Episode 3: The Mario Purge

(A/N): Alright! Since you guys wanted the next episode, here it is. The wait is over. Also I might skip some Smg4 videos, I hope you guys don't mind. Now onto the Episode.

Third POV

It's been a week since Hiroshi moved into the castle. He was happy to be with his bestie; Smg4 and Tari, along with his new friends. Hiroshi hopes that he can go on an adventure with them someday. Over the week, Hiroshi has gotten along pretty well towards his new friends, except Toad and Bob, since they are....difficult. Hiroshi did get along pretty well with the girls; Meggy, Tari, and Saiko. These days that Hiroshi were spending time at the castle were safe, except today. Why was today wasn't safe? Well.....







Peach: Attention, Citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom. The time of year has come. Time for...The Purge!

Yes, you heard right, The Purge. Today wasn't safe for anyone, so everyone was staying in doors. And guess who runs the purge...

Peach: As you may know, due to the violent nature of teletubbies, we created a special night where once a year, all crimes committed by teletubbies are legal for 12 hours.

Yep, The freaking Teletubbies runs the purge. So, everyone is screwed and seriously, Peach is letting this happen in her Kingdom?! Seriously, Is she high?!

Peach: Thanks to The Purge, Teletubbie related crimes are at an all time low. I implore all of you to stay inside and not do anything stupid while The Purge is on. {Points at the camera} I'm talking to you Mario. And with that, The Purge commences now. May god be with you all.

In the castle, we see Mario becoming scared until The Purge alarm started and Mario started to freak out. Mario then ran towards  Smg4, who was chilling like he was on vacation and then Mario started yelling.


Smg4 just turned his head towards Mario and just looked at him like he was having a mental breakdown or something.

Smg4: Mario....we do this every year. Calm ya tiddys.

Smg4 then took out a remote and pressed a button and a huge gate blocked/covered the whole castle. Smg4 then went back to relaxing as Mario was still worried.

Smg4: Why do you think so many people are here?

We see Luigi and Boopkins playing a card game called, Warhammer, but...a bit different, then we see both Saiko and Tari together. Saiko was drinking wine as Tari was trying to get her to play some games with her.

Tari: Come on, you'll like this one!

Saiko: {Drinks wine} Pass

Tari: Come ooon, It has a lot of violence!

Tari says as she was holding a game called, Super Smash Bros Melee. This got Saiko's attention as she was now happy to play.

Saiko: Sold!

Last but not least, Hiroshi was taking a nap, sitting/laying up against the wall with his hands behind his head. Hiroshi was not even worried about The Purge nor did he cared. He knows this happens every year. Don't worry about Hiroshi's family, they are 100% completely safe. As for the others that were not in the castle, Meggy was probably training for the next Splatfest, and for the others...are not important. Toad was just on the couch, checking his phone.

Mario: Oh, I thought we were having another Mario party!

Smg4: Now leave me alone. It'll be morning in no time.

As Mario was feeling safer, the sound of someone who was opening the door made Mario screamed and grabbed Luigi....as a weapon?


Smg4: Eh. Don't worry. It's probably some teletubby trying to get in.

Boopkins: Oh no! Guys thats not a teletubby, its Bob!

The gang then seen Bob on the screen, looking like he was super screwed outside.

Bob: Oh GaWd, pLeaSe LeT mE iN, I bEg yoU. I dOnt wAnT tO DiE!

By Bob's annoying voice, Hiroshi has woken up from his nap. Like I said before, Hiroshi didn't get along with either Bob or Toad cause they are difficult. Their attitude and rudness. So, in other words, Hiroshi hates Bob, even Toad a bit, but he does hope a little that they will warm up a little. Anyways, when Hiroshi saw that Bob was stuck outside with The Purge is going on, this just puts a smile on his face, plus he was a bit grumpy from his nap. Seriously, Hiroshi was having a pun-tastic dream.

