Episode 29: Mario Saves Anime
Alright! Another episode in the works! Hope you're excited. Let's go!
[Saga #2]:
The Anime Arc
[Opening 2]
[Narrator's Pov]
Last time on "Smg4 Harem: A New Face", Hiroshi and the rest of the gang tried getting their weapons back from Desti only to quickly fail. However, they weren't about to give up. Hiroshi even invited his other friend known as Amy Von Hresvelg to help out. Later, Hiroshi and his friends ran into Smg4 and the others who had been away for awhile and even convinced Meggy to help unban anime with the help of their new friend Axol. Together, they managed to beat Desti in her little game...more like Meggy cheated and ran away with the guns.
Now with that out of the way, it's time to save anime with the help of Hiroshi, Amy, Axol, and the rest of the gang.
[Third Pov]
The scene opens towards the home of Mario and Luigi. Inside the house, Tari was playing her video game, Saiko is chilling with her hammer, Meggy is cleaning her weapon, as Luigi was bringing out some snacks for the gang. Both Hiroshi and Amy were playing a card game and so far, Hiroshi was winning.
Hiroshi: Hehe~, ready to lose Amy?
Amy: Ha! You wish!
Boopkins and Bob were reading their anime manga, as Mario was asleep in his room. Both Smg4 and Axol were going over the plan to unban anime. Just then, Axol finally finished his plan.
Axol: Yes! My plan's finished everyone! Who's ready to unban anime?!
Axol excitedly said as the gang walked into the room. Saiko then knocked Bob over, holding her hammer in the air.
Saiko: Oh yeah, I'm ready!
Bob: hEy! WaTcH iT, aSsHoLe!
Hiroshi: Hehe, I'm so damn ready as well.
Amy: Ready as I'll ever be.
Hiroshi said with a smirk as he cracked his knuckles as Amy crossed her arms with a smirk of her own. However, Axol disagree with their method.
Axol: No! Violence is what got anime banned in the first place. I have a different plan.
Hiroshi: ....I literally hope is not me dressed as a girl again.....
Hiroshi said as he trembled from the memory of him doing that not that long ago. It pretty much traumatized him a bit. Ignoring Hiroshi, Axol began to tell his plan.
Axol: All we have to do is get me infront of Peach and I'll be able to convince her to lift the anime ban.
Smg4: But it's filled with A.S.S agents. You'll never get inside, not with your 1 IQ anime characters.
Amy: He's right Axol. Besides, I doubt that Peach will even listen.
Axol proudly yelled as he got into both Smg4 and Amy's faces. He then continued to speak.
Axol: Inkweaver is capable of creating any anime character I draw!
Axol said as he drew the anime character from One Piece: Luffy.
Axol: But their intelligence and lifespan depend on the quality of ink...
Axol disappointingly said as the Luffy anime character died and disappeared.
Mario: It's perfect!
Hiroshi: Not really Mario. Axol needs much better ink for his creations to last longer.
Axol: Marshmallow is right! For this plan to succeed, I need higher quality ink....The ink from my hometown! INKOPOLIS!
Meggy grew shocked and surprised at the mention of Axol being from Inkopolis.
Meggy: What?! You're from Inkopolis?!
Axol: Indeed I am, Bossy fish girl. DRAMATIC BACKSTORY!
Axol said as the light shined on him as Hiroshi brought out Popcorn out of nowhere and began to eat it, following by Amy eating some from his bowl as well. Mario had the same idea as the others sat and listened.
Axol: I was raised in Inkopolis, but Inkopolis is a harsh place for anime lovers!
In the flashback (or backstory), we can see a very young and adorable Axol drawing anime, enjoying what he loves the most. Sadly, the other inklings began laughing at him.
Axol: Everyone in that city hates anime!
Even though young Axol tried to be tough, he got bullied because of it. Out of the backstory for a bit, Hiroshi, Amy, and a few others gave Meggy a look as she grew a bit nervous.
Meggy: I guess it's just in our DNA?
Back in the flashback, Axol being the very smart fellow he is, began to create his most price tool: The Inkweaver.
Axol: And so...I created my special pen Inkweaver! And with that, I didn't need friends anymore, only anime!
Hiroshi: Man...that's sounds sad.
Amy: "I really hate Inkopolis and its people..."
