(Season 2) Episode 11: Mario Goes To The Fridge To Get A Glass Of Milk
Hello everypony, sorry for the long wait. I hope you are excited for today's episode.♡
☆Opening 2☆
[Narrator POV]
Recap from Season 1 of SMG4: A New Face, our lazy hero has finished college, seemingly getting all straight A's from his classes as his smarts will never be used again for plot reasons. Next, Hiroshi went and visited his best friend/brother figure; Smg4, after so many years of not seeing him. On the same day, Hiroshi has met some...interesting people indeed and has now became a part of the Smg4 crew.
Just the next day, Hiroshi was going to his friend's ceremony for best awards, but him and the male gang had to deal with a bomb, a real bomb thanks to Smg4. Hiroshi was close to revealing his magic but in the end, everything was fine, until he met Smg3 again after all these years. Both Hiroshi and Smg3 doesn't have good history together at all. In just a few weeks or less, Hiroshi and the gang had to deal with the Teletubby Purge and trust me, it wasn't pretty. Thanks to Bob, they were all in danger. When the gang weren't near, Hiroshi was about to face the Teletubbies, but got knocked out from getting hit in the head with a crowbar. Not what he planned of going put.
Next thing you know, Hiroshi was being lead into the Bob Arc, from Boopkins falling down the well, Bob's Mansion, the crappy concert, Black Friday for Smash Bros, Cheering up Boopkins, Battling against Bob with real music, and the true meaning of Christmas. Yep, Hiroshi has been through...quite an adventure indeed, without the use of magic. Congrats...right? Well, not for long.
Buckle up, kiddos! Because history is about to change....for better...or for worse. Let's find out in this Season, shall we?
[Third POV]
It's been at least a month after the events of the Bob Arc and everything that has happened. After Christmas, everyone has been doing their own thing. Hiroshi finally got rid of his obsessive fan club when he went up against Bob with singing. Well, for now, as our hero cannot catch a break from lustfully women.
Speaking about our hero, Hiroshi was waking up in his room, stretching from his surprisingly peaceful morning.
Hiroshi: {Yawns, stretches} Morning, Mushroom Kingdom. Oh man~, that was the greatest sleeps ever. I'm surprised that it wasn't explosive like the last couple of times. Seriously, that wasn't pleasant.
..Yeah, we aren't gonna talk about that. Anyways, Hiroshi checked the time and realized that it was in the afternoon. Hiroshi wasn't surprised of how long he slept. He enjoys sleeping a lot and being very lazy.
Hiroshi: Heh. It's already noon? Welp, time for some delicious brunch.
Hiroshi quickly got out of his bed and got dressed in his favorite outfit. A grey short-sleeved t-shirt, a blue hoodie, black sweatpants, and black converses. Yep, his favorite main outfit. He did plan on buying some new shoes someday, and maybe new clothes, but that can wait. Hiroshi then came out of his room and went into the kitchen.
Hiroshi: {Rubs hands} Heh. Time for some delicious classic Japanese meal~.
Timeskip towards 10 minutes later, Hiroshi was sitting at the table, ready to dig in his delicious Ramen meal.
One of Hiroshi's favorite dishes; Ramen. He was drooling a bit as he was rubbing his hands. He was also looking at his Ramen....with love?
Hiroshi: {Speaking with love} Hello beautiful~. Where have you been all my life. I can wait to put you in my belly~. Yep, my belly is your new home~. Time to slurp you dry~.
Before Hiroshi can eat his delicious meal, his eyes suddenly widen in realization. How can he forget about his beverage?!
Hiroshi: Oh! How can I forget to get myself a drink! Time for some creamy, delicious milk!
As Hiroshi has said that, when he opened the fridge, his eyes widen in horror. There was no milk in the fridge.
Hiroshi: {Eyes widen} N-No....milk..? Dammit, wasn't anyone supposed to go shopping?! I'll blame Peach for this.
Hiroshi sighed and rubbed his head in frustration. He suddenly looked back at his delicious steamy Ramen that was sitting at the table alone, waiting to be eaten.
Ramen-Senpai: {Sad} Why won't you eat me? :(
Hiroshi felt a tear left his eye as he was heading towards the door, towards the store.
Hiroshi: {Sniffs} Please wait for me, my love! Wait for me, Ramen-Senpai! I will bring back the milk and then we can be together!
[...So, Hiroshi x Ramen, anyone?]