Smg4: No one let him in. We can't risk opening the door.

Tari: B-But...he's helpless out there...

Toad: Screw that guy. He'd never do the same for us

Hiroshi: 'Thats...actually true'

Mario: Yeah! He tried to kill Mario and Luigi when there was a zombie apocalypse!

Hiroshi: 'Wait what?'

Bob: oH GAwD, THey aRe cOMIng foR mY seXy a$$, Im tOO seXY tO DiE!

Boopkins: No guys, He's our friend!

Hiroshi: 'No he isn't'

Saiko: Ugh, screw him! I wanna smash some losers! 'I also wanna smash Hiroshi-Senpai too~'.

Hiroshi then walked up to Saiko. He was still a bit tired.

Hiroshi: {Yawns} Guys, just let him suffer out there. He woke me up from my nap. I hate it when people do that.

Saiko: I agree with Senpai~ Let him suffer~❤ He woke up him up~❤. 'My poor Senpai is still sleepy~ Maybe he can sleep on my lap~'.

Bob: PLeAse, iT waS jUst a pRaNk, I LoVE yoU guYS!

Smg4: You guys hear something?

Hiroshi: {Yawns} Heh. Nope. I'm going back to bed.

Boopkins: Oh no!! I'm sorry Smg4, I'm just gonna open it for a second.

Before Hiroshi can even go back to sleep, Boopkins quickly took the remote so he can let Bob inside. This alarmed both Smg4 and Hiroshi.


Hiroshi: Boopkins, Don't you dare!!!

Boopkins then pressed the button, opening the gate, and letting Bob in.

Bob: Oh mY GaWd, THey aCtuaLLy lEt mE iN. HeCK yeAh!

Bob then barges in the door, much to Hiroshi's annoyance.

Bob: BoOYah, BiG BAd BoB liVEs tO be sExY foR aNotHer dAy!

Boopkins: Hey Bob, Welcome!

Bob then grabs Boopkins and started swinging him around in pure joy.

Bob: SwEET MercIFUL cRap! BoOpKins, yOu aRe mY bEsT friENd!

Boopkins: Yay!

Smg4: Gawd dammit!....well make yourself at home I guess...You're just lucky no teletubbies got in!

Hiroshi: {mumbles} I swear if this backfires, I'm throwing both Boopkins and Bob into the sun.

Just then Luigi screamed, alerting everyone.

Luigi: WAHHHH! G-g-g-guys!!!

Everyone looked at the screen and saw 7 teletubbies. Six teletubbies had...some sort of.. weird chinese mask(?) as the last teletubby has a jack-o-lantern mask, probably their leader.

Hiroshi: {mumbles & Sighs} Me and my mouth.

Smg4: Relax, they can't get in!

Hirsohi: Heh. True.

Tubbie Leader: We're not here for you, we're here for the robed one...

Hiroshi: 'Bob? What do they want with him? Something is not right...'.

Tubbie Leader: Let us purge him as we are entitled to do so and you will be left alone and believe me, we know how to get inside...

Luigi: Oh Nooo!

Smg4: These guys can't get in...nothin' but empty threats...

Hiroshi: {Yawns} This is boring. I rather take a nap.

Tubbie Leader: You have five seconds....

Mario: Okay


Mario grabbed Bob, who was trying to agrue, and was bringing him towards the teletubbies, so that they can do whatever they want with Bob.


Boopkins then grabbed onto Bob, trying to hold his friend back.


Luigi: Guys, What do we do!?

Smg4: Nothing! Just chill out!


Saiko: {Smashes her fist} Pfft...Let then in. I'll smash them all! 'And maybe I can show Hiroshi-Senpai how strong I am~.

Hiroshi: {Chuckles} They are like stuffed bears. What are they gonna do? Force us to watch their show? Hehehe.

As for Mario, Bob, and Boopkins, they became like ragdolls, fighting eachother. Hiroshi found this very funny.

