Episode 33: World War Mario

Alright, let's get this over with. Time to pull another all-nighter since I'm starting to work on this chapter late.

[Saga #2]

The Anime Arc


[Opening 2]


[Narrator's Pov]:

Last time on "Smg4 Harem: A New Face", Hiroshi and the gang were on their way to Anime Island. Meanwhile, Meggy was found out that Francis was behind everything, using Axol's pen for his greed and lust of being surrounded by real waifus. Meggy was then taken to a big glass chamber that'll suck up her ink, just to power up Inkweaver. With Hiroshi and the others, they had to deal with Godzilla once again and no attacks were harming him, until Boopkins summoned his Dad to fight Godzilla. He ended up winning in the end as the crew grew closer to the Island. Back on Anime Island, Desti managed to almost escape and hide for Francis' henchmen for awhile before saving Axol and fighting back. Unfortunately, they end up getting captured once again.

An unforgettable and danger battle is drawing closer and closer. How will history come to a close in this Arc? Time to find out on today's episode.

[Third Pov]:

(Location): Anime Island|June 6th, 2019

The episode quickly starts off when Hiroshi, Amy, the gang, and an army of soldiers in boats. War was happening and the gang were prepared. Well, almost. Luigi was utterly terrified and Smg4 was worried. Even Boopkins and Tari were scared. Hiroshi had a new outfit on, while holding an Submachine gun as his two Aegis weapons are sheath behind his back.

•World War Outfit

Amy was holding her double duel pistols while chewing bubble gum.

SwagMaster: Let me at them! I'll kick their kawaii ass!

Tari: I can't believe it's come to this...

Saiko: Just hang on a little longer Meggy...

Hiroshi: You ready to blast some heads off?

Hiroshi said to Amy as he was checking his ammo. Amy smirked as she twirled her guns skillfully.

Amy: Heh, born ready baby!

Just then, Luigi began to panic. He just couldn't take it anymore.


Hiroshi: Luigi, calm down!

Mario: Luigi! You big baby, stop whining. There's nothing to worry about. Isn't that right, fellas?

Mario said, turning towards the soldiers for an anwser. Being honest, one of the soldiers told Luigi that he was screwed. That didn't calmed Luigi's nerves.

Mario: See? :D

Luigi began to panic and scream some more as Chris announced that they were closing in.

Chris: Ok guys, 30 seconds! The moment the boats land...be quick on your feet and clear the bunkers...and most importantly...get the hell off the beach! Good luck...and may God be with you...

Amy: All hell is about to break lose! Be safe everyone!

As the boats got closer to land, the door handle began turning as everyone got ready to charge in battle.

SwagMaster: Chris...I'm scared.

Chris: Me too...

As the door to the boats opened, the enemy began to rain fire onto the crew, killing a lot of good men. Hiroshi and Amy quickly jumped into the water and charged towards the bunkers, firing back. Mario, Smg4, and Luigi panicked and quickly ran towards shore for cover. Saiko was skillfully blocking the bullets with her mighty hammer.


She told Tari and Boopkins as they both ran towards shore. Mario was using a body shield while casually heading to shore as Smg4 was right behind him. The duo then made it to land as they kept running forward.

Mario: So, how's your Thursday going, Smg4?

Mario said as he gracefully laid down behind cover as Smg4 began to panic even more.


Time seemed to froze around Boopkins as he was looking around all the death and chaos.

Boopkins: War....War never changes...

With Bob, he was shit talking and fighting back anime characters as some yellow hair anime girl shot an rpg at him that blast him away. Luigi then came to tend to Bob's wounds. Both Hiroshi and Amy kept firing their weapons before taking cover and began to reload.

Hiroshi: Damn! I'm reloading!


Both Hiroshi and Amy nodded as they ran head, firing the guns as Mario and Smg4 was right behind them. However, Mario being Mario had Smg4 tripped. An anime character was about to fire her sniper but realized that a grenade was thrown near her as it exploded.


Saiko yelled as it was shown to be her who threw the grenade.

Hiroshi: Haha! Nice one, Saiko!

Saiko: Thanks Senpai~.

Saiko lovingly said before using her hammer to send another grenade. With Mario, he was chilling in the middle of battle with some popcorn.

Mario: Hey, this is a pretty good firework show!

Not in the mood to deal with his bullshit, Smg4 kicked Mario off his ass before dragging him through the field. Tari, Boopkins, Hiroshi, and Amy were pinned down. Hiroshi was almost running out an ammo, blaming himself for not packing enough.

Tari: MAYDAY! MAYDAY! We need assistance!!!

Smg4: Hey! What's the situation!

Hiroshi: From what I'd gathered, we can't advance any further! The barb wire ahead is heavily guarded! Not to mention that I'm almost out of ammo!

Mario then got an idea as he rushed forward towards the barb wire.

