ᶜᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 3 。 ᵞᴼᵁ ᴳᵁᵞˢ ᴬᴿᴱ ᵂᴴᴬᵀ ᴺᴼᵂ?! 。
As soon as Taehyung said those words, I felt my heart skip a beat and my breath hitching. "W-what?!?! No way! V-vampires aren't r-real.." My voice accidentally cracked at the end of the sentence. The boys looked down, I could see the guilt and sadness all over their eyes. "I-I'm so sorry Y/N.. but they are and we are one of them.." Jimin spoke while scratching the back of his neck. "N-no.. no.. this can't be happening! This can't be real! I wish all of this was over!" I shouted as a tear escaped my eye and rolled down my cheek. Jungkook approached me and hugged me tightly.
"L-let me go!" I said as I struggled to get out of his grip. He just ignored what I said and looked at me. "No, listen Y/N. We are not like the other vampires.. we don't hurt humans.. especially humans like you. Remember, Taehyung brought you here for a reason. If he didn't care about you, he would've just ignored you alright? He brought you here to keep you safe and gave you a place to stay.. we promise you Y/N, no one will ever hurt you again okay?" Jungkook spoke, making my heart feel really warm. "Should I give them a chance? Will they actually help me and not betray me like my so-called friends? Eh, screw it. These guys that are helping you are BTS, Y/N! Of course you can trust them." I thought as I hugged Jungkook back. "T-thank you all s-so much.. I would've been on the streets if it weren't for y-you guys.." I said as I broke the hug and smiled at all of them. "You're welcome Y/N. Anything for people like you." Hoseok smiled brightly at me. Suddenly, I remembered something, I still have school tomorrow! "Aish Y/N, why are you so stupid? You still have school tomorrow and it's like 11 PM already!" I thought to myself as I panicked.
"What's wrong Y/N?" Yoongi asked worriedly. "I-I just remembered.. I still have school tomorrow and it's like late at night already.." I said embarrassed. "O-oh, in that case.. you can sleep in my room tonight Y/N!" Taehyung smiled brightly and leaded me to his room. "W-wait, that's not fair! Taehyung you know the rules~ If we have a guest.. we must play rock, paper, scissors to decide where the guest will be staying!" Namjoon shouted at Taehyung while crossing his arms. "But she isn't a guest. Plus, I found her first so I have the rights to choose where she will stay for the first night~!" Taehyung shouted back at them and got me in his room. "Yah Taehyung! That's so unfair!" Everyone shouted but Taehyung ignored them and closed the door.
I couldn't help but chuckle at their silliness. "Aish, these kids.." I thought as I shook my head. Taehyung then came over to me and said, "Sorry about that, the boys are usually like this when we have a guest coming over." "It's perfectly fine, I completely understand." I looked at him and giggled. "Okay then, go ahead and sleep.. I don't want you to be late for school tomorrow." He pointed at his bed and I raised an eyebrow. "Sorry for asking but, if I'll sleep on your bed.. where will you sleep?" He chuckled at my question and answered, "Don't worry about it, I have my ways.. now go to sleep okay?" Taehyung patted my head. "Okay Tae.. thanks again for everything.." I smiled at him as I laid on the bed, pulled the covers over me and drifted off to dreamland.
Taehyung POV
She looked so peaceful as I saw her sleep comfortably for the first time. "No one is ever going to hurt you again Y/N.. I promise you." I thought as I carefully got on the bed as well and laid next to her. "Good night Y/N." The next thing I knew was, I drifted off to dreamland as well.
Jimin POV
"Ugh, that was so unfair. He didn't do the rock, paper, scissors method that we always do." I said quietly but loud enough for the boys to hear me. "Don't worry Jimin, tomorrow we are going to use it." Jungkook pats me on the shoulder and went to his room. The rest did the same thing and I did as well. "I'm going to get you to sleep with me tomorrow Y/N." I thought as I fell asleep.
