Chapter 13: Ordeal part I

A/N: Just a quick heads up, this chapter and the next will consist only of Sinbad and his crew as they survived the becalmed seas and there's only eight chapters of this story left, than after that? I need a break from writing, because it is mentally exhausting and I feel like I'll go insane if I don't take a break mentally. Once I get a good break? I'm getting right into Dragon Conquerer and Eternal Blue Valkyrie. Anyways, onwards to the chapter!

(Sinbad's pov)

"How bad is it love?"

Marina, Kale and myself entered my captains quarters and I turned my head to my woman and answered her. "Since we've been becalmed, our rate of drift has suggested we had a good chance of making landfall on one of these islands..." Once we neared my desk, I showed both my woman and quarter master a map that showed several chains of islands. "...unfortunately because of our rate of speed? It would take approximately a week to ten days time to reach any of those islands. Based on those readings today and yesterday, however, I would say that estimated time table is far too optimistic." I let out a heavy sigh and looked between Marina and Kale and shook my head. "We'll have to cut the mens rations again.Silence filled my quarters for a good eight seconds before Kale spoke. "I agree." He then turned to me and added. "Our stores are dwindling faster than we thought..."

Taking a seat in one of the chairs in front of my desk, Kale continued. "Fresh water is just about gone and the food stores have been empty for about three days now. And the haul from the eels nets isn't keeping pace." Turning to Marina, Kale nodded at her. "Marina and I will inform the crew—"


I interrupted, causing both Marina and Kale to share a confused look, they then turned back to me for explanation. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I exhaled out. "The decreases in rations is getting more dire by the day. At a certain point if we're all weakened to the point where none of us can't hoist a single sail? We're all dead." 

"Then what do you suggest?" Marina asked, licking my dry lips, I look into my woman's eyes and answer. "I suggest we draw up two lists. One with the names of the men critical to sailing the Chimera once the wind returns, and second the men who aren't." Marina then gave me a disbelieving and almost... disgusted look. "You think we should feed some of the men more than others?" She asked in utter disbelief.

"No. I think we should feed some of the men and not the others." I corrected, Marina shook her head slowly at my words and turned to Kale, who too didn't approve of this suggestion of mine. "The survival of the greatest number of men on this crew rests entirely on our ability to maneuver this ship to land." I said firmly, approaching Marina, I kneel before her and gently cup her cheeks so that she could look into my eyes. "Any food diverted away from the men necessary to that end only increases our chance that everyone on board this ship dies."

Tears formed in Marina's eyes and she slapped my hands away before speaking firmly as well. "You can't divide the men like that Sinbad! Every single one of those men and women are friends! Brethren beneath the black! They'll mutiny if they learn you're planning this!"

"Most of the men who aren't given rations will survive in a weakened state—"

"Most of them!!"

Marina hissed out as she then scoffed and shrugged. "Why not just take the second list and push those you deem as nonessential to feed over the side right now? Won't that save us a lot of trouble?"


Said woman turns to Kale, my quarter master then murmurs. "Lower your voice, if the men hear you and Sinbad arguing? They might just lose whatever faith they have left that we have any idea what we're doing here." I run a hand through my hair and curse under my breath, we've been becalmed for almost twelve days now and the men are losing their grip, due to dehydration, as well as hunger. What will be decided in this room is paramount to our survival and we cannot bicker amongst ourselves; creating unnecessary rifts among us, especially in a life threatening situation like this.

Placing both hands on Marina's shoulders, I squeeze gently and reassure her. "Despite what you think my love, I don't want to separate wheat from the chaff anymore than you do, but once the wind returns? We need those critical to help sail this ship at strength." A tear slid down Marina's cheek and she gently pushed me away and exited my quarters while closing the door behind her. Letting out a helpless sigh, I turn to Kale and shrug at him. "I feel like a heartless villain. All of those men are brothers, friends and like family. And to deprive them of what they need to survive? I almost cannot stomach it." Kale approached me and patted my shoulder and replied back. "Do what you have to do." He then too exited my chambers, leaving me alone.

Once I was by myself, I punch my desk and lower my head in utter misery. I didn't want to divide the men this way, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I then take two pieces of paper and write down the names of men and women who are paramount to seeing this ship reach land once the wind returns and I then write the names of those who won't receive any rations.

This better work, or else I may face a mutiny that will result in all of us getting killed and unable to reach Ching Shih and the Red Sail Fleet.

(Marina's pov)

Spike's whimpering pained me greatly, our faithful dog too was suffering from thirst and hunger, the dog rested his head on my lap while I sat down against the wall of my quarters with my eyes closed, pondering in thought. Another eight days had gone by and our fresh water is now gone, and we only have a few days worth of food rations left, the crew has managed to haul in some eels with the nets, but thats only holding us for so long.

The door to my chambers opened, revealing Kale, the hulking African mans eyes were bloodshot and he looked utterly exhausted, I don't blame him, we're all suffering out here and our hope is dwindling by the day. Once he closes my quarter doors shut, he sits besides me and pets Spike's head, causing the dog to growl in contentment.