Meanwhile at the Grocery Store, we can see Toadsworth was pushing a cart full of groceries until Mario came through the window and crashed into him, while in his Go-kart. Mario the backed up towards the grocery cart, knocking it over as he got out of his vehicle. Geez, poor Toadsworth and his groceries.
Anyways, as Mario got out of vehicle, he was looking for someone to help him and he has spotted Shroomy, who was working at the store and was stocking up items. Mario then gradually slide over to Shroomy, kicked his ladder down, and making Shroomy fall next to him, who wasn't affected by this somehow.
Shroomy: {Happily, unaffected} Oh howdy there Mario, what's up?
Mario: {Happily} Shroomy! I need some milk!
Shroomy: Oh, the milk section is right over there.
Just like Shroomy said, there was indeed milk, however, there was one left. One carton of milk left as "Hallelujah" was playing in the background. Mario was lucky enough to find the last one.
Mario: {Excitedly} YIPEE!!! ONE LEFT! It's Mario's lucky day!
Just as Mario grabbed the milk, another hand reached for it. It turns out it was Toad, who was also on a quest for milk. Both Mario and Toad glared at eachother until they started to play Tug of War with the milk. Meanwhile, Hiroshi has entered the store for some milk, however he might as well shop for more food and snacks since he is here.
Hiroshi: {Putting snacks/food in the basket} Hehe. I finally got me some snacky-snacks. Now, time for some mil-
Just then, Hiroshi saw that Mario and Toad was fighting over a carton of milk.
Hiroshi: {Confused} Why are they fighting over one carton of milk? There is still more, right?
Confusion then turned into horror as Hiroshi noticed that there was only one carton of milk left.
Hiroshi: {Scared} N-No! That's my milk!! No!
Hiroshi was too late as he saw that both Mario and Toad threw the milk away as it hit Shroomy in the face, falling on the ground. Hiroshi just wiped his sweat from his forehead and sighed in relief.
Hiroshi: {Sigh in relief} Oh thank the Ramen God, the milk is safe.
Shroomy: Uh guys you dropped somethin'. You might wanna pick-
Yeah, Hiroshi spoke too soon as the milk somehow exploded, not affecting Shroomy at all.
Shroomy: {Unaffected} Okay, don't worry about it.
Both Mario and Toad screamed in horror. Hiroshi curled into a ball on the floor and started crying.
Hiroshi: {Crying like a baby} Nooo...My milky...you monsters....!
Suddenly, Hiroshi just got up and he was now over it. Damn, talk about drama, right?
Hiroshi: {Smiling} Meh, I can still get some more from other stores.
Hiroshi then saw that both Mario and Toad were pointing guns at eachother in a fit of rage. Hiroshi would do something, but he was too lazy to care, but he was interested on how things would go.
Hiroshi: Heh, I wonder who would shoot first.
Just then, as Mario and Toad were still holding their guns towards eachother, Donkey Kong as arrived as a Security Guard, making both Mario and Toad slowly look at him.
Mario: How you doing?
Next thing you know, Donkey Kong threw both of them out of the store hard, even seconds later, Hiroshi was thrown out for laughing at them, crashing next to them.
Hiroshi: Hehe...ow.
The gang then quickly got up, as Mario wasn't happy.
Mario: {Angry} Great! Where's Mario going to get milk now?!
Toad: {Concerned, scared for his life} You?! What about me?! Toadette is gonna kill me if I don't return home with some milk.
Toad said as we jump into a quick flashback with Toad and his crazy ass girlfriend; Toadette.
[Flashback Start!]
We see Toadette looking in the fridge for some milk, only to realize that there was no milk, making Toadette extremely mad.
Toadette: {Extremely pissed off} Where's all the f••king milk man? Gimme my goddamn milk!!
Toadette said as she threw the whole fridge at Toad, who was minding his own business on the couch. Ouch, double ouch.
[Flashback Ended!]
After the flashback ended, Toad was curl up into a ball.
Toad: {Terrified} I am not okay!
Hiroshi: Oh man, Toad. Sucks to be you. That's why I avoid relationships. Too much for me to handle.
Mario: {Surprised} Eh, Hiroshi?! What are you doing here? Also hi.
Hiroshi: {Smiles} Heh. Same reason why you guys are here. I'm here for the milk, but thanks to you guys, the milk has been spoiled~. How dairy you. (Ba-dum-tss!)
Mario: Mama-mia.
