Prologue: A Great Fall

Hello and welcome back finally to A New Save Redux and jeez hasn't it been a long time coming, am I right? Well I hope all of you are hyped for the return of this story and this is the first of only two chapters tonight as the other I'll confirm will be the Prologue Chapter for The Victim, but don't worry as plenty of other stories/updates will be coming tomorrow as I can confirm at least two new stories will be published tomorrow alongside several updates to older stories. Anyway I'm your author/host of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the Prologue Chapter. 


LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Before I start I'm adding two final girls into the Harem and both of them will be AU versions of Undyne and as per stated earlier in the other Harem chapters these two Undyne's will have the same appearance and body type of this canonical version of Undyne. Plus one extra little surprise. 

 Storyspin Undyne 

(Overlord: Don't mind Frisk in this pic, I couldn't find any better pics of Storyspin Undyne since well she's kinda of an obscure AU Character along with the rest of her universe(especially compared to the similar universes of Storyshift and Underswap.)  

Underfell Undyne 

Underswap Papyrus(I really couldn't find a better picture for a Fem Underswap Papyrus)


Y,N: Come on Frisk we're almost there, I can almost see the summit. 

Frisk: Y,N I trust you for a lot of things but this is one thing even I think you've gone a little too far for. Down in the town everyone we talked to swore this place was completely forbidden to climb and was supposedly event haunted and cursed by some kind of magic. 

Y,N: Frisk, please don't tell me you believe in such "magical mumbo jumbo" it's all make believe and rumors built simply on lies. 

Frisk: *looks down* Well maybe Y,N. *looks back up meeting Y,N's eyes* But you can't tell me magic doesn't or can't exist. There's always a little magic around us or things we simply can't explain. 

Y,N: I do agree it could be possibility magic does exist, however sometimes I think magic is science or knowledge we don't yet understand or comprehend, plus if magic does exist and is what those Disney movies taught us, then you think some fairy godmother would of made my life better and not barely surviving on the street trying to make my personal ends meet. 

Frisk: *looks down again* Maybe you're right Y,N, but I do have hope your life will turn around and become positive again, I promise *smiles*.

Y,N: *smiles back* Jeez Frisk there's just something about you that makes me smile, maybe it's just your pure innocence and positivity. I bet you're literally leaking positivity and kindness where ever you go. 

Frisk: *blushes* T-T-Thanks Y,N. I always try to. *looks up towards the summit* Look at that Y,N we're almost there. 

Y,N: Quickly changing the subject I see, am I just too hot for you?

Frisk: *blushes even brighter* I don't know what you're talking about. 

Y,N: Don't think this conversation is finished, but would you look at this?

Frisk: *gasps* Y,N I don't think that's really safe. Anyone or anything could fall down there at a moment's notice. 

Y,N: I know one mistake and you're most likely dead. It really depends on how deep this hole is, *turns to Frisk* want to find out?

Frisk: Um not really Y,N, especially if you're asking for me, you, or both of us to jump. 

Y,N: Frisk why would I ever try and put you in any kind of bodily harm? We're friends and I would never try and actively hurt you in anyway. 

Frisk: T-T-Thanks Y,N *mumbles* but one day Y,N I promise we'll be more than simple friends. 

Y,N: *picks up a stick he finds next to the giant hole and throws it in to see how long until the stick reaches the bottom* Oh dear, um yeah let's not jump down this hole *Y,N and Frisk wait an entire minute and then hear the tiniest of clanks as the stick finally reaches the bottom* 

Frisk: As you were possibly saying of jumping down ourselves?

Y,N: Hey! I never said about us literally jumping down into the possible hole of death and despair. 

Frisk: You were implying it Y,N. 

Y,N: Whatever you say Frisk, but remember I would never actively put you in any kind of harm. But I think it's time for us to leave, that's an endless hole of most immediate death right behind us and I rather not become some kind of pancake today. 

Frisk: I see for once in your life you've finally come to reason. 

Y,N: *shrugs* When you live on the street for about 13 years you learn to take any and all chances/opportunities you can in life. Logic and reason most of the time hardly matter to me anymore, especially in the cutthroat streets.  

Frisk: Sometimes I wish you just chose to stay in a home, it would be easier for you in the long run. 

Y,N: *chuckles* That shipped sailed a long time ago Frisk, I'm almost 18 now and that means I can get a job, afford money, buy my own place, and make sure I'll never have to go through the pain of living on the street again. 

Frisk: *sigh* I guess you're right Y,N, however let's get out of here. I don't like starring at that giant hole. It just gives me bad omens and a sense of foreboding if you know what I mean. 

Y,N: Yeah it gives me a bad case of the hibbie-jibbies as well, plus I bet your parents are worried sick about you and once we get back they'll hang me and think I did something terrible to you....somehow. 

Frisk: *shyly kisses Y,N's cheek* W-W-W-Well if they did do anything to you Y,N I would tell them the truth. I know my big strong knight in shining armor would never hurt me. 

Y,N: Well let's just go and get away from this giant hole in the ground. *sigh* Even though I suspect down in the town won't be much better most of them are assholes to me anyway. 

Frisk: First of all language Y,N and second of all while some of those people in the town are jerks some of them are rather kind to you. 

Y,N: Name one. And not yourself. 

Frisk: *thinks for a moment with her face scrunching up into a thinking position before she drawls a blank* *sigh* Maybe you're right Y,N. But hey at least you got me. 

Y,N: *smiles and laughs* You're right Frisk, you're absolutely right. Now let's get out of here and go home. *mumbles* Well at least your home and my prison. 

* Both Y,N and Frisk start to leave the cave when suddenly a bird, similar to a crow flies into the cave where Y,N and Frisk are and starts cawing at the both of them and and nearly tried to claw Frisk's eyes out with her screaming in terror and tripped on a root and fell backwards onto Y,N and with the motion already committed to both Y,N and Frisk fell into the hole and the crow almost like it was being controlled flew back out of the cave it's job complete. Both Y,N and Frisk scream as they fall into the pure darkness and soon enough their screams becomes faint whispers and soon enough their voices become nothing as they fall into the dark void until both hear a crunch and both Y,N and Frisk fall into a deep sleep, the darkness taking them and all Y,N sees before his eyes close is both him and Frisk lying on a field of golden flowers with only a tiny flicker of light from the hole opening shining down into the pure darkness that surrounds both of them and then.......nothingness*

And that's a wrap and I hope all of you massively enjoyed this Prologue chapter and are both hyped and excited for the next chapter coming very soon which will include Y,N and Frisk meeting Flowey the Flower and later Toriel, and since how late it is the Prologue chapter of the Victim may be pushed back till tomorrow and I hope all of you understand and are hyped for The Victim's Prologue along with several other new stories and old updates. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the long road to 1,000 Followers and the smaller road to 750 Followers. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter. 

PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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