Chapter Twenty-Three
Alfred nearly dropped the tray he was holding, correcting himself in the last moment and setting the silverware on to the counter. He placed his hands on his lips and his moustache was positively bristling, "Master Jason, unhand that spork immediately."
The man, who held the piece of cutlery offensively before him, shifted his gaze from the witch to Alfred then back to her. He eyed the girl with utmost suspicion for a moment, before the butler's firm command of, "Put the spork on the counter or I will be revoking your bread privileges."
Jason narrowed his eyes, gave one last threatening air-stab at the demoness, then surrendered his weapon. She folded her arms and the purple glow faded from her hands. Jason huffed, and leaned back against the kitchen sink.
"Don't tell me B got another one. And a meta too! He's loosing it!"
Alfred took the spork from the counter and returned it to common cutlery drawer (the lower drawers were for the finer pieces). Jason was still locked in a cloud staring contest with the witch.
Alfred looked at him disapprovingly, "Really Master Jason, I though I'd instilled in you better manners than that." He shook his head at the glass shattered over the kitchen surfaces, "We do have a front door, Master Jason. Or does 'subtlety' mean nothing to you?"
"Yeah-sorry bout that Al...but just one question," he held up his index finger, "whom the fuck is she?"
"Language Master Ja-"
"Raven." She pursed her lips, simultaneously observing his aura. "Raven Roth. And, if your aura wasn't a big enough indicator, I take it 'Master Jason' would be Jason Todd."
He jerked forwards, invading her personal space, "What's it to ya green bean?"
She didn't blink, rather, answered impassively, "Nothing. Damian's just mentioned you before."
That sparked a different glint in Jason's eye, and his lips boasted a conniving grin -alongside a nasty cut- "Wait, you know the brat? What's he said about me?"
"You love to talk about the time you died and you drink too much."
"That bastard!" Jason cursed.
He muttered to himself, "I'll hang his entrails around the house like fucking party banners."
Pushing vengeance to the side, Jason tugged on the collar of his leather jacket, "There-uh- isn't a new Robin, or Batgirl is there?" After both Raven and Alfred shook their heads, he threw his hands up, "Then who in the McFuckerydoodle are you?"
Alfred answered on her behalf, cutting apple slices, "Miss Raven is a friend of Master Damian's, from the Teen Titans. She's staying here for a few days." His moustache twitched, "As such, Master Jason, I expect you to extend to her the curtesy with which all guests in this Manor are to be treated."
Jason overlooked Alfred's caution and laughed, "No fricken way- the gremlin's got a girlfriend!" He let out a few more peals of laughter before consoling her, "My condolences. Seriously, good luck."
Having overcome the minor panic that came with Jason's speculations around her and Damian's relationship, Raven was more than relieved to have been stopped short from answering by the entrance of the object of her affections.
Damian walked in to the kitchen, stepped past a disquieted Titus, saw the damage to the window, and rolled his eyes at the culprit, "TT. Todd. I might have known." He glanced to the left of his destructive brother, and Damian's heart made the same jump it always did when he was met those wonderful blue eyes.
Raven greeted him with a small smile of relief.
"Oh hey gremlin... you're looking surprisingly tall. Where'd the extra foot come from?" Jason sized up his brother. He glanced slyly at Raven, "Special kind of fertiliser?"
Alfred was aghast.
He'd missed Jason's presence in the Manor...that was not a sentiment he currently held.
By the time Damian had stopped threatening to bash Jason's brains in with a ladle, the noise had attracted a decently sized audience. Dick squeezed the life out of Jason, while Raven cleared away the broken glass. Thanking her, Alfred held open the bin as a stream of her magic carried in the glass fragments.
Once the racket had died down, Alfred handed out sandwiches; Jason declined one in favour of a half-eaten Hershey's bar from his jacket. As recompense for his heinous act, he was made to eat two BLTs and a satsuma.
