10 | in her homework folder

| 10 |

What happens to a frog's car when it breaks down? It gets toad away.


HER EYELIDS FELT heavy as she slowly peeled them open. A dark shadow covered the area, and her eyes adjusted to the strange room. This wasn't her bedroom. Her bedroom was small... Quaint, even, and definitely didn't have a flatscreen television, as far as she knew.

Ah, she was in Teddy's basement. That explains why it's dark.

Charlie noticed Shane on the ground in front of her, sprawled out on the carpet, dead asleep.

Asleep. She had actually fallen asleep.

A grin crept onto her lips when she realized no nightmares had infiltrated her mind. No nightmares.

Her neck and back felt stiff and she arched her body, feeling her bones crack and pop. Charlotte was surprised to see a chocolate brown, furry blanket tucking her in.

She glanced to her left. Malcolm's face was pressed down into the couch's cushioned arm rest, his breathing at a steady pace.

Darting her vision to her right, she realized Theodore [she thought she should probably start calling him Theodore so she wouldn't embarrass him in front of his cousin and his...aquantince] wasn't there. Even in the dim lighting, she could tell he was nowhere to be found in the room.

Lifting the blanket off of her, she climbed over Shane and tiptoed to the stairs, running a hand through her unruly, bed-head hair.

There was a small sound coming from upstairs, and Charlie followed the noise. It sounded like the beep of a microwave or something.

The third stair creaked and she froze, hoping no one woke up on her account.

Opening the basement door stealthily, she slipped onto the first floor of Theodore's house. She peered around the corner to the kitchen and saw that the microwave was open. Strange.

Silently, she walked into the kitchen.

"Holy shit."

She swung around towards the voice, and saw Tedd- Theodore, in just boxers, frozen in the hallway holding a bowl of what she assumed was oatmeal.

Her mouth dropped open, and she began to rapidly blink. "Oh my god."

"I didn't think you were up yet, shit-" he began to frantically curse, setting his oatmeal on the counter.

Charlie tried not to look, but her eyes darted quickly to his pale chest, and saw that he was wearing striped blue boxers. Oh good god, she was such a creep. She was a creep! Staring at a very cute boy in his boxers. Oh my goodness. What was she even saying.

She instantly busied herself away from staring and gulped. "Erm, c-could you please go a-and... Put on some clothes?"

Curse her stumbling. And her blushing.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm- I'll be on that," he replied, his deep voice shaking as well. Teddy shot out of the room, letting Charlie heave a sigh of relief.


Her heart was pounding, why was her heart pounding, and her chest was thumping and her breathing was unsteady, goddamn Theodore was trying to give her a heart attack. And it was only nine in the morning.

Although she was confused as to why Theodore was in the kitchen, she decided to shrug it off. It was probably nothing.

He finally came back down, clad in sweatpants and a Captain America shirt, possibly because they had watched the Avengers the night before. Charlie grinned. There was a small bit of tension because she just saw him, her best friend, in his boxers, a boy just in boxers, which flustered her slightly.

She didn't know he owned an Avenger's shirt. She hadn't even known he liked the Avengers until last night. Man, she was a crap friend.

Charlotte sat down on a stool beside the marble counter and bit her lip. She didn't know a lot about Theodore, now that she thought about it.

She didn't know what name he really preferred, for starters. Maybe he liked Ted better, or Theodore, Teddy, Theo, even. She made a mental note to ask him.

Charlie didn't know he worked at Dunkin' until accidentally stumbling upon him there.

She hadn't known Malcolm and Theodore were cousins until coincidentally mentioning him. The idea still hadn't fully processed in her mind.

And something that was still confusing the hell out of Charlotte was the time Malcolm and Theodore/Theo/Teddy/Ted... Whatever the hell his preference of name is, were talking and they mentioned a 'she', who was this 'she', and why was Charlie worrying so much about this.

"I'm sorry, Charlie, for the whole..."

"I get it, no need for apologies."

He pulled up a stool and sat beside her, glancing at the basement door. "They're still out?"

"Like lights."

The silence was awkward. At least, to her it was.

"Do we have any other plans for the day?" she dragged out, looking for a conversation.