Just then, both Mario and Hiroshi heard a honk of a truck, catching their attention.
Luigi: {Happily} Oh yeah! Haha! Go Weegee, go Weegee!
Turns out it was Luigi, who was driving a truck, that says: "Moo Moo Milk". Wait, milk!!? Luigi is driving a truck full of milk!! This got both Toad and Mario to moan like Big Smoke or something. Hiroshi was lovestrucked, seeing his milk.
Hiroshi: {Lovestrucked} Hey, come back here hot stuff!
Meanwhile, Luigi was humming his Luigi's Mansion tune as he looked into his side mirror, to see Mario, Toad, and Hiroshi chasing him, while Mario and Toad were looking a bit crazy as Hiroshi was somehow normal again. Luigi was scared as he floored it, speeding away from them. It's not gonna be that easy, Luigi.
As Luigi kept speeding away with the gang still behind him, Mario quickly took a rope from a Rope Store as the fish owner look down in sadness.
Fish Dude: {Sad} I am lonely.
Meanwhile, as the gang were still chasing Luigi, Mario suddenly has an idea, making the gang quickly stop.
Mario: Toad, stand still and hold on!!
Mario said as he tied the rope around Toad. As for Luigi, there was a red signal up ahead, making him stop the vehicle. Luigi was totally freaking out a lot, wanting to quickly escape from the crazy fools that are after him.
Hiroshi: {Panicking} Hurry!! Before he gets away with my milk!!
Next thing you know, we see Mario swinging Toad around while he was screaming his head off. With enough momentum, Mario tossed Toad with all of his might as he landed on top of the truck.
Mario: Gotcha b••ch!
Hiroshi: Haha! Way to go, Mario!
Mario: Grab onto me, Hiroshi!
Hiroshi did just that as the red light turned green for Luigi as he floored it again, dragging both Mario and Hiroshi. Luigi was still scared as Toad was screaming his head off. As for Mario and Hiroshi, they both been crashing into a lot of things. Buildings, the road, ouch. Until, they crashed in front of Luigi's view mirror, making him scream like a girl and crashed the truck, spilling all the milk.
After the crash, Luigi got out to expect the damage, which he was very sad about.
Luigi: {Sad} Oh no...my milk...
Mario: Hey Luigi! Got milk??
Luigi: N-No, it's all gone now...What am I going to do?
Hiroshi, who was very dizzy from the crash and luckily hasn't broken his spine again, shook his head to get rid of his dizziness to understand what Luigi has just said.
Hiroshi: What...?
Luigi: {Still whining} I just got this job...they're going to fire me for sure...
Mario: It's okay Luigi! Mario has a plan that'll make this all better!
Luigi: W-What's that?
Hiroshi: {Crosses arms} Yeah, Mario. What is your plan?
Mario: Why don't we go to the factory and take some?
Hiroshi: You're a genius, Mario! Why haven't I thought of that?
Hearing what Mario said wasn't all too good for Luigi. I mean he did got the job and he wasn't planning on getting fired anytime soon or at all.
Luigi: {Horrified} What!? Didn't you hear me?? I JUST got a job there delivering milk!
Toad: Wait...that's actually not a bad idea...
Hiroshi: Heh. See? Even Toad agrees.
Luigi: {Shocked} ....Wut? (▪︎_▪︎)
Toad: I have a plan... >:)
Scene changes as we see Luigi, Mario, Toad, and Hiroshi by the factory, hiding behind a bush. Mario was disguised as a Milkman while the others watch.
Toad: Okay Mario, so you know what to do right?
Mario: {Brings out a gun} Yep! Mario is robbing them right??
...Uh, no Mario! That wasn't the plan! Toad then knocked the gun away from Mario as the gun landed next to Hiroshi. Hiroshi picked it up and when nobody is looking, he put the gun in his jacket.
Hiroshi: 'Heh. This gun can come in handy when I feel like robbing someone'.
Toad: You're going to go in there as the NEW Milkman and ask for a crate of milk!
Mario: So....no guns...?
Hiroshi: {Sighs} No, Mario. Just go in there and take the milk. Don't mess this up.
Hiroshi then threw Mario into the factory as Mario looked around in wonder. Milk was being made everywhere. This has gotten Mario very excited.
Yep, Mario was getting very excited. I mean, just look at him.
Mario: {Excitedly} Mario's weiner just got a little bit harder.
