Chapter 3: Chara's Story

Hello and welcome back everyone, I'm finally back to updating and this'll be the sole update of the day(maybe, there might be one or two more), but don't worry more will be coming tomorrow. However for this chapter, it's going to be one of the few that will not heavily rely on actual Undertale dialogue due to the fact A. We're going to be changing the backstory of certain characters dramatically and B. Because Chara in all honesty doesn't have a lot of character development in the actual game, unless you go digging into the lore, meaning I'll be changing Chara's personality up a bit. Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the chapter. 


LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Before we start do you guys and girls think I should change Asgore back to a male or keep him genderbent? If it's the latter then nothing really changes, but if it's the former what do you guys think I should do with him after everyone escapes the Underground? Please let me know in the comments below which you would rather see. I'm just wondering since I'm having a spilt decision on whether or not keeping him Genderbent or turning him back male. 

Y,N POV, Location: Toriel's House 

Frisk: So Toriel who else lives here? I would certainly love to meet them.

Y,N: Yeah I've been wondering that as well, you've been hinting that someone else lives here with you since we first walked into your home. 

Toriel: Oh don't worry about her young ones, that's my daughter Chara. I would love for you two to meet her in the future, however that's mostly unlikely since she only comes out of her room at night and stays in her room the entire day. Hell she's gone days, even weeks without saying a single word to me, almost like she's living in her own reality or fantasy. I hope with your presence you can help her come out of her shell and maybe even break down her emotional walls. 

Frisk: Maybe we could try and talk to her.

Y,N: It's certainly worth a try. I rather not have someone here I don't know, and who could possibly kill or harm me. 

Toriel: *chuckles* Ah the fiery passion of youth. Well good luck young ones, Chara usually only comes out at the dead of night.   

Y,N: I'm a night person, I'll have no problem.

Frisk: Me either *gives a face of pure determination.....also hoping that maybe, just maybe she can sneak a kiss on Y,N during the night*

Frisk: *mumbles* I will get that chance, no matter what.       

Y,N: *turns around* Did you say something Frisk?

Frisk: *snaps back to reality* N-N-N-No nothing Y,N, nothing to worry about whatsoever. I was just thinking to myself. 

Y,N: Well are we in agreement that we should stay up and "catch" this Chara?

Frisk: That might be a good idea, but why can't we just go up to her door and knock on it?

Toriel: I would of agreed with you on your decision Frisk, except my daughter hardly if ever answers her door and usually decides to ignore the noise. Meaning the only way to talk to her is in the dead of night. She usually just makes a sandwich or grabs a slice of pie or grabs her favorite desert, a bar of chocolate. Meaning that's the perfect time to know her......that's if she doesn't storm off to her room first. 

Y,N: Got it, sounds like she has a sweet tooth. 

Toriel: That would be a massive understatement young one, Chara has always loved sweet especially chocolate. Which is weird for her personality, but that's one of the few positive things about her. *sigh* My daughter is a very......interesting person, but hopefully once you get to know her she'll show her true self, not this cursed mask she built. 

Frisk: Mask?

Toriel: *sigh* I'm sorry young ones, but that's not my story to tell. That's a story only Chara can tell you. *her attitude then turns a full 180 and she smiles brightly* Well good night, young ones. Good luck with your little "adventure", I hope it yields great results. 

Frisk: *smiles brightly* Good night Toriel.  

Y,N: Good night Toriel. 

Toriel: Good night young ones, I'll see you in the morning. *Toriel walks off to her room and closes the door behind her* 

Y,N: Well now the fun begins, we got to wait all night and hopefully Chara will come out of her room. 

Frisk: One step ahead Y,N *presents Y,N a chocolate bar and places it on the table* now the bait has been set, and now we wait. 

Y,N: This is where the wait begins, the worst part of any hunt/adventure. 

Frisk: Look on the bright side *gestures over to the books* we got plenty of books to read, in order to pass the time. 

Y,N: I do hope you're being sarcastic. 

Frisk: Well I'm fifty-fifty on the whole book thing since there seems to be some good books within the mess of snail recipes and "Fun Facts about Snails" just seems beyond ridiculous. 

Y,N: In all honesty I'm a little concerned for Toriel, she seems almost like a hermit. I hope with our presence we can help her in some kind of capacity. 

Frisk: I hope so too at one point or another but let us focus on one thing at a time. 


*a door slowly creaks open and a figure wearing a lime green and yellow that snugged her chest and hugged her rather curvaceous figure, however she was wearing a blank face devoid of any real emotion besides anger, regret, and possible annoyance. With a face that simply looked like "if you try and talk with me, I will kill you" and she slowly walked towards the kitchen area, a lifeless and nearly devoid look in her eyes but they clearly shown with determination and her blood red eyes shone like rubies in the night and pierced the darkness around her*

Chara: *mumbled* I hope mom left chocolate out. I want something sweet.  

