Chapter Twenty

(Fucking chapter twenty my dudes, holy fucking shit, this is madness! Wot is going on??? This story has come so far😪)

Anyway, get on with reading you twats! Shoo shoo!

"Seriously?" Catwoman jumped down from a metal catwalk and eyed the crew of villains and subordinates. "Captain Cold and Killer Frost, sounds like a bad joke."

She lashed her whip and brought it down besides herself, eager to let off some steam. Besides her, Batman and the two Titans swooped down.

As the first few henchmen began to surge towards them, Batman said between clenched teeth, "I told you to wait for the signal."

Catwoman's whip wrapped around the gun of one of Captain Cold's expendables and she jerked her arm backwards. With the gun clattering to the floor amidst the shouting, Selina responded, "I never do as I'm told Bat. You know I'm not one to take it lying down."

Dodging a blast of ice, Robin muttered, "If they continue along that line, I'll throw myself on my own katana." He punched a henchman right in the nose, "And I don't make empty threats."

Swatting two armed subordinates to the ground with an arm encased in magical energy, Raven chided, "Don't  be dramatic Robin. Remember positive thinking." She imitated Koriand'r's airy tone.

Raven saw that Batman and Catwoman were heading in the direction of Captain Cold, as such, she focused her efforts on Killer Frost. Snowflakes swirled around her porcelain hands before she send daggers of ice straight towards the advancing vigilantes. Damian sliced two straight in half with his katana, simultaneously slashing one of the villainess' supporters across the arm. Pulling her lover out of harm's way, Catwoman missed an ice dagger by a whisker. Raven was not so fortunate, and her upper arm was grazed.

Gritting her teeth against the stinging, Raven let her vision turn red and felt her magical power soar. In spite of her demon side filling her with carnal bloodlust, Raven found that she could think clearer than before. Captain Cold was being easily managed, but the dark Elsa was a problem that needed to be dealt with.

There were spells Raven had studied, combative spells, spells to counter elemental magic. Specifically, spells to obliterate ice-witches. Now, while Raven was not looking to kill the villainess, it wouldn't go amiss to test the fruitfulness of her studies.

She thought of lava. Rivers upon rivers -oceans, even- of that searing substance. Rolling over dark hills, smothering plant life and scorching the earth. Then the picture of a matchstick lit itself, a tiny flame whose heat could only be felt three inches around. Magma. Candle. Bonfire. Lighter. Burning stake.


It spilled forth from the demoness, an invisible force that pressed towards the woman shrouded in an icy aura. The demoness' summoned heat encircled Killer Frost. Hey eyelids flickered as crystal blue eyes struggled to take in the situation. She let loose a weak burst of ice that melted halfway through construction. Raven stalked forwards. As she progressed, Killer Frost crumbled to her knees, struggling to pull herself o her feet, eyes screwed shut.

Catwoman watched the half-demoness work with unbridled amazement. Bruce didn't choose his protégés without care. And regardless of whether or not he denied that he'd taken Raven on, Selina could see that the girl was certainly good to have around.

"So," she whispered to Batman "I guess you've redacted your 'Magicians Can't Be Trusted' stance?"

He glanced at her but made no comment, securing Captain Cold with a pair of Batcuffs (TM). Having found the serums that they'd attempted to steal from the WayneTech lab, Batman had a few more questions for the pair. He could get the answers once both Captain Cold and Killer Frost were incapacitated.

Just as Raven thought she'd overwhelmed Frost, the villainess launched forwards and jabbed a blade of ice straight in to the demoness' thigh. Crying out, Raven dropped her heat-spell and her legs buckled. Robin, who had finished dealing with the last of the henchmen, came to Raven's aid. He ducked under blasts of ice and managed to work his way in to close-combat with the villainess.

As Damian kicked another ice-knife out of Killer Frost's hand, Raven knocked her to the floor with a wave of magic.

Five minutes later, Killer Frost sat on the floor, besides Captain Cold. Batman had extracted the required information from the two of them (the process of which made Catwoman pity the two) and had passed that on to Alfred. The next target for the vigilantes would be the Scarecrow. Meanwhile, Raven tended to the great gushing wound in her thigh.

She'd gulped back a scream as Robin yanked the blade of ice from out of her thigh (cursing herself afterwards for not thinking to use a numbing spell) and immediately pressed her hands over the wound. On another person, her healing powers were profound; when used on her own wounds, the effect was mediocre in comparison.

One of the most crucial genres of magic to know in accompaniment with combative magic was healing. As such, the extensive reading Raven had done on the subject more than equipped her to deal with the stab wound.

