Episode 9: Mario and The Diss Track
Yosh! Another episode! Lets go!
The Rapper Bob Arc!
[Narrator POV]
Last time on Smg4: New Face, Boopkins was very depressed as he misses Bob a lot. Everyone took their turns on cheering up Boopkins, but to no avail as he was just a frraking baby. Hiroshi, Tari, Meggy, and Saiko took Boopkins to one of Bob's concerts but he just ended up crying again. Saiko betrayed her freinds to be notice by everyone by joining Bob, making her friends shocked, especially Hiroshi. Lastly, the 3 Amigos used their final trump card as Meggy...took Boopkins to a Maid Cafe, much to her and Hiroshi's torture.
Well, at least that cheered up Boopkins. Now, since that's over, let's see what the gang are up too.
[Third POV]
It was a wonderful morning in the Mushroom Kingdom. Well, mostly for everyone as we see both Mario and Luigi getting kicked out what seems likes a restaurant.
Chef Duke: And stay out!
Luigi: Mario! I told you not to play with your food! Why didn't you listen!?
Mario slowly looked at his mini mushroom and looked back at Luigi to response.
Mario: Oh c'mon! As if you've never put spaghetti in your underwear before!! Hey what's all this?
Something has caught Mario's attention as Luigi looked at the direction that his brother was looking.
Luigi: Wah! Oh no!
..Yes, it's happening folks! Bob was everywhere. Posters, McDonald's cups, Balloons, shirts, etc. Oh boy, this is too much power. Everyone was enjoying his music.
Mario: Hmm...there's something different about this place...
Luigi: This is bad...Bob is everywhere!! We gotta go back to the castle and tell everyone!
Mario: Why? He's not doing anything wrong?
Mario said as he was wearing glasses and holding a Bob Balloon. Seriously, Mario?! Bob has done a lot of wrong this!
Luigi: Bob can't have this much power Mario! He'll...He'll...do something bad...I know it...
Mario just grabbed the fish dude's extra Balloons as Mario was starting to float away.
Luigi: Eh? Mario...?
Luigi looked up to see Mario was floating away from him, making him scream as a plan crashed into him. Scene change towards Bob, he was staring at his live count followers that has over, 15,420,123 followers and was not going up. This cause him to throw the remote at the Tv in frustration.
Bob: GoDdaMMit! Is thIs tHinG brOkEn?! I haVen'T sEeN iT gO up fOr a wHoLe miNuTe!
Saiko: Uhh...Bob, I thinking it's not going up because...everyone in the Mushroom Kingdom is already a fan...
Saiko said as Bob jumped on his golden statue.
Bob: I dOn'T cArE! IT's nOt eNoUgh! I wAnT tHe whOlE wOrLd tO kNoW mY nAMe. ThE wHoLe wOrlD~.
Saiko: Hmm...you're right! We need to think bigger! We need everyone to notice us!!! Err...I mean you...
Bob: I tHinK it'S tImE...tIme fOr mY uLtiMaTe sEcReT wEaPon!
Bob: nO. BuT thAt'S nOt a BaD iDeA!
Scene change towards the castle, we can see the rest of the gang just chilling. Hiroshi, Meggy, and Tari are playing their switch games, Toad is on social media, Bowser and Boopkins are watching Tv, and Smg4 was sleeping. Everyone was just having fun, until Luigi busted through the door in panic.
Toad: {Excitedly} Mario's dead!?
Mario then came in through the broken castle door wearing a Bob shirt merch. This caused Hiroshi to drop his Nintendo Switch as his eyes widen and his mind screamed:
Hiroshi's mind:
Toad was disappointed to see Mario alive.
Luigi: No, it's Bob! He's...He's everywhere!!!
Boopkins: Eh?
Smg4: So what? The guy's just famous...you just don't understand the fame life, Luigi.
Hiroshi: 'I understand the fame life...and I hate it. Who needs that headache anyways..'.
Tari: Yeah...I don't get what's wrong...We should be happy for his success.
Hiroshi: Tch! Happy? Are you hearing yourself, Tari? His songs sucks ass and it's full of random garbage.
Meggy: {Teasingly} Is Hiroshi jealous?~
Hiroshi just glared at Meggy, who flinched in fear. Even the others were scared at Hiroshi when seeing him in this state.