Smg4: Wait wait wait!! Where are you going?!

Mario: It's alright! Mario's got 4 IQ!

Hiroshi: ...I mean he ain't wrong, but it's more like in the negatives.

Mario then spots a landmine near him before looking at the barb wire and putting his plan into action.

Mario: Mario's gonna die! :D


The landmine then suddenly went off, blowing Mario away and blasting him into the barb wire, opening a path for the others.


Hiroshi: Haha! That's awesome Mario!

Amy: Way to go, dude!

Meanwhile with Chris and SwagMaster...

SwagMaster: SAY HELLO TO OUR LITTLE FRIEND! Bon Appétitty, bitches!

SwagMaster said as he pulled out an Rpg before firing at one of the bunkers, destroying it. The anime girl known as Dawn from the Pokémon series was on fire and died. Ouch.


Without warning, Chris then got shot in the arm. Everything was in slow motion as he fell to the ground. SwagMaster stopped what he was doing, horrified on what happened to his friend.

SwagMaster: ...Ch-Chris?

SwagMaster then dropped his weapon as he ran over to his friend.

SwagMaster: Chris, this can't be real... Who's mom am I going to make fun of?

Chris: *Cough* I'm fine... Kick their asses for me.

With some badass theme music playing in the background and anger within his soul, SwagMaster picked up Chris' weapon and began charging forward. SwagMaster skillfully dodged bullets coming at him before jumping over the barb wire as he began to quick crawl towards the bunker, arriving next the the anime characters that shot his friend.

SwagMaster: Hey girls, you hungry? Open wide, motherfucker!

SwagMaster said before he fired a bullet, killing one of the characters before dropping kicking the other female, already being inside the bunker. Swa wasted no time in unloading lead into the rest of the anime characters, shooting them down. However, the one he knocked down earlier got back up, but Bob came to his rescue and stabbed the female down.

SwagMaster: Huh?

Bob: NeeD soMe hElP?

SwagMaster: Hm, thanks bruh.

Bob: bRuH, yOu'Re nOt bAd yOurSelF.

SwagMaster: Bruh.

Bob: bRuH.

Teaming up together and being the perfect chaotic duo, both Bob and SwagMaster went out together to kill more anime characters. Meanwhile with the others out of harms way, Luigi continued to treat Chris's wound.

Luigi: Chris is going to be ok. The bullet missed his vitals. He'll have to stay behind for now.


Tari: Don't be sorry! You fought very bravely.

Amy: She's right. You did good Chris.

Hiroshi: Mhm, now rest up.

Smg4: Well let's do it then! There's the entrance to the base.

Having run out of ammo, Hiroshi tossed his gun away as he cracked his knuckles, ready to kick some ass as Amy did the same. If it really comes down to revealing his magic, then so be it. Meanwhile with Francis, he was already extracting poor Meggy's ink from the machine as she screamed in pain.

Francis: IT'S WORKING!

Just then, a Boo henchmen came running towards Francis in panic.

WeaBOO: SENPAI! The invaders have infiltrated the base!

Francis: But I'm so close to finishing! SLOW THEM DOWN!!!

WeaBOO: Sir yes sir!

The Boo said as he ran towards battle. Francis the ran towards the machine's control panels.

Francis: Looks like I'm going to have to speed things up a bit.

Cranking the lever from 50% to 100%, Meggy began to scream in agony. Tears began to flow from her eyes as the pain was too much to bare. Axol and Desti helplessly watched in horror.

Axol: Francis! Stop this at once!

Desti: You're going to kill her if you keep going!

Francis: She'll be fine! Meggy's a strong girl.

He then began to cackle evilly as he then suddenly heard the intruders getting closer as he rushes towards the commotion.

Francis: God dammit. Watch the prisoners. I'll deal with the intruders myself...

Meanwhile with the others, they continued to run through the large halls of the main base, as Dio from the JoJo series came from around the corner. Not in any mood to deal with this, Amy quickly send a powerful punch that blown Dio away and killing him in the process.

Amy: Fuck off, ugly!!!

Damn, that's gotta hurt. Just then another anime character (I'm believe?) came around another corner and began dancing. This stopped Smg4 in his tracks.

Smg4: This is...kinda hot.

Hiroshi: ...The fu-?

Even Steve was stopped by an anime creeper girl as he began simping. Having enough of this, Saiko pulled out an Rpg, before blowing the anime creeper away, making Steve quite sad as Amy kicked the other anime character away from Smg4 as they continued to run forward through the hall. However, they were stopped dead in their tracks as they heard a familiar voice, cackling evilly in front of them.

Francis: Hue Hue Hue.

Mario: Is that...Francis?!

Luigi: He's just standing there. MENACINGLY!

Hiroshi: Francis?! What the hell are you doing here?

Francis: Hmph! Why shouldn't I be here, boy? It is MY Island after all!

