Chapter Fifty-Two
Conner inched his fingers towards the glaring cat, "Nice...kitty..." it came out as more of a question.
Walking in to the kitchen, Damian's eyes travelled from Mr Pennyworth (perched frumpily on the dishwasher) to Superboy besides him. The cat hissed and swiped the air where Conner's hand had been. The boy didn't know why he'd yelped: cat claws (unless infused with kryptonite) couldn't hurt him...perhaps it was the vibes...scary cat vibes.
Passing Damian at the entrance to the kitchen, Selina chided, "Oh stop bothering the poor kitty." And 'pspss'ed the creature, clicking her fingers. "C'mere sweetie."
Much to Damian's dissatisfaction, Pennyworth obliged immediately, hopping gracefully from the appliance and scurrying in to Selina's arms.
"Are you trying to turn my own child against me?" He folded his arms.
Selina kissed the cat's face, laughing as it recoiled, before saying, "Oooh jealous are we? Relax, I'm not trying to steal your baby." She welcomed the entrance of his girlfriend, "Tell your boyfriend I'm not trying to convert his cat to anti-Damianism."
As Conner pulled a bowl out of the dishwasher (finally free from the threat of a claw to the nose), Raven stared at her boyfriend. "You know you're still in your pyjamas, right." She pointed out.
Damian glanced down at the bright yellow and black Batman shirt (I do like this tunic. Anubis said, to which Damian replied, It's not a tunic, Anubis. You're in the wrong century) and his face immediately rouged quite spectacularly.
"Aw I've got PJs just like that!" Conner said, pouring milk over his cereal.
Ignoring his enthusiasm, Damian seethed, "I'm going to change." Mid-thought, a change of mood overcame him. "And then we can start on enchantment crossovers!" He grinned at Raven.
"Yes!" Raven squeezed his hand, "I've been waiting so long to get started. What should we do first? Angelic and Golden Elvish? Dryad and Naiad?"
A cunning gleam in his eye caught the light streaming from the window- wicked green- and Damian suggested, "Blood craft and voodoo?"
She smirked something far too demonic not to have Pride behind it, rolling her eyes. "Why am I not surprised? Well hurry up and get changed, I'll make some tea." Raven shooed him away.
Letting the cat jump out of her arms, Selina beat the witch to the kettle, "Please, let me."
Swallowing his mouthful of cereal (leant real bad-boy style against the kitchen island), Conner poked his spoon in Raven's direction. "Y'know," he said, "You two are like an old married couple. It's the same 'bickering-but-we-still-love-each other' shtick." He winked at her, "Minus the old wrinkly-ness."
Ugh. The demon shuddered internally, outwardly raising an eyebrow and grimacing, unimpressed.
She'd almost forgotten how annoying Conner could be with girls. Ew.
On the other hand, however, this meant he was likely over the weird crush-thing he had for the both of them (Damian and Raven). He was now acting relatively normal with her- likely withering her boyfriend too.
A single glance at his aura was all Raven needed to confirm her suspicions: no actual attraction, simply his signature flirty characteristics. However, upon searching for the remnants of the red streaks that had defined his interest in Raven and her boyfriend, she found them redirected up through the Manor and towards a certain deadly, petite form.
Ah, Raven smiled privately. The baton had been passed on to Cassandra.
Damian returned to the kitchen (thankfully out of the Batman pyjamas) as Raven finished squeezing the tea bags. Asking whether or not he was ready to start, she received a firm, positive reply; Selena thought Damian's vibes were a little too good to be his own, unaccustomed to much from the boy save hostility (and the occasional bonding over cats).
The two of them followed Selena's suggestion of working outside under the summer sun rather than cooped up in the Manor. That level of compliance was odd. Moreover, they even listened to Conner's idea of bringing sandwiches with them if they were hungry.
Sandwiches!- Damian?
Alfred would weep for joy.
Having wrapped a bunch of miscellaneous sandwiches from the fridge in cling film, the two were off to practise a little magic.
This ought to be interesting! I am unaccustomed to the art of Voodoo.
