Episode 4: Mario And...The Well

(A/N): Alright Everyone, here is another episode heading into the Bob Arc. Now, lets start the arc.


It was a beautiful day in the Mushroom Kingdom. The weather was clearly wonderful and by the castle, we can see the hobo rag man; Bob, looking down a well. Reason? Well, lets find out.

Bob: ErR, uM, oH cRaP.

Bob just kinda ran away, then a couple seconds later, Hiroshi and Mario was walking by as Hiroshi was telling Mario a joke/pun, which he laughed.

Hiroshi: And that's when I say "I'll just ketchup with you later". -Ba-dum-tss!-

[Please Insert any joke/pun here, since I'm not good with this]

Mario: Hahaha!! That's hilarious!

Hiroshi: Hehe. Glad you like it. My little sis doesn't really like my puns, but you gotta admit, its pretty humerus.

As Mario and Hiroshi was having a good time, they both heard some kind of noise, asking for help. They both looked around to see what was that they just heard.

Hiroshi: Did you hear something Mario?

Mario: Nah, It's probably nothing.

Hiroshi: Meh, I guess your right.

As Hiroshi and Mario was about to walk away, they heard the noise again and it sounded like somebody said; "SOMEBODY HELP ME!", and they know exactly on were the voice is coming from.

Mario: Oh boy.

Hiroshi: It came from down the well.

Both Mario and Hiroshi then rushed towards the well to see who it is.

Mario: Satan? Is that you again?

Hiroshi: Is it the cheese monster? Cause I got a cheese-y joke for it.

Boopkins: No guys its me, Fishy Boopkins!

Mario: ...Boopkins? How'd you get down there!

Hiroshi: This ain't no green pipe buddy.

Boopkins: I was playing with Bob and I fell down. Now I'm stuck and can't get out. Can you help me?!

Hiroshi: 'How....did even fell down here in the first place??'.

Mario: Hmmmm, Ok! Don't go anywhere, Mario has an idea!

Hiroshi: 'He can't even go anywhere in the first place'.

Boopkins started celebrating a bit, until a shovel got thrown at his face by Mario. Ouch, That's gotta hurt. Boopkins then picked up the shovel, still in a bit of pain.

Boopkins: What am I supposed to do with this?

Mario: Just dig up!

Hiroshi: Uh, Mario, I dont think thats how it works..

Boopkins: Exactly! That won't work!

Mario: Of course it would! Mario's a scientist!

Just then, Smg4 came to see what are Mario and Hiroshi are doing.

Smg4: Hey Mario, Sup Hiroshi. What's going on here?

Mario: Boopkins is stuck in the well...

Smg4: Has he tried digging up?

Hiroshi: 'Are you for reals Smg4?'.

Boopkins: I said that won't work!

Boopkins said as he threw the shovel at Mario's face, probably giving him more brain damage as Hiroshi was trying to hold in his laugh. Just then, Smg4 got an idea.

Smg4: I got it!

Smg4 took out a fishing rod. He was gonna fish out Boopkins out of the well. Hiroshi thought that this plan was very good.

Smg4: Just grab on Boopkins! I'll pull you out!

Hiroshi: This idea is great Smg4.

When the hook came down towards Boopkins level, he stared at the hook and he was having seconds thoughts now.

Boopkins: What?! I'm not grabbing that! I'll get hurt!


Hiroshi: You seriously can't be serious Boopkins! Stop acting like a little brat and just grab the damn hook!

Boopkins kept dodging the hook as Smg4 was trying to fish him out. Hiroshi was disappointed on how Boopkins is acting.

Boopkins: {Pathetic Whine} Leave me alone!!


Boopkins just kept running away...and going around inside of the well being...pathetic in Hiroshi's words. Anyways, as Smg4 was trying to catch Boopkins, he has finally caught him.


Mario: GO SMG4 GO!!!


Smg4 then started to struggle bringing Boopkins up, but was determined.


Smg4 started to struggle more as he...caught on fire.

Hiroshi: Woah! Smg4 is really feeling the burn. -Ba-dum-tss!-

Smg4 finally yank his fishing rod back...only to receive a big rock that knock him back in the face, and it wasn't Boopkins all along.

Smg4: Augh! MY PINGAS!


Hiroshi: Oooo~ Thats gonna leave a mark.

Seconds later, Hiroshi and Mario got to Smg4, who was still kinda dizzy after getting by a giant rock in the face, and they were trying to think of a good 100% fullproof plan to get Boopkins out of the well, as Luigi came along to help.