Hiroshi: Me? Jealous of that f**k boi? Don't make me laugh, Meggy. I despised me greatly. Why would I even care about fame or anything else? I don't need that sh*t. I hope his career burns in hell along with that trash bag bastard.
Meggy: Y-Yeah...sorry Hiroshi.
Hiroshi stopped glaring as he went back to his game, seemingly annoyed at the moment. Anyways, Luigi went towards Boopkins to back him up.
Luigi: Boopkins! Help me out here
Boopkins was...shaking a bit at the mention of Bob and fell down from the couch. Just then, Bob's live was coming on, catching Hiroshi his attention. Even though, he hates Bob's music, he might as well listen to this crap to see if he probably got any better, to which he didn't...at all.
Bowser: Oh Bob's singing a new song live!!! Stay and check it out Luigi!
Everyone gathered around as Mario was holding some popcorn. Hiroshi was standing next to Tari with his arms crossed.
Hiroshi: {Sighs}...I wonder how sh*tty this song would be.
Tari: C-C'mon Hiroshi, I'm sure it isn't that bad.
Bob's Ultimate Diss Track has now just begun.
(A/N):...Yeah, I'm not writing all that. Writing on how Bob speaks...is actually annoying, so yeah.
Ok! That was just plain f**ked up. Hiroshi couldn't believe what he just had heard. Bob talked trash about everyone, including him. What really got Hiroshi very angry was that Bob...was talking sh*t about his family, his mother and sister...and he got the right to talk about Hiroshi's father about leaving them cause they were dead to him. Hiroshi has never knew his Father. He's either dead or something. Nobody noticed, but Hiroshi's left eye was flickering blue a lot. Hiroshi...really wants to beat Bob with ever inch of his life.
Everyone just felt completely betrayed and hurt. Well, minus Mario since...he's Mario.
Mario: Hey! Mario was on TV!
Luigi: {Shocked} What?!
Smg4: {Pissed} The hell was that?!
Toad took out the shotgun, ready to hurt someone. Hiroshi's respect for Toad has gone up.
Bowser: {Upset} I am lonely.
Boopkins...was destroyed...yep.
Meggy: {Upset} Is my voice really that annoying?!
Hiroshi then went over and hugged Meggy, making the girl blush.
Hiroshi: Your voice is never annoying, Meggy. I can listen to it all day. It's very beautiful and music to ny ears.
Meggy blushed as her heart was racing a bit.
Meggy: {Slight blush} Hiroshi....Thank you.
Hiroshi nodded as he went over to Tari and hugged her as well as she was very upset.
Tari: {Very sad while hugging Hiroshi} I don't understand...why would he say? I thought he was our friend.
Hiroshi: {Comforts Tari} No...that...thing isn't our friend. That's not what true friends do. He's nothing more...than a damn traitor.
Luigi then decided to tell the gang the truth on what Bob has done. Hiroshi already knew this.
Luigi: Guys...I think it's time I told you everything that Bob has done...
Hiroshi let go of Tari, much to her sadness of feeling his warmth.
Hiroshi: You better tell them everything, Luigi. Don't leave anything out.
Scene change towards Bob and Saiko. Saiko was holding a sign that says; "Bob #1", as the teletubbies were working.
Bob: YeAH, bOi! HoLy cRaP, mY rAppInG wAs On fIrE! DiD yOu hEaR tHaT?! I'm gOnnA tOp tHe cHaRts b**CheS! LeT's cHeCk mY sExY sTaT, sHaLl wE?
Bob said as he pressed the button on the control as the TV turned on as his followers was growing in a rapid speed.
Bob: WeLl sMotHeR mE iN tItS! I aM pUllInG iN tHe b**cHeS!
Saiko was shocked at how much Bob was getting.
Saiko: L-Look at all those fans...
Bob then went towards a purple teletubby and started to shake him and threw him away.
Bob: We'RE gOnnA gEt sO mUcH gOddAmN cAsH mOnIeS aNd hOeS fRoM thIs...! AnD iT oNlY cOsT mE aLL Of mY fRiEnDs! ToTaLLy wOrTh it!
