Episode 5: Mario And The Bob Mansion...

(A/N): Hello everyone. The wait is over! Lets begin another episode towards the Bob Arc!

The Rapper Bob Arc!

[Narrator POV]

It's been almost 2 weeks since Boopkins was trapped down a well as everyone did their best to try to save him, hell, even the whole Swat Team came to help but failed. At the end, Bob is the only one to save Boopkins from the well. However, Hiroshi was having his suspicious against Bob and he couldn't put his finger on it. Hiroshi knew that his journey is gonna be very bumpy indeed.

Now, where is Hiroshi and the gang at the moment? Well, lets find out, shall we?

[Third POV]

It was a lovely morning in the afternoon in the Mushroom Kingdom, well, mostly lovely as the gang, minus Peach, weren't at the castle this time. Where are they? Well, Hiroshi and the gang, minus Luigi, were at a Mansion, precisely Bob's Mansion. Everyone was staring at a statue of Bob, having mixed reactions, hell, even Hiroshi is very confused as he still kept his smile.

(A/N): Sorry for the blurry pic.

Now, here comes Bob.

Bob: Yo Yo WhAtsuP mY hOmIes. THanKs fOr coMiNG OvEr to mY PaD fOr tHe firST eVeR ceLeBraTiOn oF BoBsgIViNg.

Hiroshi: 'Bobs...giving?? That's not even a holiday'.

Bowser: You nean Thanksgiving...?

Bob: No, I mEaN BobsgIViNg.

Bob the jumped over towards his statue.

Bob: AnYwAy, As YoU cAn teLL, tHis maNSiOn oF MiNe Is VeRy sExy.

Next, Bob moved over to a huge ass painting of...himself. Where the hell did he get all this money from?

Bob: FiLLeD wItH tHe mOst MoZaRt paINtingS aNd ArT.

Tari: Ooh...Impressive!

Hiroshi: (💧) 'It's...not even that impressive'.

Bob then went to Meggy, bringing out his "DLC" Bob painting that he totally photoshopped himself. This was making Meggy uncomfortable.

Bob: MaY I inTeReSt yOu iN a sUpeR rArE uLtiMaTe DLC BoB pAiNTing. PhOtosHopPed bY yOuRs truLy.

Hiroshi just shook his head in disappointment.

Hiroshi: {Shakes head} 'What a f**king disgrace'.

Saiko somehow took out a big ass notebook and pencil and started writing notes.

Saiko: Wow. Bob knows how to be noticed! I got to take notes...

Hiroshi just looked at Saiko, as he quietly chuckled and shook his head. Saiko will always be Saiko as he learned that. Smg4 decided to speak as Mario is...looking at the DLC Bob painting.

Smg4: Don't you live in a garbage dump? How'd you afford this place?

Hiroshi: That's what I like to know.

Bob: Oh, tHaTs eAsY. MaH sOunDcLOuD rAp caReER HiT ofF laST wEEk. LooK aT dEm foLLowERs

Yep, Bob "magically" brought out the picture of his Soundcloud account again.

Hiroshi: '727 followers...? Bruh, that's nothing for a rapper'.

Boopkins: Yay! Congrats Bob!

Suddenly, Mario came from behind Boopkins and kicked him away, making Hiroshi hold up a number 10 sign and saying;


Mario: Can we eat now? Where's the turkey?

Bob: Oh yeAH, foLLow Me tO tHe diNiNG RooM.

Scene change, we see the whole gang sitting at a huge table with Hiroshi sitting between Meggy and Tari.

Bob: It iS tiMe tO coMmeNcE tHe BoB's gIvInG. ThAnKs fOr joInInG mE!

As Bob finished his sentence, Mario was getting pretty excited for seeing the turkey right in front of him.


...Yeah, Mario is getting too excited.

Bob: YoU beTcHa iT iS.

Bob said as he lifted up the container to show a raw, dumb-lookin', alive chicken that looks like it was stuffed in bread...? I think the chicken is just begging to be killed at this point.

Bob: Mmm delIcIous.

Bowser face-palmed and shook is head in disappointment, clearly upset with Bob's knowledge. Hiroshi was, well, he was just speechless. What kind of Thanksgiving is this?!

Bowser: {Face-palmed} Bob...you're meant to cook it first...

Hiroshi: ..Uh, yeah Bob. In other words, kill it.

Bob: HuH, oH, yeAh, guEsS I fOrgOt. JuSt gIvE mE a sEc wHilE I taKe cArE oF tHat.

Bob said while he took out a shotgun and was ready to literally kill it. Yeah, Hiroshi believed that he should've worded that right. Just then, Bowser jumped onto the table and grabbed the turkey then jumped back down.

Bowser: Uhh, you know what Bob, how about I take care of this.

