Chapter Sixty-Seven
With the blessing of Iris, Khadija al-Azraq cried a message across the realms: the gods must become one again.
And so did they convene.
Amun-Ra, vast as the sun, passed through the duat. As he did so, the god accumulated all essences around. The threatening mass of the God-Eater roared its confusion, deep within the spiritual realm, as Amun-Ra's power slipped in to the mortal realm and gathered Anubis. No longer Amun-Ra, the spirit of Egypt called out.
On a plain of nothingness, it was met by a shifting, dusty, ancient force and greeted the Mesopotamian spirit before they became one. Brilliant gold, the Aztecs assimilated. Next to join was the Norse, cold and crackling and as mighty as the last.
Upon the plain arrived a single power, come to view the spectacle.
The Celtic Dagda procured a cane on which it rested its hands, observing the bolstering forces of the gods. Druid lord of the heavens, the Dagda followed the Roman's path in to the amassed force of the gods.
"It has come to this now?" the Dagda croaked.
The force's silence was answer enough.
"Very well, we shall become one indeed." They said, and became a light stream in to which flowed the rest of the Druids' deities.
The last to relent were the Greeks, but Olympus threatened to fall in its entirety. The God-Eater had almost consumed Aries: he'd been the first to challenge the creature and its constant adversary. Besides him, Athena had shifted between the frontal attack and appealing to Zeus. They had heard the call, the force of the gods now drew them too.
Hades and Persephone had risen from the Underworld as it too was pierced by the God-Eater.
"Brother we have no choice-" he said, Persephone at his side.
Poseidon made the same demands of Zeus, "We must join them- it is the only way. Afterwards we shall separate once more."
"Now is not the time for stubbornness." Hades said.
In the deepest depths of the Underworld, the God-Eater plunged it's essence in to Tartarus. Olympus shook.
"It's broken in." Zeus said, barely above a whisper.
The Titans roared.
Zeus nodded to his brothers and at once they became each other. Artemis, Hephaestus, Persephone, even the Aphrodite on Earth, gathered.
Olympus, the spirit of Greece, relented.
Now as one, the gods equalled their bane.
Damian came to and Anubis was gone.
He slammed upright, narrowly missing head butting Raven.
"Wha-what's happened? Where's Anubis? Where is he?" He gripped her hands so tight that his knuckles were white. "He's not there Raven...where is Anubis?"
She lay her forehead against his and extended an aura of peace across them both. Raven closed her eyes and sighed; he followed suit, confused, but sending her relief.
"You're alright." She breathed, smiling.
Damian looked up at her and loosened his grip on her hands, cradling them with care.
"Was I ever not? All I recall is feeling tired and- and I blacked out..." he frowned.
The witch shook her head, "The gods- all of them- were falling to this God-Eater. Anubis became weak when the other Egyptian gods were attacked. It...look we had to do something because your energies were intertwined so I...I separated them." Damian twisted and set his feet on the ground, making space on the chaise for Raven to sit besides him.
She leant on to his side and continued, "He was still there just...further away. And the only way that the gods could defeat that horrible creature was by reuniting their essences so...I suppose Anubis has joined them. You-" Raven didn't know how Damian would receive the news- "you've been separated from him. Maybe forever. I don't know. Not even your grandmother knows what might happen if the gods beat it and split again."
With a mind far too empty of discourse, Damian grasped any ideas that would make sense of it all.
"Anubis might come back." He settled on.
Raven hooked her arm around his and their fingers interlinked. Staring at their hands, Damian sighed.
"He might."
"Or he could go back to the duat..." he let out a strangled laugh. "I don't know how to feel about that. It's odd without him there. Certainly, he's a god of death...but Anubis, he is..."
Raven raised an eyebrow, "A friend?"
Damian smiled sadly, "Yes, perhaps." And leant his head against hers.
Fiery flecks danced their descent in the beam of melancholy brightness pouring in from the window. Damian thought it cruel that the sun presented itself, against that lively blue, when he felt he ought to be in mourning. What a notion- mourning the god of death. Anubis surely couldn't be forever lost.
Damian considered the witch to his left, her cheek pressed against his shoulder. If he'd asked, she'd journey with him to the Egyptian Underworld and back to find Anubis. He never would, of course: if the god wished to see him, surely Anubis would seek him out? And he hadn't the right to demand that she follow him anywhere.
Raven sighed.
"Darkseid is coming Damian. I don't know if we'll be enough."
He didn't know either. "For this world, we'll have to be."
He grinned upon a second reflection, "At least if we are to die, you've got a throne with your name on it in Hell. I'm fairly certain there are some old magical contracts that would indebt my soul to yours (grandfather likely saw to that) but if not, you can summon my soul and we'll suffer down there together. How does that sound?"
She chuckled, "Horrible!- but if I'm to inherit my dear father's crown, you can share it." Raven smirked up at him, "How does Damian Al Ghul Wayne, King of Hell (well, one of them) sound?"
"I think I can live with that- not live per say, but you take my meaning."
"Yes I do, you-" Raven stopped and sat up. She looked at Damian, pierced her second sight through his aura, and searched. Coming up empty, Raven asked, slow, " you still have magic?"
"I...I don't kno-"
Bells, alarms and rallying cries, sounded the beginning.
Batman's voice sounded in Damian's ear, rendered indiscernable by Hippolyta's commands echoing throughout the halls. The teenagers stared at each other and new that they would not get many more moments alone for a while. Raven pulled her boyfriend close and they kissed a warrior's promise of courage unwavering.
Parademons were invading. Darkseid approached.
Hello my darlings!! EEEK things are getting interestingggg. I'm excited guys this is going to be FUN.
Alsoo school's back in and I'm ducking knackered. I hate thissssss I just want to sleep all dayyyyy :(
I hope you're all doing well my lovelies and I love you loads!
Thank youuu
-Bats :)
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