Mini A.N:
I listened to Sweater Weather by the Neighbourhood whilst writing this for the ✨vibes✨ so I suggest you do the same because that just sets a very nice mood. Enjoy!
"Oh- you're Batman's Robin aren't you? You two know each other?" Zatanna looked between the teens.
Raven didn't know what to say. She looked from Robin- at Damian- to her aunt, and back at the boy. Blazing red 'R' on his chest. Katana on his back. Domino mask over his eyes. That ought to have been a school uniform. Or someone else should have been in that caped outfit.
Zatanna's face was expectant and Robin was round-eyed and mute.
The pressure built in Raven's chest and she felt herself loosing purchase on her inner demon.
So she fled through a purple portal and sealed it tight behind her.
With her exist and Zatanna's confusion, Damian held in confidence that Batman was on his way.
"I have to go." He offered a hurried, empty explanation, and hooked a grappling line over to a building, disappearing in to the night.
Zatanna stood in the middle of the damp street, blinking uselessly.
"Well...that happened..." she said to the night.
Raven hadn't properly shaken off her sleep even by the end of first period. She'd cocooned herself in her sheets all night and had refuse to answer any of the questions that Zatanna had hit her with when she'd finally come home. Raven had nothing to say, only racing thoughts.
She wasn't upset, but occupied. There was so much to figure out. If Damian Wayne was Robin, there were major implications made. Like, who was Batman then? Surely not the charming billionaire Bruce Wayne? It was like imagining that Kim Kardashian was secretly WonderWoman- ridiculous. But if Batman then knew who she was... if Robin told him... she'd heard stories of the ruthless Batman- whispers from the streets of Gotham and a clear message from across the country (particularly Metropolis) that he did not like Aliens, and he did not like magic.
But Damian was smart and suave and gorgeous and he set her heart a-hammering. Raven's teeth clamped down on the end of her pen and she stopped her scrawls of algebra. Damian Wayne filled her mind, tall and taunting- and then Robin. The combat suit fit him as well as his school uniform.
"Rachel!" The sharp voice of her maths teacher pierced her ears. "Daydreaming in my algebra class?!"
Her chin slipped off of her elbow as she released a stream of apologies. Some students behind her snickered and she felt her cheeks go pink.
"Don't let it happen again young lady." She was warned as the lesson resumed.
Something poked her arm and she turned to find someone offering her her pen.
"Hey girl, you dropped this." Raven smiled and took it.
Keyah's green locks curled over their shoulder as they returned the warm gesture and shifted back in to their seat. Raven had once asked them if their hair was dyed or not and found out that Keyah was one of the few non-Earthers (as they were quaintly named) in the school. Keyah too was one of Miss Osman's lunchtime friends and Raven often sat with them at lunch.
Purple hair and vibrant eyes, Raven felt comfortable with someone like Keyah- someone like her.
"What's got you so distracted?" They whispered.
"Nothing." Raven said, and knew she wasn't fooling Keyah.
They came from a species that too possessed a degree of empathic and telepathic abilities, felt through skin-on-skin contact.
"Lies girl! I felt it-" Keyah's fingers hand brushed Raven's as they handed back the pen. "It's that boyyyy- ohhh you're interested!"
Raven was made to suffer their teasing for the rest of maths until she managed to slip out of the classroom, laughing, ahead of Keyah; they'd made some very scandalous suggestions about Raven's intentions towards the rich boy.
As always, the corridor began to fill with the hustle and bustle of class change-over. Raven stepped out, an embarrassed smile still on her face and a laugh in her throat, and couldn't take but two more steps before she bumped in to something tall and stiff.
Raven looked up.
"We need to talk."
Damian didn't wait for her answer. He held her by the valley between her thumb and wrist and pulled her against the current of bodies. Confusion first paralysed Raven. Then something fiery, something demonic, kicked in, and he no longer needed to pull her along- she kept his pace readily.
He held her hand anyways and his skin tingled where they touched.
Period two would start in three minutes. Damian didn't care much for school rules; Raven began to soak in his liberating rebellion.
They turned in suddenly at an enclave- a dip in the corridor leading to a single, empty broom cupboard. A sharp eyed corridor monitor, Mr Carter had rounded a corner. Damian knew to evade attention.
