Episode 6: The Mario Concert
The wait is over! I hope ya'll ready for another episode of this arc! Let's get it on!!
The Rapper Bob Arc!
[Narrator POV]
Last time on Smg4: A New Face, Hiroshi and the gang went to Bob's Mansion for Thanksgiving. However, soon everything to a worse turn. The Turkey was somewhat ruined, the secret Bob Juice was just gasoline, Meggy got the kitchen set on fire, and the Mansion was burned down to the ground, but at the end, everyone still enjoyed their chicken. Now, lets see how Hiroshi and the gang are doing today.
[Third POV]
It's been a few days since the celebration of Thanksgiving and Bob's Mansion "accidentally" burning to the ground. Let's just see how the gang are doing right now, because right now, Bob is probably saying a load of bs right about now.
Bob (Narrating): My nAmE iS BoB aNd ThIs iS mY sToRy. JuSt a hUmBLe raPpEr tRyInG tO maKE a CaReeR fOr hImsElF wHeN sOmE tHugs cAmE tO mY maNsIoN aNd dEstRoYed iT.
Mario: Hey thugs didn't destroy your house!
Hiroshi: Yeah! Excuse me, the fu-!
Bob ignored them and continued with his sad little story.
Bob (Narrating): CoUgh CoUgh. NoW I aM vErY pOOr, veRy sIcK, aNd hAve nOwhErE tO LiVe. BuT tHaT'S oKaY beCAusE tO rAiSe mOney, I'm gOiNg oN a RaP tOuR aRouND tHe wOrLd! ThAt'S rIgHt! CoMe aNd sEe mE sPit hOt fIrE aLL aCroSS tHe mUshRoOm kInGdOm. AlSo, cHecK oUt mY sOunDcLOuD!
Just then, Mario interrupted Bob by having the microphone, disguised poorly as himself, dangled above him.
Mario: {Tryin' to act scary} Looookie, Imma you Papa.
Mario started laughed as Hiroshi was trying to hold in his laughter.
Hiroshi: {Holding in his laugh} Pfft! He deserved it.
As Mario was laughing, Bob turned towards him, upset that Mario ruined his recording.
Bob: YoU fAt asS yOu bEttEr nOt hAvE rUinEd thAt rEcOrdiNG!
Bob then tackled Mario as he screamed for his life. Luigi just laughed along with Hiroshi. Luigi was the cameraman as Hiroshi the beverage guy.
Luigi: Great! That recording was all good, Bob!
Bob was literally using a flamethrower on Mario, catching him on fire. Bob turned away from the burning Mario as Luigi said that the recording went well.
Bob: UuM Oh gOOd, hOpEfUlly tHoSe lOuSy fAns aCtuAllY cOmE oR i'LL bE pIssEd.
Hiroshi: 'I seriously doubt his is any good..'.
Despite still being on fire, Mario raised his finger and continued the conversation.
Mario: Can Mario go home now? I have a very important business meeting to go to.
Mario said as he hold a plate of spaghetti with a suit tie. Seriously, Hiroshi will never understand Mario's weird love for spaghetti.
Bob: Aw hEll nO, yOu tHrEe aRe gOnnA hElp mE mAnAge mY tOuR.
Hiroshi: (○_○) Hol'up!! I didn't agree to this!
Mario: Wah! No!
Bob then laid down by plenty of bags of garbage.
Bob: CoUgH CoUgH. No hOuSe. NoWhErE tO liVe. I'm gOnNa dIe oF aiDs.
Both Mario and Hiroshi looked at Bob in sadness.....but
Hiroshi: {Smiles} Yeah, sorry bud. It mostly sounds like a you problem.
Mario: Nobody! :D
Luigi: Aww c'mon Mario, Hiroshi. All this unlucky stuff happened to him...don't you guys feel bad?
Hiroshi sighed. It's true, he did feel bad for Bob, but he was still having that odd feeling that something was gonna go totally bad.
Hiroshi: {Sighs}...Yeah I do.
Mario: ugh. FINE! But Mario better be paid for this.
Hiroshi: Same here. I am not doing this for free. I could use some money.
Bob: I'lL paY yOu bOtH wIth dRaWinGs oF spAghEttI
Hiroshi: WAIT WHA-! How about real money!?
Bob: ...UmM, cAn I pAy yOu wIth pLenTy oF pUn bOOks?
Hiroshi: ....You got yourself a deal! :)
Both Mario and Hiroshi started to celebrate a bit until Bob broke that off.
Bob: HeLL yEaH, leT's gO. My PrIvaTe jEt iS wAiTinG.
