Chapter Twenty-Four

Once Raven managed to develop enough self-control to un-stick her lips from Damian's, she remembered a matter of importance that she'd meant to bring up before...feelings became the topic of conversation.

She took a few deep breaths and opened her eyes. Overcoming that warm sensation that accompanied his eyes on hers, Raven began, "Damian, putting all of this aside for a moment-"

"'All this' being..?" He drew out his vowels.

Raven rolled her eyes, "The boyfriend-girlfriend stuff, and the kissing."

"Right. Please continue." He drew a chair out of a neighbouring table and sat down, business-like.

She gave him a deadpan look before resuming, "I was thinking about how you managed to heal my leg." His brows furrowed and Damian sat forwards in his seat. "You did that by channelling Anubis' power, didn't you?"

He nodded, then corrected, "It was more sharing than channeling. But yes."

"The next thought was obviously, what else can you do. By channelling- sharing- Anubis' power, I mean. Like, in combat, for example? And what about magic?"

Titus recognised the validity of Raven's point with an aloof 'woof'.

I had wondered the same thing myself. I suppose we- or you- ought to conduct some sort of test.

Damian scratched under Titus' chin, "I believe father intends to carry out a test, I should press him on it. Or do one myself." He scratched the idea out of his mental notebook. "No- that might frustrate him. I'll suggest it to him tonight."

And that he did, just before Alfred summoned the family (and Raven) to the table for dinner.

Bruce had only just returned from work (which he had decided to go to for once, having had Tim point out an inconsistency in reported figures regarding charity donations) when he was confronted by Damian. Alfred had informed him that Jason had come to Manor earlier, but had slipped away during the afternoon: Bruce would no doubt find him moping in his room, glaring at a wall for an unnaturally long period of time.

Whilst Selina made coffee and Alfred cut tomatoes for salad, Bruce scanned his eyes across a laptop screen. The butler chided him for working at the table (vigilante work, not work work), subsequently closing the device and huffing.

"Well Bruce, I've officially re-met Jason." Selina slinked on to the seat besides Bruce. "As the Red Hood- but Jason- rather than as Robin."

He raised an eyebrow and glanced sideways at her, "How was he?"

Selina grinned, "Loud. Very. And every bit as charming as ever. " she laughed. "Though I wouldn't suggest leaving him an Damian in a room together for more than five minutes. Even that might be too much."

Bruce took a sip from her mug, prompting Alfred to tut, "One might consider that cross contamination, Master Bruce."

In response, Selina teased, "How's this for cross-contamination?" And melded her lips with Bruce's.

Alfred sighed.

"And here I thought I had at least one other adult with me in this Manor."


Bruce cut off their kiss and looked up at his son with wide eyes. Arms folded, Damian passed a looked from his father to the other two, acknowledging, "Pennyworth...Kyle."

His voice didn't hold the same contempt when he said her name: Bruce hoped it was a sign that his son's attitude towards Selina was changing. After an exchange of greetings, Damian asked, "Father, are you busy?"

Receiving a reply that he was not, Damian continued with irregularly sweaty palms, "You need to run some tests- on me."
Alfred stopped halfway through cutting a cucumber and Bruce sat in silent bemusement.

Maybe just expand on that a little.

Yes, thank you, Anubis. I figured as much.

Damian clasped his arms behind his back, rooting his feet to the ground, "I mean, after I was able too...heal Raven..." he stopped himself from exhaling in relief as he saw his father's eyes grasp his intent. "I think that we need to test for any other...abilities."

Selina sipped her coffee quietly, eyes flicking from the teen to his dad.

"If it isn't any trouble." Damian added.

Slightly dazed, Bruce slowly replied that it wouldn't be an issue. He marvelled at the way his son seemed...abashed...? Did that describe it accurately. Bruce reckoned Raven would know. There she was, a girl who appeared out of nowhere, able to understand the inner workings of his son's mind better than he could.

The prospect of testing his son for magical, godly abilities was, in all honesty, terrifying. Bruce had managed to get his hands on magical texts before, in an attempt to navigate the strange, supernatural world that existed beyond his control. He'd battled magic- wielding foes and fought alongside them. In to his home, he'd even welcomed the daughter of a demon- the most powerful creature known to him. Heck- Bruce even suspected that she was in a relationship with Damian.

But for his son to actually be...and to have... well, it hit way too close to home.

