Chapter Fifty-Four
Now, whilst it is all fine and well to have a story narrated from an overhead view, in this instance I believe that perhaps I ought to step in- just for a little while. Aphrodite here, hello.
Where did we leave off? Ah yes, the magical lot were about to perform the spell to return my dear uncle and his counterpart to their respective celestial kingdoms (rather, watery ones). You're quite mad if you presume that I wasn't about to tag along with them. Granted, I was still tied to my dear Ricardo (who had come well out of his shell since my inhabiting of his mind) however, unlike my understanding of the predicament Egypt's Anubis faced, I was not so heavily bound to Ricardo as to not be granted a little movement.
"Darling I'll be half with you for the next few moments, half without. I simply must tag along." Quoth I to the conscience of young Ricardo. "Yo I shall have to fare with only half of my power, though I'm sure that rather delicious fiend of a demon, that Belial or other's son,( Etrigan is the name!) should manage to assist you well enough." Through his eyes I saw the glowing of their charming little pentagrams on the ground. "Ahah, just my time. The Lantern and the rest shall surely help too."
The apprehension in his voice at my parting was palpable, bless him. But with a bone to pick with dear uncle Poseidon, I simply could not allow my affection for Ricardo to stand in the way.
With a final spark upon the ground, the connection had been formed. From that strange, hollowness my non-corporeal form inhabited, I leapt wildly. As if I were extending my metaphysical hand to grasp a rope; a rope tethered to the mind of my fellow deities.
It is strange to think of the other gods. The Egyptians, Romans, Norse and so on. A fuzzy, tingling sort of sensation. It doesn't quite feel right.
Knowing that the magical role lead me to Neptune's conscience as well as mine own uncle's...had I a mouth I might have vomited.
Like a passenger in the recent human lift (perhaps known to Americans as 'elevator'), I lingering in limbo until, at a final stop, I was able to disembark the magical transportation tube. Though where I had gotten off I didn't quite understand.
"Is that...Aphrodite?"
I whipped my head around and huzzah I had a head! Though the forms wasn't exactly physical, simply holding that appearance. Greeting the magician who'd called it my name, I explained, "I couldn't leave all the fun to the mortals, could I?"
Oh the wonder of returning to my curves, and to those fine, ever shifting locks which framed whichever face I wore below my crown. Beauty is subjective, it's mark, ephemeral. I never keep a fixed face for long.
That roguish Constantine rolled his eyes (dear muses what a specimen!) and snorted, "Can't get rid of her now. S'pose we'll just have to wait for those old sea bastards to arrive. Must be a lot of thick skull for the spell to penetrate."
Stepping across the plain of seeming nothingness (white space with no visible floor), that darling demon stood besides her love, having helped him to his metaphysical feet. Aw, they truly are one of my most wonderful couples- I regret now not having thrown a little more turbulence in their direction, it would have made for such a thrilling plot line (I haven't had much fun since Helen of Troy... now that was a romance). Alas, t'was not so.
Constantine's lover, the magician, pulled her midnight strands behind her ears and pointed a slender digit, "Look! They're approaching!"
Of all the women I've ever encountered, Zatanna is of the most beautiful. I would be affronted, had I not all beauty been the inclinations of my will. That, and the fact that I was positively in love with the magician and didn't know who would make a better lover- her or dear Constantine.
But by Olympus...those fishnets did make her legs quite delicious...
Oh will my digressions never end! Perhaps I shall return command to the author- my thoughts can't seem to stay in the right track.
Well my little sexy ones, with two figures stumbling towards us in the emptiness, I leave you too your impassive narrator.
Fare ye well! Bisou!
"What passes herein? I prithee speak mortals!"
"Be that not the voice of my Greek second soul? Poseidon, wherefore callst thou so?"
A pleated robe of luxurious white draped itself over the shoulders of lord Neptune. He found himself suspended upon a floor-less ground in a place with neither sky nor sea to speak of. Not Earth, and not anywhere. To his right came the increasingly clear figure of one lord Poseidon.
Firm jawed and nobly bearded, the Greek deity dipped his head to Neptune, "A predicament of the highest peculiarity incases the soul."
An impertinent clearing of the throat and folded arms met the two of them, "You can speak normally. It's not as though we're strangers to modern humanity. Shakespeare is long dead."
Poseidon, with his yoga clamped by a quaint pink seashell, relaxed his stance and sighed, "My niece, what is the matter? And who are these mortals?"
Only noticing the lesser creatures, Neptune remarked, "Ah, what are these creatures that do gawp? Guard thine fish-like mouths fiends for fear-"
Poseidon tutted, "That is quite unnecessary." And readjusted the trailing end of the toga, laying it across his arm delicately. "Now, what say you Aphrodite and companions, there are great seas to be tended. I haven't the time for folly."
Zatanna and her companions exchanged perturbed glances.
"You don't know?" Robin blurted, before Anubis reminded him of curtesy, and he added, "My lords."
"I remark that which rests within the mortal's head. Why doest Hades retain his place in the boy's mind?" Neptune pointed.
A yellow glow overtook Damian's eyes and a much changed voice grate sour of his lips, as jovial as it ever sounded in Damian's head, "Oh no, I'm not Hades, but Anubis. Hiya! And I'm quite comfortable in here, even if we are in some sort of subconscious conference-room. Oh also, you've been summoned by cults and you're tearing the Aegean apart."
Poseidon and Neptune collectively blinked.
"Real nice Anubis." Raven spoke between her teeth. The god smiles cheekily before handing the reigns back to Damian.
"Tearing the Aegean apart! Never say it is so!" The clear, watery blue of Poseidon's eyes was shocked with turbulent waves. His being seemed to change like a building tsunami.
Neptune clasped his hands to her chest and shut his eyes, "I see it now! Before my eyes- I bear witness." His haunting irises bore in to Aphrodite. "By my trident, every blow shakes my veins."
"And the madness-" Poseidon keeled over, supported only by the sudden arm of his niece.
She gripped his hand, "Strength, uncle."
"-It consumes! And rage! Monstrous, destructive rage! The sufferance!"
Raven stepped forward and between the two, placing a hand on the bared shoulders of both gods. They grew composed at her touch, straightening their backs and clearing their eyes. "There are dark forces at play, my lords. They have summoned you to Earth as agents of chaos. We have called upon the sanity remaining within their souls for salvation."
Constantine tucked his hands in to his pockets and tousled his hair. He nodded his head to them.
"You've got to get back control. Or all Hell'll break loose."
Ah fuck, another fairly short chapter. Well I hope you likes Aphrodite's part, and this update! Sorry things are moving slowly, I've had a week of about seven mock papers, so that's been fun. I've also been fucking stressed about exams so that's just GREAT.
I hope you can forgive my meagre writing. I look forward to seeing you next week my darlings! Bye bye 👋
-Bats :)
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