Saiko: I'm gonna be able to start my own singing career at this rate..
Saiko then start to run out the door, but stopped and peaked her head back in.
Saiko: I'm gonna call around and see if I can get myself a manager!
Saiko said as she left.
Bob: DaMn! So tHiS iS wHaT iT's lIkE tO bE fAmOuS! HeLL yEaH!
Saiko was walking through the neighborhood, humming and looking at her phone.
???: Saiko.
This caused Saiko to scream as she threw her phone and crashed into Luigi who fell down. This knocked him down.
Saiko: Oh Luigi!? Can you check if my phone is ok?
Luigi: *Cough* I'm here to talk about Bob...
Saiko: Oh c'mon, that diss track was just for fun. He didn't mean any of that.
Hiroshi: Oh? He didn't mean any of that bullsh*t? Don't you think I'm a f**king joke to you, Saiko?
Saiko flinched and turned around to see her crush behind her.....who doesn't seem happy at all....or at her. He was glaring daggers at Saiko, who was becoming a bit scare of him.
Saiko: S-Senpai, let me expla-
Hiroshi: Shut up, Saiko! Just shut the hell up! You don't need to explain sh*t! You left to go with Bob and for what?! To be noticed by everyone?! I may have not known you completely, but that was f**ked up on your part to just abandoned your friends! You seriously disgust me, Saiko.
This was making Saiko wanting to cry. She felt very hurt of Hiroshi's words. Luigi wanted to say something, but one glare from Hiroshi caused him to shut up.
Saiko: {About to cry} S-Senpai..please-
Hiroshi: I seriously hate people who abandoned others for something so damn stupid. A song joke, huh?...
Hiroshi then lost his temper completely as he started yelling with his voice was deeper and demonic, making Saiko and Luigi even more terrified.
Hiroshi quickly stopped as he saw Saiko on the floor crying. He didn't mean for her to cry. He was just angry. Hiroshi felt guilty...as he just couldn't see her face. Hiroshi turned around and walked away.
Hiroshi: {Sighs}.. Luigi, just explain everything to her...and I'll forgive her of we can take Bob down...
Luigi nodded as he told Saiko everything and comfort her.
Scene change towards the castle as Mario, Hiroshi, Meggy, Smg4, Tari, Bowser, and Toad was going over a plan to go up against Bob.
Mario: Alright...so here's Mario's plan...
Mario then put a bat on a table that has a bit of blood and has metal wiring around it.
Mario: We smash him.
Toad: I vote for this idea!
Hiroshi: I also agree with this idea! Lets bash some brains in! :D
Both Hiroshi and Toad high-five eachother as Meggy had a Wtf face right about now.
Tari: Uhh...maybe we shouldn't resort to brutal violence...Why don't we just challenge him to a video game challenge?
Both Mario and Toad laughed at Tari's face, as Meggy looked like she didn't think that idea would work as Hiroshi was looking at Tari in disappointment. Seriously? After everything that Bob done...yeah, hell no. Hiroshi does like Tari's personality and hope she doesn't change.
Smg4: Guys, SHUT UP! There has to be something else we can do...
Just then, Luigi, Saiko and a "dead" Boopkins came towards the entrance, already having a plan.
Luigi: Guys, I've told Saiko everything...And we have a plan.
Bowser: And how do we know we can trust her? She helped Bob!
Saiko: Because I HATE being played!...and also because...my...f-...f-f-f...
Mario: Is she having a stroke?
Saiko: FRIEND!
Geez Saiko...was it that hard to say? Anyways, Boopkins was in awe to be called a friend from Saiko.
Boopkins: Awww, Saiko.
Luigi started to pat Saiko's back when she did a job of saying friend. Even Hiroshi was surprised.
Luigi: Hehe, I knew you could do it Saiko-
Saiko then suddenly grabbed Luigi's hand in a rough way. She didn't like being touched, except if it was Hiroshi.
Saiko: Hands. Off.
Luigi just nodded out of fear.
Smg4: So...what's the plan then?
Mario: OOH! Does it involves bats?!
Saiko: We're gonna teach that psycho a lesson. A lesson he'll never forget...
Saiko then spotted Hiroshi as they made eye contact, but Hiroshi just looked away, feeling guilty of making a girl cry, especially Saiko. Saiko slowly walked over to Hiroshi, feeling nervous.