I woke up to the sound of snoring next to me and slowly turned around, scared to see who it was. To my relieve, it was just Taehyung. I was still quite shocked but not as shocked as if it was a stranger. I quietly got off the bed and stretched my body. I then went to the bathroom and did my morning routine. When I was finally done, I went to go get some breakfast but accidentally dropped something. Taehyung immediately woke up to see me reaching for the door knob and got up. "Good morning Tae, sorry I woke you up.. I didn't mean to-" "It's okay Y/N, I'm supposed to be waking up at this time anyways." He gave me a box smile which made me smile too. We then made our way out the room and into the dining room to find everyone siting there. "Ahh, good morning you two. How did you sleep last night?" Jin asked while making breakfast for everyone.
"Pretty good, thanks for asking." I said giving him a smile while taking a seat next to Jungkook. "Well that's no problem, here's breakfast everyone!" Jin said as he gave everyone their plates. As soon as I got my plate, I noticed my food was 'different' from the others so, I gave Jin a confused look. "Oh, don't worry about that Y/N. I made yours special because you are a human and you don't eat the things we eat so.. yeah." I just nodded and start to eat my food. "So Y/N, where do you study?" Namjoon suddenly asked me. "Uh well, it's not far away from here and it's called XXX Academy." I said with my mouth stuffed with food. Namjoon nodded and continued eating. Suddenly, Jungkook asked me another question. "Do you want me to drive you there? Maybe it'll be faster and easier if you let me." "S-sure Jungkook.. it's okay if you want to drive me there.." I answered while remembering Kira, my bully telling me not to bring any friends with me or else she would beat me up again. "That's great! Let's go right now! I don't want you to be late!" Jungkook said as he grabbed my wrist, opened the door without saying bye and pulled me to his car.
He then let go of me to open the door for me and got onto his driver seat. He started the car and started driving. After a couple of minutes, he pulled over and I realized that we had arrived. I gulped quietly, hoping for him not to hear me but unfortunately, he did. "What's up Y/N? Why are you so worried?" "I-it's nothing serious heh.." I responded, trying my best to keep my cool. "You sure?" I nodded. "Okay then, but let me just walk you in okay? I just want to make sure everything's alright with you." I nodded again. He then took me out of his car and entered the school with me. Everyone stared at me and him in shock. Especially the girls, they kept staring between me and Jungkook, probably jealous or something. I have a very bad feeling about this day of school. Suddenly, we stopped walking because we were blocked by none other than.. Kira.
She stared at me with disgust but stared at Jungkook like she is meeting a prince or something. "Uh oh, here we go." I thought as I got ready for her attacks. But shockingly, I didn't feel any attacks coming from her. Probably because Jungkook is here.. "Omg, hi oppa! I can't believe I'm meeting you right now~ You know, I am a huge fan of BTS and I love all your music! I just have one little question.. why are you with her? She's like the school's lonely girl so I think you shouldn't be hanging out with her. I think the right people to hang out with are us." She said pointing to her gang. When Kira said this, I could feel Jungkook getting mad beside me but he kept his cool. "Listen here whoever your name is, first of all DON'T call me oppa because I am NOT your oppa. Second of all, don't you dare say that to my best friend here. She is not lonely, she just needs to be understood by you all so shut your mouth." Kira was left there speechless while my heart was racing. "Thanks Jungkook, you actually made me feel safe for once." I thought to myself.
Jungkook suddenly turned to me and smiled. "I'm sorry Y/N but, I have to get going. We need to practice for our new comeback and you know how hard that is." I nodded and gave him a bright smile. "Thanks for defending me by the way, that was really sweet of you." Jungkook nodded and left. After he left, I didn't feel safe anymore, the air turned really cold and I know that Kira is so pissed at me right now. "So you befriended an idol huh? Not bad for a shady loser like you." Kira laughed while her gang surrounded me. "You probably stalked Jungkook and forced him to friend you, what a shame.. you should've just stuck to being a loner Y/N. I warned you the last time I saw you but guess what? You didn't listen to me. Tsk tsk tsk. It's time to punish you for being such a bad girl and stealing MY boyfriend. Have fun with her girls~ I'll be watching~!" Kira's gang got closer to me and the next thing I knew was, I got beaten up so bad that I passed out on the school floor.
