Chapter Twenty-Five

"Oh damn," Selina rested her hands on her hips, "that's a god's weapon right there. Huh, thought it'd be bigger."

Damian snorted, "It doesn't need to be big if it's powerful."

Catwoman suppressed a giggle, "If you say so." And patted Raven's shoulder.

There mightn't have been a hand on her shoulder at all considering the attention she payed it (or the lack thereof): all of Raven's attention stayed focused on the tranquillised magician and the godly hammer.  Testing a theory, the witch reached towards Mjölnir's handle, wrapping her fingers around the cool metal and tugging.

It didn't budge.

Batman observed Raven's efforts as she pulled the handle with both hands.

Not an inch.

She then moved her attention to the unconscious occultist. Gingerly, Raven turned over the witch's gloved hands, inspecting the thin, leathery material. The dent between her eyebrows and the grim setting of her mouth was enough to considerably worry Batman.

Raven slipped off the woman's gloves. The moment they left her fingertips, the limp fabric was replaced by hard metal and clinking joints. In Raven's hands, they had transformed from common winter-gloves to something resembling a knight's gauntlets.

Batman's mask scanned the intricate linear runes etched in to the metal, finding no exact match in his database. His next port of call was the present magical expert.

"Do you recognise the runes?" He asked Raven.

She nodded, lifting the finger of one them to better see the markings. Catching Bruce unawares, she passed the other glove to Robin, saying, "What do you make of that?"

Damian held it up for inspection and Bruce was disconcerted to find that his eyes once more glowed with golden light. Looking up at the demoness, Damian frowned, "But that's..."

"Hindi, Greek and Egyptian hieroglyphics, mixed in with more modern Earthly runes." She finished.

"Is that possible?"

Raven sighed, "Apparently so."

Upon a second thought Raven pulled off her long purple glove and draped it over the crooke of her other arm. She put the gauntlet on her bare hand, flexing her fingers. Closing her eyes, the witch bit her lip in thought. When she opened them, the cool blue had been replaced by rubies, and her hand was covered by a white, lace kid glove.

The three of them watched with rapture as (holding the unworn purple glove in her other hand) Raven reached down, grasped Mjölnir's handle, and lifted the hammer in one stroke,

"That proved one theory." Damian commented, warily eying the mythical weapon.

"Wait- so- those gloves made you stronger?" Catwoman asked.

"No, it made her worthy." Batman answered, well versed in mythology of all kinds.

Holding Mjölnir a considerable distance from her face, Raven answered, "Not exactly. The combination of different forms of old magic sort of confused it. This is a Norse weapon, it's not compatible with the magic of other gods. They scrambled it. "

Selina whistled a low note, "That's one heck of a loophole." Then turned to her lover, "What did you mean about wo-"

The crackling of lightning and roaring of thunder announced his arrival.

From the murky clouds he descended. No more than a blur till his feet hit the roof and shook the building's foundations. Before them he towered, taller even than J'onn J'onzz and thrice as broad.

"Which mortal shall be the first to die?" Thor bellowed.

Raven looked to the great, big, guilty hammer in her hand, and froze like a mortal deer in godly headlights.

"Ohhh shit."


Diana stretched her arms and yawned, eyes still closed.

"Look who finally woke up."

Blinking, Diana looked up at J'onn, "How long was I asleep for?" She murmured, pulling her hair away from her neck.

"Just an hour or so." He answered. "I'm guessing you haven't been getting much sleep."

Diana chuckled wearily, standing up, "Not since Artemis started living with me."

J'onn folded his arms, "Artemis?"

She stumbled her way towards the fridge, taking out a bottle of milk. From the cupboard besides the sink, Diana procured a container of cocoa powder. After pouring some milk in to a mug, Diana placed it in a microwave and leaned against the counter. Looking out of the window, Earth seemed so small- so far away.

