Ch 31 - The Griffins

Copyright VedaPettigrew

Joan and I made our way to the packhouse once we could no longer stand to look through paperwork. Well, to be honest, once I couldn't. Joan was in her happy place and would stay there forever.

Hammer and Holden, another of my protectors, offered to take us on a tour of the building and led us into a grand foyer, large enough to allow a group to socialise and mill about with ease. There was also a huge meeting room filled with benches facing a small staged area, a dining hall which was comfortably able to feed around one-hundred and fifty, more at a squeeze, and the kitchen which we declined to enter until the end of the tour, hoping to meet the chefs properly.

The second floor was like the standard ground floor in a house and had two small breakfast rooms, a few sitting rooms, studies and other relaxation rooms. The upper floors were bedrooms, bathrooms and personal suite.

It was all tastefully furnished with an air of overstated elegance that made it feel almost unwelcoming. I had a strange thought that the person responsible for the interior design was trying too hard to fit into a mould of what they thought the packhouse of the head-pack should be. It felt sort of stilted and cold. It needed some warmth, something extra to turn it into the welcoming hub of the East Side.

Once we made it into the kitchen the first thing I noticed was its size. It was enormous, three times the size of the one at Stone Mountain. I was so struck it took a moment to notice the ten omega females who were preparing vast quantities of food.

As soon as we walked in, they had stopped working and curtseyed, frozen in place until I noticed them. Once I did, they stood but kept their heads low. I waited until they looked up, wondering what was happening and then I curtseyed back with a grin at their shocked faces. Joan copied me immediately.

"Hello, I came to introduce myself, I'm Luna Luna Greta Griffin. Though I expect you already know that." They all nodded and I indicated Joan, "This is my Personal Companion come Secretary, Joan Waterson."

"Hi," Joan smiled, "Please just call me Joan." I felt jealous that I could not say the same. One day, I promised myself.

They all just stared in silence so I decided to get the ball rolling and went up to one and put my hand on her shoulder, "It's a pleasure to meet you..."

"Elise," she said shakily. I smiled and repeated her name then went to another doing the same.










I went round them all, followed by Joan, until we found out all their names. "You'll have to excuse me if I forget, I might ask again."

"That's fine Luna, we won't mind," Hilary, the oldest, said.

"Good. Now what are you making? It smells delicious." I went to one of the bubbling pots and took a deep breath, "Mmmm, bolognese, I love this. It smells just like mine, you must use the same herbs."

Hilary looked surprised, "It's my own recipe. You like cooking Luna?"

"Yes, I love it," I found another pot to sniff. "What's this?"

"It's a vegetable dish we use to bulk up the latter portions if they run short," Jenna offered. "Although we try to make enough for everybody, sometimes we don't calculate right. This is like a buffer."

"What happens if food does run out?" Joan asked curiously.

"Generally we get stuck with sandwiches, or soup, or crackers and cheese," Jenna explained. "Though it doesn't happen often. We can't go home and fill up because we have very specific daily rations."

Joan took on a peculiar expression, "They allow you other food?" I looked at her sorrowfully, if only she had been given the same basic care.

"Yes, Alpha Griffin made it a rule when he came into power. No wolf was to go hungry," one of them said. I couldn't remember her name.

"You are fortunate," Joan said in a small voice, "All omegas do not fare so well."

"We know," Hilary said sympathetically. "We," she indicated her and Jenna, "Originally came from Stone Mountain too. Then we went briefly to Brookwood where it was pretty much the same, then we came here. Even with the old Alpha Alpha things were marginally better than other packs, but some good changes were made when Alpha Griffin took over."

"Wow, that's a lot of packs for an omega," Joan said bluntly, "How come you moved about so much?" Jenna shifted uncomfortably and I nudged Joan who immediately realised her faux pas. "No. Don't answer, that was rude. Hopefully one day we will be friends, you can tell me then if you're comfortable enough." She cocked her head to the side, "I don't recognise you though, I wonder why."

"We were rearers at Stone Mountain, we didn't get out much," Hilary offered and Joan nodded.

"That must be it, we didn't really mix a lot between houses back then did we?"

"Do you now?" Hilary sounded incredulous.

"Yeah, thanks to Luna here." I blushed and pushed her lightly. "I'll tell you all about it sometime," Joan added happily.