Kira POV
It was fun to see her getting beaten up by my gang. Especially after she stole MY boyfriend away from me. She has to pay. After a couple of minutes of watching her getting beaten up, she passed out. Pfft, what a weakling. "Ugh, she passed out already? What a pathetic freak. Let's go gang. Oh wait, let's write her a note so that she knows to never mess with us again~" I wrote her a note and threw it on her. We then left the school building satisfied with our work today.
I woke up on the school floor and my whole body was hurting like hell. I also noticed that there was a note next to me and that it was getting dark outside so I tried to stand up. I finally managed to stand up and read the note. "Hey pathetic freak, I just wanted to let you know that this was just a warning and not a real thing so, the next time you come to school and I see you with the whole of Bangtan, I will beat you up so bad that you can't walk anymore. You better watch out, see you later pathetic freak! With love, Kira." After I read the note, I felt tears threatening to fall from my eyes so I put the note in my pocket and limped my way back to Bangtan's dorm because I was so scared to be spotted by some school mates and get laughed at. I finally reached the door of Bangtan and knocked on the door.
"Coming!" I heard Jin's voice from the other side of the door. Jin opened the door with a smile on his face but as soon as he saw my condition, his smile faded away. I couldn't take it anymore so I hugged him tightly and cried on his shoulders. "It's okay.. it's okay.. I'll go call the boys to get you fixed up and we can talk about this face to face with everyone okay?" I just nod and kept crying on his shoulder. He then helped me walk to the couch and made me sit. "Stay here, I'll be right back with the boys." I just nod again because I didn't want to speak. After a couple of minutes, Jin came back with all the boys and after they all saw my condition, boy were they furious.
"W-WHO DID THIS TO YOU?!?!" "WHAT DID THEY DO TO YOU?!?!" "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US SOONER?!?!" After throwing me a lot of questions, Jin had enough. "STOP ASKING HER DAMN QUESTIONS! CAN'T YOU SEE SHE'S TIRED TOO?!?! SHE HAD GONE THROUGH TOO MUCH ALREADY TO HEAR YOU ALL SHOUT AT HER!" Everyone then calmed down and apologised to me and Jin. They then sat on the couch and waited for me to say something. I didn't talk for a couple of minutes because I was scared but then, Jin told me that it was okay and that I could just say what happened. I took a deep breath before speaking.
"W-well.. let me just tell you guys s-something.. before I l-lost my family and met y-you guys.. I had and still have this bully named Kira.. she used to be my best f-friend but then, she got j-jealous of me because I am r-richer than her.. so she l-left me and came back with a n-new group of friends and w-well.. they started bullying me.. everything was going n-normal.. the bullying never really went t-too far.. until.. she lost o-one of her other b-best friends.. she blamed it all on m-me and she's currently s-still trying to find reasons of why p-people shouldn't be f-friends with me and it's w-working.. I am j-just a loner at s-school now.. because s-she makes fake r-rumors about me that don't even m-match my personality. I t-think she found a-another reason today, when s-she saw me walking with you t-today Jungkook.. she got really p-pissed.. she claims that y-you're her 'boyfriend' and t-that I'm stealing you away f-from her.. she also made a-another rumor that I s-stalked you guys a-and forced you all to b-befriend me." After hearing what I said, I could tell that they were feeling sad and angry at the same time.
Jungkook suddenly banged the table and started cussing quietly but loud enough for us to hear. "O-oh yeah.. she also l-left me a note when I passed out t-today." I took out the note from my pocket, Taehyung quickly snatched it from my hand and reads it. "Wow this girl.. I just can't.. I feel so bad for you Y/N.. you did nothing wrong to deserve this. Plus, she beaten you up that bad that she made you pass out?" I quickly nod as Taehyung clenched his fist. "I'm going to kill this girl.." "No worries, I'm way ahead of you all but for now, let's help Y/N." Jin said as the boys nod and carried me to Taehyung's bedroom. They laid me down on the bed and quickly looked for the first aid kit while Taehyung stayed by my side. "I promised you that I won't let anyone hurt you anymore right?" Taehyung asked as I nodded. "Well, I'm sorry for letting you get hurt again. But, I promise I'll make this little girl pay and beg for mercy. I promise you.." Taehyung said as his eyes started turning to a red colour.
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