zone.

            So here we find Lance, flying on Dragonite above the Safari Zone, just waiting to catch a glimpse of the rogue Trainer in grey.  “Dragonite! There! See?”  He pointed at something bounding swiftly through the trees.  Suddenly, Dragonite began spiraling towards the ground, its wing covered in a sticky purple glob. 

            Dragonite cradled Lance in its arms as it hit the ground, keeping its master safe from harm.

            “Thanks, bud,” he said brushing himself off in the dim light that pierced through the trees.  Once he observed the substance on the wings he knew that it wasn’t the Phantom that had shot him down. 

            “Don’t you know I’m on an investigation?” Lance said to the person he knew was hiding in the trees. He took out a water canteen from his belt to scrub the sticky substance off of Dragonite’s wing.  “Oh, god, this stinks.” Dragonite covered its nose with a golden hand.

            “I apologize if I don’t keep up with the latest gossip,” said the man in the shadows as he dropped to the ground.  The leaves and plants underneath him crunched.  The man stepped into the light.  He had a long grim face and wore black clothes that allowed him to blend into the shadows.  His slimy purple Pokemon oozed down another nearby tree trunk.  “I thought you were someone else.  Not many Pokemon can fly that fast, so you aroused my suspicion.”

            Lance turned to face the former Fuchsia Gym Leader.  He had to give the ninja benefit of the doubt because by all accounts the ex-Ninja King had been deceived into assisting Team Rocket.  Well, that’s what his daughter said.  She could be covering for him.  Lance couldn’t afford not to be suspicious, not when the leader of a criminal syndicate and a powerful Trainer with Psychic powers and unknown intentions were still roaming free.  For all he knew, the Phantom was a ticking time bomb until it did something unexpected or hurt someone. 

            Lance chuckled.  Koga had always interested him.  “Who else could be flying that fast?  You know me, Koga, who else could I have been?”

            Koga knelt down on the grass and placed his hands around, probably looking for tracks, or something of the like.  “You and I both know who I’m looking for.  Something that doesn’t belong in the Safari Zone.”

            Lance was still struggling getting the stinky goop off of Dragonite’s wing when Koga walked up and smeared it with a spicy smelling juice that made the goop crack and fall off the wing. 

            “Don’t act so surprised, boy,” said Koga, not even bothering to make eye contact. The middle aged ninja kept working the juices into the stinky wing.  “I saw it, and I’ve tried to track it.  He’s playing games with me, trying to decide whether or not I am a worthy opponent.  I must not be.”

            “I just came from Fuchsia City,” Lance told him.  “He defeated Janine and took a Soul Badge.”  The old ninja stopped the juice treatment and smiled.

            “Did he now? Well, then.  There is no further reason for me to track him.”  Koga walked back over to Muk as they were about to disappear back into the thick forest of the Safari Zone.

            “Wait!” called Lance.  “You’re giving up?  Don’t you want to find him and figure out what he wants?”

            Koga let out a big laugh.  “I’m not giving up, boy.  I will meet him, but I won’t find him.  I know what he wants now, and I know what he’s doing.  Just like me, he will appear when he wants to appear… and not a second sooner.”

            “You always did talk in riddles,” Lance called back to Koga.  “Why don’t you just come out and say it? What do you know about the Phantom?”

            Lance heard the ninja chuckle.  “You always try to read between the lines, and neglect what you see and the evidence you have.  The Phantom is collecting Gym Badges.  He must be planning to compete at the Pokemon League Tournament.”

            Lance didn’t know what to say to that.  Was this good? Or bad? One could never be sure what the Phantom’s true plans were.  The voice still rang in his head in memory.  ‘I can’t let you interfere with MY plans,’ it had said. 

            “Don’t act so stunned,” said Koga as his form disappeared into the trees.  “The Phantom is just doing what I am doing… and what you should be doing: preparing for the Championships.”

            Lance stared at Dragonite in silence.  Could it really happen like that? Should I give up my pursuit and simply let him come to me? He hopped back on Dragonite’s back and decided that when the time came to finally meet the Phantom in battle, he would be more ready than ever.