We'll learn together then.
Raven and Damian passed Bruce on they're way to the door. After a brief 'good morning', he entered the kitchen.
"Those two seem happy." Bruce commented, to which Conner and Selena shrugged.
From the opposite kitchen door, in walked a person in a hoodie not immediately identifiable to him. "Who seems happy?" The voice was young, curious, and immediately identifiable.
Bruce blinked. How could he have forgotten that Billy was staying at the Manor? Surely he didn't have that many kids?
Before Bruce was given the opportunity to respond, his smartwatch began to beep erratically.
A League Emergency.
Batman looked up at the boy, "We need to go."
A frantic hand waved through the portal- materialised in the middle of the hallway.
Damian yelped, almost dropping the tome he clutched (had it fallen, the hefty book would have crushed all the bones in his feet- and then some).
Having clutched her boyfriend's sleeve in alarm, Raven huffed, "What is it Constantine?"
The blanched and sudden face of the magician popped out of the portal, "Hurry up you two, we need your help. The old sea gods'll drown us all in a minute. Get a move on!" Seaspray splashed on to the floorboards from the portal.
Alfred Pennyworth rounded a corner, raising his eyebrow at the head sticking out of the floating golden circle. Eyebrow's raising unimpressedly, the butler 'ehem'ed and said, "I won't pretend to have the foggiest clue as to what's going on, but I take it Master Damian will be needing his suit?"
Surprisingly pleased to be met by a fellow English accent (albeit vastly different, and an old, posh, southern one to boot), John's head greeted, "Y'alright mate? You must be the butler. Nice to meet you."
Alfred bowed his head, "A pleasure." And turned to Damian. "I shall be but a moment."
Whilst he traveled up the stairs post-haste, John said, "If you've got any books on summoning gods, bring them. I'll keep the portal open, just expand it and come quick as you can. Alright?"
'The Channeling of Deities' clutched to her chest, Raven led the way out through the portal. She recoiled immediately, bumping in to Damian as sea spray whacked her in the face.
"Are you fucking kidding-"
She was cut off by Constantine's announcement of, "Right! There're here- let's figure this out!" And the teens found themselves facing an assembled legion of heroes.
Elsewhere, Superman and the Flash helped local and national authorities evacuate citizens whilst Wonderwoman kept the Turkish and Greek armed forces at bay (in liaising with UN officials). The others present looked to her. Raven pushed their expectant eyes and questions of what to do to the side, stepping forwards to behold a great perversion of order.
The chaos very nearly overwhelmed the empath -the mighty rage and madness consuming the deities- had it not been for Damian's warm hand passing her arm as he took the book from her arms. The boy himself was in a daze.
Neptune and Poseidon, taller than Trigon had been, unsettling the entire ocean. Damian briefly wondered what was happening to Atlantis; and where Aquaman was; and why the entirety of the assembled League members was staring at them. He looked down at the book.
What unfixing heresy! Anubis fell in to archaic speech, so moved by the disturbance. The godly conscience has been severed! '''Tis as if I were to be pitted against Norse Hela! Fie for shame! To unseat natural order- fragment the union of powers!- why I can scarcely-
You're not exactly helping.
The god was affronted. Oh forgive my righteous indignation! You of course understand the gravity of this situation being a god yourself!
That isn't helping. Damian snapped. We need to fix this. Complaining won't do anything.
Anubis confessed the wisdom in Damian's words and quietened.
"Robin, Raven, do you know how to stop them?" His father asked, the internal divide between professionalism and concern slipping in to his voice.
Snapping back in to the present, Raven answered a firm, "Possibly. This is an unnatural summoning of the gods. Either something has gone wrong with transferring them to a human host, or that wasn't the intention at all." Realising that there should probably be some sort of instruction to go with that, she added, "In some forms of godly summoning, talismans, gemstones, jewellery -those sorts of things- are used. Perhaps you'll find something on either one..."
Shazam nodded, happy to have something to do, "Yeah I'll get to that." And sped out to sea."