I looked keenly at Hilary, a strange barely-there thought seeping into my mind. Before I had time to explore it, three timers started beeping and the women all rushed to attend something.

"Ma," the girl whose name I couldn't remember called in a panic.

Jenna came running to her. "What Hannah?"

I watched Jenna deal quickly with the problem. That was interesting, Hilary, Jenna and Hannah must be three generations of the same family. I tried to memorise her face, to help me recall her name in the future.

"What can we do?" Joan asked.

"We can't ask you to help. Surely you're both too busy with other things to help in the kitchen?" Elise called from her frantic foraging in the larder.

"We're staying here, so you might as well put us to work," I added firmly. "We like cooking." I saw Joan's face contort in disagreement and laughed, "Well, I do. Joan isn't so keen on making pack meals, but I know she wants to help as much as I do."

They looked unsure. Joan insisted, "We don't want to get in the way, but we're staying so we will unless you give us something to do."

"Do either of you know how to make garlic bread?" Hilary conceded.

"Yes," I said eagerly.

"Here are the ingredients then, and what we've prepared so far. The bread's been proved enough." Jenna deposited them on a table. "Why don't you two do that? If you're sure?"

"Great," I said heading to get an apron and passing one to Joan. Soon, after a few simple instructions to Joan we were happily on our way.

"Luna," the youngest girl asked hesitantly.

"Lana, it had better be important," Hilary warned but I had to intervene.

"It doesn't matter. I love to chat in the kitchen, it makes the whole process much more fun don't you think? Yes Lana?"

With a nervous glance at Hilary, who had disapproval clearly expressed on her face, but not unkindness, Lana shook her head dumbly.

"Lana, I insist. Please ask away, even if just to ask what my opinion is on hairstyles of the rich and famous," I urged.

A faint puff of air indicated her amusement. Another glance at a more compliant Hilary encouraged her, "I was just wondering if it was true? What you did when you got here?"

"Well, that depends upon what you're talking about."

"Did you really stay at the training post with Joan, even though you weren't chained there?" Lana's voice was full of awe.

"Yes, she did." Joan responded for me. "She came as soon as she woke up and discovered we had reached Black Lake. And she stayed until I was released."

All the females gazed at me in shock. "We thought it was just a ridiculous rumour," one of them whispered. "Why did you do that? You could have been free, sleeping in a comfortable bed. No-one has ever had that opportunity before."

I shrugged, "Joan is my family. She came here with me, I couldn't leave her to face such a thing alone. I would do the same for everyone I loved."

"But, how is she your family?" Hilary interjected, then twisted her hands, "Sorry, I shouldn't pry. But I know that you have alpha blood and I can't find any in Joan."

"Don't worry, I'm happy to answer. You're right, Joan is an omega, just like you," I said proudly. "Although most omegas have talents in creativity and work with their hands, Joan's talent lies in her clever mind, that's why she has come to help me."

They all looked at Joan in shock, she was quickly turning red and I didn't know if it was from my praise or the attention. I continued quickly, "Joan is my family because of what we have come to mean to each other. She and our other friends and I love each other deeply. We have been through a lot together and I know I can rely on them."

"Are your other friends omegas too?" Lana asked incredulously.

I grinned, "Yep. Sophie, Lacy, Bee and Kat had to stay behind, but they're my family as well."

"You choose to be friends with omegas?" Ella's eyes were wide.

"I choose to be friends with everybody who'll have me," I corrected with an easy smile. "But with those particular five, I choose them, and they choose me, to be FAMILY." I emphasised it strongly so they would understand.

Ten open-mouthed females stared at me and I shrugged my shoulders casually as I carried on chopping garlic. "Want to weigh in?" I muttered to Joan.

"Give them a minute. It's a shock to the system," she said humorously.

"Who is the current female in charge?" I asked, hoping to move on.

Ella answered. "Doctor's Mate Hestia Griffin, Alpha's mother."

I paled. Dominic's family. With everything that had happened, they hadn't crossed my mind even once. Even while looking through all the paperwork that must have been prepared by his mother.

I looked to Hammer in a panic and he smiled comfortingly, "Don't worry, Sub-Luna is looking forward to meeting you later."

"What time will she arrive?" I swallowed dryly.

"The dinner gong is rung around five, she will be one of the first to come," Hilary answered.

