TIME FOR ME TO VENT A LITTLE!! What the hell is wrong with people these days. A very sweet girl, who will remain nameless, woke up this morning to a message from someone calling her rude. SERIOUS??? Technically, most of us doesn't even know each other personally, only by log in name. To the person who sent her that message (and I pray to God that you read this), HOW DARE YOU!!!!! You don't even know her or nothing about her!!!! You don't know if she's a strong person or one with low self-esteem. I, myself, would say "Screw You" and continue on because you ain't worth my time. But some people even being called 'rude' cuts deeper than a knife. If anyone is rude, my dear, YOU ARE!! Not only are you rude but you're also an ASS!! My name is Sandra aka ObsessedwithTivi, you wanna be rude? Bring it on Sister.
Unfortunately, I don't follow this person and they don't follow me, so they will probably never see this. But I just had to let go of some steam.
I really try to be a nice person, I really do. I totally believe in treating someone the way I would want them to treat me. BUT, I also learned not to take no crap off of someone and to stand up for myself, after being walked on a few times.
I also love my friends and will stand up for them. I've made some very dear friends on this site and we spend a lot of time chatting everyday. Then when one of them gets hurt or upset over some unkind words from some jerk that shouldn't even be on here, well, it kind of pisses me off. And I have to speak my peace or I would never forgive myself. I feel as though I let my friend down by not standing beside them and giving them all the support I can.
To my sweet friend and you know who you are. Keep your head up. You are better than they are. BUT don't take no crap from anyone!!!! But always remember that ObsessedwithTivi will always have your back. Love ya.
** SANDRA **
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