Chapter One
"Damian that was irresponsible!"
Robin's eyes narrowed in defiance, "It was for the betterment of the mission! I had it under control- and I got the job done!"
Hands on her hips, Kori intervened, addressing her boyfriend first, "Dick- that's enough. Damian," she sighed, "I thought you were past this. We are trying to work as a team. You went against that."
On the verge of bursting out, Damian checked himself and purses his lips. He then replied, "I know- my apologies- I saw an opening and was going to inform you but the window of time was too small. It was a calculated move and I wouldn't have done it had a better alternative been provided. As it stands, there were too many lives on the line- too much at stake- and we were in a disadvantageous position.", the lines on Nightwing's face softened as Damian explained.
Koriand'r placed a hand on Robin's shoulder, "I understand. Thank you for explaining Robin. But try to avoid any more brash decisions in the future."
Nodding firmly, Damian pulled away and turned around. Before he was out of the room, he said, "I am trying," and glanced back, "you know." There was something in his voice, that overly unaffected tone, that tinged his words with upset.
Since moving in together, Dick and Koriand'r had both spent less time with the Titans- more so Nightwing. Today was a Tuesday- wonderfully mundane- and Kori was generally at the Tower during weekdays; Dick came over more on weekends and evenings. That is, when they weren't staying over...that happened more often than they'd anticipated when Kori had moved out. As it stands, this was one of the staying-over days, which coincided with an impromptu missions.
The Titans were still nursing their wounds- some, in the infirmary. Raven was not. Damian tracked her to the Tower roof- a freshly made mug of tea in his hand: he knew she'd already have made hers. The wind batted at his face like a cat's playful paw, causing no harm as the stinging winter winds would. Damian walked over to Raven, his Robin uniform traded for loose black chinos and a turtleneck: it was safe to say he'd redacted his previous idea of wearing his uniform until he needed to wash. Besides, the slightly billowing trousers were of the similar, familiar design of the uniform worn at the League of Assassins, both practical and comfortable.
The witch didn't turn around as Damian approached, only recognising his existence when he sat down besides her, legs hanging over the edge, staring up at the sky, mug sending trails of grey twirling and fading in to the big wide world. She sighed a small, Raven-y sound.
Damian looked at her, each silken strand of hair a mirror of the deep blue sheet suspended overhead- littered with silver droplets- and the sleeve of her jumper slipping down her shoulder to reveal skin as pale as the softest of moonlight. He took a sip of his tea.
Raven half-smiled, raising an eyebrow at him as she looked from the corner of her eye. "Some heroics from you today."
Damian snorted, taking another sip of his tea, "I sorted the situation, didn't I?"
"I guess.", she shrugged. "I take it you spoke to Kori about it."
"More so 'attempted to avoid another lecture'."
There was a pitiful smile on Raven's lips as she shifted to sit with her legs crossed, completely facing Damian, "The success rate so far?", she held her mug with both hands covered by her sleeves.
Damian shook his his head in dismay, "TT. Pitiful."
He scowled at her laughter, but in jest, and when she stopped chuckling to drink he added, "This time wasn't so painful. I -the accused- was allowed to proclaim my defence" his tone was laced with sarcasm, "unlike previously."
"Well this time you actually have a good defence.", Raven pointed out. "Taking control of that plane like you did saved a lot of lives. It wasn't just you being moody and defiant.", she raised an eyebrow accusingly.
"That was on one occasion- and, for the record, Logan forced me in to it!"
"He dared you."
"Exactly! It was a matter of honour!"
'Scepticism' didn't do Raven's facial expressions justice. "It was a 'matter of honour' that you almost burned the Tower down making popcorn with a Bunsen burner?"
Raven laughed, wiping imaginary tears from her eyes, "You are the reason I'll have premature grey hairs soon, you know."
"Add it to my list of accomplishments.", Damian smirked. He nudged her, "Proof that I'm so charmingly handsome it's killing you."
Raven's eyes could not have rolled back farther as she held back a laugh. Damian nudged her again, "Hmm?". The witch wanted to slap that shit-eating grin away, still retaining her laughter.
"Suuurre...whatever you say."
Their chat was interrupted by the perky voice of a green lemur, "Hey dudes!", Gar shouted, changing back to his human form as he walked towards them, "Kori says come down, she wants us to eat together!"
The look was exchanged between Damian and Raven.
"We'll be down in a sec." Raven said, her irritation not making its way to her exterior, which remained unaffected as ever. She sipped her tea, angrily- and believe me when I say, you can drink tea angrily, just pop over to the UK.
Damian mirrored her, drinking with equal frustration. It was one of those moments when you really just wish it was vodka not tea. Putting his cup down besides him, Damian sighed, "Fifteen minutes alone is too much to ask for apparently."
"Hey- I'm here too.", Raven was indignant.
"How is the phrase- 'alone together'? That's it. Spending time with people who and when you wish." Damian's nose twitched. "I do not wish to spend time downstairs eating with them."
Raven heaved herself up, then picked her mug up. "Come on, there's nothing we can do about it now."
That was a truth Damian begrudgingly accepted, lest Kori come and drag him there herself. And from experience, Damian knew that was less than desirable.
"TT. I suppose not."
Hello, welcome to the first chapter of 'A Pain Most Wonderful'. That's the short, introductory one out of the way- a heck of a lot more to come!
Damian and Raven are two of my favourite DC characters and I'm so happy to be writing another Damirae story.
I accept any and all criticism unless someone's just being a dickhead- in which case I would gladly tell them to fuck right off. Woop woop.
But yeeeah....not much else to say really.
P.S I'll be updating every Friday night (London time) unless there's a problem really.
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