Bob: Oh. Uhhh...SuRe. Do yOu waNt tHe sHoT-

Bowser: No Bob, it's fine.

Meggy was on her phone, bored out of her mind, when Bob got her attention.

Bob: AnD MeGGy, cAn yOu gO heLP BoWsER cOOk, plEAse? THat'D bE hElpFul.

Yeah, Meggy wasn't too sure about cooking. She isn't really good at cooking at all.

Meggy: Umm...err...Can I!? Cooking is my specialty!

Reminding that Meggy isn't a good cook at all, she still tends to help out Bowser. Oh boy, what can go wrong. Anyways, Meggy got up from her chair and went to help Bowser in the kitchen.

Bob: Oh yEaH, tHat reMinDs mE. We aLso nEEd sOme sPecIal beVerAgeS fOr tHiS ocCasIon. CaN yOu tHreE gO geT mY seCreT BoB jUiCe, plEAse?

Bob said towards Mario, Saiko, and Boopkins. Hiroshi was actually wondering on what's so special about this "Bob Juice". Sounds fishy towards him. He just can't help but have this odd feeling in his soul about something is going to go downhill. He's been having this feeling all week and its kinda a bother.

Saiko: Yeah sure, this was boring me anyway...

Boopkins: Oh sure. Where is it, Bob? :D

Bob: JuST gO uPstaIRs aND tuRn rIgHt. It'S iN mY sPeciAl rOoM. YoU cAn't mIss iT.

Mario: Oooo, maybe he'll have food up there too!

Mario then rush towards upstairs.

Saiko: Hey don't run off like that idiot!

Saiko ran after Mario, but before she got far, Hiroshi yelled out towards her.

Hiroshi: Be careful, Saiko. Don't get lost!

Saiko turned around and winked at Hiroshi.

Saiko: {Winks} Don't worry, Senpai! I won't~♡.

Saiko continued to run off as Boopkins seemed worried.

Boopkins: {Worried} Aw, we're gonna get lost so easily.

As they left, it was now Hiroshi, Tari, and Smg4 left at the table with Bob. There was an awkward silence, until Bob broke it.

Bob: HuH, dO yOu wANt tO heAr thE sToRy oF BoB's GIvInG

Tari giggles as she nods as she actually wanted to hear about Bob's fake holiday. Smg4 on the other hand...

Smg4: Ehh...Not reall-

And Bob interrupted Smg4 and Bob began his tale of Bobsgiving. What about Hiroshi? Well, he's also listening to Bob's fake backstory holiday. He knows its not even real. Finally, Bob finished his fake backstory, making Tari believing him. Poor girl is too pure for her own good.

Tari: {Claps excitedly} Wow, that's so cool and educational!

Hiroshi: Tari, that's not even right. I don't know why I was listening to this garbage.

Smg4: Uhh, Hiroshi is right...I'm pretty sure that's not how Thanksgiving went...

Bob: WhAt dO yoU guYs kNoW? WeRe yOu thErE?

Tari: But if the pilgrims worshipped the Bob Tribe...Why are none of the presidents in Mushroom Kingdom history from the Bob Tribe?

Hiroshi: That's actually a good question Tari, because NOT OF THIS IS REAL!!

Bob then started to sweat. He needed to change the subject fast.

Bob: {Nervously sweating} HeY. WaNNa heAr tHe stOrY oF BoB mEz?

Tari: {Excitedly} Wahoo! Yes, you know it!

Hiroshi/Smg4: No, God, please no. NOOOOO!!

And Bob started his fake backstory of "Bobsgiving", much to Hiroshi's and Smg4's torture. Scene change towards Meggy and Bowser in the kitchen as they were preparing Thanksgiving dinner. Bowser was chopping up onions and Meggy was in the background.

Meggy: Uhh...so I have a confession to make...

Bowser: Oh, and what's that?

Meggy: I'm...not a very good cook...

Bowser stopped chopping onions and looked at Meggy with a smile and gave her a thumbs up.

Bowser: Nonsense, anyone can cook! Besides, I brought a turkey already prepared!

Bowser said as he literally brought a perfectly good turkey out of nowhere as Meggy was in awe.

Meggy: Oooh!

Bowser then gave Meggy the turkey, seemingly having a job for her.

Bowser: Think you can paint it in cooking oil for me?

Suddenly, Meggy eyes widen as Bowser said the "magic" word.

Meggy: Did you just say...paint?

Bowser: Uh...yeah? Why?...

And now, Meggy suddenly went crazy, took out her weapon and started shooting orange paint everywhere. She was going overboard. She used her Splat Roller to paint the walls and floor, now she started throwing lots of ink bombs everywhere. Yeah, poor Bowser had to watch everything go down. Just then, Meggy was now finished "painting" the turkey.