I nibbled my lip, perhaps I should make the effort to meet them all before? I knew there was a brother as well as both parents. Surely it would be rude if I didn't, but I wasn't sure of how to go about it. With things the way they were between Dominic and I, everything was three times as complicated.

I carried on preparing the garlic bread, silently thinking it through. I needed to find out some things that only one person could help me with. I took a deep breath.


"Etta," he answered immediately.

"I've just realised that I will be meeting your family tonight and I'm unsure how to proceed. Should I make the effort to see them before the meal? What do they know of our argument? What will they think that I haven't been to see them already? And what about...?"

"Etta, Etta, Etta," he interrupted me softly. "Don't panic angel. They know you were with Joan this week. No they do not know of our disagreement, I wouldn't want their first impressions to be tainted in any way. I had no plans to tell them anything."

My heart skipped at his warm endearment, "But who can you talk to then? Surely you need someone to confide in?"

"No, my brother and I are not close. You know that." Yes I did, he had told me that George, the older of the two, had resented Dominic's rise to power.

"What about your parents?"

"No, we don't have that kind of relationship either. There would be no benefit in informing them, they won't understand your reaction."

"Do you?" I poked.

There was a pause, "Mostly, not entirely. But I know that it's genuine, so I'm trying to."

"After everything I said to you this afternoon?" I asked incredulously.

"That helped. But notwithstanding the miscommunication that caused the problem, can you say you understand why I did it?" He turned the tables on me.

"I understand it. I just don't agree with it."

"Perhaps that is the same for me too," he said thoughtfully, but added quickly, "No, it's not. I cannot say I don't agree with your reaction when it's obviously beyond your control."

"Okay, let's get back to the matter at hand. Meeting your family. What are we going to do?"

There was a pause.

"I will instruct them to arrive at the packhouse at quarter to five. That will give you an opportunity to meet each other first."

"Will you not be there?"

"Only if you request it. I shall tell them something came up last minute if you would prefer I wasn't present."

I chewed the inside of my cheek as I mixed the contents of the bowl in front of me without really noticing what I was doing. It would be tricky both ways, but meeting his parents while my heart was racing in fear because of his proximity would be worse.

"I think it would be best if I met them without you here," I said apologetically.

"Very well, I will arrange it," he said tightly.

"It's just that..."

"I know, I read your thoughts as you were debating."

Silence sat between us until I said, "I'll let you get on then Dominic. See you at dinner."

He dropped the link and I felt an ache in my stomach. This whole process of healing was going to be hard. Please help us Ori.

Hammer looked at his phone a few minutes later and smiled at me, he was obviously going to be the one to do the introductions.

The rest of the afternoon was spent in mindless chatter, discussing recipes, swapping tips and ideas. Lana kept bringing up what I did at the training post, it was so shocking to her she wanted to discuss it in minute detail.

Eventually Hammer came to my shoulder, "It's nearly time Luna."

"It was lovely to spend the afternoon together, I need to go now, but I'll see you later. Joan, would you please come with me?" She frowned at me, unsure what was happening, but removed her apron and came along anyway.

"I'm meeting Dominic's family," I whispered to her as we made our way to the empty dining hall. Once we got there I started nervously fiddling with the silverware, she went around the other tables, straightening and arranging things on the pretence of being busy.

Soon enough two stern males walked through the door, followed by a tall female with hunched shoulders. I smoothed my favourite lock of hair as they made their way to us. The older male was covered in bruising but seemed to be out of the danger I had supposed he was in.

Hammer stepped forward, "Alpha Griffin has informed me he won't make it. He asked me to step in, Doctor Max Griffin, this is Luna Greta Griffin."

"Pleased to meet you, I'm pleased to see you have recovered so well," I smiled.

He scowled, "You should be punished for that. I'll have to inform your Alpha." I shook my head in confusion and he continued, "You should not have spoken first. Not without permission."

Oh my. I smiled sweetly, which seemed to irritate him to my pleasure, "That isn't a rule I have to follow."

"Oh I know your rules. Just be aware they don't apply to me. You will be accountable to me," he snarled. I guess George wasn't the only one with an inferiority complex. I felt Hammer move closer to me and knew I was safe.

"I'll let you discuss that with Dominic," I said lightly. Silver wasn't as content to let it slide, she shook out her fur, hackles raised in anger at this puffed up male.