*Chara stalks into the dining area and gives a half smile as she sees a chocolate bar calling her name and it sounded like a siren, she walked over to the dining table and picked up the chocolate bar* 

Y,N: Hello there *while saying this Frisk turns on the lights and Chara is momentarily blinded*  

Chara: Get out of my face and get out of my way. I'm going back to my room and I don't want my new "housemates" annoying me. So this is your first and final warning, just stay out of my way and no one will get harmed........or killed. *shows both of them the knife she has in her pocket* Get the picture?   

Frisk: We're not getting out of your way until we learn your story. 

Chara: *takes a step back* My story? 

Y,N: Yeah we heard from Toriel that there's a story behind you and your supposed "mask". You're not the person you originally were and something terrible must of happened to change you into an emotionless husk.

Chara: *sigh* Fine you want to know my story? Want to know my fucking backstory? How I became who I am today? Fine then, take a fucking seat and let me tell you my tale. 

Frisk: Jeez someone loves to cuss. 

Chara: *gives Frisk a death stare with Frisk recoiling in fear* Once you've walked a mile in my shoes, you would love to use a fucking cuss word every sentence. However for the purpose of this story I take a step back on the cussing. Now shut the hell up and listen.

Chara: Two humans fell into Mt. Ebott, these were the first two humans to fall into the Underground. They were two human sisters and how they fell does not matter. In some twist of fate, the princess of the Underground Azzy Dreemurr had found the two humans and in an act of pure kindness she brought the two humans home to receive medical attention and aid. However soon after that, both of the sisters were adopted into the Royal Family and once again, in a very, very long time the Underground was filled with hope and prosperity. But like a cruel joke, this wouldn't last for long as the younger sister was becoming deathly ill and she on her death bed had one final and innocent wish, she wanted to return to her village and see the beautiful flowers once again, for one final time. Azzy being the loveable, kind, and compassionate sister she was obliged the younger sister's wish. Using the power of both of their souls Azzy went above to the Surface and laid the younger sister to rest on the flowers that they desperately wanted to see. *sigh* But once again fate twisted the dagger even more and the humans in a rage thought Azzy had killed the younger sister and they threw everything they had at Azzy pelting her with rocks, weapons, pitchfork's, and generally anything else they could get their murderous hands on. Azzy even though she had the power of a god, didn't even fight back she completely accepted her fate and she simply walked back to the Underground. However the wounds she sustained was too much but no dust of Azzy was ever found, it was simply like the power overloaded her and she simply vanished and crumbled from space and time itself, almost like the pain and strain was too much for her to bare, what happened to the younger sister no one truly knows. Soon after this ASGORE had declared absolute war on humanity in their fit of rage and established a brand new policy any and all humans who fell into the Underground had to be killed, and soon enough the queen Toriel, my mom had become disgusted with Asgore's actions and took the older child and left to the Ruins......never to return. *sigh* I'm the older child if you fools haven't guessed it yet and the loss both of my younger sisters was too much for me to handle and while Asgore dealt with grief in their own way, I dealt with my grief by creating an emotional barrier, making sure nothing and nobody would ever hurt me ever again, I saw emotions as an utter weakness and something I didn't need nor want as they did nothing but hurt me in the past and in order to never have an accident like this repeat I created a mask, a persona of coldness and emotionless and it worked, now I live my life in these Ruins, within these hollowed halls of nothing but coldness and despair.

Chara: *sigh* Neither of you could ever understand the loss of two, technically three family members within one single night. *a single solitary tear falls from one of Chara's eyes* Since that one night, nothing has ever been the same all of the hope the Underground once had dissipated and since then I've just walked these lonely halls me nor mother wanting to really leave this place, who knows what could be the other side of the door once we open it. *chuckles* For all we know it could be a warzone out there and monsters could be tearing one another limb from bloody limb.  

Chara: You know I just miss my family, in one night my family was torn apart like rotten cotton candy, as two of them died and the other was driven into grief and rage and then they deemed that "every human that falls down, must be killed." My life has been a fucking rollercoaster of emotions and due to this one night I've shut out most if not all of my positive emotions only leaving rage, malice, and annoyance. 

 Chara: But now that you know my story, LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!! *Chara storms off to her room, chocolate bar in her hands and she slams the door behind her. Drudging up these negative emotions had risen her anger to the peak and she couldn't take it much longer*  

*Music End* 

Frisk: *sits in complete silence for a second before finally speaking up* I feel really bad for her, I could never imagine the feeling of losing not one but two family members in the same night. Hardly anyone in their lives has gone through the amount of emotional pain Chara has gone through. 

