Chapter 2: The Ruins
Welp guess who's back again and is returning back into the wonderful and wacky world of Undertale, it's great to be back everyone and I hope you're all massively hyped for this next installment into the A New Save(Redux) and in this chapter Y,N and Frisk will take their first tentative steps into a bigger under-world and come face to face with plenty of colorful and unique creatures, including some kind of cute ghost girl. Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the chapter.
LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Y,N POV, Location: The Ruins
Toriel: Welcome my children to the Ruins. In these Ruins you'll find many unique and even dangerous puzzles, and even with their old and rusty age they're still extremely dangerous. Walk through this door once you're both ready to continue.
Y,N: *whispers to Frisk* This sounds like the perfect place for children to be.
Frisk: *whispers back* Hey, at least she has taken us in and didn't kill us like that creepy flower girl.
Y,N: *whispers* For now. I would be careful Frisk, most of the time it's the nicest ones that are actual mentally deranged sociopaths, for all we know she could be obsessed with snails or something.
Frisk: *holds back a disgusted look* I hope not, imagine eating a pie full of snails, *holds her stomach* just the thought alone makes me want to barf. But still show some respect and kindness, most strangers usually don't go out of their way to help or save people.
*Y,N looks up at the broken stained glass and for a second he swore he could see a textbox saying "The shadows of the Ruins looms above, filling you with determination and he heard a weirs clicking noise before another textbox appeared saying "file saved", however Y,N simply shrugged this off for the time being, but remembered to question this later*
*Y,N and frisk walk through the Ruins door before entering the first puzzle room*
Toriel: Welcome to your new home, innocent ones, simply called the Ruins lovely place.....despite the name. But now allow me to educate you on the certain operations of the Ruins, this place isn't a simple run-through you know?
*Toriel then stepped on the pressure plated buttons in a very specific order before then hitting the switch, which resulted in said door opening*
Toriel: See easy? But while this one may be easy, other puzzles in the Ruins will mentally tax you and you must prepare for that to happen, if you're going to live here. Some even say they were an ancient magical hybrid between diversions of doorkeys, but some of that might just be simple nonsense. However what we do know is that you must solve these puzzles to get from room to room. Please adjust yourself to the sight of them, because well they'll be everywhere.
*Toriel then walks through the open door with Frisk following close behind but Y,N stays behind for a second to read a sign on the left wall of the door and he reads "Only the fearless may proceed. Brave ones, foolish ones. Both walk not the middle road."*
Y,N: Huh, how foreboding. Still good poetry either way. *runs after Toriel and Frisk*
Toriel: Now young ones, to make progress through this room you must flip the correct switches in a very specific order to lower the spikes.
Y,N: Um, why didn't they just create a button on the wall to automatically lower the puzzles without all this hassle?
Toriel: *thinks* Well, see.......well I got nothing, you might be right young one. Determined and Smart.
Frisk: *smiles* I happen to like the challenge, it's an exercise for your brain.
Toriel: Oh and don't worry about taking forever to find the right switches and then the right combination, I've already labeled which switches you'll need to pull to lower the spikes and so we can move onto the next room.
Y,N: Okkkkkkkk thennnnnnnn.
*Y,N and Frisk easily finish this puzzle due to Toriel making it super easy for them, with her literally labeling what switches you needed to flip and in what order you needed to flip them*
Y,N: That was simplistically easy.
Frisk: Yeah that was a little less challenging than I thought it would be.
Toriel: Splendid! Little ones, however let us move onto the next room. Because I have the weirdest of feelings I left the stove on in my house and I rather not return, only to see my house burnt to the ground.
Toriel: Well as humans living in a dangerous placed such as the Underground you must know how to strike up a conversation during a fight, as once you do the monster attacking you will be less likely to attack or kill you if you talk to it and pacify it. Or you know there was another way to "pacify" a monster but no one really uses that strategy anymore as it led to a lot of lawsuits, but enough about that. Just try talking to that dummy, a nice little warmup to the challenges that may lay ahead. Frisk you go first.
Frisk: W-Well ok then, I'll give this my best shot.