Pallet Town-

            “Are those people on the beach?” called Blue as she yelled across the spray.

            Red had the biggest smile on his face as he began to recognize his mom’s figure, his old neighbors, and childhood friends all gathered on the beach clapping and cheering. 

            “What else could they be?” laughed Red.  “Full speed ahead, Blastoise!”  The giant turtle Pokemon sliced through the water at a breakneck speed as Red gathered his courage to stand on the back of its shell and wave to his supporters.  Suddenly, Blastoise must have come into shallow water as Red was thrown into the sand much to the enjoyment of the spectators.

            He was picking himself up off of the ground when he felt familiar arms around him.  “Oh, Red!” cried the voice that always had comforted him.  “My baby is home! My baby is back!”  Red finally stood up and let his mother kiss him on the cheek.  The gathered crowd let out an adoring “awwwh” as they cheered and clapped some more. 

            “Hey, kid!” called another familiar voice. A tall woman with raven colored hair and glasses greeted him.  “Good to see you! How’s my Lapras?”

            Just in time, Blue came gliding in on the majestic Water Pokemon.  She gracefully hopped into the sand before she was almost run over by Lorelei who threw her arms around Lapras and began pet talking her Pokemon.  “My baby is home! My baby is back!”

            Blue walked up to Red and his mom, who gave her a hug as well.  “And you must be Blue! Oh, such a pretty girl, Red, your father would be so proud.”

            Red could feel himself blushing, but even his face was not as pink as Blue’s was turning.  “Mom, how did you know we would be here?”

            “I tracked you at Professor Oak’s place daily, dear.  I knew you would be coming home sometime soon!  Now, why don’t you introduce us all to your Pokemon.  And Miss Blue, you too!”

            The two trainers released their Pokemon and all of Red’s neighbors and childhood friends watched in awe.  Snorlax, Blastoise, and Venusaur pretty much stayed put as the younger children were too scared to approach the big Pokemon.  The kids loved chasing Pidgeotto and Butterfree around the yard.  Nidorina stayed by Blue’s side while Pikachu was a big hit with the moms and young girls. 

            They ended up having a nice surprise barbeque planned for the trainers upon their return to Pallet Town.  Red happily showed off his seven badges, vividly explaining every detail of how he won each and every one of them.  He was only slightly annoyed when Blue would playfully punch him in the arm and bring the exaggerations back down to reality.

            There was nothing but silence when Red relived the events that happened in Saffron City during Team Rocket’s defeat.  His mom was trembling too, he noticed.  He was about to explain about the Phantom when Lorelei nudged his foot under the picnic table, signaling for him to stop. 

            Finally, Red’s mother broke the silence.  “It must have been terrible when that building went down.  The whole town was watching at Professor Oak’s place,” she reached over and grabbed Blue’s hand.  Red could tell she was surprised, but understanding at the same time.  His mom was always a touchy-feely kind of person.  “Your parents must have been worried sick.”

            An even more awkward silence followed.  Red stopped chewing his food, he knew Blue’s family life was a little bit of a sore spot.  She wasn’t very close to her mom, and her dad had walked out on them since before she could remember.  That was all the information Red could ever get out of Blue about her family during their travels. 

            This time, it was Lorelei who broke the silence.  “Well, I think I’m going to get going.”  She stood up and patted Red and Blue on their shoulders.  “You should be proud of such two promising young Trainers,” she told Red’s gathered supporters.  “I’ve got to get back to Cerulean City to train so this guy doesn’t beat me in the next Pokemon League Championships!”  With that, the gathered group of people laughed as Lorelei walked off towards a little helicopter he saw sitting in the distance. 

            They laugh now, thought Red, but I know my Pokemon can compete with anyone’s.

            “Oh!” Red’s mother spoke out.  “I just remembered: Professor Oak wanted to see you at his lab as fast as possible.”

            Red almost choked on his bite of food.  “Mom! Then why didn’t you tell me when we got here?”