....Uh, yeah, maybe too excited over some milk. (A/N: 🤨) Anyways, when Mario grabbed a glass bottle of milk, the alarm suddenly went off, as giant carton milk guards came in rushing with weapons of all sorts of kind everywhere. They then pointed their weapons at Mario, who seem to have a derpy face again.
Mario: There goes Mario's boner..
(A/N): ...
Anyways, as I was saying, suddenly Luigi, Toad, Hiroshi peek their heads from the door as Luigi was worried about his brother being caught already. Suddenly they heard a voice, a voice all too well.
???: What's all this ruckus?!
It was the homie; Jeeves, who was the owner/boss of the milk company. Jeeves walked downstairs towards Mario as he had a glass bottle of milk in his hands. Mario was surprised to Jeeves here of all places.
Mario: Jeeves? It's-a-me, Mario! I'm uhh here to get some milk to deliver!!
Jeeves: Ah! Well of course, no milk man of mine will be left out of delicious nutritious milk.
And out of nowhere, Jeeves took out a crate full of milk, making Mario happy. Until Luigi, Toad, and Hiroshi got thrown next to Mario.
Milky Boi: Boss! We found these guys spying on you outside.
This made Jeeves very mad as he slowly turned towards the gang seemingly saying, "You wut!". Without hesitation, Mario yelled run as he ran and grabbed the crate of milk from Jeeves, making a break for it. Jeeves was very upset about his milk now.
Yep, the gang was running for the lifes. Hell, even Hiroshi is running.
Suddenly another Milky Boi appeared in front of them as Mario quickly thought of something.
Mario: Alright, Luigi, I choose you, go!
Mario said as he threw Luigi towards the Milk Guards, knocking him over. Luigi suddenly then started to celebrate, only to to scream in pain as he got turned into Package by the Packaging Machine.
Boxie!Luigi: {Cries in pain}...
[Press/Comment F for Luigi]
Poor Luigi. Can we get an "F" for Luigi and his suffering? Anyways, Toad was now surrounded by the Milky Bois until he tried to threaten them by killing a...milk bottle...?
Toad: Stay back! Or this baby milk gets it!!!
The Milky Bois looked at eachother as Toad was laughing in a demonic way. Remember when I said he tried threaten the them, well, Keyword: Tried, as Toad miserably failed as one of the Milky Bois just shot him. Back with Mario, he was still running away from the Guards.
Mario: Haha! You'll never take me alive!!
...Only to realize that he wasn't going anywhere as he was running on the Conveyor belt. Suddenly, Mario screamed as he noticed that the Milky Boi was next to him. So, he quickly jumped and accidentally letting go of the milk crate as the crate fell on a random switch. However that random switch started to speed up the Conveyor belt as Mario was trying to run off. Again, Keyword: Trying, as Mario was shot off the Conveyor belt and crashed into the giant milk tank, spilling all of the delicious milk.
Now, you must be wondering, where the hell is Hiroshi at? Well...he has been caught and tied up long ago. He was too lazy to even care.
Hiroshi: This is the worst day of my life. :)
Anyways, as Jeeves saw his precious milk ruined, he was pissed that he threw the gang into the back of the van. Jeeves was breathing so hard that he needed milk to calm him down, although it didn't work as he was still pissed.
Jeeves: {Pissed off} Time to show you youngsters what discipline is!
When the back doors of the van closes, we are taken into the scene, seeing Farmer Steve playing his banjo. The van then quickly arrived as the gang are thrown out of the van.
Still in a bit of daze, Mario looked up to see that they are at a farm.
Jeeves: You have till nightfall to make back all that milk...OR ELSE!
Jeeves said as he took off in the van...that somehow was flying away. The gang has mixed reactions. Luigi was shocked, Toad is pissed, Mario is derpy, and Hiroshi just continued to smile. Anyways, Toad rather not have to deal with hard work, so he was able to leave.
Toad: Screw that guy, I'm getting some milk and leaving.
Luigi: {Worried, scared} B-But Toad! You heard Jeeves!
Toad: What's he going to do? Fork us to death? Thanks for the milk Steve.
Yeah, remember when I said that Toad was about to leave once he get the milk, well, that isn't possible since Steve pulled out a shotgun, pointing at Toad and slowly shaking his head. Toad slowly backup as Steve continued to play his Banjo. Yep, Toad was now scared as he laid on the floor.
Hiroshi: {Still smiling} Welp, I'll be in the barn milking those cows dry. You won't mind Steve, right?