*Frisk encountered the dummy*
Frisk: Well hello Mr. Dummy, I hope you're doing good on this lovely day in the Underground. I also think you dressed fashionably well this morning and I know you'll potentially attract the attention of many female monsters.
Dummy: *doesn't seem much for conversation*
Toriel: *coughs* I-I-I think that's enough for now Frisk, however that was still a great way to defuse a fight from breaking out, your turn Y,N.
Y,N: Well ok, let's see how this goes.
*Y,N encountered the dummy*
Y,N: Well hello Mr. wonderful day we're having. I think you're doing a great um.....job at you know standing still and watching the world develop and change around you. As new technological wonders and achievements are being built everyday and society as we know it begins to change along with it.
Dummy:.........*once again due to it being a simple practice dummy, it's not really made nor up for conventional or philosophic conversations*
Toriel: Um that was rather emotional and philosophic at the end there Y,N. However just like Frisk you both did a great job and flew with flying colors. But one thing Y,N you'll need to work on coming up with good talking points, you were stuttering and stopping a few times during that conversation.
*all three of them enter a room which seemed normal until they first encountered a monster known as a Froggit, which was quickly scared off by Toriel and secondly was a dangerous as hell room of spikes where the only way across was passing through the incredibly dangerous bridge of spikes.....once again this really isn't a place for children. However Toriel grabbed out hands and carefully guided us through the dangers of the spike bridge and we all made it past the other side unscathed or impaled, which is always a good thing.
Toriel: Puzzles seem.....a litle too dangerous for now, let us trek onwards.
Y,N: You don't say.
*After Toriel "left" us on our own in the next room(not really she was really hiding behind a pillar which both me and Frisk could still see her clearly we walked across the room on our and Toriel then popped out of her.....well terrible hiding spot)*
Toriel: Congratulations my children, that was a test of independence and courage and once again both of you passed with flying colors. *wipes a tear from her eye* They grow up so fast.
Y,N: I really wasn't worried but let's keep moving on.
Frisk: That sounds like a good idea, I have a strange feeling we're being watched.
Toriel: Oh no you two must stay here for awhile as I must attend some business, I hate doing this but you two need to stay here as I have to do some important things on my own. I hope both of you understand. Please stay here as it's extremely dangerous to explore the Ruins by yourself, especially with all the monsters roaming around. However don't worry as I'll give both of you a Cell Phone, if you ever need me for anything, anything at all just give me a call and I'll answer. Now be good, alright? *Toriel walks away, post haste*
*Y,N and Frisk wait for a good 5-10 minutes before both of them get bored and walk onwards without Toriel as both their spirit of adventure and their heightened increase in boredom, demanded that they move onwards, immediately the encounter a Froggit but it doesn't attack them and it simply ribbits*
Frisk: Well we were going to mercy everyone anyway, right Y,N?
Y,N: Absolutely.
Frisk: Neither of us has a killing bone in our bodies, right Y,N?
Y,N: Sure.
Frisk: See?
Froggit: *ribbit*
Frisk: Oh yeah? Well you'll see me and Y,N will be the ultimate Pacifist's this Underground has ever seen.
*After going through several more rooms including a memory test puzzle where both Y,N and Frisk had failed twice not memorizing the pattern, before realizing on the third turn they had to not step onto the steps where leaves were below and had to follow a very specific pattern and after that they had encountered a very sad and depressed enemy known as a Whimsun and once Frisk had tried to console it, it burst into tears and fled the battle, leaving both Y,N and Frisk very perplexed, and finally they each took one candy from the candy bowl and not wanting to be assholes to other passerby's they each decided to take one candy. *
Y,N: Well this place has already been one hell of a journey. Killer flower girls, half human-half goat moms, literally monster frogs, deadly puzzles, free candy, and a monster who cried once you tried to console him. If I didn't feel the fall into darkness, I would swear this is nothing but a crazy dream were both sharing.
*ring, ring*
Frisk: Oh it's my phone Toriel gave me earlier, hold on let me pick up. Um hello Toriel, what kind of flavor do we prefer Butterscotch or Cinnamon? *whispers* Y,N what do you think?