Luigi: I heard what was happening, don't worry, I've got the perfect plan. And don't fret, this won't hurt.

Boopkins: {Smiles} Yay~ :D

Luigi then suddenly took out his Poltergust 3000 vacuum cleaner and doing some weird mini dance(?). Luigi then smacked the vacuum's button as it switches to "Hyperdrive" as it was making some other weird noise.

Luigi: Everyone stand back. Things are gonna get spicy.

Smg4, Mario, and Hiroshi just looked at eachother. Mario having a derpy face, Smg4 having a questionable face, and Hiroshi is just smiling lazily. Luigi then lean against the well to help save Boopkins, but something was wrong....

Hiroshi: 'Damn! That nose is long!'.


Luigi then suddenly hit a big blue button on his vacuum that says "NUT" and...nothing special happened as they just hear a weak vacuum sound. Talk about disappointment.

Boopkins: Uh...Is something meant to happen?

Luigi: Just wait! I think its warming up. :D

Both Mario and Smg4 have...some type of funny/deform face as Hiroshi was...sleeping while standing up, kinda like this;

Just then, Bowser came out of nowhere and wanted to help.

Bowser: Thats not gonna work! YOU GOTTA BE CLOSER TO HIM!

Bowser picked up Luigi and was trying to get Luigi closer to Boopkins from inside the well, but Luigi was just screaming for his life. Luigi should just take a chill pill. Boopkins was starting to lose a bit of hope.

Boopkins: ....Aw, I'm doomed...


Suddenly, Tari saw the gang and wanted to know what was going on.

Tari: Uhh....guys...What are you doing?

Smg4: Boopkins got his ass trapped in the well.

Tari: Ah! Oh no!

Hiroshi suddenly appeared next to Tari, making jump back in surprise as she also blushes a bit.

Hiroshi: Heya Tari, me and the gang are trying to help Boopkins out of the well, but our ideas are not even working.

Smg4: Hiroshi, you haven't even think of a single plan to help us out.

Hiroshi: Actually, I did. My plan involved lots of dynamite, but that will probably kill him.

Meanwhile, Luigi just continued screaming until Bowser gave up and tosses Luigi back on the ground.

Bowser: Dammit! Its no use. Sorry Boopkins! Maybe try digging up!

Hiroshi: Welp, he tried.

Next, Tari came over to the well, trying to help also.

Tari: Don't worry, I'm sending a care package down until we figure out how to get you out!

Tari then brought out a present with a mini parachute, showing it to Boopkins, making him excited.

Boopkins: Yay, Thanks Tari.

Seconds later, Boopkins got hit in the face, after Tari threw the present. Boopkins respond with an "ow".

Tari: Ah!...S-Sorry.

Hiroshi: {Winks & Smiles} Nice shot Tari.

Tari: {Blushes & Smiles Nervously} Hehe.

Boopkins was then curious to see what was inside the present.

Boopkins: Oooo~ I wonder what this it.

Boopkins then pulled out...a box full of anime, and a.....4k HD TV!!? How the hell does all of that fit in one small box? Hiroshi was mind blown.

Boopkins: Thank you so much!

Tari then took out her phone to call someone.

Tari: Alright! Time to get some help!

Smg4: Help? Who could possibly help?

Just then, 2 shadow figures and a light is shown behind the mountain. The 2 figures are revealed to be Shroomy and Jeeves. Both of them even did some poses.

Tari: These two should have enough street smarts to help us out!

Shroomy volunteer to go first to help out Boopkins.

Shroomy: Alright, stand back everybody. Things are gonna get intense.

Smg4, Mario, and Luigi started to slowly back away as they were afraid that something bad was going to happened. Hiroshi just normally took a step back, still having a smile on his face. Shroomy then just threw the rope down inside the well to help Boopkins. It wasn't even dangerous, it was just a harmless rope. Anyways, Boopkins was happy that he was gonna be finally saved.

Boopkins: Huh? Oh yay, I'm saved!

Shroomy: Okay, Boopkins you should be able to climb out now.

Shroomy said as he was tieing the rope on the wooden plank/bar of the well. Boopkins then grabbed. Boopkins then grabbed onto the rope and tried to climb the rope. Keyword: Tried. He couldn't even move an inch, let alone move his own stubby little arm. Sounds like he was taking a crap. Boopkins then fell on his ass, giving up. This is just sad.

Boopkins: Aagh, Shroomy...

Shroomy: Thats me!

Boopkins: I can't climb the rope, my arms are too stubby. D:

Hiroshi: 'This is just sad..'.