Tubbie Leader: 0...time's up!

Everyone then looked at the screen to see the teletubbies gone.

Hiroshi: 'Heh. Looks like they were bluffing'.

Boopkins: See, I told you there's nothing to worry about.

Just then, the floor broke apart, revealing The Teletubbies. Everyone, but Hiroshi and Saiko screamed.

Bob: EVerY BoY foR tHemsELves!

Bob ran away as Boopkins followed.

Boopkins: Hey, No wait Bob, wait for meee!

Tari was scared as she ran as Saiko was ready to fight, but as soon as the teletubbies took out their weapons, Saiko was now re-thinking her decision as Tari grabbed Saiko's arm and ran as the others ran also.

Tari: Come on!

Teletubbie Leader: Let the purge begin...

Hiroshi: Not on my watch.

Teletubbie Leader: Hm?

Hiroshi was now standing in front of the teletubbies, a few feet away of course, and he was....just smiling, but his aura says otherwise. His aura was saying "I want to hurt them badly".

Teletubbie Leader: Ha! And what are you gonna do about it, boy?

Hiroshi: I'll give you one chance to walk away if you know whats good for you. If you take one step forward, hehe, well....

Suddenly, Hiroshi's eyes disappeared, only showing his dark black eye sockets, scaring the teletubbies a bit.

Hiroshi: Y o u r   g o n n a   h a v e   a   B a d   T i m e . . . .

Hiroshi's voice sounded deep and almost demonic. It literally scared the teletubbies, but soon they laughed, thinking that Hiroshi was bluffing, which he wasn't.

Teletubbie Leader: Haha! Nice joke. Alright fellas, Attack!

The 6 teletubbies charged at Hiroshi, as he sighed and kept his smile and has his normal look.

Hiroshi: {Sigh} Don't say I didn't warn you.

Hiroshi put his hand in his jacket pockets as he dodged the incoming arrow from one of the teletubbies, still smiling.

Hiroshi: Heh. What? You thought I was gonna just stand there and take it? You gotta be faster than that.

One of the other teletubbies yelled a battle cry as he charged at Hiroshi with a knife, but Hiroshi dodged as usual with his infamous Sans smile.

Hiroshi: Heh. My turn.

Hiroshi surrounded his arm in his blue aura and quickly punched the teletubby as he went flying as Hiroshi's aura quickly disappeared before any of the teletubbies can see.

Hiroshi: Heh. Give up, you wannabe dolls. You can't win-

In the corner of Hiroshi's eye, he saw some of the other teletubbies got past him and was going after his friends.

Hiroshi: N-No!

As Hiroshi was gonna summon his bones, he actually let his guard down and wasn't focusing as he got hit on the head by a crowbar and fell to the ground, out cold.

Teletubbie Leader: Tie him up and bring him to the lair.

[With Mario and Toad]

Both Mario and Toad were running away for their lifes, until they entered the back of the castle, more like the outside back of the castle.

Mario: Toad! Let's use your fat head to block the door!!!

Mario picked up Toad and tried using his body, or mostly his big fat head to barricade the door, much to Toad's annoyance.

Toad: Let me down you fat idiot!

Just then, some teletubbies broke the upper half of the door that both made Mario and Toad fall backwards.


Both Mario and Toad ran in separate directions, well, if you count Toad running as fast as a snail. Seriously he got no legs. Anyways, Mario ran and jump into the tree as a purple teletubby ran after him with a chainsaw. Mario then appeared onto the next tree as the teletubby was trying to get to Mario. Mario did the same thing as the purple teletubby had enough and.....shot Mario...in the spaghetti and fell off the tree.

Mario: Oww my scrotum...

As for Toad, he was backed into a corner as a yellow teletubby with a crowbar was coming closer to Toad, singing "I'm about to whoop somebody's a$$".

Toad: Wait! Don't hurt me, I want to join you!

Toad the took a stick from a tree.