"You should call him Alpha," Max waved a finger in my face. Hammer coughed sharply and shook his head, Max reluctantly lowered his hand with a glower.

"Doctor George Griffin," Hammer indicated the other male.

"Hello," I said causing Max to growl.

"Hello Luna." George said sarcastically. I don't know why, that's what I was. "So why did my mighty brother choose you?" Apparently he was a twelve year old stuck in the body of a man.

"Has Dominic not told you the story?" A part of me wished he was here, they were hard work. I hoped poor Mrs Griffin wasn't affected by her males like my grandmother had been. I cast a discreet view her way. Her expression seemed blank rather than cruel.

"He mentioned some nonsense about your wolves connecting the moment you met," George sneered.

I nodded, biting my lip, "Yes, that's what happened. Silver and Alarick recognised they were mates instantly. It was very sweet really, they just ran..."

"It sounds like hogwash to me. Our wolves are not sentient," he interrupted rudely.

I frowned, how could he be so blind to what Alarick was? Hammer could see the difference quite clearly. "Silver and Alarick are, as well as quite a few others back in Stone Mountain. It's something that happens when you..."

"I don't care to be taught anything by a woman," he snarled.

"Okay," I said tightly. Hammer came to the rescue again.

"Luna Greta, this is Doctor's Mate Hestia Griffin."

"Don't disrespect me by demoting what's mine. I think you mean Sub Luna," Max growled at Hammer.

"No, now we have an actual Luna Luna, the position of Substitute Luna doesn't exist anymore," Hammer was unyielding.

"I would have thought it better to see how things work out first," George looked me up and down insultingly, "I mean look..."

Whatever he was going to say was cut off by a loud growl from Hammer, "You watch your mouth. Luna is your brother's mate and he is very protective of her. Don't insult him or her by deriding their mateship."

George looked alarmed by the threat. He was a wolf of brain more than brawn and Hammer could wipe the floor with him. I hid a smile and turned to Hestia, holding out my hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you Hestia."

She looked to Max who gave the briefest movement that could be counted as a nod, then took my hand and said in a soft voice, "It's a pleasure to meet you too Greta. I hope you found all the paperwork in order."

"Are you kidding? It was amazing, Joan and I were thoroughly impressed." I turned and motioned to her to come. "This is my Companion, Joan. She came with me from Stone Mountain as you know. Joan, this is Hestia."

They shook hands with a smile and a few words. George eyed Joan suspiciously, "What are you?" he sneered and I wanted to kick him, instead I pinched the skin inside my wrist to calm me down. "Are you an omega?"

"Yes she is," I declared proudly.

"You dare to directly address someone in the Alpha Alpha's family?" Max accused Joan furiously. Again with the stroppy anger. I couldn't wait for this to be over. It was excruciating. I would be spending as little time with them as possible.

"Of course she does," I answered for a terrified Joan. "She would be rude not to when she had been introduced. Plus she's very important. She's my second."

"Still just an omega," sneered George. Hammer stiffened.

"Being an omega doesn't make you unimportant," I argued calmly, "Our best healer at Stone Mountain was an omega."

"Ppff. Nonsense." Both Max and George exclaimed vehemently as though I'd insulted them personally. I chose to hold my tongue on that subject, taking a few deep breaths to calm my nerves and frustrations.

"Hestia, I would be pleased to have you come to us on Monday and we could discuss a few things regarding my new role," I turned back to the blank woman who nodded.

"That's my decision, you should be asking me," Max thundered. "You need to learn the way things run around here. Stop putting yourself or other women higher than they belong."

Every muscle in my mouth strained to give him a sharp retort. Beads of perspiration formed as I struggled against the tongue-lashing he so deserved. I knew it would be fruitless. I settled for, "I think you and I disagree on where women belong."

"You'd better back up my son like a proper woman, or else!" he threatened taking a step forward. When Hammer matched his movement he stopped but by the way his hands twitched I knew he wanted to strike me.

"The relationship between Dominic and I is none of your concern. Dominic is the only male who can command me," I knew my smile was twisted and forced.

"I thought I told you that your rules don't apply to me. I am Dominic's father. The father to the Alpha Alpha. You, you are nothing compared to me."