"Artemis. I found her a week ago. A fellow Amazon who'd defected, refusing our gods in the place of others. I found her whilst in pursuit of a weapon- a scythe of some kind- taken in to the hands of thugs. A weapon which she had a claim to." Diana took a spoon out of a nearby drawer and set it on top the container. "It turns out, we are of a similar nature," she took the warm milk out of the microwave as it beeped, and dunked in a heaped spoon of the sugary chocolate powder, "but Holy Hera that woman can snore like a Minotaur!"

"Sound like you've got a lot in common." J'onn chuckled, prompting Diana to glare at him, a fist placed squarely on her hip.

"I do not snore."

"Mhmm. Whatever you say." J'onn swivelled his chair around to face the computer monitors, smirking. "Whatever you say..."

Two two of them were thrown off by a blaring alarm from the monitors. Across three screens was a red alert. An unprecedented rising in energy levels over North America. While Martian Manhunter scrambled to contact Batman -the nearest Justice League member to the scene- Diana froze with the mug halfway to her lips.

That electric pulse that ran through her as the screens flashed, that static feeling in her heart, could only point to one thing.


J'onn sighed, "No response. I'm contacting Superman- we'll head down if he can't handle it."

He looked back at Wonderwoman, having heard nothing from her. With the same ferocity she carried in to battle, Diana regarded J'onn, disregarding her hot chocolate.

"We go there NOW." She declared, unsheathing her sword and marching to the teleport.

Well-aware that nothing he could say would stop her from storming the scene, Martian Manhunter followed suit. Transported in a flash of white, the supers re-appeared on the ground, standing between rows of buildings. Chucked in with the grime-coated, Industrial Age flats, were sky-high steel giants with large labels plastered over them, sticking out like golden teeth.

J'onn grimaced as his boots sunk in to a puddle of mud that had accumulated between cobbles.

Gotham. It was in its own bleak world. J'onn didn't know any other city in the US that remained perpetually damp, even in the middle of Summer. Then again, no other city had a resident psychotic clown, or plant-woman, or cat-woman, or penguin-man (the list went on).

As he followed Wonderwoman, soaring up to the source of the commotion (the top of a nearby building, which currently had lightening streaming towards it) J'onn reckoned that Gotham was a magnet for trouble.

What other city could turn out
someone like Batman?

Noticing the heavily armoured, hulking machine hovering besides the roof, J'onn sighed. Of course Batman was already here.

Wonderwoman landed on the roof ahead of the Martian Manhunter, the sword of Athena poised for a fight. She was greeted with a casual wave from Catwoman. Selina rested her elbow on Batman's shoulder while he seemed to be speaking to someone over a coms link. Robin knelt on the ground, securing thick handcuffs around the wrists of an unconscious woman. Meanwhile, a girl in purple (who proved herself to be the Teen Titan Raven upon turning around) conversed with...

"...Zeus?" She called, the point of her sword falling.

The great being faced her, resting a hammer on his shoulder. His irises seemed filled with liquid electricity, startlingly bright and wide with mirth.

He guffawed and moved his straggly blond hair away from his eyes, "Close- but not exactly." He peered at the warrior's clothes and weapons, grinning. "Ah, you would think so, wouldn't you Amazon. Hah! That up-tight cloud-dweller in nothing compared to Thor Odinson!"


Aaaaaand that's where we're ending it today! What are you're thought on that then???
More importantly, what are you're thoughts on THE SNYDER CUT??? I'm super duper excited for it!!! Maybe I actually won't be so bitter about the Justice League movie being a bit terrible any more!

Also.... I'd like to shout out some awesome awesome awesomeeeee books that you lot should DEFINITELY check out:

1) Lucid Dreams by @KingofSpifs
It's just incredible! A 100% must-read

2) The Tale of a Prince and a Witch by devilinyoureye
It's a great AU that I didn't know I needed in my life!

3) What Happens Undercover, Stays Undercover by @_kasieli
She's just a blessing to this fandom and her story is 👌

Welp, that's it! You enjoy your lives!

Oh wait! Also!!! Eid Mubarak for Saturday/Sunday/ Monday (whenever you're doing Eid) to any Muslims out there! Gosh, Ramadan's gone by so quick this year! Anyway, peace, blessings and love to you all! Look after yourselves!

Thank you

-Bats :3

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