Cyborg's eyes followed Billy's path to the eye of the storm. The waves were being churned higher and higher. Soon, Zatanna's wall of ice would relent. He turned to the Titans, "So guessed are really all we've got? There's no fighting this thing?"
"Not unless we find out, from whichever of the cults did this, what kind of enchantment they've done." Damian snorted.
Herein, after dodging a dollop of water, Constantine interjected, "Actually, Ricardo, Etirgan and Hal (the Lantern fellow) are already on that." To which Vic offered to help them out.
Upon receiving the location of their whereabouts (from Hal over the coms), Cyborg materialised a boom tube, arm canons at the ready. He urged the rest of his teammate's one last time before passing through to hurry before it was too late.
Wonderwoman's voice in their ears passed a haunting message: "They will not listen to reason. Missiles will be launched if we don't shut this down within the next half hour!"
While Constantine swore, Batman vowed to aid Diana in compelling the humans not to attack; Raven opened a portal for him to pass through, taking a break from scouring the passages of The Channeling of Deities for any mention of summoning equivalent divine powers. Robin had grabbed the papers they'd kept tucked in to the front of the book (parchment, papyrus, and regular old A4 paper about summoning gods) and scanned them for any clues.
Leaving to check on Zatanna, Constantine passed Hawkman- who himself was leaving to assist Superman and Flash with the civilians. Wonderfully enough, John couldn't recall where he'd left the magician. All he could recall (between frantic calls to Aquaman and erecting water-barriers) was something vague about kebabs. He passed two streets before discovering his partent slouched on a bench, exhaustedly sipping on a red slushy.
"They onlyyyyy had cherrrrryy... " she slurred, head lolling backward.
The raw magic it had taken to create so large a blockade of ice had drained Zatanna of her life force. Constantine sighed and simply told her, "Stay there love."
"Ummm not going anywherrrrr." Her eyes drifted shut and the slushy splattered against the dusty yellow road.
A few streets away, Damian cried, "Ahah! I remember the chapter!" Just as Raven turned to its first page.
He folded the papers in hand, shoving them behind the cover of the book. Raven and her boyfriend hovered over the old tome, reading in unison the ancient words until-
"Only two options! Thank fuck!- I mean, thank Mother Azarath!" Raven sighed. "I thought there would be, like, fifteen!" She dropped the book and grasped Damian's hands, almost giddy with relief.
"Someone up there must like us." Damian joked, glancing in to the heavens.
She rolled her eyes, "Maybe. Now we've got to go quickly! Tell the others!" She looked up and around. "Where's Shazam?"
Robin too gazed hopefully at the sky, muttering, "A single amulet will tell us everyone." The two of them stood, bring the book along too. He glanced at her and said in earnest, "This will be fine."
She nodded, "Yes it will." And gave him a sweet, short, peck on the lips.
"Seriously kids? Now's not the time." From the top of the frozen mountain, Aquaman leapt.
Meeting the teenagers with hands on his hips, Aquaman said, "Let's cut to the chase. There are two massive sea gods tearing the ocean apart. That ice is going to melt and pretty damn fast under this sun. I'll keep the water away," he spun his trident- a far smaller version than the formidable weapons Neptune and Poseidon wielded, "and I assume you're taking care of sending them back?"
They nodded.
"If you pass the others, tell them I said hi and sorry I'm late." He clapped Damian's shoulder before running off to command the Aegean.
As he left, Captain Marvel flew over, greeting the two with most welcome news: "They're both wearing some sort of glowing necklace."
This is so much fun to write! I enjoy seeing what ai can come up with for these sort of action scenes. I like feeling like I'm making more of a story than just a one-shot style fanfic (no shade to one-shots btw).
I've got some majorly snazzy stuff lined up that I hope you'll enjoy ^-^
Alsooo... next update will be the one year anniversary if A Pain Most Wonderful!!!! Can you imagine that? One whole year?! I feel like I've just started! Thank you all so much for sticking with me through thissss!!! I love you all more than I could ever tell.
-Bats <333
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