Chapter Twenty-Four: A Hero From Birth
The group gears up and arranges a group to fight Shigaraki and the League of Villains. They are terrified, while (Y/N), Midoryia, and Shinso are discussing a game plan.
"He can't see you until the very end." Midoryia says, "So, Shinso and I came up with an idea." He sets a vial on the table, filled with a certain red liquid. "You have Toga's quirk copied, so this is a small vial of my blood. We'll be on the opposite sides of the fight, so there should be no problems. However, as plan B, we have a vial of Present Mic's blood, since he won't be at the fight."
Shinso cuts in, "Our plan is to rush them. Right now, Shigaraki will assume you're being hidden or fleeing Japan. He won't expect a head-on attack so soon. Especially with this many heroes."
(Y/N) nods, "I'm in."
"Then let's go tell the others the plan."
The group strategizes together for an hour until Aizawa and other heroes enter to review the plan. It's approved and the group plans to ambush the League of Villains the next day. Early the next morning, the heroes and students that are involved in the fight receive a phone call from (Y/N) and the group sets out to their starting positions. Pro heroes are evenly spread out with members of class 1-A who are all stationed around downtown Musutafu.
(Y/N) speaks into an earpiece to everyone, "Remember that he will be angry. He will attack to kill. As far as we know, Nomus and other low-ranking villains could be everywhere. Be cautious and use the codeword into the earpiece if you are in danger and need backup."
Slowly, the groups approach the riots and begin fighting.
In Hawk's group, they seem to find an abundance of weak lesser-known villains. It's pretty easy for the group to take them down and have them arrested. Eventually, Shoji and Tokoyami reappear after scouting.
"Every villain we saw weren't the LoV's members." Shoji says.
"It seems these are all recruits." Tokoyami adds. "There's no sign of the LoV."
"Then we keep moving." Hawks responds, "What have the other teams seen?"
"The same as us."
In Midoryia's group, Hagakure and Jiro hear and see the same thing. Until, Jiro picks up the faint conversation of two minor villains.
"When do we rush? With Gigantomachia?"
"Soon. Be patient. Shigaraki will give us the signal." Jiro realizes then, that the villains don't even know that the heroes are there yet.
Her and Hagakure rush back to the main group.
"They don't know that we're here yet." Jiro begins.
"But they were planning to rush us with Gigantomachia." Hagakure finishes.
"We have to strike soon. They'll realize we're here and send out the boss." Midoryia says, turning to Iida, "Tell (Y/N) to push. Plan R is in motion."
And so, he does.
The three groups, along with the other heroes, push forward. They sneak-attack and remain undercover until needed. (Y/N)'s group receives the order from Midoryia and quickly begins following Plan R.
Play Victory by Two Steps from Hell
Rushing their brother.
As the other groups lessen the riots and the villain's numbers, around the sides, (Y/N)'s group rushes forward. They are split into two groups, 'a' and 'b.' Using Yaoyorozu and (Y/N), group B scouts around and eventually finds Shigaraki's location. They contact the other heroes and groups. (Y/N)'s group meets up with Midoryia's while all the other groups continue to fight and arrest villains nearby.
After the position of Shigaraki and his goons is located by Jiro and Shoji, Midoryia and (Y/N)'s groups get together and split again into three separate groups, 'A' 'B' and 'C'. Using the earpieces, (Y/N) confirms that Hawk's group and another small group of heroes are in position behind where Shigaraki and his goons are facing.
First, Shinso, Sato and Sero rush ahead of the rest of the 3 groups and become the distractions. The League of Villains faces the three students and fails to realize that other heroes are slowly closing in. The "3 S's" manage to distract them long enough for Hawk's group and other heroes to flank the unsuspecting villains. Without any problems, Hawk's group takes down the villains and move forward. This kind of tactic continues to work until all of the heroes (except the ones that are arresting the villains) are surrounding Shigaraki and the rest of the LoV.
"Does anyone else think this is a little bit too easy?" Midoryia says in the earpiece.
"I agree with Deku," (Y/N) replies, "This is too easy for my brother's kind of fight. Stay on your guard. Can someone get in contact with Present Mic, I want to check on Eri."
"For sure." Aizawa says.
The heroes attempt to charge at the villains but (Y/N) calls them off.
"Shigaraki." They hiss.
"(Y/N)!" The scarred man yells, "Glad to see you." He glares at Aizawa, "And you."
"What do you want, Shigaraki?"
"I want you back." The villain replies simply, "None of this would've happened if you just stayed with me. You were everything to me. Why can't you just come back? Our lives were perfect before you left."
"You're a villain." (Y/N) replies plainly, "I am not. You were manipulative and our entire relationship was toxic. All of UA is amazing. They saved me from you."
"Don't you see?" He replies, stepping closer, "They've manipulated you into following them. Don't you remember how we were treated as kids by the heroes?"
"Those were different heroes!" (Y/N) shouts, "This is a different era, a safer, more heroic one. Get over yourself."