Y,N: I know right? Chara has gone through more emotional and even mental pain than almost everyone. Imagine losing two family members in the span of one night. 

Frisk: *cringes* I know, it's horrible. No wonder why she put on a mask, a persona. She just didn't want to be hurt anymore and who would blame her? I wouldn't want to be hurt either, after what happened on that one night. 

Y,N: Just imagine what could of been running through her head at the time. Feeling that epitome of loss and despair, maybe we should make it up for her? 

Frisk: *smiles* Yeah, I would love to do that with you Y,N.   

Y,N: Huh?

Frisk: *blushes* O-O-O-O-O-Oh I meant that I would love to make Chara feel better by working with you. 

Y,N: Well we know she loves chocolate with a burning passion. Maybe some kind of cake?

Frisk: Or you know we could talk to her, maybe she just needs a friends or someone to talk to.

Y,N: Well we could do that as, it doesn't require as much time, effort, and possible failed cakes......since I'm not the best of cooks. 

Frisk: Let's try talking to her, it does seem like she desperately needs to talk to someone. As those are some powerful negative emotions just bottled up inside of her, and if she keeps those negative emotions inside of her for long enough she could explode and hurt either herself or someone close to her. 

Y,N: I just hope this works, because she seems rather volatile as it is and she could easily punch both of us in the face if she deemed too. Remember we are literally dragging negative emotions and memories out of her, meaning we're already at a bad place with her. We'll need to go about this in a neutral yet friendly standpoint making her feel comfortable. 

Frisk: Well we'll never know unless we do it, and if I can help someone come over previous emotional pain then that'll be perfect *smiles* 

Y,N: You're very determined and that's one of the things I like about you. You always put yourself before others. 

Frisk: *blushes* O-O-O-O-O-O-Oh thank you Y,N. I always try to be selfless.......*mumbles* The only real thing I want is you. 

*Y,N and Frisk walks up to Chara's door and knocks on it, even though the sign on the door clearly says "stay out!" and the fact that her door was at the very end of the hallway surely meant something* 

Chara: What is it!?!?!?!?!?!??!!??! I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y,N: Look Chara we just want to talk, we didn't mean to resurface negative memories from your past and both of us are sorry for that. We simply just wish to talk to you and get to know you better. 

Chara: *stays silent for a few seconds before sighing and unlocking the door and she says through gritted teeth* Come in, before I change my mind.  

*Y,N and Frisk enter Chara's and sees her room is nearly blank and devoid of any color or decorations, the only decorations she had in her entire room was a picture of her family and the other....if you could call it a decoration was a knife and it was lying right next to the photo and besides that her entire room was bare of anything else besides a simple bed with a pillow and blankets and the wallpaper of her room was blood red which matched her eyes and the entire time she was just glaring at Y,N and Frisk almost like she was analyzing them and wondering if she had made a mistake or not letting them into her room and therefore her sanctuary* 

Chara: Now what in the bloody world do you want to talk about? I've decided to let you into my little personal slice of paradise. So please tell me what you want to talk about before I kick your asses out of my room. 

Frisk: W-W-W-W-W-W-W-Well we just want to talk. That's simple it, we just want to talk and conversate with you. Since it looked like you really needed someone to talk to and release your negative emotions before you either hurt yourself or someone close to you. 

Chara: *hmph* How nice of you to actually think about me, no one other than my family simply wanted to "talk". However I no longer need simple things such as talking to another person. But I'm having an off-day so consider yourself lucky as this one night I feel in the mood to chat. 

Y,N: Well when and how did you fall down in the first place?

Chara: Well if you so desperately want to know me and my younger sister had decided to scale the mountain as some kind of dare, it was stupid I know however my stubborn attitude mixed with "never give up" personality had made me go up there and my younger sister had decided to join me for reasons, most likely to keep me company or to get help if I got injured on the trail. We soon enough found the cave and we both fell in after Samantha had tripped on a vine, while falling into the darkness I thought this would be our end but instead of a bone breaking and death filled fall we fell onto some golden flowers and soon enough Azzy helped us both back to the castle and you know what happened from there. 

Frisk: Don't you miss someone on the Surface?

Chara: *laughs for a good few seconds before stopping* Hell no, everyone up there was an utter asshole to me and my sister or just pretended like we didn't exist. I was treated as a demon child in my village and that hate was reflected onto my sister as well as she stuck by me through thick and thin. All those dipshits would of loved to see me dead and hell they probably think I did as I fell into the Underground, I'm glad I fell into the Underground it offered me a greater and better life with a caring family. And even now when things looked their bleakest this is still much better than life on the Surface, especially when my familial life left a lot to be desired besides my sister everyone else in my family thought I was the "demon child" as well. 