Steve: Go right ahead, fam!
As Hiroshi left, it was now the gang that's on their own. Luigi just smiled, finding this work easy to pay off their debt.
Luigi: {Smiling} Looks like we're just gonna have to get milk the normal way!
Luigi then went towards a cow and did his....thing.
Luigi: Hey Bessie. Luigi the farmer is here! Aren't you just the cutest little cow?
Cow: {Blushes} Kawaii~.
D-Did that cow just blush? Eh, whatever. Anyways, Luigi then put a bucket under the cow and was already ready for the milking. Mario then decided to start as well, looking for the right cow as he found one...doing the splits??
Mario: {Towards the cow} Hello, I'd like to order 1 glass of milk please!
Um, Mario? That's now how you...milk a cow. Anyways, the cow wasn't responding as it was making Mario annoyed. So, Mario slapped the cow as it vomited........Spaghetti...? Okay. Mario was very surprised as his nose was really huge now.
Mario: {Excitedly} THIS COW CAN CREATE SPAGHETTI!? I am not worthy!!!
Mario said as he put his hat on the cow and started bowing like the cow is a God. With Toad...well...
Toad: {Coming up right behind a cow} I'm gonna milk you so hard~.
..Yeah. Just then, the cow police suddenly stopped which made Toad run for it. As Toad was running away from the Cow Police in the background, Luigi was having some sort of date with his Cow.
Luigi: Take your time Bessie, you did one drop of milk! That's great! I don't want to make you feel pressured. :D
Scene changes to night as Steve was still playing the banjo. Luigi was still having his Date with his cow...friend for milk, but to no luck still.
Luigi: Hehe....ready yet, Bessie?...
Luigi then turned towards his friends and Brother, to see the progress.
Luigi: Oh man...I haven't gotten much milk!!! Hehe...the other guys probably have me covered!...
Only to realized that no progress as been made. Mario was still praising the Cow God with lots of gold, Toad was in a cage for being a pervert, and Hiroshi was nowhere to be found, seemingly forgetting that Hiroshi did say that he'll be in the barn. This caused Luigi to freak out completely.
Luigi: {Freaking out} WE DON'T HAVE ANY MILK!?
Just then, they all heard a voice that told them doom was coming.
Jeeves: ALRIGHT, TIMES UP! I better see a full tank of milk!!!
What Jeeves saw, was no milk indeed. He also seemingly forgot about the other person he brought to the farm earlier, and that was Hiroshi. This caused Jeeves to be completely furious.
Jeeves: {Furious} Is this some sort of joke!?
Luigi got scared as he started to run, however, Jeeves quickly tackled him towards the ground as he then lifted him up, getting ready to spank him.
Luigi started to scream, alerting his cow date; Bessie.
Bessie: {Shocked} Luigi?! Oh hell no!
Bessie then turned into her demonic form becoming; Demon Cow. Happy's Humble Burger anyone?
Jeeves: {Turns around} Huh?...
Demon Cow: First you milk us to death...and now you hurt people that show us love?... We cows have had enough! It's time for an uprising!
Just as she said that, the other cows are agreeing as they stared a war with the Milk Factory. Jeeves was starting to freak out.
Jeeves: {Scared} Uh...some assistance please!
Now, it was the Milky Boi's turn as they all brought out there weapon. A big fight was gonna break through as Steve just started to play some battle music. Cow #1 used a minigun as the Milky Boi's started to open fire. Cow #2 ordered to fire the cannons, which striked most of the Milky Bois. Luigi was totally freaking out as Mario just simply crawled towards him.
Mario: Hey bro, I don't know if this is a good time, but did you use my toothbrush yesterday?
This just made Luigi cry. Mario, come in, this isn't the time in the middle of a battle! Luigi decided that it's now their chance to escape.
Luigi: {Still freaking out} Get to the car! We're getting out of here!
Luigi then quickly kicked the cage off to free Toad as they made a break for it. However, Toad as other plans.
Toad: Toad! Where are you going?!
We can see in the background that Steve got knocked the f••k down by a raining cow, Hallelujah!
Just then, Jeeves appeared behind Toad, breathing heavily as Toad slowly turned around.
..Yeah, Jeeves got KO'd by Bessie as he was sent flying. Toad, taking the opportunity, ran away with a crate full of milk. As they were about to leave, Luigi looked back towards his favorite cow.
Luigi: B-Bessie?