Scrunching his nose as the tiny orange fruit, Jason explained, "I wasn't in prison exactly...well...just for a little while. I've been doing some travelling- got you this-" he explored his pockets, retrieving a little, green plastic ring that looked suspiciously like a toy Green Lantern ring. He held the ring before Stephanie and proclaimed, "Stephan Brownington, as Timbo's too much of a wuss, will you do me the honour of becoming my sister-in-law?"
Timothy choked on a bread crust, recovered his health, then choked again on air. Dick patted his back as he heaved out his lungs, hacking away until even Damian couldn't find any humour in it. Raven had left five minutes earlier, having been on the verge of developing a migraine (which was not great when coupled with a demon-father stuck in your head). As he pinched the bridge of his nose, Damian wondered why he was still entertaining the idiots.
While Steph faux-fawned over the cheap plastic, flicking her unnecessarily blond and unnecessarily long hair over her shoulders, Damian feared loosing his sanity. While Todd's abrupt arrival had disrupted his training, Damian had a better idea for what to do than returning to his rigorous exercise.
Preoccupied with getting a glass of water for Tim, the butler hadn't noticed Damian slipping out of the kitchen- though Jason did.
He called out, "You disappearing to find your girlfriend little D?"
Damian brushed off the comment and snuck down the corridor.
As expected, he'd located the witch in the library, tucked into a corner with Titus' head in her lap. His feet sinking into the lush carpet, Damian's thoughts lingered on Jason's words. By the troubled expression on her face when Raven looked up at him, so was she.
Titus greeted him with a weak wood and Raven sat straighter in the armchair. She rolled up the scroll and said, "Something wrong?"
Damian folded his arms and sighed. Noticing the change in his demeanour, Titus woofed and tilted his head, prompting Damian to kneel down and rub his head. Raven looked down at him and frowned.
Standing, Damian explained, "I was think about what Todd said, about you being my..." his eyes followed the geometric pattern on the Ottoman carpet, "when he said that we..."
"That I'm your...girlfriend?"
He nodded helplessly. Seeing the dejection in her downcast eyes, Damian returned with twice the vigour, "Not that-that it's a bad thing. The opposite in fact. Of course I want to- I mean, I want you to- what I'm trying to say is- My attitude towards...affection has changed a lot since I left the League. And I've come to realise that I have...I have feelings for you. Raven, I don't want to keep avoiding this. I want you to..." he looked at her in earnest, " be my girlfriend."
Raven's eyes were wide and Trigon had gone silent.
That is so lovely. I'll be quiet in a moment, but I would like to say, categorically, that this is very very lovely. The love deities must be having a fit! Now go on being in love, I shall be minding my own business in here. You carry on.
Damian's chest hammered as he waited for her to say something- anything. Her lips hung slightly apart, and in that moment, Damian was drawn to them like a desert-wanderer to a lake. He stopped himself from drawing those soft blossoms to his mouth, only as
Raven exhaled shakily.
"Damian... you really mean that?"
"TT. Of course I do!" He almost violently proclaimed.
A new, brighter light shone in Raven's eyes, "And you are fine with everyone finding out. Your father...Dick... the rest?"
Damian grabbed Raven's hands and answered her with unbridled truth, "I don't care about them. Let them know. What are they going to do about it?"
Raven couldn't help the beam that overtook her face. She smiled, "Then kiss me Damian, because I think that makes you my boyfriend now."
We're fucking canon guys. We're FUCKING CANON! JLD:Apokolips War was a godsend. I cried, I laughed hysterically, I cried some more.
It was everything I wanted and more. Since I joined this little fandom in 2017, we've grown so so much, and now Damirae is actually officially official. I'm just so so so happy my darlings.
The movie has given me so many ideas that I can't wait to get started on.
I'm sorry that this week's chapter wasn't that long or that good: I write a certain amount each evening/night to reach a minimum word count, and I used one of those days just watching the movie. I hope you lot can understand and are just as excited as I am.
Since Damirae has been officially entered in to DC canon, I'm hopeful that the pairing will come up more in the future.
Thank you my darlings!
-Bats :3
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