Chara: *chuckles* I can't even tell you how many times, they tried to stop the "demon child". Some very dark things, I wish to never relive again. One of the main reasons I'm happy I fell down here. 

Y,N: I'm extremely sorry for what has happened to you Chara, I feel like on some levels I can sympathize with you as people used to ignore or hurt me back on the Surface and the only friend I had back up there was Frisk. So I feel all of this was destiny and we fell down here on purpose, like this was meant to happen to us. 

Chara: Huh, maybe just maybe Y,N you're not so bad after all. If you're lucky we can be friends....but I wouldn't count on it. *yawn* Well while this was fun, I got to be getting some shuteye or stay up all night practicing my knife throwing abilities *gestures over to the sole item on the wall which Y,N and Frisk somehow missed, it was a simple dartboard but instead of darts lodged in it, it was knives* as you can tell I'm getting rather good. Now scram both of you, before I kick your sorry asses out of my room. *Frisk immediately leaves, but Chara holds Y,N back for a second* Y,N I just wanted to say thanks, you actually made me feel a little better, you really get me and I appreciate that. I hope we get to have more talks in the future. *Chara then leans in and kisses Y,N on the cheek* Good night Y,N.  

Y,N: *is a blushing mess* T-T-T-T-T-T-Thanks Chara, good night as well and sweet dreams. 

Chara: *chuckles* Such a charmer *Chara then closes the door behind her leaving Y,N in the hallway all by himself, Frisk already hightailing it to their shared room*

Y,N: *starts walking down the hallway, before hearing Toriel's door open and her peep out of her room*

Toriel: O-O-Oh hello Y,N, how's it going?  

Y,N: Good evening Toriel, and it's going rather well me and Frisk were actually able to break down some of Chara's emotional walls and actually have a conversation with her. 

Toriel: *clear shock appears on her face* R-Really? You got Chara to have an actual conversation with you? The only person she actively talked to after the incident was me, ever other monster that ran into her and tried to talk to her was scared away. Knowing you and Frisk actually managed to get a conversation out of her.....well I couldn't be happier. You've done something most others could never do. And that's something to be extremely proud of, my daughter usually never speaks to anyone and if they dare get close to her she pulls out her knife and just waves it around, like almost daring them to continue or she just stares at them with a face filled of pure rage and malice................H-H-H-H-Hey Y,N. 

Y,N: *raises an eyebrow* Yes Toriel? 

Toriel: Since you've helped my daughter come out of her shell, as little as it may be would you like a reward for it?

Y,N: Well a reward would be awesome, but I usually just want to help people. 

Toriel: *her blush deepens* W-W-W-W-W-Well Y,N how about you come back here tomorrow and I'll give you a very good reward.

Y,N: Um.........ok. Sure Toriel. 

Toriel: O_O

Y,N: Toriel are you ok?

Toriel: *snaps back to reality* Y-Y-Y-Yeah I'm fine Y,N, absolutely fine. Good night Y,N you better get some sleep, tomorrow's going to be a very busy day. 

Y,N: Yeah I guess you're right Toriel. *walks to his room* Good night Toriel.         

Toriel: Good night Y,N. *closes her door and nearly squeals in delight, knowing that she'll have Y,N all to herself. Just those eyes, that body, his personality it made her swoon, and Toriel knew she hadn't felt this way in a long, long time........not since Asgore, Toriel shook her head hating to bring up such negative and distasteful memories* Good night my little prince. I can not wait for tomorrow, I'll be ready and fully prepared.......I hope he'll like me and I sure hope I'm not too old for him.....wait if he likes younger women and thinks of me as some kind of cougar or someone trying to recapture former glory or action by having sex with a younger man like himself. Well I'll have to give it a try, since I'll never know until I attempt it and I rather get rejected by him then live in a constant state of paranoia. *gets onto her bed and slowly begins to close her eyes, feeling how heavy they were getting* Good night my handsome prince, good night.        

*The screen fades to black as all members in the house fall asleep, yet little does Y,N know that each female member had either romantic interest in him or at least had an attraction. Soon enough Y,N and Frisk will be launched into the bigger world of the Underground and face many challenges, trials, and plenty of new and unique faces, however they'll have to go through Toriel first.*

And that's a wrap and I hope all of you massively enjoyed this chapter and are hyped for the next chapter which will be Toriel's Lemon Chapter and then after that it'll be Heartache and then finally we'll have reached the Snowdin Arc and I hope all of you are hyped and excited for this story to unfold. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the ultimate road to 1,000 Followers and I know soon enough we'll conquer this massive milestone and have climbed and reach the summit. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter. 

PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

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