Bob said as he pressed a button as a jet literally came crashing down, landing perfectly. The guys were really shocked and surprised about this.
Luigi: Y...you have a private jet?...
Hiroshi: Y-You weren't even....joking?...
Bob: I hAvE sEveN.
Hiroshi: (●_●)
Luigi: But...I thought you were poor...and that was the point of the whole tour?
Hiroshi: That's exactly what I was thinking.
Bob: BuT I aM pOOr. ThEsE aRe jEts fOr pOOr pEOple.
Both Luigi and Hiroshi were just speechless at this point. Did Bob even make sense for whatever he said? I don't think so. Just then we hear the sound of running and that was coming from....Boopkins. Yep, he is here.
Bob: Ah TiTs.
Boopkins: Hey Bob, I heard you're going on tour! Can I come and heeelp?
Yeah, Bob didn't want Boookins to come or to help. So, he was trying to think of a plan, but was kinda failing at doing so.
Bob: um Um. SOrrY, nO yoU cAn'T. Um tHe pLaNe oNlY fItS oNe pErSoN.
The screen the showed Mario dancing naked...again, Luigi was still shocked from earlier, and Hiroshi was taking a nap while standing up...geez he sleeps a lot.
Boopkins: But, what about Mario, Luigi and even Hiroshi?
Bob: oH, ThEy'rE goInG iN mY luGGagE.
Bob said as he was holding a breif case. This made Luigi snap out of his shocked state as Hiroshi was wide awake.
Luigi: HUH WHAT?!
Bob then came over to the both of them and whispered.
Bob: {Whispers} qUicK geT iN.
Hiroshi: Same here! It's not gonna end well!
Bob then pointed a shotgun right at their faces, making them having second thoughts.
Bob: {Whispers} I said geett iinnn.
Hiroshi, Mario, and Luigi then got into the suitcase, much to their torture and how cramped it.
Bob: LaTeR amIgO! I'Ll sEnD yOu a PoStCaRD.
Boookins was just sad that he couldn't go as the jet took off into the sky...but...
Boopkins: Oh man...that's ok! I'll catch a taxi to his concert! YIPEEE!
At the airport....their plane just came crashing down as the gang was exiting the place. Mario looking pissed, Luigi looking probably upset or worried, and Hiroshi was cracking his back for being in the case for too long. He really hates cramped spaces.
Bob: YeA boI. WHaT's uP wOrlD yA bOi iS hErE.
Just then, a pink Bob-omb noticed his "senpai" Bob coming out of the airport and started to...fangirl or fanboy...??
As the Bob-omb said that, everyone in the area turned their attention on the gang, mostly Bob, in excitement. Too many fans...
This was definitely a surprise. Bob having a huge fanbase? Too much for Hiroshi's liking.
Bob: GuYs GuYs pLz, ThErE's eNouGh BoB tO gO aRoUnd.
Koopa(Female): You're so brave for doing shows after your house got burnt down!
Hiroshi: 'Ugh...I doubt it.'.
Bob: ThaNk u! ThaNk u! NoW bUy sOmE tOuR tIckEts tO HeLp mE gEt mAh hOuSe bAcK! PaY mAh mAnAgErS heRe tO gEt mOrE tiCkEts.
Bob said as he took out a suit case full of tickets. Mario, Luigi, and Hiroshi eyes widen in horror as a wave of coins smacked them away like a darn machine gun. But before that happened, seconds earlier, Hiroshi said the infamous words;
Yep...those coins gotta hurt. Scene change as we see a small case of manga, a Hatsune Miku plushi, a toothbrush, and a sandwich as Boopkins was packed it all in a bag, excitedly.
Boopkins: Tada! Thanks for the sandwich, Dad.
Boopkins' Dad nodded as Boopkins went towards the taxi, as the taxi driver was plain out terrified of Boopkins dad. Yeah, he is one huge octopus dad! Anyways, Boopkins then jumps into the taxi, ready for his journey.
Boopkins: Here we go! To Bob's Concert, please! Bye, Dad!
Boopkins Dad waved goodbye as he wiped a tear from his. His son is growing up so face. I seriously doubt it octo dad.
Boopkins: Oh boy! Bob's gonna be so happy, I bet he's just waiting for me to show up any moment now.
Scene change back with Bob, Mario, Luigi and Hiroshi...
Bob: HeY, iF anYoNe sEEs bOOpkIns, yOu hAvE maH perMisSioN tO shOOt hiM.
Luigi: Wah!
Hiroshi: What?! Even if I find Boopkins pretty annoying, I can never kill him!
Bob then went over to Mario, who seems to be....pumping up a Bob balloon. Bob seeing this wasn't happy.