Y,N: Butterscotch, definitely bscotch.
(Overlord: Sorry to break the flow, but please comment down below which you prefer, Butterscotch or Cinnamon it would be fun to see which one everyone loves more. I want to see if you're Team Butterscotch or Team Cinnamon.)
Frisk: I prefer Butterscotch, over Cinnamon. Ok thanks Toriel, you're the best, wait no me nor Y,N would turn up our noses if we saw cinnamon on our plate. Oh well me and Y,N were happy to help Toriel, goodbye.
Y,N: Huh sometimes she's a very weird lady.
Frisk: I think it adds to her charm. She's sweet and caring, you know like a mother.
Y,N: *stops dead in his tracks*
Frisk: *immediately hugs Y,N* Oh I'm so sorry Y,N I didn't mean to bring up the subject of family.
Y,N: *calms down and returns back to a normal-ish state* T-T-T-Thanks for that Frisk just you know how I feel about f-f-f-family especially m-m-m-mothers and f-f-f-fathers.
Frisk: *smiles at Y,N making him blush slightly* I understand Y,N plenty of people suffer through the same thing. I'll be sure not to bring it up and hey I wonder if Toriel could be happy for both of us while were down here.
Y,N: I would probably like that, you know actually having a m-m-m-m-m-m-mother who sticks around.
*after getting on a weird and maybe even negative side with a southern rock who literally talked back to them, both Y,N and Frisk has entered the next room and both saw the weirdest sight imaginable....they saw a girl lying on the floor but not just a normal human girl, she was....transparent looking and obviously wasn't sleeping but was just repeating the word "z" over and over again*
???: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Hopefully they'll go away *she says painfully out loud* *whispers* even though the male is rather.....attractive, but he wouldn't like someone like me.
Y,N: Um hello? Miss, we really must be getting past you. *suddenly the entire room flickers before Y,N enters a battle with the female*
*Here comes Napstablook A.K.A. Blookie*
Y,N: What? Hey! We just wanted to get past and get home.
Napstablook: I'm sorry but I really just wanted to get a better look at you, but you would never fall for someone as ugly as me. *begins to cry and her tears splash onto the battlefield and even damaged Y,N as one hit him on the arm and he cringed in pain feeling her tears almost felt like some kind of acid, with Frisk looking on with a concerned face*
Y,N: *raises his hand up even though his left arm is stinging him to the very core* No, no, no I think you're extremely attractive and even though you may be a ghost you're still very gorgeous and beautiful and any man or ghost would be lucky to have you. *as he says this both he and Frisk smell the faint odor of ectoplasm permeant the battlefield and Frisk's face scrunches up slightly smelling the nearly foul stench*
Napstablook: *cries splashing more tears onto the battlefield* I-I-I-I wish you were true, but you're lying just like those kids lied back in high school. No one would love a freak like me. Not even someone like you.
Y,N: Look Napstablook, you're extremely attractive I think the only thing holding up back is your own self-confidence. You need to stand up for yourself and become your own woman, or in this case ghostly woman. Plus everyone has their problems, but the only way we can fight them or change them is by confronting them and helping yourself change those problems, hell I have problems but thanks to Frisk and a little bit of myself, we're trying to remove those problems and create a better me.
*Y,N expects another barrage of acidic tears but instead sees the battlefield light up with the text "Really not feeling up to it right now. Sorry. and Napstablook gives him a half cheerful smile, either she hadn't smiled in a long, long time or she didn't even know what a smile was*
Napstablook: Do you really think I'm gorgeous and do you really think I could change for the better?
Y,N: I think anyone could change and help themselves if they have a little help from others around them. Plus I really think you're attractive and for a ghost, I would give you an 7 or 8 out of 10. If you put your mind to it, you can do anything and I think if you put your mind to it you can help yourself and find the man of your dreams.
Napstablook: W-W-W-W-Well thanks Y,N, but one last thing I want to some you something.
Y,N: Sure go ahead.
