Episode 32: Mario And The Experiment
Alright, let's get this chapter over with.
[Saga #2]
The Anime Arc
[Opening 2]
[Narrator's Pov]:
Last time on "Smg4 Harem: A New Face", Hiroshi and the gang noticed that Inkopolis became a ghost town as the remaining citizens locked themselves in doors, afraid to go outside and become the next victims. Hiroshi and the came across an anime character by the name of Ryuk from Death Note and fought it. Meanwhile, Amy and the others recruited SwagMaster and Chris to help them find Axol and put a stop to him. Later, Hiroshi went to his home to achieve his two blades that'll be using in the upcoming battle. As the whole headed towards Anime Island, they were attacked by another anime character named Godzilla and it escaped with Desti. Now determined more than ever, Hiroshi promised himself that he will save both girls. Now, let the story continue.
[Third Pov]:
The story immediately left off with Meggy and Axol. She was surprised to see Axol here, chained up.
Axol: Uhh...hi?
Meggy: You're locked up too? I thought you were making all these anime characters!
???: Oh please!
A voice, a very familiar voice echoed through the halls. As the camera switches over, it was none other than Francis. That traitorous two-timing son of a bitch was behind everything!
Francis: That disappointment doesn't have the courage to do what I have done!
Meggy couldn't even believe her own eyes on she even saw. She was angry as well.
Meggy: Francis!!!! How could you do this to us? Axol even lifted the anime ban for you guys!
Francis: By singing some dumb song to a princess?
Francis said as he showed his disgust to the idea before lifting the Inkweaver in glory.
Francis: He doesn't deserve this SEXY POWER!!!!!
He said before dropping a sheet of paper onto the floor and began to use Inkweaver to draw Mewtwo from the Pokémon series.
Francis: I'm going to use Inkweaver the way it's suppose to.
On command, Mewtwo began to use his telekinesis powers to begin choking Axol. Meggy began to get scared for Axol as she couldn't bare to watch.
Francis began to cackle evilly as Mewtwo stopped using his powers on Axol, giving him the chance to breathe. Meggy then began to get dragged away, but not before giving Axol one last look. The scene changes to a chamber that Meggy was being lead too and she looked very uneasy.
Francis: Do you like the operation I have going on? By my estimate we must have captured half of Inkopolis by now. And all of their ink is being extracted and stored. With it, I've managed to get Inkweaver here powered up to 70%!
Meggy: You're seriously messed up....
Francis: Thank you so much!!
Meggy: You're kidnapping people just to draw some stupid cartoons!
Francis began to laugh before getting up close to Meggy's face.
Francis: Oh my plan goes far beyond that... Presenting The Ink Zuccer 2000!
Francis said as he pointed at the giant ass ink container that was basically designed after a smaller version that the inklings use to store the ink for their weapons. Francis then continued.
Francis: WITH IT'S VOLUPTUOUS STORAGE SIZE! 16-inch tempered glass... AND ITS STRENGTH HIGHER THAN ANY OTHER MACHINE! With one very special inkling, I'll be able to use the zucc machine to harvest ALL their ink...and completely power Inkweaver up to 100%!!! And then...I can finally....HAVE MY OWN ISLAND FULL OF WAIFUS!!!
Francis began to go crazy, cheering for his master plan only to get his face kicked in by Meggy when he got too close.
Francis: You got a little fight in you. I like that. Mewtwo!
Mewtwo began to use his telekinesis powers to pick up Meggy as she began to fight it.
Francis: And this toughness is exactly why I think you're the perfect candidate for this experiment. Only you are strong enough to handle the Ink Zuccer 2000.
Mewtwo began to carry Meggy closer to the tank as she hopelessly try to break free.
Meanwhile with the gang that was coming to the girl's rescue, Mario kept repeating the words: "Are we there yet?", annoying the others.
Chris: Somebody kill me...
Hiroshi was ignoring Mario as he was looking out to sea, hoping that the girls are alright. He was getting a bit impatient though.