Bob: wUt tHe heLl iS thIs cRaP.
Mario: It's the stupid Bob balloon you ordered.
Bob: WhY u gEt sO smAlL. WhO's gOnna tHinK I'm A gOd wItH tHis tIny piEcE oF pOOpOO.
Bob said as he smacked the Bob balloon. Mario wasn't getting very tired of this.
Mario: Ugh, this is too much work for Mario...I want a raise!
Bob: StOp whInIng b**ch. I'm pAyinG yOu tO mUcH alReaDy!
Mario just got a bit triggered as he started to pump the Bob balloon at a fast rate.
Bob: ThIccEr! CoMe oN thIccEr! I wAnT a ThIcC wIth 10 Cs.
Mario then started to pump with extra speed, while still being triggered.
Bob: EXtRa ThIcCcCcCcCcC!
Mario...then started to catch on fire. Wow, is anyone feeling the burn?
Hiroshi: {Singing} This boy is on fire~
Then Hiroshi thought of something.
Hiroshi: 'Wait.....Why do I feel like my theme song is playing in the background??'.
Anyways, Luigi was busy looking at the clipboard, making sure everything is going well, until the Bob balloon came crashing into his face, making poor Luigi scream...and getting squished.
Bob: PurFecT! JuSt aS ThIcCcCcCcCcC aS mE!
Hiroshi: '...Bruh. Reply thicc with fat'.
Luigi then came crawling out from being squashed by the big gold Bob balloon. Geez, his face!
Luigi: Uhh...Bob...the crowds are just outside. We're about to start.
Bob: SwEeT, gO teLL tHe OpEnInG aCtS tO gEt ReAdy. It'S aLmoSt My tImE tO sHiNe!
Hiroshi: 'Geez! Mario is still being triggered! It's just a box!'.
Scene change towards later, there was a massive crowd that came to see Bob sing. Luigi then went up towards the microphone to give a speech.
Luigi: Thanks for coming tonight everyone! Our first opening act is Snoop Dogg!
Yep...Snoop Dogg came for the first opening act. I wonder what's he's gonna sing-
Snoop Dogg: {Singing?} I said a hip, a hop, a hippie. A-hibbidibbi hep hip. Hoppity don't stop, A rockin' with the bleh bleh bloobidy zwub dub a blubba. Iblibzubadoblib!
In the backroom, Hiroshi eyes widen in disbelief.
Hiroshi: (▪_▪)'What in the kentucky fried f**k am I hearing?'.
Bob: AwEsoMe! LoOk aT aLl tHoSe peOplE wHo caMe fOr mE.
Just then, we suddenly hear a familiar voice by Mario, catching both Bob's and Hiroshi's attention.
Boopkins: Hey! Please let me through!
Mario: Sorry Boopkins, I'll get paid in dirt if I let anybody pass.
Hiroshi: Huh? So he really did came after all?
Seeing Boopkins being here, didn't make Bob happy at all.
Bob: WuT tHe hEll aRe yOu doInG hErE bOOpkIns!
Boopkins: Bob, I'm hear to see you!
Mario blocks the way.
Boopkins: Let me come through!
Mario blockes the way...again.
Bob: uM...cRaP!
On the stage, Snoop Dogg was done with his...song as Luigi came up.
Luigi: Beautiful act, Snoop. How does it feel to preform at Bob's show?
Snoop Dogg: Man, this place smells like sh*t!
Hiroshi: 'Well....he isn't wrong.'.
Luigi was surprised/shocked with Snoop Dogg's answer as he walked away.
Luigi: Uhh...anyway...next up is...Reggie with the second opening act!
Yep, the head of Reggie with a body of a pokémon(?) came down as the next singer...and...
Hiroshi: ....Is this even a singing concert anymore?
Bob: GoD daMnIt...gO bUy a TicKet aNd jOin tHe cRoWd, bOOpKinS.
Boopkins: {Whining} No! I wanna cheer you on from back here!
Hiroshi: (💢) {Sighs & Mumbles} Why does he have to always act like this.... (=_=)
Bob: oH, foR chRiSt'S sAkE! oK fInE, lEt hIm In.
Mario then stepped aside, letting Boopkins pass by.
Boopkins: Yayyy! Thank you Mario.
I believe Boopkins was about to hug Mario, but Mario wasn't having it.
Boopkins then took out a tambourine, seemingly wanting to play with Bob. Oh boy, this won't end well.
Boopkins: I brought this tambourine too, so I can play with you, Bob!
Hiroshi: 'Wait a minute...I thought he only wanted to cheer?'.
