Rule #1: Kill Them Before They Kill You
Your POV
I stood in the back of an LAAT as it was docked inside a Venator. Said Venator was going through hyperspace. "Alright Warlords, listen up." Whip said as he deployed a holo emitter. Our advisor's hologram flickered to life in a kneeling position. "Warlord Squad, this is a critical mission, the results of which could cripple seppie forces in this system. You are to destroy a very important droid." Advisor explained.
"What make's this one so special?" I asked. "It is directly responsable for the ambush and capture, or destruction, of a Secutor Class, The Agressive Advance. While we may not know where the ship is, Delta Squad uncovered the droid who organized the ambush. It is also responsable for coming up with new, and effective, tactics. It is to be destroyed on sight. This Venator and her fleet are your distraction." Advisor explained.
"Infiltrate the Separatist capital ship, destroy a droid, get out. I'm sure you understand what to do. Contact me once you're inside." Advisor said before his hologram faded. "This should be easy." Shadow said. "You think everything short of getting bombarded from orbit and living is easy." Faun said. "Enough Warlords, we're coming out of hyperspace." Whip said as the ship lunged to a stop.
LAATs, including ours, took off out of the hanger as the rest of our fleet arrived and engaged the enemy fleet. I could feel the LAAT swerve from side to side until the back ramp opened. "Go go go!" Whip yelled. We lunged out of the gunship, and floated twords our target. We landed on the hull, the gunship getting destroyed by a turbo laser. "There's an airlock near here. I suggest we move before we're detected." Faun said.
We used our magnatized boots to travel across the hull. A stay round would hit the ship, but the shielding kept us safe. Once at the airlock, Faun spliced a console. We entered, but did'nt go further as I deployed a holo emitter. "Good job Warlord. Now, you need to get to the bridge. Go through this hall until you reach the elevators. You inserted so close this should be a cake walk." Advisor stated before his hologram faded.
"You heard him Warlord, now move it!" Whip ordered as we entered the ship. I shot a pair of B1s before they could see us as we moved deeper into the ship. It did'nt take long until we encountered more droids. An entire group of B1s supported by two Destroyers. "End them Warlords!" Whip yelled as we opened fire. While we did catch them off guard, the destoyers popped their shields before any shots hit them.
"Need an explosive solution Warlord!" Whip yelled. "Going anti!" I responded, swapping attachments. I fired an anti armor round between the two, sending them off their tri-ped feet. Their shields deactivated, allowing a shot to the head to put them down. "How much longer until we get to the elevator?" I asked. "It should be beyond this door. 33?" Whip asked. "On it sir." Faun answered.
As he was splicing a console, we got a call on comms. "Warlord, this is Advisor. We have lost a majority of our smaller craft, and wont be able to get anything close enough to evac you. You'll have to find a craft to get out on your own." Advisor explained. "Perfect." Shadow muttered. "Roger that, we'll contact you once we find something." Whip said before the line closed. "Great. At least I remember how to fly." I said.
The door to the elevator opened, allowing us in. I pressed a button that sent us up. We trained our blasters onto the door, not willing to let the enemy surprise us. "I wonder what kind of internal specs the droid has." Shadow said. "Problably the best credits can buy." I answered. The door then flew open, allowing us to open fire. It took a second to realize that we we'rnt being fired back.
We entered the command bridge, looking around. There was a few B1s, but they were already dead. A clicking sound was heard above, so we looked. "Die!" A mechcanicle voice yelled. We rolled out of the way as a massive droid came crashing down. I got a good front facing view of the droid, reconizing it. "Target spotted!" I shouted. "No shit!" Shadow responded. "Prepare to die clones, for you face: Ba-gonk!"
"Take it down Warlords!" Whip ordered. I threw a thermal detnator at it, but it was smacked away. "Pathetic!" The droid spat. It's attention was drawn away as an anti-armor round hit it's back. It shot a few rounds from it's blaster, hitting Faun, but his energy shielding saved him. I swapped attachments, and fired off an AA round aswell. It hit it's hull, but little damage was done.
"I have slaughtered jedi. What make's you think you have a chance?" The droid said. "Rule #88! Aim for the limbs if the torso is too tough!" Whip yelled as he point blank jammed the end of his gun with an AA atachment into it's left arm, pulling the trigger. He was sent flying back into a console, and the droid's arm was sent another way. "You'll pay for that!" The droid yelled as I shot my last AA round at it's leg.
It was too slow, and lost a leg before Faun and Shadow sent his other limbs flying. I went over to Whip as he laid on the ground. "Can you die later sir? It just isnt a good time right now." I said, crouching. "Fuck you." He coughed as I used a bacta jumpstater kit to bring him up. He stood up slowly, looking at shadow who ripped out the droid's front plating and placed a demolition charge.
"You think this will kill me!?" The droid asked. "Yep." Shadow responded before stepping back as he blew it. The droid was left as nothing more than scrapmetal. "01 here, target destroyed." Whip reported. "Good. Now leave. The fleet is only still here because I said so." Advisor explained. "Slight problem with that." Faun said, pointing to the door. It was busted closed, a huge pipe blocking it.
"Sir, I dont have any charges that'll stick to that." I said. Whip looked around before eyeing a window. "Then we bust a window." Whip said. "What?/huh?/why?" Me and the other asked. "I'll arrange what we have left." Advisor said before cutting the comm. "Sir, even if we get on track to a Republic ship, we'll be sitting ducks." Shadow said. "Maybe. Remember Ghyrst?" Whip asked. "Yeah, the stunt we pulled bluescreened the tactical droid." I said.
"This plan may be to reckless for the droids to compute. Make sure to keep your guns ready if they do." Whip said before guestering to the window. "If we die sir, I'm blaming you." Faun said as I placed a charge on the window. We all got into position as Whip pulled out a detonator. "Ready?" He asked. We all nodded. He pressed it, causing the charge to erupt. It put a small hole in the window and started sucking the air out fast.
The hole grew as the metal torso of the droid crashed through it. We all got sent flying out, and got into a somewhat decent formation. That did'nt last long as debries flung past us. They collided with scorched ship parts, as did I. My shielding protected me the best it could until my head collided with the wing of a dead vulture droid, knocking me out cold.
"Y/n's down!" I heard yelled through the comms.
(1273 Words)
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