Meggy: Ta-da! Now I just chuck it in the oven right?


Too late, as Meggy already put the turkey inside of the oven ane pushed the start button.

Meggy: This cooking thing sure is easy!

Not a second later, the oven catched on fire. Yeah Meggy, cooking sure is "easy". Anyways, scene change towards Mario, Boopkins, and Saiko walking towards Bob's "special" room to retrieve his beverage. Boopkins decided to start a conversation with Saiko, while Mario is just...being himself.

Boopkins: So, uh, Saiko? How have you been?

Saiko: Huh? Yeah. Fine.

Boopkins: Uh, you seem to have made friends with the other girls, even Hiroshi.

Saiko: ...They're ok, but Hiroshi...he's so cool~.

Saiko blushed and and tap her fingers together, thinking of Hiroshi. Something about him makes her heart skip a beat. To Saiko, Hiroshi is mysterious, cool, and just plain cute. His smile always makes her insides melt. Hiroshi seem to have fully respect Saiko for who she is when they first met. To be honest, Saiko has never felt this much love before. She was secretly happy. The more Saiko gets to know about Hiroshi, the more love for him grew. Boopkins smiled at Saiko.

Boopkins: That's good, uh, are we still friends?

Saiko gave a side glance at Boopkins, not knowing how to answer that. She was thinking of an answer, until Mario interrupted them.

Mario: Whoa! Look at this! My Italian senses are tingling. This is it...

Mario, Saiko, and Boopkins went in the dark room. Boopkins was being a bit scared.

Boopkins: Oh, guys, it's a bit dark in here-

Just then, the door behind Boopkins closed, making him jump in fright.

Mario: Ohhh mama-mia, I can't see ass in here! OH! I FOUND THE LIGHT SWITCH!

As Mario turned on the light switch, he got "jumpscared" by Bob pictures that was literally painted on the wall all around them.

Saiko: This is going to haunt me for weeks.

Boopkins: Ah guys, I'm scared! Is this some sort of demonic chamber?

Mario: Nope, this is just his bedroom.

Mario said as he took out a chewed-out burger and a magazine of Bob, until he got Bob's special juice.

Mario: This must be it!

Boopkins: Yahoo! Well, that was easy! I was sure we were gonna come across an obstacle of some sort and consequently go on a crazy adventure.

Saiko: Well I'm glad we didn't. Time to go back! Being in this room is bad for my health.

Saiko then tried to open the door, but with no luck. Yeah, they're stuck in there until someone can find them. Scene change, back to the gang at the table, Tari was listening towards Bob's stories. Boring and fake stories for Hiroshi.

Bob: AnD iF you'RE a GooD bOy aNd gIrL, BoB cLaUS wiLL viSiT yOu aT nIgHT anD gIvE yOu a prEsEnt.

Tari: That's...that's so beautiful.

On the other hand, Hiroshi and Smg4 was losing their minds of Bob's bullsh*t! Tari suddenly got a little close to Bob.

Tari: Do you think Bob Claus will get me a new duck for Christmas? :(

Bob: OnLy iF yoU haVeN'T beEn nAugHty. AnD iF yoU prAise BoB enOugh-

Before Bob can even finish his lies, Smg4 snapped, having enough of Bob's lies.


Bob: WoW, hoW cOulD yoU sAy thAt. ONly cOal fOr yOu thIs bObmaS.


Smg4 just continued screaming his insanity as he ran away towards the kitchen. Hiroshi decided to go as well.

Hiroshi: Wait up, Smg4! I ain't dealing with this!!!

Tari and Bob just stared at the direction that Hiroshi and Smg4 went, until Tari broke the silence.

Tari: If I'm super well behaved, can I get some games too?

Scene change, Smg4 and Hiroshi opened the door and peek inside.

Smg4: Hey guys need any hel-

Hiroshi: Jesus Christ!!

Everything was on fire as Bowser was freaking out about meatloaf and stuff as Meggy was holding a frying pan, also in a panic.

Meggy: It wasn't me, I swear!

Hiroshi and Smg4 suddenly broke down the door that led in the dining room, in panic.


Hiroshi: Hurry up and tell us!!! This is an emergency!!

Bob: LoL, sAfeTY iS foR lOserS.


Back with Bowser, he was still panicking as he opened the pantry and luckily found a fire extinguisher.


Bowser wasn't aiming at the fire, but as his face and as he squeezed the lever...fire actually came out and aimed at Bowser's face. Ouch.

Bob: Oh, yEAh, wE hAve fLamEthroWeRs tHaT lOOk lIkE fIre exTingUisHErs. DoEs thAt cOUnt?