Boopkins: Aw, I know that feeling Senpai....
Hiroshi felt sorry for Axol. He must've been pretty lonely, only to have anime by his side and nobody to share it with. Amy hated that the inklings and octolings of Inkopolis can't accept anime and made Axol feel unwelcome. She began to grow a distaste for Inkopolis and the people who lives there. Boopkins felt really sorry that Axol had to go through that. Axol then continued.
Axol: With my current ink, I'm only using 5% of Inkweaver's power. To make the creations I need for this plan...I need inkling ink which will unlock a whopping 50% of Inkweaver's powers!!!!
Meggy: What?! N-No!
Meggy didn't like the idea, but after looking at Saiko for a bit, she gave in.
Meggy: Ugh...okay...
Turning into her inkling form, Meggy dumped some orange paint and went in. Luigi, Tari, Axol, Hiroshi, and Amy looked over and waited...as for Mario.
...Yep, he wasn't happy at all with that. Meggy then came out of her puddle with a jar of her own ink. (Stop it! Not like that!) She felt pretty dizzy after that, which made Tari worried.
Tari: Are you okay, Meggy?!
Meggy: Ooooh, I hate doing that.
Grabbing the ink jar from her, Axol began his next step.
Axol: Finally! After living in Japan, Inkling ink was so hard to come by!
Axol said before inserting the ink jar into his Inkweaver.
Axol: But now that I have it...
Axol then began to draw Luffy and it came to life. However, it was much stronger and has a better design. Both Hiroshi and Amy were shocked on the power they were both sensing.
Hiroshi: "Dear god....This power is huge! And this is only 50%?! These creations are no joke."
Amy: "Holy hell...that power and only 50%. If Inkweaver fell into the wrong hands or even went to 100%, who knows what could happen..."
Both Hiroshi and Amy shared a look, knowing that Inkweaver and its creations can be very dangerous for even both them. That's why, they both need to be ready if it gets out of control. Axol continued as everyone stood there, flabbergasted.
Axol: My creations are NEAR PERFECTION!
Mario: Boring!
Hiroshi: Shut yo ass up, Mario!
Both Boopkins and Bob wanted their anime waifus to come to life, until Saiko kicked them down as she was annoyed with them.
Saiko: You idiots, he needs that ink, don't make him waste any!
Amy: Yeah! That's not even important right now, morons!
Luigi: Okay Mr.Axol. What's our first step?
Axol: Well. We're going to need some extra hands...You said something before about an...Anime Cartel?
Saiko then smirked as she whistle the signal for Francis and his anime gang to come rushing through the door.
Francis: You called us, our anime queen?
Amy: (💧).....Who are these idiots....?
Hiroshi: (😑)...Nobody important.
Saiko: You're going to help Axol get anime unbanned!
That sentence made Francis and his crew froze in shock on the spot.
Seems like Francis is a huge fan of Axol.
Axol: My fellow otakus! I need your help-
Axol didn't get to finish as he got surrounded by Francis and his crew. Mario began to panic as he got an idea.
Mario: Quick! To the weeboo protection chamber!
Mario said as he ran and...jumped into the oven machine thing...? Mario isn't really that bright to begin with. Amy facepalmed of Mario's stupidity.
Amy: Wow...he is super dumb.
Not getting anywhere, Axol quickly drew Krillin from Dragon Ball Z and blasted Francis' crew away, while also having the mailman get into the crossfire of the blast and turned him into chicken. Seeing this, Francis was beyond shocked.
Francis: Nani!?!? We thought Saiko-chan was the only real anime character! How did you do that?
Boopkins: He has a special magic pen that uses inkling ink that makes anime real! :D
Francis: ...Really? A magic pen?
Not being worthy enough for such power and greatness, Francis and the remaining of his crew began bowing before the great Axol.
Axol: Arigatou, green lizard...
Francis: Tell us lowly peasants what to do and we shall do it!
Amy: Simp much..?
With smirk from Axol, everyone then began to put the plan into action. In the next scene at Peach's castle, guarded by the A.S.S team, the crew were in positions as Mario, Boopkins, and Axol were using their binoculars from the hilltop. Axol then talked into his radio.
Axol: Okay, everyone is in place. Go for it.