            His mom just smiled that loving smile.  “I must have forgotten when I realized how hungry you looked.”  Red gave her a hug and a kiss as he recalled his Pokemon and set off in the direction of Professor Oak’s lab. 

            “It was nice to meet you, ma’am,” he heard Blue say to his mom as she caught back up to him.  They were almost out of earshot when Red’s mom called back to them again.

            “Make sure he brushes his teeth and changes his underwear every day!”

            Red blushed but Blue laughed.  “Race you to the lab?” he asked her, trying to change the subject.

            “You’re on!”

            The race wasn’t that long as Pallet Town was such a small town.  The sun was beginning to set when they opened Professor Oak’s laboratory door and were instantly greeted by the kindly old Professor. 

            “Red! Good to see you again!” he said, as he crushed Red’s hand in a big, strong handshake. “And you my dear!” he said to Blue as he gave her a nice shoulder hug.  “I knew you would make me proud but even I didn’t have this in mind! You two and Green are progressing so fast, I’m so humbled to be called your teacher.”

            Another voice was heard from a table in the other room.  “You mean you’re humbled to be my grandpa.”

            Red smiled.  Sometimes, Green’s cockiness got on his nerves, but Red was sure it would all be worth it if he could finally beat him on the Kanto League Championship stage.  Of course, he would need the final Gym Badge from Viridian City in order to qualify.  I wonder if they’re done renovating that Gym.

            He heard Blue sigh and cross her arms.  “I should’ve known Green would be here.”

            The Professor tried to ignore that as he led them into the office where Green sat with his feet up on his grandfather’s desk.  Red spied the purple Poke-ball with an M on it. He and his first Pokemon were sent to retrieve it on their first little mini-adventure.  He smiled as he remembered how he and Blastoise (who was Squirtle at the time) had chased the ball down the hill after a Pidgey had pooped on it.  Red smiled as he had almost forgotten.  Pidgeotto shared in that adventure, too.

            Oak took a seat behind his desk.  “Now I’m sure you’re wondering why I called you here-”

            “Oh just get on with it,” Green interrupted.  “He received an invitation for a private Gym battle from the new Viridian City Gym Leader. They’ve finally finished renovating the Gym for the new guy’s taste.”

            “Wow, that’s so cool!” said Red excitedly.  He sat in the middle of the three chairs.  Blue sat on his left, next to the computer facing the Professor and the purple Poke-ball.  “Professor Oak is going to battle to open the Gym!”

            Green rolled his eyes and slapped his forehead.  “No, you idiot, the invitation was addressed to us.  Yes, us.  You and me.  We’re both going to challenge the Gym in two days’ time.  My gramps sent an e-mail to the Leader as soon as you got back to Pallet Town to finalize the time.”

            “He wanted to have it as fast as possible,” added Professor Oak.  “It’s not often a local Trainer earns their Gym Badges so rapidly, you guys will be quite the show, I’m sure.”

            “Wait,” asked Blue, “how can they both challenge the Gym Leader on the same day? Doesn’t the leader’s Pokemon need rest? Do we even know who the leader is?”

            “No,” said Oak.  “The leader will reveal his identity after the challenge, it’s kind of like a Kanto tradition.  They like to keep the new Leaders’ identities secret.  Even I haven’t been able to crack this one, and I’m usually the first to get leaked information.”

            “That still doesn’t make sense how they can both battle in the same day,” said Blue as she crossed her arms again.

            “Unless it’s a Double Battle,” said Red.  The wheels in his head had been turning and finally the light bulb had come on.  “Unless he plans to have me and Green challenge him at the exact same time, during a two-on-two fight.”

            Green shot his hands up to the ceiling.  “Thank God I’m not partnered with a complete idiot.”

            Professor Oak must have been good at ignoring rude comments.  Either that, or he assumed rivalry and competition helped to shape good Trainers into great ones.  I wonder if he had any rivals, Red thought to himself.

            “Can I see the invitation?” Red asked.

            “I must have misplaced-” the Professor was once again interrupted by his grandson.