Suddenly, Bowser then came out, screaming in agony as he was literally on fire. He ran around the room, catching everything on fire. Tari then began to panic and was worried about Bowser.


Hiroshi: B-Bowser! Hang on! Just drop and roll!!

As for Bob, he was literally ignoring everything as this was normal.

Bob: ThIs iS fiNE.

Back with Saiko, Mario and Boopkins, Saiko was trying to bash through the door, but to no avail. Mario suddenly came rushing at the door, holding Boopkins like some sort of ram, but failed as it didn't work.

Boopkins: Aw man, we're stuck here forever.


Saiko: So, this is where I die, huh? I guess I won't see Hiroshi again.

Saiko said as she drunk Bob's juice, but her eyes soon widen in disgust.

Boopkins: Huh, what is it Saiko?

Saiko: This "juice" is just gasoline!

Saiko then slammed the bottle on the floor, breaking it in anger and disgust. Back with the others, Tari was desperately trying to take out the fire with a water bottle, until she ran out.

Tari: Meggy, didn't you steal a firetruck? That would come in handy right now.

Meggy: I didn't steal it, I borrowed it! Also, the Woomy Brigade is on hiatus till we can legally own a firetruck...

For Smg4, he was desperately putting out the fire from Bowser with his water can, but to no use. He was still panicking. Geez, poor Bowser.


As for Bob, he was just sitting on his chair like a lazy hobo, enjoying the "event" that is happening right now.

Bob: I'm oKay wITh tHe eVeNt thAt aRe unFolDIng cuRRenTly.

Suddenly Tari screamed, getting Hiroshi's attention, who was using buckets of water to put out the fire.

Tari: Uh...guys? The ceiling has caught fire...

True to her words, the ceiling was getting caught on fire.

Hiroshi: What?! Wait! Where's Saiko, Mario, and Boopkins at?!

Back with others upstairs, Boopkins suddenly smell something burning.

Boopkins: {Sniffs air} Hey, do you guys smell something burning?

Mario: Ooh...the ground is getting spicy too. Is there a fire?

Saiko: Fire?! OH NO! THE GASOLINE!

Back with Bob...again.

Bob: EvEryThiNg's fINe.

Suddenly, the whole building collapsed as everything around them went white. However, seconds later, everyone seems to be alright. Somewhat alright.

Saiko: {Cough} God dammit Bob...

Hiroshi: {Cough} Is...Is everyone alright?

Bob: My HoMe, yoU gUys desTroYeD mY hOMe. Oh, hEy, loOk tHe turKEY iS cOOked. WeLl, wHaT aRe yOu waITinG fOr dIg in?

Boopkins: Huh? You're...You're not mad for us destroying your house?

Bob: DoN't woRRy, I cAn bUy anOthEr hoUse wIth mY cASh moNieS. BuT, I cAn't bUy cOOl frIenDs tO cElEbrAte BoB's gIvInG wIth..liKe yoU gUys.

Hiroshi: 'Huh...I guess Bob isn't that bad of a pers-'.

Bob: THis wIll alSo mAkE a gReAt sOb stOry fOr MtV. YeAh bOi.

Hiroshi: '...Yeah, nevermind'.

Everyone else were staring at Bob with mostly the same face that Hiroshi was making. Bob, seeing the their reactions, decided to say something.

Bob: HaHa, jUst joKiNG, lOl....cRap.

Scene change again as everyone was enjoying eating their turkey. It was delicious indeed. Mario, Smg4, and Bowser were enjoying their delicious meal as the other turkey were alive and was either celebrating or was begging to die. Oh well. Tari and Meggy were talking and giggling like normal girls and Hiroshi was definitely enjoying his chicken.

Boopkins was enjoying his chicken as Saiko was staring off into the distance, until she broke the silence.

Saiko: And to answer you before Boopkins... Yeah, we're still friends.

Boopkins: Hooray!

Yep, everything turned out alright in the end. Bob then turns towards the readers, breaking the 4th wall.

Bob: HaPpy BoB's gIvInG evEryOnE. ReMembEr tO stAy sExy aNd prAise BoB. Oh, aNd buY tHe limItEd-edItiOn BoB sHirt-

Bob suddenly got kicked away by Hiroshi.

Bob: Ow my ovaries!

Hiroshi: Heh. Don't listen to him, readers. Just enjoy your time reading this story and always hang out with your family. Until next time, take care.

To be continued...

Another episode done! I hope you guys enjoyed. The script wasn't even half finished and I just went ahead a go with the flow of this episode. I hope I did good. Just a reminder, don't ask me on when the next chapter will be updated because I won't be nice with my answer. Its actually annoying when you guys comment that. Well, thats all for now. Until next time my friends, Bye Bye♡.


March 20, 2022


Time: 4:33 pm

Words: 3,052

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