Bob was literally getting annoyed with Boopkins. Hell, even Hiroshi was somewhat annoyed, but kept his smile.
Bob: oH, foR tHe loVe oF- bOOpKinS, sTaY bAcK hErE aNd shUt uP! Ok, tHiS iS rEaLLy iMporTanT bUssiNesS.
Bob said as he got close to Boopkins face, being very serious. Back on the stage, Reggie was still singing and dancing to his "My Body is Ready" song...while Snoop Dogg was on drums....wait, why is Snoop Dogg on drums?? Anyways, back to Boopkins and Bob. Boopkins was watching the performance and felt sad, not being able to play with Bob.
Boopkins: O-Okay, Bob, I understand...
Bob: GoOd, bEcaUsE iT's tImE fOr tHe mAiN aCt.
Bob said as the scene change towards Luigi waving goodbye at Reggie and his weird performance.
Luigi: Thanks for that...interesting performance...and now without a further ado...the person you've all been waiting for...BOBBB!
Suddenly, the lights went off and came back on as Bob was already on stage.
Bob: {Rapping??} I jUsT wAnT tO taKe A mOmEnt tO aPPreCiAte tHe bEsT cReAtIoN iN tHe wOrLd...a$$. FuNnY hOw mOnEy chAinS aNd whIpS mAke mE fEEl fRee-
...Yeah, Hiroshi just muted him. He just couldn't believe it. This was rap??? These are just some...random words that don't make sense...at all. Oh yeah, speaking of Hiroshi...he was busy banging his head on the wall listening to this garbage.
Hiroshi: This! *bash* Is! *bash* A! *bash* Curse! *bash*....I think I should stop.....*bash* ow!
Meanwhile with Boopkins...
Boopkins: Ooh, he sounds really good! But he sounds better with a tambourine!
...Oh boy. Boopkins took out his tambourine and rushed towards Bob, only to be stopped by Mario.
Mario: Mm-mmm!
Boopkins: Noooo, please let me through!
Luigi: Sorry Boopkins, Bob will be done soon...
Boopkins: {Whining} NOOOO! BOB NEEDS MEEEEEE!
Boopkins said as he rushed passed Mario and Luigi towards Bob.
Luigi: MARIO! DO SOMETHING!...Mario?
As Luigi took off Mario's sunglasses, we can see that this fool is sleeping with half of his eyes opened. Luigi then turned towards Hiroshi for help, only to see him with an ice bag on his head and listening to Splatoon music with his headphones...sleeping on the floor.
Anyways as Bob was continuing his awful rapping, Boopkins came in and ruined everything.
Boopkins: {Playing the tambourine} I'm here too! Lalalala!
Bob: SecUriTy! GeT thIs iDiOt pLeAsE!
Just on cue, Mario woken up and turned his 180° degree angle...with a huge smile. Talk about creepy.
Mario: Okie dokie.
Mario then charged at Boopkins with his....interesting war cry only for Boopkins to run away like a coward he is.
Bob: uM, iGnOrE tHat! AnYwAy....{Continues his awful rapping} jUsT aS yOu rOsE, yOu wIlL fAiL.
Back towards the chase of Boopkins...he jumped onto the speaker as Mario was still running towards him.
Boopkins: {Pathetic Whining} Nooo! Leave me alone!!
Boopkins jumped out of the way and onto the Bob balloon as Mario crashed into the speaker. Ouch. Anyways, as Boopkins did crashed onto the Bob balloon, it started to shake-
Bob: {Slowly turns around} WhaT tHe hE-
-And boom!! It exploded! This caused Hiroshi to wake up his nap and took off his headphones.
Hiroshi: The hell just happened?! What'd I miss?!
Bob: aW cRaP...mY hEaD aNd mY a$$.
After saying that line, the crowd started booing at Bob, thinking that was the "lyrics" of his rap.
Bob: nO, mY fAnS! I'm sOOry! PlEasE dOn'T gO! I wAs abOut tO rAp mY hIt sInGlE rAp BoB!
The crowd didn't listen as they all walked away, leaving Bob sad. Bob dropped the mic and sadly walked away. Hiroshi actually felt kinda bad for him.
Boopkins: Uh? Oh no, Bob! Come back, pleeasseee!!
Luigi: I guess we're on clean up duty, guys.
Mario: Oh! Mario can't help...because uh...my legs are broken.
Luigi: Your legs look fine to me...
Mario then broke his legs to make a point...what a lazy boi.
Mario: {Thumbs up} See? Broken.
Luigi: God dammit! How about you Hiro-
[Text a meme about this picture]
Luigi: {Whispers} Oh my f**kin' god.