Toad: Look! Yay Purge! Get the non-believers!

Just then, the yellow teletubby lowered his crowbar, being all....happy?

Toad: Oh thank you for sparing me! Teletubbies 4 lyf!

Toad thought his planned work for the teletubby sparing him....but his plan totally backfired as the teletubby grabbed Toad's head and slammed it onto the ground plenty of times. Ouch.

[With Tari and Saiko]

Both Saiko and Tari were running in some sort of tunnel under the castle, as Saiko was a bit out of breath and Tari was holding her duckie named, Quackington.

Tari: I don't want to die...I still have so many games to play...'And I want to confess m-my feelings to Hiroshi'.

Tari then quickly ran up to Saiko.

Tari: W-What do we do!?

Saiko: If we can just find a weapon, I can get rid of these losers- Eh!?

Tari: W-Whats wrong?

Saiko suddenly realized that she forgot something important or rather, someone.

Saiko: Ah No! We forgot about Hiroshi-Senpai!!!

Tari: No! Not My Hiroshi! W-We need to go back for him!

Saiko: Excuse me?! What do you mean by your-


Saiko turned around to see an arrow coming towards her, but Tari's quick thinking pushed Saiko out of the way as they both fell and the arrow misses. Tari and Saiko saw two teletubbies, one is purple and the other one is yellow. The yellow teletubby has a crossbow as the purple teletubby had a regular bow. Both Saiko and Tari got up as Saiko was angry.


Suddenly, Tari screamed in horror, alerting Saiko.

Saiko: ....Tari?

The reason why Tari screamed was that her poor duckie got hit with the arrow, making Tari sad.

Tari: Quacking...What have they done to you?...

This really upset Tari as she really liked Quackington, until Saiko kicked her out of the way from more incoming arrows as they took cover.


As Saiko and Tari took cover, the teletubbies were now waiting for the opportunity for them to jump out as they were saying something about "coming for da booty".

Saiko: Ugh...and I thought I was psychotic...

Tari: I know right! They hurt my duck!!! Grr...now I'm mad!

Tari then saw a torch until she got an idea.

Tari: Saiko! Do you still have that bottle of wine?

Saiko: Just who do you think I am?...Of course I do!

Saiko says as she took out her bottle of wine.

Tari: I got a plan!

Suddenly the two teletubbies came around the corner only seeing that both Tari and Saiko not being there. Saiko, who was hiding behind another wall, drank some of her wine before smashing it against the two teletubbies.

Saiko: Hello boys!

When Saiko smashed the wine bottle on them, the purple teletubby was upset on why she did that until Tari came around the corner with the torch in her hand, ready to throw.

Tari: AHA! Right into our trap!

Tari then threw the torch at them, only to...not even make it pass one inch. Kinda awkward. Tari then awkwardly/nervously smiled that says "No hard feelings?" as Saiko just facepalmed.

[With Smg4 and Luigi]

Both Luigi and Smg4 ran outside of the castle and gate in fear and panic.


Luigi: I'm trying!!!!

Luigi quickly took out his phone to call the police, but....


Yep, Luigi forgot the police's number due to panicking.


Just then, two teletubbies came up from behind them. A red teletubby with a chainsaw and a purple teletubby with a...light saber?? This made Smg4 lost his entire soul. Smg4 then rushed to Luigi to make him hurry as he...still slowly and panicking pressing the numbers. Luigi was so much under pressure as the teletubbies were coming closer.


Luigi was still taking his sweet time, until the red teletubby spoke.

Red Teletubby: Look, uh, I don't want to be too direct but uh, this calculator is going up your a$$ tonight.

Smg4...just lost his entire cool.


After Luigi finally pressed the final number on the phone, he started celebrating a bit, until he was cut off as Luigi heard and saw Smg4 getting wrecked by the teletubbies. Luigi then wasted no time to call the police now.


Here's the quick bad news, the police ain't gonna do crap, or in other words...