Axol said as the scene changes were Hiroshi, Amy, Saiko, and Francis sitting in the back of a van, having our boi Smg4 driving them.
Francis: Oh boy! After this, we are going to use Axol's pen to draw so many anime waifus for us!!!
Saiko: ....Just focus on the plan dude.
Both Hiroshi and Amy rolled their eyes at Francis anime fantasies.
Smg4: Hey keep it down back there!
Smg4 then pulled by the guard's gate as he rolled down his window to greet the agents.
Smg4: Hey there fellow A.S.S agents!
Guard: HEY...Aren't you the guy that got fired for smuggling anime to Japan?
With no hesitation, Smg4 pressed the button and releases Francis' weeboo army as they quickly went charging ahead, knocking a few guards down. Saiko even knocked down the guard from the roof with her hammer before he can fire the big guns. Francis with his dumbass climbed onto the gun and both fell from the roof. Both Hiroshi and Amy were fighting together, having eachother's back. This was nothing to them as both kept dodging the guards attack and landing a powerful blow of their own.
1st gif = Hiroshi
2 gif = Amy
Hiroshi: Heh, nice moves Amy!
Amy: Thanks Sansy~! I can say the same to you~.
After dealing with most guards that came their way, the joined Team Mario with Axol and Boopkins as they were riding on a Snorlax. After they jumped over the wall, they noticed that it was more guards that was guarding the back entrance.
Boopkins: Aw, I don't think we can sneak past these guys!
Axol: Don't worry, green frog! Tomato man, go!
As Axol said that, Mario nodded as he began to strike a few poses, signaling the others that were in positions.
Tari: There's the signal!
Tari then grabbed her radio and began to move forward with the plan.
Tari: Alright boys, do you copy? This is Bluejay and Splatterhawk, over.
Meggy: Splatterhawk? Why'd you give me such a lame codename?
Tari: I thought it was cool...Ahem, I've spent 10,000 hours playing metal gear solid, so I'm a bit of an expert at sneaking missions. Listen to me and everything will be Oscar Kilo. Over.
Axol: Roger that! Over.
Mario: ...What the hell are you guys saying?
Hiroshi: Nothing important right now, Mario. Let's just focus on not getting killed.
The gang began to sneak through the back garden, Metal Gear Solid style! As they were sneaking, Mario then began to get distracted by getting near the water fountain.
Tari: MARIO?! What are you doing?!
Mario: Mario's got to piss!
Unfortunately Mario got caught. I swear that boy can't do anything right!
Meggy: Oh relax...
Meggy calmly said as she shot the guard away as Mario made a run for it, making it into the castle as Tari breath a sigh of relief before radioing Luigi.
Tari: Green pickle, this is Bluejay. The payload is in sector 7G.
Luigi: Uh....o-okay. Roger that. Pickle is on the case...or something.
The scene then shows us that Luigi was probably under the castle. I don't know. Haven't played Sm64 is so long.
Luigi: Hmm...Okey dokey
Bob: mAn, tHaT waTeR tAsTed lIkE aSs. wHaT's tHe gOal, LuIgI?
Luigi: Mario and the others are inside now. It's our turn!
Bob: oH hEcK yeAh! LEt's kIlL sOmE bItCheS!
Bob said as he took out a block on TNT. Meanwhile SwagMaster was patrolling around the inside of the castle, badly singing Baby Shark. Mario, Hiroshi, Amy, Boopkins, and Axol came out of the open and it wasn't too long before SwagMaster spotted them. They were all having a staring contest before SwagMaster was the first to speak.
SwagMaster: I am going to kick somebodies anus lol.
SwagMaster then charged towards the gang as the scene changes back to Bob and Luigi, setting up plenty of tnt. Bob began to look for the remote that he lost. Back with the others, as SwagMaster got closer to the Axol and the others, Axol quickly smacked him away with his trusty Inkweaver.
Hiroshi: Ha! Nice shot!
Back with Bob, who is still busy looking for the remote, had Luigi's patience run low.
Bob: uM...dId i lEavE iT iN tHe cAr?
Back with Hiroshi and the others, Axol was busy trying to hold SwagMaster back.
SwagMaster: Stupid ass lizard wizard get out-
With quick thinking, Hiroshi ran towards SwagMaster, jumped and did a roundhouse kick, making him crash onto the floor.