Shroomy: Hmmm, oh have you considered getting a shovel and digging up?

Hiroshi: 'They can't be serious with this idea!'.

Boookins: (T_T) Yes?

Jeeves: Don't worry dear boy! I say, we will form an orderly line and hoist you out!

Then Jeeves looked at Mario, Hiroshi, Luigi, and Smg4 and started yelling.


Mario, Luigi, and Smg4 quickly went to grab the rope as Hiroshi just playfully saluted and said "Aye-Aye Captain" with his lazy smile as he also went to get the rope. Now everyone was holding the rope in a single file line as they were ready to pull Boopkins up with his fatass.

Shroomy: Now remember to be safe, pull with your--


Everyone was now pulling the rope with all their might as it was actually working. Boopkins was being pulled up successfully.

Boopkins: It's working, guys! :D

Jeeves: HARDER!!!

Everyone was now pulling even harder than before.

Boopkins: Yay!

Jeeves: HARDER!!!

Everyone started putting their backs into it and pulled even harder, except for Hiroshi because he was feeling lazy today, so he didn't put any effort into helping out Boopkins.

Boopkins: Yay, no killing off Boopkins tonight!

As the gang was trying to pull Boopkins up, Mario saw a shiny quarter and he couldn't resist it. So, Mario let go of the rope, making everyone minus Hiroshi and Bowser lose balance and fell onto the floor as Boopkins fell back into the well's floor as a book fell onto him as he picked it up to know what it is.

Boopkins: Uugh, huh? "So you're going to die...", whats this?

We then see the gang by the well, looking sad, while Toad was wearing a priest hat and holding a bible, as Hiroshi was just confused on how Toad even got here.

Toad: We are gathered here today to say goodbye to a dear friend...

Boopkins: Hey, I'm still alive you know?!

Just then, the gang all heard Hank-a-banko from behind to see both Saiko and Meggy riding in a firetruck.

Meggy: Did someone need saving?

Everyone was shocked to see both Meggy and Saiko coming to help while bringing a firetruck. Wonder where she got the truck from?

Meggy: {Standing on top of the firefruck} THE WOOMY BRIGADE IS HERE TO SAVE THE DAY!

Mario: Wow! I didn't know you were a firefighter!

Hiroshi: You girls are looking good!

Meggy was actually lost for words, but also blushes at Hiroshi's comment for some reason, even Saiko blushes at Hiroshi's comment.

Meggy: {Blushes & Pouts} Wah!? I...uh.. Whaddya mean? I've always been a fire--

Saiko: We stole it.

Meggy: Hey! We didn't steal, we borrowed it!

Just then, Meggy jumped down from the truck and grabbed the water hose as she was ready to go.

Meggy: Woomy brigade, go!!! Besides, I'm sure they'll forgive us! This is for the greater good!

Saiko: {Saracastic} Woo....greater good.

Smg4: What are you even gonna do? Feed him water?

Hiroshi: Or possibly drown him??

Meggy: Just you watch...

Meggy then aimed the water hose/gun down the well.

Meggy: Turn on the water!

Saiko, who was reading the newspaper, kicked the firetruck as it made some weird noise. Meggy then started to shoot water into the well, filling it up.

Meggy: This water will fill up the well....and once it does...Boopkins will float to the top!

Luigi: Woah Meggy! You're a genius!

Hiroshi: I totally agree! Really smart.

Meggy: Aw shucks, thanks!

Saiko: Hey genius, Boopkins died.


Meggy turned around to see that Saiko was kinda right. Boopkins didn't even float.

Boopkins: Uh, guys? I'm still stuck down here.

Meggy: Huh?!

Hiroshi: How is he not floating?

Boopkins: Uh, I think I've eaten too much rocks recently. I can't seem to float anymore. Ah, I should go on a diet.

Meggy just facepalms as Hiroshi just shook his head while also facepalming.

Hiroshi: {Mumbles} This is just completely pointless.

Mario: Welp, he's doomed.

Smg4: Well...there's only one option now...

Smg4 was drawing a "wanted" poster of Fishy Boopkins. It said;



Reward: 2 Coins

Hiroshi was actually confused on why just 2 coins. Thats hardly anything. Probably nobody won't just save Boopkins for only 2 coins.

Luigi: Uhh...Smg4. Will that even do anything?

Hiroshi: Yeah, Smg4. 2 coins is barely anything. I bet nobody would even show up.