Neither had a second to feel embarrassed so close; they were moving again, faster now, and shot out of double doors in to fresh air. More quick turns that left Raven dizzy, padding down concrete with only a vague idea of where they were.
And then they stopped, between the big sports shed and the bleachers, out of sight and chests raising rapidly with the adrenaline. Damian's eyes were wild and Raven steadied herself against something cool and metal behind her- a beam, maybe.
She was closer than comfort and he felt it in every inch of his skin.
"So," he began, low and dangerous, "not Rachel then?"
The witch looked up at him and found enough of Pride within herself to narrow her eyes and bite back, "Raven. It's Raven. And what about you...Robin."
His face contorted in a mixture of anger and the knowledge of having royally fucked up. But then his eyes flicked lower down than her demonic gaze and his aura tumbled down a route that set her sweat dripping doubly. But as tempting as she was, his task now was intimidation. She had to be kept quiet, for Robin's sake.
Damian knew intimidation tactics. Up close and personal. Harsh but cool. Aloof and threatening. He had to try them on this...what was she? What species? Magical certainly, but what? Half of him bemoaned that she must be a daughter of Aphrodite.
Intimidation tactics. That's what he needed. Not staring at her lips at all. Intimidation tactics...yes.
His hands closed on the metal beams either side of Raven. Phase one.
He leaned in close. Phase two.
Phase three was verbal persuasion.
"Let's make some things clear, witch." Damian began, his voice betraying his quivering insides. He could feel her warmth. His shirt brushed against hers.
But Pride was roaring for the worst extremities of sin, and that bled in to Raven's boldness. She wouldn't be spat at for a witch.
She closed the space between them until their noses nearly brushed, grasping his collar in an iron grip, and seethed, "I'm a demon, rich boy, not just a witch. But I have a name. Call me by it."
He glared, "Or what wi-"
Raven slammed her lips to his and shut him up. The momentum pushed her completely in to his chest and he returned to equilibrium by moving against the motion- her back now pressed to the beams. Their lips glued together in the zeal of throwing care to the wind and Raven's arms snaked up to hook around the back of his neck. She moved with the motion of the kiss as if trying to escape her skin and melt in to his. A small groaning something slipped from a gap between their lips, starved and strained, and it was Damian's. Raven kissed him harder.
But the need for oxygen was mounting and the kiss broke with a cacophony of heavy breaths and the light, deranged laughter of Damian Wayne. This wasn't him. Damian Al Ghul Wayne was a master of self control, never considering romance or sex of anything of the kind. But for this demon...only an acquaintance really...he would throw all that to the underworld and stoke it's hellish pire.
Raven found her arms still around his neck, his forearms still chaining her between a rock and a hard place. Azar...she wanted a round two. But the small part of her that held sense told her that if she got that, she'd want a round three...four...soak in all that she could get of his cinnamon skin and fiery aura.
"Where from here...where do we go from here?" Damian mumbled, head resting resignedly over her shoulder, hot forehead against cold metal.
Raven sighed lips bruised, "Who are you Damian Wayne?"
He pulled back to look at her squarely. His cheeks were flushed and his pupils consumed his irises.
"I should ask you the same thing..."
Raven snorted. That was fair. And she had an idea not nearly as dangerous as snogging Damian Wayne whilst bunking from school.
"I beg your pardon."
The idea formed fully in her mind and she said, "Let's get coffee. Or tea- or whatever. Then you can find out."
"Or tea..."
"...or whatever..." Damian finished the thought. He frowned. "I don't do cafes."
Her arms were still hung about him but she didn't want to bring them down.
"Do you 'do' kissing people during lesson time?" She raised.
Damian pursed his lips.
"Not people-"
"Just me?"
He turned a smirk on her that set her knees like jelly. "Just you, apparently."
"So coffee?" Raven said.
"-or tea." Damian returned.
That concludes our Itty Bitty Bonus Chapters guys! It's been so fun writing these lil chapters and I hope you've enjoyed them too!
We've still got some of the main story to finish but this has been it from my extra shenanigans. I thought that was a nice little ending!
Welp! Stay tuned for this week's proper chapter!
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