Tari: What if...What if we never find Meggy?
Hiroshi: Don't....
Tari: Huh?
Hiroshi: Don't you dare ever say that Tari. We'll find her. No matter what it takes, we'll find her.
Hiroshi said without looking at them as he kept looking out to sea with his arms crossed. His voice did carried a bit of anger when Tari said that. There is no doubting in this mission. Saiko then continued off.
Saiko: Sans is right Tari. I promise you we'll find her and everything will be back to normal!
Tari: Yes, you're right! We're coming for you Meggy!
Mario kept annoying Smg4 with the same question before Smg4 himself snapped and grabbed Mario by his overalls, telling him to shut the hell up. However without warning, the Godzilla anime creature returned, catching everyone off guard.
Hiroshi: This bastard won't quit!!
Smg4: He's back! WE'LL GET HIM THIS TIME!!!
Mario: It's time for you to die!
Amy: Everyone be on guard!
Chris: Ah shet, here we go again...
Saiko: You boys think you can keep up?
She said as she took out her hammer.
SwagMaster: I never thought one day I'd be fighting along side anime... Chris, I don't know how to feel about this...
Chris: Shut up and fight with the anime woman already.
SwagMaster: Bring me that dino ass!
SwagMaster said as he and Saiko jumped towards Godzilla. As Saiko landed a hit, it barely did anything, leaving her speechless as she fell. SwagMaster continued to stab Godzilla.
SwagMaster: I am going to kill you Godzilla, you big stupid lizard! I'm so sick of you lizard showing up and ruining everything! Please die you big butt. Oh balls.
SwagMaster said the last part swung his arm down to hit SwagMaster, only for him to get out of the way fast. Hiroshi, Luigi, Amy, Smg4, and Mario used the canons to fire at Godzilla, only to have the canon balls to bounce off. Not even a dead body was able to damage it. Godzilla then swung his giant arm down to attack, as Mario, Luigi, Hiroshi, and Amy managed to dodge as Smg4 wasn't so lucky as he got send flying.
Bob: sMg4! I gOt yOu hOmIe!
Bob said as he threw an anime pillow to catch Smg4. It did catch him, but that fall sorta hurt. Tari was controlling the canon with a game controlling, battling Godzilla but nothing seems to work.
Tari: Nothings working! We need something stronger!
Luigi: We don't have anything stronger!!!
Luigi said in panic. Godzilla raised his arm and aimed to attack Tari as she closed her eyes for impact. Boopkins managed to push her away, only to get smacked away.
Tari: Boopkins!!
Hiroshi: Little dude!!
Suddenly the surrounding area began to shake, catching everyone's attention. Just then, Boopkins' dad risen from the water, along with Boopkins on his head.
Hiroshi: (😧) Holy fuck.....
Bob: iVe sEeN eNouGh hEnTaI tO sEe wHerE tHiS iS gOinG!
Amy: ...You and me both.
Boopkins: Look who's back, baby!
Back on Anime Island, Mewtwo held Meggy over the chamber, ready to drop her in as Francis was growing impatient.
Francis: Hurry up and drop her in!
However before Mewtwo can drop her in, a familiar Octoling came into the scene. It was none other than Desti herself.
Desti: Man...you idiots really need an interior designer. And some deodorant.
Oh yeah, she was still captured.
Meggy: D-Desti?!
Meggy couldn't even believe that Desti was here as well. Of course, Francis was more than happy to have the Octoling.
Francis: Oooooo, you brought the Octoling! BRING HER UP HERE!
The two anime characters, Pikachu from the Pokémon series and Hatsune Miku from her own franchise, began to escort Desti, who looked ashamed and defeated.
Meggy: Desti, I can't believe they got you too.
Desti: Well actually, I came here to rescue you. And that's exactly what I'm going to do!