Saiko: H-Hiroshi...I-I'm sor-
Hiroshi then holded up his hand, signaling her to stop.
Hiroshi: No...No Saiko. I'm the one who should apologize. I didn't mean to get angry at you....I'm so very sorry. I forgive you for what you've done anyways. I'll make it up to you in anyway I can. After all, I can never stay mad at you.
Saiko was close to tears, but she was happy. She was happy again to have another chance with her crush.
Saiko: S-Senpai...♡
Hiroshi: {Smirks} Now, let's show Bob our power!
Scene change towards Bob as he was sitting in his chair, with a big pile of money.
Bob: DaMn! UltImATe diSS tRaCk hIt tHe ToP oF tHe cHaRTs iN fIvE miNuTEs! LeT's sEE oThEr lOsErS wHo aRe tRyInG tO bEaT mE rIgHt nOw.
Bob said as he turned on the Tv as it showed Saiko and the gang, minus Hiroshi starting their own song. This confused Bob.
Bob: Um, wHaT tHe hEll iS tHiS?
This song was amazing, as they were singing, the power of their friendship grew as the citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom enjoyed this song so much and didn't like Bob's trash rapping. This song destroyed him, but let's take it up a notch, shall we?
As the gang were celebrating on a job well done of this masterpiece of a song, they heard clapping and that clapping came from Hiroshi, who was wearing a suit and his hair was done. This made Saiko and Tari blush a lot, even Meggy blushed a bit.
Hiroshi: Amazing! Wonderful, that song was spot on. I loved every bit of it. However, I would like to destroy Bob with my own music. Drop the beat Smg4!
Smg4: {Smiles} You got it boss!
Storch (oh)
S Dot (Yea)
Ooh Ohh
The dynamic duo
Wo-womp, womp, Wo-womp, womp,
Wo-womp (awwww), Wo-womp
This what your body sayin'
Wo-womp, womp, Wo-womp, womp
Wo-Womp, womp, Wo-Womp
Hiroshi is in the building!
The young boy just turn sixteen and I got six fours and hot bikes that I rock. Keep three or four sweeties on my clock, But all that swinging in that bikini just might convince.
Slow all the traffic down to a complete stop, 'Cause you speaking that slang that I talk. That sassy tempo with that walk, Maybe the reason that all this teenies may never see me.
Momma you may be three years older but you hot (gimme that)
You be talking like you what I got (gimme that)
I know you like it how I lean un the 'lac, You could be in the back saying (gimme, gimme, gimme)
Momma you may be three years older but you hot (gimme that)
You be talking like you like what I got (gimme that)
I know you like it how I lean in the 'lac, You could be in the back saying (gimme, gimme, gimme)
Ma, take a break, let me explain to you, What ya body got a young boy ready to do
If you take a chance to let me put them things on you, I could show you why I make them straight A's in school
I'm a hustler! Trust my frame and age
Got you thinking that I'm just too young to turn your page
I can picture us switching lanes in the coupe
With you on the phone screaming my name
Momma you may be three years older but you hot (gimme that)
You be talking like you like what I got (gimme that)
I know you like it how I lean in the 'lac, You could be in the back saying (gimme, gimme, gimme)
Momma you may be three years older but you hot (gimme that)
You be takking like you like what I got (gimme that)
I know you like it how I lean in the 'lac, You could be in the back saying (gimme, gimme, gimme)
Wo-womp, womp, Wo-womp, womp, Wo-womp, womp, Wo-womp
Girl you serious and I been watching you
Wo-womp, womp, Wo-womp, womp, Wo-womp, womp, Wo-womp
This's what your body's saying
Wo-womp, womp, Wo-womp, womp, Wo-womp, womp, Wo-womp (yeahhhhh)
Wo-womp, womp, Wo-womp, womp, Wo-womp, womp, Wo-womp
This what your body's saying (owwww)
Momma you may be three years older but you hot (gimme that)
You be talking like you like what I got (gimme that)
I know you like it how I lean in the 'lac, You could be in the back saying (gimme, gimme, gimme)
Momma you may be three years older but you hot (gimmie)
You be talking like you like what I got (gimme that)
I know you like it how I lean in the 'lac, You could be in the back saying (gimme, gimme, gimme)
Yeah ha, Yeah ma don't be frontin' like you don't know what's goin' on
Aight, yeah
{Song End}
Everyone was speechless. Hiroshi's singing and dancing was fire. While he was singing and dancing, the girls couldn't help but drool and blush at his performance. When Meggy realized on what she was doing, she stopped and was embarrassed. She has never acted this way before, what was that feeling she was feeling towards Hiroshi? Both Saiko's and Tari's love for Hiroshi has gone up dramatically again.