Realising that Damian was waiting for him to say something more, Bruce though of the practicalities of the matter.

"The Hall of Justice has better facilities than the Batcave. We can go there after patrol tonight." Bruce suggested.

Agreeing on that course of action, Damian made short work of slipping out of the kitchen and back to Raven. He sighed as soon as he was out of earshot of his father. At any moment, Bruce might've probed him about Raven, judging by the way Jason had shouted allegations of their relationship all over the Manor, Damian worried that his father had his own suspicions.

He didn't want Bruce to jump to conclusions on his own. At the same time, Damian cared for Raven and wanted everyone to know it. Descending the central staircase, Damian lamented at the situation, with Anubis providing his own godly advice.

While I am no Hathor, I do think that love is something that is- how can we say?- 'better out than in'-

That's not exactly a phrase generally associated with love Aphrodite Jr.

What is it's correct use then?

Generally? With reference to flatulence.


But I take your meaning. Please continue.

It is simply've confessed and formalised your feelings for Raven. She is your "girlfriend" which, as I understand, is a sort of courting stage. And you are happy with that. You also want it to be known that you are "dating".


So why don't you tell your family now? I am sure they'd be elated!

I will tell them eventually. But I have to agree with Raven on when to do it. We're both rather private people, so I believe Raven would want to know before exposing something as personal as a romantic relationship.

That evening, donning his uniform and leaving across a rooftop in pursuit of a cloaked figure, Damian thought on the matter again. His mind was redirected to the more pressing issue of the attempted robbery and subsequent criminal chase by a cry of, "Robin look out!"

A stinging, grazed forearm was the only injury he obtained, having ducked out of the way in the last second. What it is he'd avoided, however, was a mystery to him. And a dangerous mystery at that. Falling in to line besides him, hidden by a series of chimneys, Catwoman and Raven looked behind them with equally wide eyes.

The blast, which had skimmed Robin, had smashed through the glass surrounding a floor of offices in a neighbouring building. The carnage within was enough to put them all on edge. The robed figure too, was stunned by the power of the weapon they wielded, and stumbled on the rooftop, teetering on the edge for a moment.

Following further investigation in to the case Commissioner Gordon had provided, Batman predicted the next target of these mythologically obsessed criminals. The item in question had been moved to Gotham from Budapest for protection (a horrible decision, really) a day prior. Batman had placed surveillance on the private gallery it was being held in: as expected, there was a break-in.

From the Batwing, Bruce observed the ancient weapon almost demolish an entire floor of a skyscraper, and the dread truly settled in. It proved his worst fears to be true: those weren't mere artefacts, they were godly weapons, and their thieves were the same occultists who were able to unleash an old god.

The cloaked woman picked herself back up and stopped running. She dropped the stolen weapon and splayed her hands before her. Sparks of yellow flickered around her fingers until they solidified in to a bubble of golden light surrounding her hands. She thrust her palms forwards and a man-sized construct of the same colour appeared before her.

"Shit- it's a portal!" Raven said.

That woman could pick up the weapon and disappear through the portal, bringing one of the most dangerous weapons in existence to a criminal occult.

Not waiting for instruction, Raven flew forwards, muttering her mantra and focusing all her energy in one direction- barricading any entrance to the portal. As the red-robbed woman picked up the weapon, she found herself barred from passing to safety by a thick, translucent, purple wall.

She spun, holding the weapon from it's handle with both hands. Before she could use it to punish the one who would stand in her way, a powerful kick to the chest sent her sprawling. A tranquilliser to the neck, from the lifted roof of the Batwing, incapacitated the magician. Bringing the plane to a halt over the rooftop, Batman jumped down and surveyed the damage, joined a moment later by Catwoman and Robin.

He looked at Raven and said, "That was irresponsible. She could have killed you."

Pulling her eyes away from the sizzling weapon, Raven said, "I'm sorry. I couldn't risk letting her get away with it."

Ignoring the both of them, Selina frowned, crouching besides the weapon, "What is it?" She crawled back as a stray sliver of lightening leaped off of it and towards her.

"Mjölnir." Damian said, grim. "Hammer of Thor."


Motherfucking OOP.

I don't even know what to say here. Just...I love you all...I love how much Damirae has grown...I love how many new artists there are...and I love you all again.

Stay wonderful. Stay fabulous. Stay Damirae fans.

Thank youuuu!

-Bats :3

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