"Well, I had a thought..." Theodore rolled his bottom lip into his mouth and clasped his hands together. "Would you like to go to Malcolm's rehearsal, for his play? Shane and I are going for moral support, and if you would like to come-"

"I'd love that!" she gushed. He was an incredible actor, at least, from the little acting she saw him perform at the theater camp, and the major praise their peers gave him.

"Great, I think it's at t-"

"How long have you guys been awake?" Shane appeared in the basement doorway with a grunt, rubbing his eyes.

"Not very long," Charlie answered, while Theodore made an incoherent mumble.

"Malcolm's still out, dude sleeps like a rock. Anyway, what's for breakfast?"

She had been a little disappointed that her one-on-one time with Teddy was over, but hearing the word breakfast made her perk up.

"Uhh, I can make pancakes...?" Theodore piped up.

Yessssss. "Oh my gosh, could you possibly make M&M pancakes?"

"I'll be right on that."

Charlotte loved pancakes. Especially M&M ones. Damn, what else could this boy do?

As he began to cook the pancakes, Charlie awkwardly watched, and after a while, she whipped out her phone.

She wasn't really on her phone, see. It was the oldest trick in the book, according to Hazel. Charlotte peered over the top of her iPhone, watching Teddy.

Theodore. She meant Theodore. Damn. She couldn't even carry through with her own plans.

He hummed as he flipped the pancakes, something sounding suspiciously a lot like You Are My Sunshine. His dark brown, blackish hair was messily sticking up everywhere on his head, the definition of a bed head. He was lanky, definitely taller than six feet. His black glasses slowly slid down his face, as he constantly pushed them up his nose. His brilliant blue eyes were gorgeous, and startlingly bright. And she noticed a dimple on his cheek when he smiled.

"Hey, er... Cool phone," Theodore's voice interrupted her train of thought.

"Oh, uh, thanks," she replied, surprised.

"Yeah, I just- I just think it'd be cooler... With my number in it? Maybe?" Theodore looked thoroughly uncomfortable and shuffled on his feet.

"Oh!" Her breathing picked up. "Oh, yeah, of course, here!"

She fumbled to hand him her phone, her fingers shaking.

She saw him type in his name and number and her smile grew and grew.

A thudding sounded near them and Malcolm came into view, his hair matted and crazily fluffed. He let out a big yawn, "I smell pancakes."

Theodore nervously shut off her phone and shoved it back into her hands.

"Er, yeah. I just made some, you can pig out all you want."

Malcolm grabbed himself a plate and stacked four pancakes on it, drowning it in syrup.

Charlotte glanced at his contact on her phone and noticed he had taken a picture without her looking.

The picture was slightly blurry, and he was making a double chin face in it. His glasses were perched on the end of his nose and his smile was wide.

He was still somehow cute.


Theodore gave Malcolm a pair of his jeans and a t-shirt and they headed out to Shane's car. Malcolm sat shotgun, Shane as the driver, and Charlotte and Theodore sat in the back.

Shane was blasting some ACDC song on the radio and was banging his hands on the steering wheel with Malcolm swinging his head back and forth.

Charlie was uncomfortable, to say the least.

Theodore nudged her with his shoulder. "You've been quiet."

"That's me," she chuckled anxiously. "The quiet one."

She grimaced immediately, remembering the horror movie they saw last night. Bad choice of words.

"Not a fan of horror movies?" he yelled a little over the music that was [now] Metallica.

"No, I'm- I'm actually surprised I didn't pee myself last night."

She closed her eyes and regretted her choice of words.

"Same," Theodore grinned. He adjusted his glasses. "What's your favorite kind of movie?"

"Romance," she blubbered. "Uhh, yeah, romance. Or action. Or maybe romcom, or fantasy. And Marvel. I like Marvel movies."

"Marvel has its own category?" he chuckled. "I don't disagree, though. Romcom and Marvel movies are my favorites, too."

A match made in heaven! her thoughts squealed.


They made it to school and entered the giant auditorium where the stage was set up, along with dozens of people scurrying around frantically.

Malcolm waved goodbye to them and headed off to the stage, while Charlie, Shane, and Theodore took seats on the squishy chairs in the audience. There was only a couple people watching the play and not in it, mostly just friends watching friends.

