Chapter Fifty-Five
The distressed deities of the sea sat around a materialised round table, congregated with their summoners in this metaphysical conference. Face drawn with intensity, Robin implored, "The forces binding you are strong, but they have to be overcome."
Raven lay her hands squarely on the table, between the oxymoronic gods, "What binds you to corporeal forms is a joint spell, contained within an amulet. We've breached the spell, that's all the rest of us could have done, my lords."
Neptune shook his head gravely, "Such a curse falls deeper than a mere spell. The very godly essences are corrupted. Joint, opposing powers of the sea itself are quarrelling. Natural order hath been thwarted."
Frowning his striking eyebrows, Poseidon looked to his counterpart, then to the resolved faces of the others- lingering upon the uncommon urgency in Aphrodite's ever-shifting eyes. The god cocked his head and narrowed his eyes at the white abyss, "No. Not quite. These unrighteousness summoners work for the forces of chaos, but natural order has not yet succumbed." His irises darkened and Poseidon rose, "Who are these mortals to dare do so?" he boomed.
Aphrodite smiled most heartbreakingly.
"What creatures are they that would defile the essence of the seas?" He slammed a fist against the table and it crumbled to cloudy nothingness.
Neptune was stirred, dematerialising his own chair, "Heresy! Foul play! Ne'er permit a soul to wonder at our desertion of this mortal plain, if its creatures have born such threat to their patrons."
"Fie!" Aphrodite joined in the outrage.
Meanwhile, John sent Zatanna a baffled look which carried the message 'I failed GCSE Literature. Shakespeare can bugger off'.
Their energies fluctuating like rippling waves, the forms of Poseidon and Neptune were encapsulated in a gradually brightening glow. With the knowledge of Athena and Minerva seeming to have blessed them, the two gods were resolved on courses of action. Neptune nodded to the rest, "There is to be battle within our spirits: we are to be the victors."
"I sense the red rage within," Poseidon said, "that cloud of madness is inherently tied to the corporeal form." The god glanced to Damian's katana and narrowed his eyes as a general in the midst of war strategy. "Physical attack will hinder the strength of the madness."
There they had it. The go-ahead to attack the giants wreaking havoc upon the Aegean.
"Our forces will be sufficient." Zatanna said.
With that parting agreement, the mental conference was adjourned. The figures of the sea gods melded to nothingness, as did that of the heroes and Aphrodite. Not, however, before the goddess of love had a chance to shout her crucial message to Poseidon: "And uncle-" he turned his head- "I still haven't forgiven you for sleeping with that Persian naiad I fancied!".
As the image Poseidon's body faded, he rolled his eyes.
He had been told that some sort of 'spirits' might try to interfere (with what, he had no clue), but Vic hadn't exactly imagined the spirits to be so...spirity. One might have pictured a scythe fitting perfectly in to their snatching claws as they rushed out of nowhere towards Cyborg and his comrades. From beneath swooping black robes, crimson beaks snapped at them, whilst vulture-like talons sought to strike.
A towering mass besides Victor, the demon Etrigan clicked his neck knuckled upon seeing them, a wicked smirk on his face.
Having muttered several 'Ay Dios mio's and some pleading 'Santa Maria!'s, Ricardo glanced up at the demon, "What the heck are you smiling for! Death birds are gonna kill us!"
Etrigan chuckled, jokingly nudging Superman's shoulder, mildly shocking the Kryptonian that he had to shuffle a little to keep balance, "In Shadow Vultures there is nought to fear. Not when Etrigan is near." He snorted, promptly answering the screech of the oncoming creatures by leaping above the magical dome of protection (for the four in the midst of conversing with gods) and whacking one straight in the beak. It flopped to the ground with a shriek before Etrigan hammered his fists upon its body. Then the creature dispersed to smoke.
Vic's alien technology seemed just as capable to combat the creatures as Etrigan's fists- as did Clark's powers. Ricardo was at a loss for what to do without Aphrodite one-hundred percent present. Her power remained coursing through him, but Ricardo was at a loss for how to use it. A lightbulb struck him and he blessed his poor mum for forcing him to take Karate lessons for so many years. If Aphrodite's power ran through him, and he could channel that, then...
A Shadow Vulture cawed and zoomed towards him. Ricardo didn't have time to considered the theory- his leg shot forwards and knocked the creatures' head. Leaving a pink trail behind it, the Shadow Vulture slammed in to the wall of ice and disappeared.
"Fuck yeah!" Ricardo cheered. His leg tingled with magical power and his blood felt positively electric. If he'd seen him then, Ricardo's old training master may have been proud; he may also have criticised his sloppy technique but there were more important things to think about.
The Shadow Vultures, drawn to the mass amount of energy churned out by the magicians' constructs, refused to stop. There seemed to be no end to their number.
With WonderWoman's alarm in their ears of, "They refuse once more. The missiles are to be released within fifteen minutes time!", the Vultures stopped.