I ignored his tirade and the burning fury of George's stare, turning instead to the woman who was my mate's mother.

"Hestia, tell me how's the weather here in the summer? Does it get very hot? I've not experienced a summer in the mountains. The city used to get unbearably stuffy, the air just couldn't circulate. So I'm hoping the mountain heat will not be so stifling."

George quickly responded to my slight, every part of him bristling as he bit out, "Don't ignore my father woman, you need to answer him when he asks you a question."

"I did George. When Max tried meddling in my private business, I told him to mind it."

Both the males growled furiously when I called them by name and I hid a smile, a very naughty part of me enjoyed riling them up.

"You are welcome to direct any questions regarding our mating to Dominic and he will be the one to choose to answer you or not. See George, see Max, I am deferring to my mate." When they started turning red I stepped closer to Hammer but couldn't help adding, "I don't know why you're so cross, it's what you wanted isn't it?"

"You are not worthy enough for my son. He needs someone who knows his superiority and respects it. You don't even show the mark he was generous enough to give you," Max lifted his hand as if attempting to snatch my lightweight scarf.

Hammer growled fiercely and struck his hand away, "No-one touches the Luna."

I took some discreet deep breaths and shakily rearranged the scarf to ensure it covered what I desired hidden.

The next ten minutes felt like wading through thick mud, both in time and conversation. I was exhausted by the time the dinner gong finally sounded and Dominic entered the building.

My scar burned when I felt his presence and I rubbed it as my heart raced uncomfortably.

I had to give him a lot of credit for turning out as well as he did considering his family, but I still wasn't ready to see him. I was glad no one could hear my heartbeat except Joan who used Honey's hearing and gripped my hand comfortingly.

I took some discrete breaths, presenting a united front was far easier in theory than practise. He stood in the entrance, talking to one of my protectors and making no move to come to us. He was obviously giving me the opportunity to run away.

"Excuse me," I said to his family and started walking towards him. He smiled as I stood before him, my protector striding away to give us privacy.

"Hello Etta," he murmured warmly, "How did it go?"

"Oh, they're a delight," I muttered.

He looked at me knowingly and nodded. "I thought warning you would only increase your nerves, and I knew you could handle it."

"You'll be pleased to hear they put you in a better light," I mumbled as they approached. I felt his pleasure at the damning praise.

"I am, but sadly your encounter isn't over just yet," his eyes flicked over my shoulder just as I heard Max's nasal yet furious tone.

"Son, you need to check your mate. Rude. Disobedient. Doesn't know her place." His father started ranting without preamble. He came to stand to the side of us, joined by George and Hestia. Max jerked his head towards me, "You need to teach her a thing or two, just like I did your mother."

I shuddered at what poor Hestia had suffered and looked her way to find she was barely listening. Her eyes were fixed on Dominic with such longing that it nearly broke my heart, but one look at him told me he was oblivious. 

"She knows her place perfectly," Dominic didn't raise his voice but it was tight with controlled anger. "She was right about her rules and you were not. She is not answerable to you. Only to me." I didn't feel the surprise that was evident on their faces, of course he knew everything already. Dominic continued fiercely, "You have no right to command her actions, which she is aware of and followed accordingly. Do not presume you can treat my mate so disdainfully." He turned his stony gaze on his bolshie brother, "She will make a great luna George, I expect not to hear any more of your insubordination on the subject."

"Son, you choose to back up a woman rather than us?" his father sneered.

"Yes." Dominic's reply was simple and firm. Confident enough he didn't feel the need to add any explanations.

"You won't last long as Alpha Alpha with that attitude," George sneered. I couldn't help the snigger that escaped at the ridiculous notion, but Hammer was less happy. A long and low growl rolled from him without ceasing.

"Any time you want to try and take the title from me, feel free," Dominic challenged. "As my mate's unguarded reaction shows, she is not worried. And neither am I."

George gritted his teeth, "People won't stand for you being led by a female."

"I don't lead him," I couldn't help myself. "I support him. Which is more than you can say."

"Getting a woman to fight your battles son?" Max sneered.

Dominic's hand twitched, I know he was fighting an impulse to either punch his father or grab my hand. I focussed on my breathing to reverse the spike of my heartbeat at catching the movement. However he stayed calm, replying with steel in his voice, "My female has no need to do that. But like she says, she supports me and I enjoy the sensation. Not because I need it, but because it pleases me. She pleases me."