Bessie turned back to normal as she waved "Goodbye" towards Luigi, who also sadly waved "Goodbye" back, as Toad crashed into Luigi and took off fast. Steve slowly lifted up his head.
Steve: War....war never changes.
Next, we can see that Hiroshi next to see, holding a crate of milk of his own. His reaction was the one of shocked.
Hiroshi: {Shocked} Uh....what the hell happened here..?
Now, you must be wondering, why haven't Hiroshi heard all the noise from within the barn. Well, one thing: Wearing headphones with loud music. Yep, that's all.
Steve: Oh what's up, Sans.
Hiroshi: Oh hey Steve...so, can I like, go now?
Steve: Yep, you can go. You're actually my favorite person...besides chickens. Take the milk with you. Since your friend...sorta ditched you, want a lift?
Hiroshi: Heh, no it's okay. You know me, Steve. I know a shortcut. See ya, buddy.
Steve: Bye.
Hiroshi then quickly left the battlefield. When he was a good distance away, he was about to teleport home until he saw something falling from the sky fast.
Hiroshi: {Confused} Huh..? What is that..? Is that a meteor?
As the so-called meteor crashed into the ground a mile away from Hiroshi, he quickly ran towards the crash site and when he did, he put his milk crate down and went down into the crater to see that an object was in the crater, a book of some sort.
A book that was glowing. Hiroshi was confused at first. However, he felt like the book was calling for him and he couldn't help but reach out for the book. As he did touch the book, a blue flash of light fired into the night sky, shocking Hiroshi as he covered his eyes.
Hiroshi: {Covering his eyes} W-What the hell going on?!
As the light went down, nothing happened. Hiroshi then look down towards the book and saw the title.
Hiroshi: Hm? "The Book Of Ki Manipulation"? Huh, this book....might actually come in handy for me in the future. But...why did this book fall out of the sky..? Oh well, that information can wait. It's time for me to enjoy my Ramen. I hopes it's still good.
Hiroshi put the book into his jacket as he grabbed his milk crate and teleported home for his Ramen......
However, his Ramen was gone and he was out of Ramen. Can we get an "F" for our lazy hero and his fallen Ramen as Tokyo Ghoul first opening plays..?
[Comment/Press "F" for Hiroshi and his fallen Ramen]
[???'s POV] (Female)
After I finished writing my story for today, I put my book and pencil away in my shirt. From top of the mountain and close to Hiroshi, I was quietly watching him taking the Book of Ki Manipulation as he teleported away. I can't help but smile.
???: {Smiles} You're gonna need a lot of help, Hiroshi. You may be strong, but you are lacking a lot of your training, making you rusty. However, I do find your determination amazing. It's actually quite cute~. I decided to give you that book as a gift from me to you. Train hard, my student♡. I'll will be there by your side.
I then stretched as I was about to enjoy my late night run. This bunny needs to keep her figure~♡. However, I sighed again thinking about today's episode.
???: {Sighs} Man, today's episode was odd. I seriously forgot about it since I don't watch Smg4 anymore, but I am doing this for the people who supports and love this story. {Looks at the readers} It's time for this bunny to run~, buh-bye~♡.
I winked at the readers as I sped off at super sonic speed as the episode came to a close.
To be continued...
☆Ending 2☆
Yay! Finally the first episode of the 2nd Season is completed. How is it? I was trying to have Hiroshi fit a bit more into the Smg4 crew, but I ain't sure about that.
Remember to vote, share, and add this story into your reading list. Please and Thank you.
I am trying something new and putting intro and outro songs for this book, if you hadn't realized yet. I am also adding a new character into the mix, I wonder who this new character can be? (👀) If you guys already figured out this new character or not, I'm just gonna say this before I reveal the new character. I want to change things up a bit, spice up some things, make this story more interesting.♡
This is the reward for being patient with me and being very supportive. I can't thank you all enough for the love. Let's keep this vote coming because I know you guys are very hyped for this Season.
Also, about images, I said back at the end of Season 1 that I will add more images for each episode. Actually, I am not to sure about that. I probably won't do it. 2 reasons why, 1: I'm afraid I'll get flagged and be taken down, and 2: It's a bit difficult and time consuming on finding the right image. Hope that won't be a problem for you.
"Um...I-I hope you enjoyed this story. Please help support me...*whispers* If you want...please stop staring"
July 30, 2022
Time: 8:52 am
Words: 4,900
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