Aphrodite waltzed back in to Ricardo's mind with a saucy, Hello dear.
The dome fell from around the construct. Robin, Raven, and the two magicians resumed full consciousness. Constantine was on the coms link immediately, urging, "We've made contact with the sanity remaining in the gods. They're scrapping from the inside out, now we need to just scrap point blank."
Zatanna reiterated, "We are all clear for direct attacks on Neptune and Poseidon. Green light! Mobilise!"
The Flash and Superman were there in an instant, mites compared to the mountainous gods. Shazam shortly joined them, followed by Etrigan and Cyborg. The Justice League did not have to beat the gods (still locked in combat), simply harm them as much as they could. As a unit, their were tight: well-versed in battle and comfortable with one another). Etrigan slipped in to their ranks as another heavyweight. Added forces was no difficult variable to manage.
Having rallied creatures of the sea to his aid, Aquaman joined the group perched at the furthest edge of Zatanna's wall of ice. Arthur had abandoned his post of regulating the waters to the far-superior talents of Mera (who'd only recently arrived to the scene).
"Batman is with the authorities," WonderWoman asserted over the coms, "I will not cower from this."
With Ricardo granted special coms link privileges on this occasion, Aphrodite was privy to the Amazon's words. Ah but of course, my dear estranged sister would wish to prove herself. The gods are as much a wonder to her as they are a challenge. Perhaps Zeus will truly look upon her now- surely they are all watching in Olympus.
"What would be a great bloody use" Constantine huffed, "is if that bloody Martian was here. Now those telepathic skills would be of fucking use." He looked around, seeing the heroes go forth in to the midst of the fight.
J'onn J'onzz was off-world. Just their luck.
As it had been with Trigon, the blows of respective members and of joint attacks seemed to do nothing. Neptune and Poseidon's madness placed all their attention straight ahead. Shazam's great lightening bolts, channelling the power of Zeus himself, only served to enrage both gods. They struck upon each other with double fury. A stray hand hit Victor as he prepared an arm canon- Cyborg was thrown in to the sea.
Etirgan's mighty fists and Superman's laser eyes were brushed to the side. Nothing would work and time was fleeing.
Zatanna joined the effort, to no avail. Raven would have left too, had it not been for the order of Batman not to go (he wouldn't not see her hurt because the Justice League weren't enough, never) and the tight grasp of Damian's hands telling her to stay.
Upon finally catching some interest of Poseidon's, the god whacked away the heroes attacking and continued along his course of throwing a punch at Neptune. They simply couldn't manage it.
Then Diana arrived.
The sword of Athena was hot in her grasp. Ichor may very well have hummed through her veins. Like a warrior possessed, WonderWoman sliced through the air, sword streamlining for a direct target. It found its mark firmly, with all the momentum pushing the blade forwards with a sickening squelch. She plunged the sword in to Poseidon's chest and dragged the blade down the metres and metres.
An unearthly roar contorted his face as Diana dragged out her blade and ordered, "At arms comrades! Hold nothing back!" And turned with a dreadful vengeance marked upon her face.
Her sword had been less than a pin to Poseidon, but it's power tore through his body. The righteousness in its metal burned the inner chaos. Great golden dollops of ichor seeped down Poseidon's unarmored chest and trickled in to the waves. Neptune swung his trident to hit the other deity's face, but was stopped with a roar of anguish equal to that of Poseidon's, falling further in to the water as his knees crumbled.
WonderWoman had stabbed his eye.
The red cloud dispersed from the enormous eyes for a second, retuning with renewed fervour. Neptune and Poseidon truly saw the demigod, her sword dripping the golden blood of the gods, her aura crackling with lightening.
Raven looked at Damian, haunted by the power of her aura. "Blessed of Zeus." She told him, eyes wide. "She is blessed of Zeus- he has reached down."
Robin, granted insight by the magic of Anubis, felt the godly energy radiating even as WonderWoman was only a spec to his eyes- far in the distance. Blessed of Zeus indeed, of ever I have seen such a blessing. Anubis commented, and Damian was for a moment shocked by how casual he sounded. It was easy to forget that the voice in his head was the ancient god of Death until it would take on that reflective tone like he had seen the mountains themselves form from the sea. Damian shuddered.
Another spec entered his vision, afar, flying through a silvery portal. Damian narrowed his eyes and heard the greeting over the coms link. It was a welcome voice that declared their victory before it had been won.
"My apologies for lateness. I was off world." The Manhunter said, hovering above the gods.
Chaos was to loose the war in their minds.
GAH! I'm so sorry this is a day late, but my mocks have finished this week and I just...I needed a break and I hadn't written enough by Friday. I'm sorry that the last few chapters have been so shittily boring, but things will get better. I've not been able to devote enough time to writing. I promise that there'll be much more Damirae-centred content coming up, and that it will be overall much better in quality.
Thank you for dealing with me :)
-Bats <3
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