Hiroshi: {Smirks} Hmph! That should give Bob's career a very bad time~.
Scene change when Bob was watching both Saiko's and Hiroshi's singing, he wasn't even impressed.
Bob: {Unimpressed} ThAt wAsN't tHaT gOOd. I bEt nO oNe eVeN cArEd.
Just then, his live listener count went down by one, seemingly that Saiko's and Hiroshi's songs were 100% way more amazing than Bob's crappy rap.
Bob: oH cRaP.
Now the live listener count started to decrease rapidly, worrying Bob greatly.
Bob: nO gOd! No gOd, pLeaSe nO! NoT mY fAnS! DoN't tAkE aWaY mY fAnS!
Bob quickly went outside to see his horror come to live. There was many merchandise of Saiko and Hiroshi...however, Hiroshi has more sexier merchandise as a lot...and I mean a lot of girls were buying them like crazy.
Anyways, a fish dude was holding Bob's merch above the trashcan as he looked at Bob.
Bob: oH cRaP, nOt tHe mErCh! AnYtHinG buT tHe mErcH!
The fish dude just throw the Bob merch in the trash without a care in the world. This made Bob screamed "NOOOOO" into the heavens in Darth Vader's voice. Just then, Bob thought of an idea.
Bob: WaIt, iT's nOt oVeR yEt.
Bob then took out his microphone and started to rap again, however it was very pointless as everyone in the area was walking away from that junk. Just then, Chef Duke came out yelling at Bob to shut up. Bob walked away in shame.
Bob: Okay. aT leaST I sTilL hAvE mY mAnSiOn.
Bob said as he saw 2 teletubbies carrying his small Bob statue away.
Bob: HeY, yOu aSs! ThAt'S mY sTuFF!
Bob said as he jumped on his statue, crushing the 2 teletubbies at the bottom. Next, a purple teletubby came to Bob with some papers.
Teletubby: Sorry buddy, your agent was paying for all this and he has dropped you. Speaking of which, sign here!
Bob just punched him away.
Bob: pIsS oFF! YoU tWo! YoU wIlL nEvEr tAkE mY hOmE!
...Yeah, a green teletubby came a picked up his entire mansion and carried it away. Seriously, what is with this strength?!
Green Teletubby: Bye-Bye.
Bob: GoDdaMMit!
Scene change when Bob was walking down the road looking sad as many posters of Saiko and Hiroshi, mostly Hiroshi were put up on the wall.
Bob: My fAmE....My FoRtUnE....aLL gOnE. At lEaSt I sTiLL hAvE mY fRiEnDs.
Bob said as he sees his "friends" all hanging out. Saiko was hugging Hiroshi from behind as they were both laughing. Everyone was having fun at their celebration.
Bob: hEy, gUyS, iT's Me BoB. GooD oL' BoB.
Everyone just glared at Bob, seemingly they weren't happy to see him...ever.
Bob: Do YoU rEmeMbEr mE?
The gang just ignored him and went back to happily chatting, making Bob more upset. Bob turned around and sat down on the floor. Boopkins then came out to see Bob, unless that what Bob thinks.
Bob: BooPkIns, mY bUddY. We'Re sTiLL fRieNdS, rIghT?
Boopkins didn't say anything as he sadly walked back inside, closing the door behind. Bob was all alone now....he has nothing left.
To be continued...
(Next Episode): The Most Important Thing
Yosh! Another episode done! I hope you'll enjoy. I do try doing things a bit different in each episode. Please vote and share this story with others. Thanks. Peace and Love! See ya next time♡.
April 30, 2022
Time: 2:13 pm
Words: 3,704
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