Back with Boopkins...
Boopkins: Bob? Where are you?
Boopkins then saw Bob in the dark corner as he slowly approached him.
Boopkins: There you are, Bob. I-I wanted to say I'm sorry for what happened. I know I shouldn't have gone on stage, but it really did sound like you needed help.
Bob: YoU tHinK I nEEdeD heLp...?
Boopkins: Well, yeah, I just wanted...
Bob then angrily turn towards Boopkins. He was so done.
Bob: {Angrily} I wAs dOinG aMaziNg! No, I wAs doInG betTeR tHaN amAziNg! I cLeaRlY tOlD yOu nOt ToO iNtErFerE, aNd nOw mY rAp CaReER iS rUinEd!
Boopkins: {Scared} Bob, you're scaring me...
Luigi was taking out the trash until he heard Bob arguing with Boopkins. Luigi then spied on them to see to where this would lead to.
Bob: I tRieD sO hArD tO gEt tO wHeRe I aM nOw...bUt nOw iT's aLl dEstRoYed bEcaUsE oF yOu!! To tHiNk, tHe liEs I tOld...
Boopkins: {About to cry} Bob? I-
Bob: ThE sCamS I hAd To PuLL tO gEt hErE, nOw iT'S aLL gOnE!
Boopkins: But-Bob...
Bob: I eVeN pUsHed yOu dOwN tHe wEll fOr gOd'S sAkE!!!
Boopkins: {Hurt} W-What? You pushed me?
Bob: yOu diDn'T fAlL dOwN tHeRe bY aCCideNt...I pUshEd yOu dOwn tHeRe, sO I cOuLd bE tHe hErO aNd sAvE YoU, iT wAs ThE pErFecT cHanCe tO pUsH mY rAp mUsiC...
Boopkins: {Heartbroken} You mean, you didn't save me cause we're friends...?
Bob: HeLL nO!
The was the last straw as Boopkins began to cry. Wow...this is sad. Luigi felt so bad for Boopkins when hearing this.
Bob: I eVeN hAtchEd tHe bRillIanT sCheMe oF BoBsgIViNg wHerE I.. (1.) rePlacEd aLL tHe fIrE eXtinGuiSHers with fLamEthroWeRs, (2.) AsKeD yOu idIoTs tO gEt sOmE gAsOlInE I laBelIeD aS "BoB jUicE", (3.) AnD toLd MegGy tO gO hElP cOOk, kNowInG vErY wEll tHaT kLutS wOulD bUrN tHe hOuSe. JuSt sO tHe hOusE cOuLd bLoW uP aNd I cOulD uSe tHe SoB stOrY tO skYroCkeT mySelF tO fAmE!
Boopkins: {Crying} Bob! That's not nice!...
Bob then roughly picked uo Boopkins towards eye level.
Bob: nIcE? YoU thInK tHiS wOrLd iS nIcE?! YoU'rE eiThEr aN aSshOle oR a PusHoVeR, a BoB oR a bOOpkIns, aNd I sUrE aS heLl dOn't wAnT tO bE a bOOpkIns...
Bob then dropped Boopkins on the ground and started to walk away.
Bob: I'm dOnE wItH yOu! I dOn'T nEEd aNyOne, I'm gOnnA buIlD my RaP caReER, bIggEr tHis tIme...
....Top 10 Anime Betrayals, ladies and gentlemen.
Boopkins: {Still crying} Bob...Nooo...
Mario was also watching the whole thing, along with Hiroshi.
Mario: The saddest thing is...we never got paid!
Luigi: Aren't your legs suppose to be broken?
Mario then looked at his legs and fell down, yelling in pain.
Luigi just shrugged. As for Hiroshi, he was glaring a the direction that Bob went. He couldn't believe it. Bob lied...he lied this whole time. Hiroshi knew he should've checked Bob's soul. Hiroshi had his hand on garbage dumpster and squished the sides badly, when nobody was looking. Hiroshi really hated liars...and he felt so bad for Boopkins. Even though Hiroshi did find him annoying, he still has to remember that Boopkins is just a kid.....Hiroshi's left eye began to glow blue and went back to normal. Bob needs to learn a lesson........one way or the other.
Hiroshi: 'Bob....one of these days....you're gonna have...a bad time'.
To be continued.........
Yosha! Another episode done! I hope you guys love it. I am probably thinking about having an smg4 episode published every week, maybe on the weekends. I'm not sure, I'm still thinking. Have a good night/day everyone. Peace and Love! Bye Bye!♡.
April 7, 2022
Time: 9:23 pm
Words: 3,451
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