It was extremely informal, just a reciting of lines without props or costumes, but to Charlotte, it was still awesome.

Malcolm played a greedy, selfish bastard of a prince that was on his way to rule the castle, and then his father, the king, breaks it to him that he needs a queen in order to rule. And then, the king tells him the exact person to be the queen, and he must obey. It tells a story of him finding the girl, bringing her to the castle, making her queen.

Basically, it's a fantasy/comedy/romance that was thoroughly enjoyable to her. Malcolm's acting was spot on as well.

But the thing that shocked her most... Sadie Hunter was starring in the school play.

She played the soon-to-be queen, and she was incredible. Her lines were done with a finesse that Charlotte could never master, and her moves were graceful and mesmerizing.

Sadie never participated in anything, and Charlie had never seen her act, but damn, she was incredible. And when she looked at Malcolm, it was so believable that her character was in love with him. That kind of acting is insanely good.

The play rehearsal went on for about an hour and a half, and once the end came, they piled back into Shane's car. Shane had to drive back to Theodore's first so Charlotte could gather her things, but once they did that, the gang headed for the small bookstore Charlie called home.


Monday was stressful.

Charlie had gone a night without sleep, again, and she could barely keep her eyes open. Finally, she made it to last period. But she could barely lift her head off of her desk.

She could hear the voices getting softer, and the noise shrinking and fading into nothing, and Charlotte's eyes began to slowly shut. Her mind started to blank and...

"Ms. Jackson?"

Her eyes whipped open and her head shot off her desk, a 'huhwha?' escaping her lips. Charlie's hair was a rats nest upon her head.

"I'm waiting."

Waiting for what? Oh god, everyone was staring at her. No, no, no, what does she say? Why was he waiting? No...

She could feel herself beginning to freak out, slowly, slowly freak out. Why, why was she freaking out? She had no idea, deep breaths, deep breaths. So many stares, the teacher's glare, students talking, students laughing...

"1853," a familiar voice called out. The hushed whispers of the students silenced. And the voice seemed to come from right behind her...

One of his earbuds were dangling out of his ear, his jaw was clenched, and his ocean-blue eyes were almost glaring. "Why don't you call on someone who has their hand raised next time."

She could feel his feet resting on the back of her chair. She had never heard him raise his voice like that.

It was dead silence in the history room.

Theodore Orion Higgins had never, and she meant never, spoken in front of their class. He was never called on, as Mr. Hollins was too old for his shit. He always worked alone. Never raised his hand.

The piercing bell interrupted everyone's thoughts. Theodore shoved his earbud back in and all of the students trumped out the door.

Charlotte followed the crowd, catching up to the lanky sight that was Theodore.

"Theodore, Theodore! Theodore!" She yelled, tugging on his sleeve.

"What, Charlie?" he replied, turning.

"You never talk in class! Why'd you... Why'd you..."

"I thought you were going to pass out, Charlotte. Besides," he scrunched his nose, his glasses sliding down the curve. "I'd do it for you."


i am super super sorry. I haven't updated in forever it seems. my inspiration is little, and the quality is awful. I just feel like it's not that good, and idk. but I swear, i'm working on it! I updated for you guys, you're keeping me into this story, and encouraging me to write on! thank you! also, I made a trailer, so pls go check that out! it's on the side :D also, a quick cast change: grant gustin (soo freaking hot like pls marry me) is now teddy bc he wears glasses in some things, which helped me make the trailer!

how was this chapter? thoughts?

just to inform you guys on random stuff:

a.) catching fire's on and oH MY GOD SAM CLAFLIN

b.) I may possibly be getting my haircut whoo I want it like emma stone because she is perfection tbh

c.) I don't now if I've said this, but if anyone has any banners/covers, i'll take them and feature it give you a dedication! just send me a PM

d.) oh my lawd so many good movies coming out age of ultron and pitch perfect two yaas


f.) thank you all for over 20k reads it's honestly so shocking like




comment of the chapter, thus earning the dedi @mylifeofshipping: "TEDLIE IS MY LIFE. I AM SO EMOTIONALLY INVESTED IN THEIR RELATIONSHIP ITS NOT EVEN RIGHT." and her other comment "Legit this story is my spirit animal" I say that all the time you understand me thank you friend


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