Shigaraki huffs under his breath, "I thought you might say that." He snaps his fingers and Spinner approaches with a tablet in his hand. He turns the tablet to the heroes and it shows Present Mic and Eri tied up in their house. Aizawa immediately gets angry but is held back by (Y/N).
In their head, (Y/N) gives him a warning, "Call Present Mic. If his phone rings in the video, they actually have them captured. If not or if he answers, we're free to attack.
And so the hero does that. Present Mic answers and immediately the heroes charge forward upon (Y/N)'s order. Everything erupts into chaos. Shigaraki immediately singles out (Y/N) and attacks. (Y/N) dodges all the attacks but can't get a clean shot in to hit him back. Dabi and Spinner keep blocking their attacks. The other heroes are busy with the villains so (Y/N) has to deal with this on their own. They use Present Mic's voice to blast the villains away, then combines it with Shinso's mind control.
"If I come back with you, will you leave everyone else alone?"
Without thinking, the villain says yes. Immediately, Shinso's mind control takes over and Shigaraki can't control himself as he's forced to demolish the road around him, separating him from Dabi and Spinner. Endeavor and Midoryia take over distracting him while (Y/N) fights his comrades.
Spinner charges forward and crashes his sword down while Dabi sprays fire in every direction. (Y/N) can't escape easily so they use One for All to blast them away. Then they freeze the battlefield, giving them a moment to use Kurogiri's portal ability to teleport behind Dabi and knock him out. They then teleport back to face Spinner.
"They'll always only see you as a villain's child." He hisses, "You'll never be more than that!"
(Y/N) scoffs, making a sword with Yayorozu's quirk and clashing it with Spinner's.
"If that's how they see me, then they're fools!"
The two's swords clash back and forth until (Y/N) uses their foot to kick Spinner's blade out of his grasp. They places their foot on his chest, pointing their sword straight at his jugular. Before the police can restrain him, Twice comes plowing over and knocks (Y/N) off of their feet.
The villain grabs his comrade and rushes to freedom. Without missing a beat, (Y/N) chases after them. They grab them both with Isozaki's vines and throws them to the ground. The police approach before they can escape again. Glancing around, (Y/N) watches all of their classmates and fellow heroes fighting the villains.
(Y/N) spots their brother fighting Midoryia and Aizawa. They quickly rush over. Their (F/C) coloration creates vein-like structures all over their body. They lands beside their father and Midoryia, creating a ripple of dust and debris as they do so. It creates a huge crack in the roads of Musutafu.
"Finally, you've decided to join me."
"I will never join you!" They scream.
The entire area begins to rumble as (Y/N)'s anger festers and a storm seems to brew in the sky above them. The electricity they're creating even begins to affect nearby heroes. This causes everyone to turn their direction to find out what's going on. The energy around the area matches the same energy that Midoryia and the others felt when All for One first appeared during Bakugo's rescue. It terrifies the surrounding heroes.
"What do you think you're going to gain from this?"
Immediately, everything falls to ash. Shigaraki puts his hand to the ground, disintegrating everything except the platform of which he and (Y/N) now face each other on. All the other heroes attempt to get back but are distracted because a giant rock-like creature approaches. Giomanticha. The heroes are too busy with him to help their friend so (Y/N) fights on their own.
(Y/N) attempts to freeze the ground but Shigaraki sees this coming and jumps up. He comes crashing back down, using the ice to slide behind his family member and place three of his fingers from each hand on their shoulders. His fingers dance up and down their neck, laughing maniacally.
"I could take you, right now. No one else would have to be hurt." He whispers, "Just say the word."
"I will never return to you."
"Are you sure about that?" He asks, gesturing behind them.
Behind stands Dabi, holding Eri tightly with a quirk-cancelling device slapped around her neck. Her tears run down her face like a waterfall. (Y/N) attempts to charge over but Dabi's hand lights up with fire. Eri screams and the hero's heart lurches at the sight of the child. Slowly all of the heroes and friends nearby realize what is going on and circle the remaining League of Villain's members.
Shigaraki steps forward, "If you come with me, Eri and the rest of your so-called 'family' will be set free. No one else will be harmed."
"How do I know if you're telling the truth?"
Shigaraki snaps his fingers and Dabi immediately raises his hand to burn the little girl. Before any harm can come to her, (Y/N) bolts over using Aizawa's erasure quirk to cancel out Dabi's fire. They kick the man in between the legs and throw Eri over to Midoryia and the other heroes. They handcuff Dabi and turn to face their brother.
"Smart, I'll give you that." He replies, "But not smart enough."
He snaps his fingers again and suddenly the Giamatchina that was "defeated" by the heroes a few moments earlier comes crashing down on top of the hero. Thankfully, they dodge and create a canyon with Yaoyorozu and fires them at the beast. Using their second father's voice quirk, they attempt to confuse and disorient the villain but to no avail. Before they can think to do anything else, the beast charges forward. (Y/N) dodges and watches as it effortlessly blasts through a nearby tower.
They huff as they use Tetsutetsu's quirk to begin blasting the monster's legs so it'd kneel. Finally, the other heroes are able to start helping. Endeavor begins blasting his ultimate move left and right to distract the enemy while Shoto freezes its legs and (Y/N) stretches their arms to keep it still. Using One for All alongside Midoryia, they both punch its face. The beast falls down as the heroes all land.