As Damian crouched besides her, not ceasing in his offer for medical supplies (bandages and the like), Raven said with watery eyes, "I can heal it, okay? Back off for a minute!"

Selina and Bruce hovered over the two of them: Batman stood halfway between the incapacitated villains and the teenagers, monitoring both. Catwoman winced, "God that looks nasty. You sure you've got this covered?"

Tight lipped, Raven nodded. She lifted her glowing hands from her thigh and closed her eyes, preparing for a blood-magic healing spell.

"Wait." Damian threw her off guard. "Anubis can heal it."

"What do you mean Robin?" Bruce asked. "You said he was attached to your conscious, with no physical form."

Damian looked at his father, "Tt. I know that. But through me he can heal the wound. I can't explain it at this moment, but we can test the theory."

"Oh- oh yeah? Test the theory on my damn leg!" Raven glared at him. "It's taking a lot of energy stemming the blood flow with my magic, if you're going try something hurry the fuck up!"

"TT. Calm down-"

Red eyes glared in to Damian's soul, "I've just been stabbed in the leg don't tell me to fucking calm down- I'll show you calm!"

"Sorry about that by the way!" Frost shouted, apparently not particularly sorry, and nudged Captain Cold. "Move pervert!"

Ignoring the squabbling villains Damian focused on Anubis' instructions, extending his hand over the deep wound in Raven's leg.

Right-yes-so- just let me deal with the next part.

How's that going to work- you can't assume control over my body.

No but I can merge our consciences like I did when the bond was formed and I made the ankh appear from your hand.  Just a moment...

There we are! Now for the healing part.

Anubis' voice was twice as loud in Damian's head, like he'd been standing in another room beforehand, but was now in the same room. Outwardly, the only sign that there had been any change was that Damian's eyes had changed colour. The last time Bruce had witnessed the alteration in Damian's irises, he'd found out there was a major god in his son's head: suffice to say, the repetition of events didn't sit well with him.

What he saw next made Bruce's head spin.

From the tips of his son's fingers, a golden substance dripped on to the witch's raw wound. Bruce frowned. Substance wasn't the correct word. It wasn't a tangible liquid, more so a yellowish shimmer, the same colour as Damian's altered irises, omitted from his hands. What made Selina's mouth hang slightly agape, was that the shimmery whateveritwas repaired Raven's flesh the moment it came in to contact. Within no more than two minutes, there remained not a trace of the severe stab wound save a small patch of skin with a silver glint to it.

Raven had stopped using her magic to contain the blood halfway through the process and was now prodding the skin where the gaping wound used to be. After examining Anubis and Damian's handiwork, she said, "That's theory's proven then."

"Well shit, I guess there's a little magic in you then Robin. I mean, the Bat told me about the whole god-situation, but this is something else."

Damian stood (satisfied that Raven wasn't in any pain) and pinned an accusatory eye on his father, "You told her. Why?"

The accused stopped himself from glowering at his son, instead, he forcefully eased his tone, "Because she's as much a part of my life as you are."

"TT." Damian folded his arms. "I'm your son. She's a fleeting love interest like all the others."

Raven stifled a groan- she didn't have the emotional energy to deal with another of Damian's frustrated moods.

Fortunately, she was saved from having to intervene by another of Killer Frost's comments. The woman moaned and rolled her eyes, "Ugh, can't you play happy families after we're gone. But since you're being so damn emotional I might as well ask- when did you cross over to the good side Catwoman?"

"None of your business Elsa."

"Call me Elsa again and I'll feed your entrails to the birds."

Catwoman sashayed over to the glowering villainess, smiling widely, "Not all tied up you won't."

Continuing along Frost's previous line, Captain Cold chuckled, "C'mon, the Batdick can't be that good?"

With the frosty pair's running commentary echoing in the lab, the other three were more than glad when Batman let them leave. He would wait with the unconscious henchmen and vexing duo until the authorities arrived, while the others continued patrolling.

Raven only prayed that Catwoman and Robin wouldn't try to tear each other's heads off. They made no promises.


Hello my lovelies! You lot doing okay?

I'm loosing my marbles a little. But I'm sure I'll be fine. I can't commit to actually doing anything productive so I'm fucked for schoolwork. I sleep at 5am and wake up when my sisters decide to shout loud enough that I can't go back to sleep.

Anyway, I'm just waiting for the new JL Dark movie 😫 It can't come out soon enough!

I love you so so so much my darlings!!!!

-Bats ;3

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