The plot twist has been revealed to the gang. They couldn't believe this. Especially Hiroshi as he balled up his fist, getting angry.

Smg4: Your Island? Wait, so you're the one behind all this!

Hiroshi: Dammit! I knew something was off when I first met him!

Tari: So Axol didn't kidnap Meggy? Oh we've made a horrible mistake...

Francis: Of course not, he isn't half the otaku I am! He could never do something as amazing as this!

Saiko: You evil prick...WHERE'S MEGGY?!

Amy: Yeah, you sick fuck! Where the hell is Meggy at?!?!

Francis began to taught them, pretending to be scared. Hiroshi was getting angrier by the second.

Hiroshi: Tell us where you are keeping Meggy or you are going to have a bad time!!

Francis: Oh, I don't think that's going to happen.

Francis said as he took out a drawing of Sephiroth.

Mario: What's with the girl?

Hiroshi: ...Mario, I believe that's a guy.

With the power of Inkweaver, Francis uses the pen to create Sephiroth from the Final Fantasy series.

Back with Meggy, screaming her vocals out in agony, Axol sigh dejectedly, feeling very guilty of what's happening.

Desti: Hey Axol! You're a manga expert right? Can you help me figure out a way past this Pokeyman thing?

Axol didn't answer as he looked away, making Desti mad and annoyed.


Axol: No...I can't help anyone. All of this is because of something I made. This is all my fault.

All Desti did was rolled her eyes.

Desti: Oh get over yourself!

Axol: H-Huh?

Desti: Yea, we're in this mess because you let a fat nerd steal your magic pen. So now you're gonna cry and give up? You know why she gets to be my rival? Because everytime I knock her down, she gets back up. That's why she's going to be champion one day. So, if you're the greatest manga artist in the world then prove it! Are you gonna give up, or are you gonna get back up again?

Axol: Emo fish girl...you are a lot wiser than you look.

No comment from Desti for that one.

Axol: HEY! MEWTWO! I'd choose Magikarp over your stupid ass any day!

The Mewtwo seemed to get mad as he used his telekinesis powers to lift Axol and throw him by having him crash into the control panels. This broke his chains as he got out of his straitjacket. Mewtwo then picked up a large pipe with his powers as Axol held up a tablet of Pokémon anime, showing a Pokémon mystery.

Who's that Pokémon?

Axol: It's a dumbass! :D

I swear Axol had such an innocent face when he said that. Anyways, Mewtwo got pissed and charged towards Axol with the pipe, only for him to dodge as Mewtwo crashed into the control panel, destroying it as it exploded, shutting the chamber off as Meggy fell, completely exhausted Axol then took the key from the dead Mewtwo, unlocking Desti's chains setting her free.

Desti: Not bad. But, a little warning next time would be good.

Meggy: Thanks guys...

Meggy said as she continued to whimper from the pain, trying to dry up her tears.

Axol: Don't worry! We'll get you out.

Suddenly, they heard screaming and fighting from the distance, catching their attention.

Meggy: No, go help them first!

Axol: B-but!

Meggy: Go!

Desti: Ugh, why do you have to be so stubborn... Fine, but don't go anywhere till I get back!

Back with the group, Sephiroth quickly finished off the last of the soldiers with no effort. Mario charged at him, but Sephiroth quickly grabbed him by the neck and put a sword near his neck. However, Mario expanded his nose, knocking Sephiroth away as Saiko charged towards him, who dodged and kicked Mario into Saiko, knocking them both away. Smg4 was next as he showed Sephiroth a mean tweet about him, only for him to jab his sword into the computer, making Smg4 start crying.

Francis: You bakas think you can defeat the one winged angel?

Hiroshi: I know I can!

Hiroshi said as he draws his two blades and charged towards Sephiroth, who was about to attack Tari. In the nick of time, Hiroshi got in front of Tari and blocked Sephiroth's attack with his duel blades.



Both Axol and Francis were fighting to get the pen, catching the attention of others as their fighting stopped just to watch.


Desti then came in with a flying kick, knocking Francis away and knocking off his glasses. That was so cool. Desti was now holding Inkweaver.

Desti: Pathetic.

Hiroshi: ....So cool~.


Everyone was happy that Desti and Axol were okay, as Smg4 was too busy crying for his computer. As Hiroshi got distracted, Sephiroth began to charge at Desti, smacking her into the next room.


Hiroshi: Desti! Hang on!

Sheathing his swords behind his back, Hiroshi ran full speed towards Desti as Francis put on his glasses back on, only to see Amy and the rest of the gang running towards him.

Mario: Get that motherfucker!

Amy: You're not getting away with this Francis!!

Francis then ran away in fear. With Desti, she was busy blocking Sephiroth's attack as it was enough time for Hiroshi to come in and kick Sephiroth away.