Da Police:

Luigi: WWWHHAAAT!?!?!

Luigi then got knocked out by the light saber purple teletubby.

[In an Unknown Lair]

We see Luigi and Smg4, both tied up, being thrown to the ground. Luigi turned his head and saw the rest of the gang, but Bob and Boopkins, captured and tied up. Tari and Saiko were desperately trying to wake up Hiroshi for awhile since he was still knocked out. Hiroshi then finally open his eyes and sat up a bit, but his head was really killing him. The girls sigh in relief.

Hiroshi: Ngh! Ow...my head...Pun Jesus, is that you?

Tari: Thank the ducks, your alright Hiroshi.

Hiroshi: ...If "alright", then you mean getting hit in the head with a crowbar, then not really.

Saiko: Grr! Once I get out of here, I'll make those fat bears pay dearly for hurting you, Senpai!

Luigi: Y-You guys got captured too?!

Mario: I literally want to die!

Just then the teletubby leader came in holding Bob and Boopkins, who were also tied up as they were arguing and struggling to get free.


Tubbie Leader: Oh we're just gonna have a bit of fun...

The Tubbie Leader then throws Boopkins away and looks at Bob.

Tubbie Leader: Aren't we Bob?

Bob: SuCk mY gEruDo baLLs.

The Teletubby Leader just laughed and put Bob on the table.

Bob: YoU bEttEr uNleAsh mE yOu B**cH oR I'll gO fUll BoB-jiTsu oN yOuR a$$. I wAs iN tHe miLiTaRy-

The Teletubby Leader then pull out a red machete, cutting off Bob for a bit.

Bob: PoLLy tiTTy sAndWiCh, iT wAs jUsT a pRaNk. OkAy, LoL a fuNnY jOke, eAt BooPkIns, hE's nIcE aNd juIcY.

Boopkins: Hey!

Tubbie Leader: Oh this is gonna be good...

The Teletubbie then raised his machete, ready to cut Bob down.

Bob: PlEaSe dOnt, I'm sTiLL a vIrGin.

Before The Teletubbie leader can cut Bob's head off, the sound of an alarm clock went off. It was now 7 o'clock in the morning, meaning the purge is over.

Smg4: Oh would you look at that. The Purge is over.

Soon, the teletubbie leader dropped his machete and his mask fell off as he and his gang went back as normal teletubbies and they left.

Mario: What!?

Bob: WeLL tHat waS FuN.

Boopkins: Uh Bob, what exactly did you say to make the teletubbies angry?

Bob: oH, I dId tHe moSt BaDa$$ iLLegAl thInG, yOu coUlD EvEr thInk oF.


Narrator: One day in Teletubby Land, Po made a bowl of tubbycust-

Bob then kicked the bowl and ran off.

Bob: Lolololololol

~Flashback End~

Everyone just gave him an angry look.

Bob: MaN, I'm sUcH a BaDa$$.

Hiroshi then uses his magic a bit to get out of the ropes, without anyone looking of course and charged at Bob.

Hiroshi: GET OVER HERE!!!

Before Bob can say anything, Hiroshi started to give him a beating of a life time. All Bob did was screamed.

Bob's screaming:

Everyone was just....shocked on what they're witnessing.


Saiko: Wow~❤ Hiroshi-Senpai is so hot when he fights~❤

For some reason, Tari can't help but nod her head in agreement.

To Be Continue...

(A/N): Wowie! Finally. Episode 3 is done. I hope you guys enjoy. I won't update this story anymore until Episodes 1-3 get 5 votes each ok. Also, be patient with me everyone. I take my time and pride into these stories. These story are not easy to make. I probably made some mistakes here and there, but whatever. Anyways, Thats all for today. Until We Meet Again. Love ya all 4000. Bye Bye Nya~❤😻

~Meme Time~


April 10, 2021


Time: 2:53 pm

Words: 3461

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