"Are they always like this?" I couldn't help asking. A grunt followed, I guess so then.

"Don't let a woman be your downfall son," Max said genuinely. "All you were raised to be, all your prodigious power and strength should not be felled by a woman. She's already made you a laughing stock when you refused to allow her on the training post and then she went there anyway. For a mere omega."

"Enough," Dominic barked. "Your attitude is bordering on treasonous and I will punish you like any other. For now I will banish you from this meal, mother must stay, George may choose as he pleases. None of you are to approach Greta without my consent," he growled. "Mother, you will keep the appointment on Monday. Greta will expect you at ten in her study."

"Yes son," she said softly. Max turned red but wisely said no more. He turned on his heel without another word and stomped out followed by George. I breathed a sigh of relief.

Dominic turned to me, eyebrow raised in concern.

"I'm okay," I smiled. "But I'm glad they're gone. They're a lot to take, will they ever soften towards me?"


I noticed Hestia looking anxiously after her mate. "Will your father take it out on your mother?"

"I don't know, but that's between them. I cannot get involved."

"Of course you can. It comes under the charge 'protect all wolves'," I retorted. He looked at me speculatively so I continued, "She didn't do anything wrong. It wouldn't be fair for her to be on the receiving end of the anger he feels towards you."

"One can't intervene in a mateship."

"I disagree."

"Of course you do," he rolled his eyes but his tone was light.

Inspiration hit me, "What if Jeremy had got his way and mated me before you arrived. Would he have the right to do anything he wanted to me without interference?"

Alarick growled unhappily and wrapped his large furry body around me. I scratched behind his ears. Dominic looked torn, it was incredible that what seemed so obvious to me was a revolutionary way of thinking for him. I decided to let him off the hook for now, I knew my point wouldn't be forgotten.

"Just think on it. That's all I ask. She is your mum after all."

"I hardly know her. She rarely visited me in the compound, or since. It's always been my father." He sounded slightly bitter.

"Was that her choice, or his?" He started and looked at me in shock, it had probably never occurred to him to wonder. "Ask her at some point, and read her thoughts. She won't be likely to tell you the truth if it was on your father's command."

He searched my face in a gentle caress. "What would I do without you?" He shook his head sharply, as if banishing the thought from his mind. "I never want to find out."

"Hopefully you won't have to." I whispered so quietly in the back of my mind, I'm amazed he heard.

"I'll do everything in my power not to," he growled gently. His gaze moved to my left shoulder as his brow furrowed above pain-filled eyes.

I directed my attention to the same area and realised I was tracing the scar with my right hand under my scarf. I dropped it and grasped the side hem of my dress, looking to the now busy dining room. "We should get on."

He followed my lead, "Yes, I need to introduce you. There will have to be a formal thing at some point, but I'd rather wait until we are... in a better place."

"I agree."

"Wow. You can do that then?" he teased.

"Yes," I answered primly. "When you're not being such a d... ...irect descendant of your father."

His deep laugh caused every head nearby to turn in his direction, amazement on their faces. It was obviously not a sound they were used to.

I tried to ignore the traitorous tingles racing through my body. They were responding to that delicious sound that I loved, but they weren't able to erase the adrenaline that was bouncing through my bloodstream at his nearness. The adrenaline that was making me almost nauseous with its intensity.

I tried to tell myself that my fear was ridiculous, I knew he wouldn't hurt me, I believed his promise. Unfortunately my body hadn't got the memo, and although I knew it was irrational, I couldn't control it.

But I wouldn't be its slave. Dominic deserved the second chance I was giving him.

"Thank you Etta. I won't let you down. But I want you to be ready to be near me, I don't want you to force yourself. I want you to want it." I looked at Dominic who had obviously read my mind, the sneaky male. "I told you, I'll be patient."

"That's what makes me want to push myself," I looked up at him, "It's one of the things that shows me you deserve my effort."

"Thank you Etta, but I don't want you forcing yourself. Give yourself time. I told you, that's what we need, we don't have to rush anything. We have all the time in the world. After all, we both want the same outcome don't we? To be happy and whole again?"

The longing in his eyes far surpassed his mother's and I didn't leave him hanging, "Yes Dominic, we both want the same thing."

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