Smg4: Trust me...Anybody would do anything for a little bit of--

And just on que, everybody did come. The police, the army, you name it. Hiroshi's eyes widen like dinner plates and his mouth dropped down to the floor.

Hiroshi: I...uh...I stand corrected. Welp, Im taking a nap.

Hiroshi than sat/lay by the tree and fell asleep.

FM: The police is here! Go boys go! Lil Boopkins is trapped down the well.

As police officers went to help Boopkins, Yoshi also came by and saw the poster saying, "Its so much money". Then the Wario Bros also came by and Wario was acting like a greedy fat bastard with slurping noises. Yep, everyone came, even the damn teletubbies.

Smg4: -Cash...

FM: Stay back everyone! Professionals are retrieving the target!

We then see the dead bodies of police men floating on the water. Then Donkey Kong came by, knocking FM down, trying to help Boopkins with his...banana rope(?), but Toadsworth kicked Donkey Kong right in his Konkey Dong and tried helping Boopkins with a ladder, but the red teletubby knocked him away with a crowbar, then followed by Professor E. Gadd knocking the teletubby down while riding a jet pack and flipping everyone off, then Yoshi grabbed him with his tongue and had a shovel, and next thing you know, a police officer tackled Yoshi while saying; "FBI!! OPEN UP!!!". So yeah, its just complete chaos.

Now, we see Smg3 reading a magazine while waiting for his truck to finish loading up his hook, until a claw grabbed him and lift him up in the air. This claw belonged to a crane that was controlled by the Wario Bros. The Wario Bros were celebrating until the crane was shaking and was completely knocked away by Steve. Such unquestionable strength. Anyways, Steve was really determined to get dem coins, so he got....a straw....and started drinking the water to safe Boopkins. Not the smartest idea. X just had it.


Chaos was just everywhere.

Jeeves: Well this is quite the pickle.

Suddenly the gang heard a helicopter above them and to their surprise, its Bob.

Bob: DoN't wOrRY, rEscUE iS HeRe b**cHeS! aW tiDDieS hOw dO yoU dRivE tHiS!? i'M heRE fOr yOu booPKIns!

Boopkins: Huh, Bob? You came back for me?

Bob: oF cOurSe I dId! Im tHe KiNdESt bOy evER!

Bob then lowered the ladder and knocked FM, Toast guy, and the old man away while saying;

Bob: PiSs oFF, maKe wAy b**cHeS!

Bob then continued lowering the ladder in the well and successfully rescued Boopkins, as Boopkins hopped inside the helicopter.

Boopkins: You've saved me Bob! Thank you so much!

Bob: nO prObLem, anYtHiNg foR moNeY bRo! YoU aLsO sAvEd mY aSs fRoM geTTiNg puRgeD.

Seems like everyone was happy on the successful job of Bob rescuing Boookins, all but one person. Hiroshi was watching the whole scene with one eye opened. He can't help but get the feeling that this was all planned somehow. He can feel it in his soul.

Bob: woW, sO thIs iS whAt iT feeLS tO bE lIkEd?

Bob then showed a screenshot of his profile on SoundCloud out of nowhere.

Bob: iF yOu gUys lIkEd tHis thEn cHeCk oUt mY SoUndCloUd pLaCe, I jUsT upLoAdeD mY bLaZinG hOt mIxtaPe. {To Boopkins} cOmE oN booPkIns, leTs tAke yOu hOmE.

Everyone looked ahead towards the helicopter as Bob and Boopkins flies away. Today was successful in the end. Just then, 2 retarded looking guards peaked out from the bush. Their names were Swag Master and Chris.

Swag Master: Chris, Look! It's my stolen Firetruck!

Chris: You mean the firetruck you stole from the government?

Swag Master: Pfft, details.

Swag Master: Should we tell them that I replaced all of the water with vodka?

Chris: Nah, everybody's happy.

Hiroshi, who was resting by a tree, heard what Swag Master and Chris were talking about. He couldn't help but chuckle a bit. However, he stopped chuckling as he opened his eyes and stared at the direction on where Bob and Boopkins flew off too. He can't put his finger on it that something really wasn't right, but he didn't even bother to care nor think about it as he went back to sleep.

To be continued...

(A/N): Alright everyone! Here is another episode. I hope your satisfied. Anyways, please stop asking on where the next chapter will be uploaded. I really got annoyed by it. So, the next chapter wont be worked on anytime soon. I will be busy working on other stories. Seriously, be patient ok? Anyways, Peace out everybody. Goodbye.


October 1, 2021


Time: 5:07

Words: 3097

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