            “I had Chariard burn it. The sight of your name written down on an envelope annoyed me.” Green got up and started towards the door.  “I’m flying into Viridian City tonight.  You should be there if you want to win.  As much as I hate to say it, we need to plan this battle together if we want to win handily.  Otherwise I’ll just have to win it all by myself.”  He walked out the door and they heard the Lab’s front door open and shut.

            “Always so hasty,” smiled the Professor.  “One day, he’ll slow down and smell the roses.  Maybe he just needs a good loss or two like his grandfather did…”

            Red stood up and so did the Professor and Blue.  Oak led them to the door and opened it for them.  The two trainers walked out and turned to give Professor Oak their good-byes when Red noticed him looking towards his desk inquisitively.  “Oh, sorry, I must have misplaced something else. Anyways, take care, Red.”  Red nodded but he noticed the Professor’s look change to a more serious one.  “Be responsible, Blue.”

            It was dark when they set out north towards Viridian City and the final Gym Badge.

            “What was all that about, Blue? ‘Be responsible?’” he asked her. 

            Blue stammered and looked taken aback.  “I… I don’t know,” was all she said as she walked faster ahead of him, trying to avoid eye contact. 

            She’s probably just tired, he thought.  Besides, she’s probably going to see her mom again, she must be a little nervous.  Red’s thoughts began to shift to how he envisioned himself and Green battling together instead of against each other. His heart fluttered with excitement.  There was no doubt in his mind which Pokemon Green would choose. 

            “Blastoise and Charizard on the same team, what a combo!” he whispered to himself excitedly as he followed Blue and gazed up at the stars.  He wondered which star belonged to him, which ones belonged to Green and Blue, and which star was going to be the brightest.

Saffron City-

            Sabrina had taken Bruno to the town’s Dojo: a place that used to be Saffron’s second Gym a long time ago, before Fuchsia was admitted to be the eighth Kanto Gym. 

            He had Machamp train with the residing Trainer’s fighting Pokémon, learning some new techniques along the way.  Gotta prepare for the tournament that’s coming up.  This time, I want to be the Champion.  He looked at Sabrina, who was smiling.  Maybe I’m impressing her.

            The door opened and he jumped down out of the ring to greet his best friend, Lance.  “Hey, man! How was the storm chasing?”

            Lance smiled and shook his hand.  “By the time I got there, there was no storm.  I did get some news though, it looks like those Trainers from Pallet Town might get all their badges to qualify before the Kanto League Tournament Starts.  I stopped over in Fuchsia City and Janine said the Gym Leaders just received word that the Viridian Gym Leader is finally back and has reached out to Red and his friend Green to battle him.”

            Bruno laughed and watched his Machamp punch his four arms so fast, they were a blur.  “Well, maybe I’ll have a nice warmup before I get to face you.”

            Lance laughed.  “Just don’t overlook those kids, and you’d better hope you don’t have to face me.  Anyways, I just wanted to say good-bye before I go do some training to get ready on my own.”

            Bruno looked at him.  “You’re going home, aren’t you?”

            Lance got nostalgic look in his eye, a look of true happiness that Bruno hadn’t seen in a long time.  “Yeah, I’m going back to Blackthorn City to train in the Dragon’s Den.”

            Bruno whistled, impressed.  The Dragon’s Den was a sacred area in Lance’s hometown of Blackthorn City of the Johto region.  Only the strongest Trainers were allowed to enter.

            Bruno turned to see Sabrina walk up and stand next to the guys.  “What about Lorelei and the Phantom?” she asked Lance.

            Lance wasn’t worried.  “She just got on a plane to go to Pallet Town, Blaine let her know that Red is done with his Gym Challenge so she can go get her Lapras back.  As to the Phantom, well, let’s just say I have all the information that I need.”  Lance’s visit turned out to be a short one (they always were), as he walked towards the door.

            “Take care of Sabrina,” he joked as he walked out the door of the Dojo.

            Bruno blushed as he looked at Sabrina who giggled.

            “What?” the beautiful Saffron City Gym Leader asked.  “Do I need to take care of you, instead?”  Her flirting was super effective.

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