Desti bravely said as she reversed roundhouse kick Francis in the jaw, sending him into the wall. Mewtwo let go of Meggy onto the catwalk as he turned around a fired an energy ball towards Desti, who dodged and had the attack hit her handcuffs, freeing her. With quick thinking, Desti ran full speed pass Mewtwo, grabbed Meggy and made a jump for it off the catwalk as they began to run. Francis was not happy with it at all.
Francis: Get after them you baka's!
As Desti made a run for it with Meggy, said inkling girl noticed that Francis' anime characters are chasing them. Desti was desperately looking for an exit.
Desti: Yo! Where's the exit?
Meggy: I got no idea!
Desti: What do you mean you have no idea? You've been here for days!
Meggy: You think I had a chance to relax and sight see? I've been a prisoner, not a tourist!
Miku and Pikachu began firing at the two girls.
Desti: Crap!! Come on this way!
Desti said as they ran into a storage area, with no way out.
Meggy: Ah crap, we're trapped in here!
Desti: Ummm...Uhhhh.
Desti then turned into her octo form, but noticed Meggy isn't turning into her squid form.
Desti: Why aren't you turning into squid form?!
Meggy: I can't! These chains are stopping me!
Desti then transformed back into her normal form.
Desti: God dammit...Uhhhh.
Trying to look around for an escape, the girls noticed that the anime characters were getting in. Miku and Pikachu got in, with weapons drawn but the girls were nowhere in sight. The camera zoomed in by the blue closet, hinting us that the girls were hiding in there. Meggy peaked in the key hole, only to get jumpscared by Pikachu. Quickly shutting their mouths, the girls kept quiet. After a false alarm, the two anime characters left as Meggy and Desti breathe a sigh of relief as they fell out of the closet.
Desti: Ugh...I guess we'll just stay here for awhile...
Desti then pulled out a hairclip.
Desti: Let me get those cuffs off...
She said as she got the handcuffs off of Meggy.
Meggy: Uh...thanks?...But...why are you helping me? I thought you hated me...
Desti: Oh, I still hate you.
Meggy: Oh...
Meggy was pretty upset with that as Desti continued.
Desti: But I want you humiliated, not dead. And saving your life is probably the most humiliating thing I can do to you.
Desti said as she toss a broom to Meggy, successfully catching it.
Meggy: Gee thanks...Maybe I'll return the favor one day.
Desti: Over my dead body.
Desti said as she teasingly stick out her tongue. Hey wait...is this foreshadowing? Meh, it's probably nothing. Desti then continued.
Desti: Now come on...We gotta get out of here so we can meet up with your friends.
Hearing that her friends were coming, Meggy was filled with joy. If they were coming, then that means Hiroshi was also coming.
Meggy: My friends are coming?
Desti: Yep. They're sailing to this island as we speak...We would have come sooner but Mario had to load the whole boat with food first...
Meggy: Yeah...that sounds about right...
Meggy said as she playfully rolled her eyes. Both girls then began to laugh at the thought. Just then, they heard a familiar voice, who seems to be in trouble.
Desti: Wait...is that...?
With Axol, he was trying get through Francis' henchmen's skull about his betrayal.
Axol: Listen to me. Francis will betray you! He's never going to share his waifus with you!
They didn't listen as the Goomba smacked him with his fan weapon. They began to laugh, not noticing that the vent behind them opened as Meggy and Desti hopped down from the ceiling, surprising the two henchmen.
Desti: Your rents due motherfucker!
She said as both her and Meggy knocked out the henchmen.
Axol: Ah yes, good. You took advantage of me distracting them...like I intended.
Both Desti and Meggy looked at eachother, before Meggy picked up a key and begin unlocking Axol's chains.
Desti: I guess I owe you an apology for telling everyone you kidnapped Meggy.
Axol: Why would I do such a thing? You guys are my friends!
Suddenly, the alarm went off as more of Francis' henchmen began to block the way.
Axol: Uhh...I'm pretty useless without Inkweaver... Can you girls manage that many-
Desti then cut Axol off, turning to her rival.