Hiroshi: Back the hell off!
Axol: Thanks for the saved, Marshmallow boy!
Back with Bob...again, he finally found the remote to the tnt that was located behind his back pocket. After pressing the button and making a quick escape with Luigi, the tnt exploded.
SwagMaster: I'm going to beat your butts lol. You're never going to win you-
SwagMaster didn't get to finish as the floor he was standing on caved in as he fell, giving the others and opening to press forward.
SwagMaster: Ow...my ass
SwagMaster painfully said as he did crashed onto the ground below pretty hard. In the next scene, Hiroshi and his fellow teammates marched into Peach's main room, seeing her sitting on her throne. She didn't look happy to seeing them, especially Mario.
Peach: Mario?! Oh I should of known you were behind this! And who is this?
She said referring to Axol.
Mario: This is Axol! He's a magic fish from animeland!
Axol: He's kinda right. My name is Axol. And princess...I'm here to convince you to unban anime!
He said the last part while striking a few cool poses. For even special effects, Mario had a spotlight shined onto him.
Peach: Pfft. Anime is dangerous and the kingdom is better off without it!
Hiroshi: Tch! Bullshit. Anime is entertaining!
Peach: Zip it, lazy bum!
Axol: Oh I think you'll reconsider...BOOPKINS!
It was now Boopkins time to shine and he just....sang a song, Aladdin style. Yeah, not gonna write all that crap! Go see it in the video for yourselves.
What I can say is that when Peach began to sing in a very horrible way, Axol used noise canceling headphones to not hear than horrible singing. Hiroshi was covering his hears as well as Amy as this was the most cancerous singing voice they heard from Peach. Yeah, nobody liked her singing as Mario's head was on fire and gone.
Mario: Hey, you're very shit!
Peach: ANIME! IS! AWESOME!! How was I so wrong? Anime is amazing!! I should learn Japanese!! How have I lived my life without anime!?
Hiroshi: Heh, looks like we won this.
Amy: This was pretty easy.
Peach then got up close to Axol.
Peach: Thank you for showing me how beautiful anime can be. It is time...to end the anime ban.
With the snap of her fingers, the A.S.S stuff began to disappear. With SwagMaster still laying on the floor, Chris came to him.
Chris: Swag? Swag! What the hell happened?
SwagMaster: Mr.Chris I don't feel so good.
He said as the the badge of the A.S.S disappeared from his chest.
Chris: Well, we're jobless again.
SwagMaster: You could always go back to your job of handing out gobbies lololol.
Chris ended up punching him in the face for that. Back with the others, Peach left as Axol crossed his arms and smirked.
Axol: It has been a righteous quest.
Axol said as he drew a Goku as a hover board.
Boopkins: Senpai? You're leaving already?
Axol: Unfortunately yes Green frog. I said my mission was to unban anime...and I have done that! Now I'm going to take this precious inkling ink as my reward and return home to my art.
He said as he held up his jar of Meggy's ink. As he began to flew away, Francis was upset about not getting his waifus for helping.
Francis: ...Axol? What about my waifus?
Back with the others, Boopkins and even Mario was sad to see him go.
Boopkins: Aw, do you think we'll ever see him again.
Hiroshi: Heh, maybe one day buddy. Besides, he is so cool.
Tari: For now, let's just enjoy that anime is free again!
Saiko then gave Boopkins a body pillow as he quickly enjoyed it. Saiko then smiled at her friends, a generally happy smile.
Saiko: Thanks for helping me unban anime guys.
Everyone began to celebrate after a job well done.
Meggy: Well, looks like everything is resolved and we got a happy ending after all. Now, all that's left is Splatfest!
All Hiroshi did was smile. Everything turned out so well in the end. With friends by his side, nothing is impossible. Now everything can be back to normal.
Unknown to our hero, things are gonna get so much worse from here on out. Something bad is going to happen and Hiroshi....will not be ready for whatever that has to come.
[Episode 29 end...]
[To be continued...]
[Ending 2]
There we go! Another episode done! Time to head into the next one! Hope you all are enjoying your earlier Christmas present on back-to-back episodes. Let's get above 20+ votes for each chapter please.
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December 16, 2024
Time: 8:22 pm
Words: 3,202
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