Breathless, they rest for a few seconds, some cheering at their victory. But instead, the beast roars loudly, rumbling the nearby buildings enough to collapse. Heroes dodge and flee the wreckage. But (Y/N) is unable to. They're exhausted and delirious. Before the building can crush them, Bakugo and Midoriya crash through it using their quirks. They blast the villain as much as possible to give (Y/N) time to escape but they can't move. They collapse as their knees buckle. Midoriya rushes to their aid, screaming their name to keep them conscious.
(Y/N) attempts to reply to his calls but they notices the enemy behind him. (Y/N) collapsing has left both of the heroes distracted and open to attack. Using their stretch quirk, (Y/N) pushes both of them away as the villain throws a building towards them. Midoriya and many other heroes watch as they smile a goodbye and dust fills the area as the building makes contact.
Immediately, out of anger, despair and heartache, the heroes filled their hearts with glory and charge. As the fight continues in the background, some classmates from class 1-A, Shinso, and Aizawa search the dusty rubble for their comrade. Kirishima and Bakugo lift a huge piece of sheet metal to reveal (Y/N).
Somehow, still alive but dying. Desperately, Aizawa and the other students lift the rest of the rubble that is holding them down and free them. With tears in their eyes, they look over their crushed body. They're completely paralyzed and almost everything is broken.
Play The Wisp Sings - Winter Aid
"(Y/N) please—say something." Aizawa pleads, slightly shaking their head and kissing them.
They slightly turn their head, smiling softly as they lift their only non-broken arm to touch their father's face. Around them, students and heroes cry. Giomatchina was finally defeated and the rest of the LoV were arrested.
"S-Someone get Recovery Girl!" Their father yells, tears flowing from his eyes.
"She won't get here in time, dad." (Y/N) replies, coughing up blood. "The building crushed everything. I don't have enough energy to heal it all. She'd simply kill me."
Aizawa kneels down beside them, with Shinso and Eri at his side, "C-Can't you copy her quirk and use it on yourself?"
They shake their head slightly, "No. I have no energy and besides, I can't use it on myself."
(Y/N) coughs more harshly now and begins wheezing. They glance back at their fellow heroes and family, one last time.
"Don't let this be for nothing. Be the best you can be."
"You can't go!" Eri yells, holding onto (Y/N)'s non-broken arm, "Please! You can't leave me!"
"I'm sorry, little one." (Y/N) replies, "I don't have a choice in the matter."
"I can reverse you!" Eri says, "Please, I know how to use it now."
"No, you can't, Eri." The hero says sadly, "At this point, it would just hurt or kill me.
Shinso pulls the little girl away, "It's too dangerous, child. I'm sorry—"
Despite her older brother's warning, Eri touches their sibling and starts to reverse them. (Y/N) screams in pain, lurching at the feeling. Aizawa quickly cancels his daughter's power and pulls her away. With heartbreak, he scolds her.
Slowly, after the pain has subsided from Eri, (Y/N) feels themselves lose touch with the world. Their eyes darken and seem to fade from view as they forget what's happening. They're snapped back into reality as their father gives them one last hug, loosely to prevent pain.
"I'm s-so sorry." He whispers, "I wish it had been me."
"It's okay."They reply back, their voice hoarse, "Sometimes you can't save them all."
Aizawa softly smiles and cries into his child's neck.
"Sayonara, I love you." They say, using the last of their energy to kiss him on the forehead.
Aizawa leans back to look at their face. Breathless, he turns away and begins bawling. Glancing at the hero's face, it's completely white, dull, and lifeless. With tears rushing down his face, Midoriya closes their eyes and comforts his teacher and classmates. The surrounding heroes, especially those who were lucky enough to meet and talk with the legend, slowly began to kneel in their honour. Eventually, civilians and other classes are kneeling alongside them.
"They say time heals all wounds. That doesn't apply to those of us here."
Everyone has gathered today for the funeral of (Y/N) (L/N), the legend.
All Might continues, "(Y/N) was the hero that everyone wanted to be. Selfless, brave, confident. They never left anyone behind. They're the only reason that some of us are still here. They saved those kids at the training camp and protected me during the fight with All for One."
Principal Nezu steps in, "We will miss their quips and the teachings that they gave our students. I know that the students of 2-A and 2-B will never forget her, not for a second. Even if they are gone, I promise you that they will never be forgotten. Especially not with this."
Shinso and Aizawa pull off the tarp of a large statue. It reveals a concrete statue of (Y/N) with their fist in the air and villains that were defeated and arrested below her. The smile on their face is so realistic that Aizawa begins to cry again. Eri hugs her father's leg and touches the statue.
Engraved on the front of it is: "Sayonara - (Y/N) (L/N), the legend who saved us all."
The End
Sayonara is the direct Japanese translation of goodbye. It means: "I don't know if/when I will see you again" and sometimes "goodbye, forever." I used this for more of an emotional feel as those around (Y/N) finally understood that they weren't coming out alive.
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