Desti: Hey Meggy, I bet I can take out more than you can.
Meggy: Pfft. In your dreams.
Both the girls charged at the group, before the scene switches over to the others. Boopkins' dad knows as Octodad is staring face-to-face with Godzilla.
Boopkins: That's him, daddy! He's being very mean to me and my friends!
Octodad then got ready to fight Godzilla as he smacked the beast in the face. Being pissed at that, Godzilla charged in and began attacking Octodad as he also began to battle the beast. Godzilla managed to knocked Octodad down, but he quickly got back up and Sparta kicked him away. Getting his footing back, Godzilla spotted a plane, grabbed it and threw it at Octodad that got hit by it and was down for the count. Boopkins desperately tried to wake up his Dad as Godzilla brought out the shotgun, ready to end it all. Not on Saiko's watch that she's gonna let that happen.
All the canons began firing on Godzilla, still having no effect. Mario was about to fire his canon, only for it to not work. Mario got inside to check the problem, only to get blasted off onto Godzilla's eye. Godzilla began to freak out as Octodad began to rise up. Without hesitation, Octodad began to "Ora Ora" Godzilla's ass with rapid punches and with one final punch, he was sent flying and disappeared without a trace as Mario crashed back onto the ship. Octodad then gently put Boopkins back onto the ship.
Boopkins: Thanks Dad! I'll see you back home when I finish saving my friends, okay?
Octodad did some unintelligent noises that only Boopkins can understand.
Boopkins: Yes, I finished my homework.
Octodad then gave Boopkins some icecream before gently patting him on the head before heading back into the ocean.
Hiroshi: ...That's one cool ass Dad...
Mario: Ooooooo-ok...onto...animoo island...
Mario said in a very dizzy way. Besides, he was pointing the wrong way as Luigi had to aim him. In the distant, gang spotted what seems to be Anime Island.
Saiko: We're coming Meggy. Just hold on a little longer.
Hiroshi looked towards the Island and balled his hand into a face, a look of determination on his face.
Hiroshi: Meggy...Desti...I'm coming. Please just hold on and don't do anything stupid.
Back with the girls on Anime Island, they just finished kicking some of Francis' henchmens ass.
Desti: How many you on?
Meggy: Eight.
Desti: Same...I guess this is the tiebreaker.
She said as there was one more Goomba, who was scared shitless. They were about to charge, but a beam hit them, only strong enough to knock them down and out. Axol yelled out in worry.
Francis then appeared, laughing evilly. Besides were two new anime characters, seemingly stronger than the others. It was both Goku and Vegeta in their Super Saiyan forms.
This shocked Axol to the core.
Axol: Super Saiyan Goku and Vegeta?! Oh man, things are definitely not looking good! You've gotten Inkweaver to 70% already?!
Francis: You know it, Axol boy. And just imagine what I can achieve with the ink from these two... Maybe I could even achieve... SUPER. SAIYAN. BLUE.
Axol: Not with MY pen you won't!
Axol then took a cool fighting pose, only Vegeta to roll his eyes and backhanded him, knocking him out. Later, Axol woke up tied to a chair and had a rag covering his mouth. He couldn't even get free as Desti began to wake up.
Francis: Wakey, wakey! The shows above to start!!!
Goku was holding Meggy over the chamber.
Desti: LET HER GO!!!
Francis took that literally as he ordered Goku to drop her in the chamber, having both Axol's and Desti's eyes widen. As she fell into the chamber, the screne the turned pitch black.
[Episode 32 end...]
[To be continued...]
There we go! Another chapter completed. I sorta pulled an all-nighter, but felt so tired that I took a few hours to sleep before waking up and finishing the rest. I'm gonna rest before I uploaded the last chapter of the day, having it be available on Christmas day before this story takes a long hiatus.
🎄🎁❄️☃️Merry Christmas Eve☃️❄️🎁🎄
[Ending 2]
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December 24, 2024
Time: 6:13 am
Words: 3,018
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