*Napstablook's entire outfit shifts from wearing a white sweater and white jeans into a fancy and elegant white dress almost akin to a wedding dress and her current "shoes" transform into heels and finally an elegant top hat appears on her head*
Napstablook: What do you think? I call this "dapper Blook" but I also prefer "fancy Blook".
Y,N: *smiles* I think it looks perfect on you Napstablook.
Napstablook: *plushes....somehow* J-j-j-just call me Blookie.
*Y,N Spared Napstablook*
Napstablook: Well I better get out of your way and t-t-t-t-thank you for the helpful advice. I appreciate having someone like you around, but I better get out of your way, so I'll catch you guys around sometime *she then fades into thin air with a faint giggle remaining in the air before slowly fading away as well*
*End Music*
Y,N: Well she was nice. I do hope she is able to help herself and increase her own self-confidence.
Frisk: I hope so too, *inner thoughts* but if she even thinks about touching my Y,N I'll find a way to kill a ghost.
*after passing through Napstablook's little area they swiftly encountered a spider bakesale, with the slogan being "made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders!*
Y,N: Huh, how quaint.
Frisk: It looks like in the underground anything and everything is possible.
Y,N: I'm not the biggest possible fan of spiders, but what the hell it's for some kind of good cause. *Y,N buys a spider donut with the money he found buried in the leaves earlier*
Frisk: Spiders are creepy little creatures, I hope that thing you bought isn't MADE of spiders. But at least i-t-t-t-t-t's for a good cause right?
Y,N: I think, I hope this isn't some kind of scam.
Frisk: L-l-l-let's just keep moving. I r-r-r-r-really don't like spiders.
*finally Y,N and Frisk are able to complete a revolving/change in perspective puzzle where the rooms would change ever so slightly meaning some buttons were hidden behind pillars in most of the rooms, however this was simple for Y,N and Frisk as they was two of them meaning they could divide the work load and finally they had made it to what they assumed was Toriel's house*
Toriel: *rushes out of the house immediately and hugs both Y,N and Frisk* I'm so sorry young ones this was so irresponsible of me too leave you out there all by yourself surrounded by so many monsters who would want to kill you in some kind of form or fashion. My surprise to the two of you took longer than I thought, especially with a certain someone deciding to stay in there room all day. *notices the acidic burn on Y,N's left arm and gasps* Oh dear my child, I'm so sorry for what could of possibly happened out there, most monsters aren't as kind or compassionate as myself. *uses a green ethereal glow onto Y,N's acidic burn and it immediately cures him, but little does Toriel, Frisk, or even Y,N know what magical wonders Toriel's healing magic has unlocked for Y,N* Now that looks better doesn't it?
Y,N: *flexes his arm feeling the stinging gone* Perfect Toriel, thank you so much. You won't believe what we got into while you were gone.
Frisk: What were talking about a "surprise" Toriel?
Toriel: Oh well I guess I can't hide it any longer, follow my young ones I have a very special surprise for all and I also have someone I would love for you two too met, she's around your age, however she usually loves to be in her room.......especially after the incident *Toriel gets a horrible flashback, but quickly recovers* Enough about that time for your surprise.
Toriel: Ta-da, Butterscotch-Cinnamon Pie. I know you said Butterscotch specifically but I didn't want Y,N or you to be left out so I decided to add Cinnamon in anyway, it gives it a kick of flavor. Now let us dig in, while it's still hot.
*The screen fades to black as Y,N and Frisk thoroughly enjoy the pie and love the homely atmosphere that Toriel has created, little do either of them the Heartache that will befall all three of them soon enough once Y,N and Frisk decide they want to leave the roost and continue on with their mission to freedom. Additionally with the change of a certain someone also in Toriel's house how will this effect things in the future?*
And that's a wrap and I hope all of you massively enjoyed this chapter and are excited for the next chapter which will involve Y,N and Frisk meeting this special someone. then it will be the lemon chapter with Toriel(I hope all of you are hyped for that), and finally after that it'll be the battle between Y,N and Frisk vs Toriel before finally the Snowdin Arc will begin. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the ultimate road to 1,000 Followers and I know soon enough we'll have conquered this milestone and climbed to the top of the summit. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter.
PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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