"Its getting worse by the day Marina, sooner of later we're all going to lose our minds, let anger take control of us or see hallucinations due to dehydration." Kale stated, I merely nodded and sighed heavily. "Instead of... dwelling on our current dilemma, why don't we... change the subject?" I suggested, turning to my friend, I cocked my head slightly at him. "If you hadn't become a pirate, where do you think you would see yourself today?" Kale took my words into consideration and shrugged. "I don't know. Perhaps join a maroon settlement and start my life over, find a woman and live in peace. I would settle for anything, if not a slave."

"Yeah, I'd do the same thing if I was in your shoes." I said in agreement, swallowing thickly, I then exhale and shake my head. "The sea was my first love and it was calling out for me to explore the world!" I then let out a bitter chuckle and blink away tears. "I hope this isn't the end of our adventure." Turning to me, Kale wrapped an arm around me, comforting me with both actions and words. "Our situation is dire, true. But we cannot lose hope now Marina. Once the wind returns? Then we are saved!"

"If it returns." I sighed out, Spike continued whimpering and I gently shushed his cries and scratched his head. "We nearly out of food, we can barely feed our own men, let alone Spike." Kale then rose to his feet and approached the nearest window and looked out towards the horizon. "If we are to die out here? Know that it has been the greatest of privileges sailing with you and Sinbad. You two saved me and scores of my people from slavery, you have my eternal gratitude and thanks." I smiled warmly at my friend and nodded at him in acknowledgment, before I could say a word however, the sounds of enraged cries and blows being landed were heard.

"Bloody thieves!!"

Kale and I share a look of confusion, what could possibly be happening now?

(Five minutes later)

The whole crew was gathered to bare witness to the punishment that would be inflicted upon the two men who have committed a most heinous crime. Kale approached these men, pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed heavily before speaking to the two men whose hands were tied up and were on their knees before their quarter master.

"You both stand accused of a crime most serious. Theft of food held in reserve in a time such as this is a betrayal of trust of the most profound sort." Kale then bore his teeth at these men and growled out. "The penalty for such a betrayal is by necessity... extreme." The Chimera's quarter master continued. "You were both charged with watching over what little remains of our food stores. A full days rations are now gone..." Kale slowly paces back and forth between the two convicted members of our crew. "...and yet each of you accuses the other of the crime." Squatting down towards the two convicted men, Kale raises his eyebrows and concludes. "As your quarter master, and as your friend, I'm going to implore you one last time, whichever of you is the guilty man, confess. And repair in some way the trust you have violated with your brethren beneath the black."

"Please! I swear to you, I wouldn't have done such a thing! I don't have it in me! Please don't hang me for this!!" The first convicted man whimpered out.

"Shut your mouth you whelp!!" The second convicted snarled out, he then turned to Kale and continued. "You've all seen me these last few weeks out here! Never blubbered! Never moaned! I weathered this storm as well as any of you. So don't tell me I'd do something this cowardly and then blame it on a sniveling piece of filth like this one!" He said while gesturing to the first man. "One of us is a liar alright! But it isn't me, I swear it!!"

Kale exhaled heavily and then approached Sinbad, as did I, we needed to get to the bottom of this right now. Sinbad looked terrible, he looked as if he hasn't slept in days and he looked half starved. "There's no way to tell which of them is guilty or innocent. We're going to have to punish them both." Sinbad said firmly, Kale nodded in agreement. "Agreed. We cannot afford to lose the rations we have left on those who have lost reason and sense."

"What's their punishment?" I asked, Sinbad looked into my eyes and then turned towards some of the men who were near the railing. "Grab them." He said while referring to the two convicted, Sinbad then had those who had strength to tie weights around the convicted mens feet, my man then snarled out at the convicted men. "If you two haven't got the balls to confess your crime? Then I'll just get your punishment over with." Sinbad then had the two convicted men thrown into the sea while the weights were tied around their feet, their cries and pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears as they were thrown over the side and sank to the bottom of the deep blue sea.

Sinbad then turned to the rest of us and pointed towards the railing where the two thieves had met their end. "If anyone steals reserved rations again? Then this is your punishment. Am I understood?" Everyone nodded and hummed in understanding, Sinbad nodded and made his way back to his quarters. Once Sinbad was out of sight, the crew retreated back to the shade, shielding themselves from the scorching sun baring down on us, following their example, Kale and I made our way to where shade was located and we both let out miserable sighs.

"I fear our troubles have just begun." Kale murmured, turning to my friend, I hummed lightly in agreement and take his hand and squeeze it gently. "We can't lose hope now Kale. N-Not now." I rasped out, Kale simply nodded and we decided to get some rest and regain some strength.

A/N: Sorry that its short, I just don't have the mental energy to write any longer, that and I hardly have the time to write anyway. I promise I'll try to make these next chapters longer, but no promises. Catch y'all in the next update.

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