Hiroshi: Desti! Give me Inkweaver!

Desti: W-What?!

Hiroshi: Sephiroth is only attacking you because you have Inkweaver. If you give it to me, he'll only be locked on to me. I can take him down, so hurry!

Desti: ...O-Okay, just please don't die!

All Hiroshi did was give a thumbs up and smirked at Desti.

Hiroshi: Heh please, I won't die. I'm tougher than I look.

As Desti gave Inkweaver to Hiroshi, who sheath it behind his back, he grabbed his duel blades and had enough time to block Sephiroth's attack. Hiroshi then pushed him back and ran towards him, beginning to attack him as Sephiroth did the same.

With such speed and skill, it was like Hiroshi was going toe-to-toe with Sephiroth, keeping up. Desti was amazed by this. As Francis arrived in the scene and saw the battle, he was baffled. A nobody was keeping up with Sephiroth easily. That made him think that Hiroshi was dangerous....really dangerous. Back to the battle when Hiroshi ducked the oncoming attack, Sephiroth actually knocked the Inkweaver away from Hiroshi, shocking him as he got too careless.

Hiroshi: No!!

As Inkweaver got sent flying, it was then caught by Francis.



Saiko then charged at Francis, but Sephiroth teleported next to her and kicked her away, making her crash next to Meggy. Meggy weakly called out Saiko's name in worry.

Meggy: Saiko...

Saiko: Don't worry, Saiko's always okay.

She said as she got up. Hiroshi then charged at Sephiroth, ready to strike. However, Sephiroth with quick speed and power, knocked both Hiroshi's swords away as he kicked him away. Fortunately, Hiroshi caught his foot from sliding back from the kick.

Hiroshi: Tch! Damn that little bastard!

Desti: Dammit...All I need is just one single distraction...

Saiko: A distraction...

That got Saiko thinking about the plan she went over with Tari earlier.

Saiko: Tari!!! Use..."THAT" secret weapon we talked about!

Francis: WUT?!

Tari: "T-That"?! But...but...

Saiko: NOW!!!!

Tari then threw something at Francis, making him freak out.


The thing that Tari threw was a duck as it landed by Francis, who was very confused. Until Desti tackled the fuck out of Sephiroth, holding him above her head.

Desti: Batter up!!!

As Desti threw him, Axol kicked him away, Mario and Smg4 worked together and did a combo kick together before sending him to Boopkins and Luigi. Boopkins hate a rock and Luigi used him to fire the rock like a canon, hitting Sephiroth away and having him disappear. Everyone began cheering in victory.

Desti: Pfft, that was too easy-

Hiroshi: DESTI LOOK OUT!!!!




Blood was dripping from the tip of the sword. Everything was in slow motion, everything seemed to be frozen. Everyone watched in horror, the girls were in tears......

Desti was on the floor, horrified as tears ran down her face. The one who got stabbed was Hiroshi from the left side of his chest as blood began to drip from his mouth. What happened was that Hiroshi was the only one who saw another Sephiroth that was about to kill Desti and without hesitation or even caring about his own life, pushed Desti out of the way, taking the critical blow.

Hiroshi: ......

There was no words from Hiroshi as he slowly looked down as the sword stabbed through his chest, blood dripping as he arms began to shake. From the look on his face, he was in pain and was horrified as well.

Meggy: HIROSHI!!!!!!!!

Meggy screamed out his name, hot tears pouring down her face. Francis began to cackle darkly.

Francis: You bakas, did you forget about me and this pen!? Now that the weakling is out of the way....nobody can stop me!

Sephiroth that took his sword out roughly from Hiroshi chest as blood began to leak on his shirt and onto the floor as he fell onto his knees. He then weakly looked at Meggy and smiled weakly.

Hiroshi: ........P-Please don't cry..... everything will be.....okay...............

Hiroshi then fully fell to the ground, into a pool of his own blood as the life left his eyes, body limped........

[Episode 33 end...]
[To be continued....]

Another chapter done. Now, after this chapter, history and the story itself will go into a different path. "Smg4 Anime Arc: Final Hours" won't be the next episode or be in it at all. The anime arc will be extremely different in it. Let's get some votes in. Even though this story is just words and images, use your imagination, use the scenarios inside of your to create the battle that is happening. I want you to understand the emotion of the character, understand the story, the plot on what's happening, everything.

I'll say this again, HISTORY will be changing after this chapter. Now, it's time for a long hiatus for this story as I want to work on other projects. Hope you understand. I don't know when I'll return to this story. Maybe if we're lucky, maybe around Summer. I'm not 100% sure.

Also, I hoped you all enjoyed your back to back episodes throughout this month. This was your Christmas present and I hope you loved it. Merry Christmas, family🥰🎄☃️❄️🎁☺️

[Ending 2]


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December 25, 2024


Time: 3:05 pm

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