Episode 28: The Mario Showdown
We're back at it again with another episode! Hope you're ready to leave plenty of votes for the next one. I'm thinking that after awhile or probably next season, I'll work on naming the episodes in my own eyes instead of using the same name from the videos. Gotta start getting creative, y'know? Now, onto the story!
[Saga #2]:
The Anime Arc
[Opening 2]
[Narrator's Pov]:
Last time on "Smg4 Harem: A New Face", Hiroshi and the gang were with Meggy, training for the upcoming Splatfest. However Meggy was training his friends a bit too hard, pushing them to exhaustion. They were pretty much trying their best, but in Meggy's eyes, it was never enough. Hiroshi had enough of this nonsense and told Meggy to stop, that this was all pointless and that she shouldn't be doing this at all. Meggy was upset and walked away from her friends to be alone. Hiroshi went after her and comfort a crying and very upset Meggy, being able to cheer her up in the end and gave her a beautiful rose. Later, Hiroshi and the rest of the gang resumed their training and managed to succeed, impressing and making Meggy very happy. Unfortunately, the moment of relaxation was ruined when Desti arrived and stole their weapons.
Now, it's up to Hiroshi and his friends to get their weapons back from Desti. Let's see how this chapter goes.
[Third Pov]:
Not long after from the last episode, the scene opens to somewhere near Inkopolis, which there was some sort of hideout. This hideout belonged to Desti and her teammates. Speaking of them, Desti was busy laughing to her crew member about the weapons they stole from the gang earlier.
Desti: {Laughing} Oh man, did you see that look on Meggy's face when we flew away? {Mockingly} "Waaah...they took my guns! What am I going to do?"
Desti said as she was mocking Meggy by doing her voice, in such a bad expression. Her crew members began chuckling before they heard a rumble, catching everyone's attention. Just then busting through the roof, came in Meggy, Hiroshi, Luigi, and Tari. Meggy landed on her feet as Hiroshi did as well, but did more a hero landing.
Hiroshi: Heh, If you don't want this to get ugly, you might want to think twice.
...Oh right, Tari and Luigi got tangled in their ropes, failing to land on the floor and Mario just fell right through the roof, landing face first onto the floor. Ouch. Desti and her crew sat in silence as Tari and Luigi finally got down as Meggy facepalmed in embarrassment as Hiroshi was scratching his head in silence awkwardness.
Mario: ...I can't feel my pingas.
Desti and her team began laughing at them before Desti stopped and began to speak.
Desti: You guys are such dorks! Especially you Sansy~, but such a cute dork~.
Hiroshi: .....
Meggy then held up her hammer weapon as Luigi held up a broom.
Luigi: {Scared} W-We're serious Desti... Stealing our guns was a low move...
Tari then held up her weapon, but it was just a rubber duckie with a red spiky shell on its head.
Tari: You're gonna pay for hurting our friend!
Desti: {Smirks} Is that so?...
Desti suddenly pressed a button, summon her defense weapons that appeared from the ceiling. Tari, Luigi, and Mario began panicking as they hid behind both Hiroshi and Meggy, who wasn't even scared.
Meggy: Fight me properly you coward!
Desti: Well I would, but it seems unfair to fight someone who doesn't have any weapons.
Unknown to everyone, Hiroshi was slowly backing away, heading out the door. He knew it was gonna be bad.
Meggy: {Angered} WHY YOU-
Meggy and the gang were suddenly blasted away, flying out the door and crashing towards the ground, to where Hiroshi was standing next to them.
Mario: Anymore injuries today and Mario's going to have negative IQ.
Hiroshi: You mean double negative...?
Mario: Fak you!
Meggy: {Angry} You're gonna regret this you cheater!
Desti: Hey, cheating is a legitimate strategy.
Desti said as she pressed the button once again, summoning wooden spiked walls around her base and extra weapons for protection.
Desti: See you at Splatfest!
Tari: What...what are we gonna do now?
Hiroshi: Well, maybe we can-
However, Hiroshi suddenly got cut off by Mario.
Mario: Don't worry Meggy! Mario will save the day!
Mario said as he casual walked up to the base's gate and knocked on it.
Hiroshi: Uh Mario? I don't think-
Not surprisingly, Mario got blasted.
Hiroshi: {Sighs} I tried to warn ya...
???: {Excitedly} Sansy~!
Hearing a familiar voice, Hiroshi turned around and smiled. The others were confused as they saw a girl running towards Hiroshi and waving at him.
Hiroshi: {Smiling} Amy! Glad that you can finally made it.
The girl known as Amy, Amy Von Hresvelg, suddenly stopped running and gave the biggest smile to Hiroshi. Both Meggy and Tari felt something off about how this Amy person is being too friendly to their Hiroshi.
Amy: {Smiling} I came as soon as you called, Sansy!
Hiroshi: Heh, I thought it was gonna take you awhile to get here. That was pretty quick.
Amy: {Blushing & Smiling} No matter how far you are from me~, I'll always come quick~.
Hiroshi: Uh....yeah, okay.
Meggy: Um, Sans? Mind introducing your friend...?
Hiroshi: Oh, right! Amy meet Tari, Meggy, Mario, and Luigi. They are my other friends I've been telling you about. Everyone, this is Amy Von Hresvelg, she's-
Before Hiroshi can finish his sentence, Amy quickly grabbed him by the arm, brought him down to her level since she's shorter than him, and suddenly gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, surprising and shocking everyone.
Both Meggy and Tari were completely shocked to the core. A girl they barely knew, just kissed their crush right in front of them. Hiroshi, on the other hand, was taken by surprised. He was not expecting this bold move at all, leaving him to blush hard and having no words to say on what the hell just happened.
Meggy/Tari: {Shocked} EEEEHHHH?!?!
As for Mario and Luigi, they gave their boy a thumbs up.
Mario: {Clicks tongue} Nice.
Luigi: That's pretty good for you, Hiroshi.
Amy then hugged Hiroshi's arm tightly and winked at the gang, smiling brightly as well.
Amy: {Smiling} I'm Sansy's future girlfriend! Pleasure to meet you all~.
As the girls were completely shocked as the brothers supported him, Hiroshi's blush continued to grow as he was really embarrassed, shocked, and of course flustered.
Hiroshi: {Blushing mess} ....Why me?
In the next scene, we are now back in the Mushroom Kingdom, where we see the other gang once again. Saiko, Smg4, Boopkins, Bob, and the two idiots known as Chris and Swag. Even a new character arrived with them, known as Axol. They were trying to return, only to be stopped.
SwagMaster: You see this sign here? Do you see it? No anime allowed lol.
Swag said as he pointed to a "no anime allowed" sign on the board.
Chris: Sorry...the anime ban is still in full effect. You'll have to go back to Japan.
SwagMaster: Yee, your kind's not allowed in this beautiful country of ours lol.
Wow! Racist Swag! Yep, Saiko found that offensive, pissing her off a lot.
Saiko: {Pissed} My kind? MY KIND!?
Saiko then began to strangle the hell out of Swag.
SwagMaster: Help Chris! I'm being oppressed!
Boopkins tried to have Saiko stopped making things even worse.
Axol: {Upset} ...I...I can't believe it. It's worse than I thought....
Bob: YeP. yOu sHoUlD tRy tHe aNiMe sMuggLinG bUsInEsS. It'S gOoD mOnEy lOl.
SwagMaster: {Panicking} CHRIS, my life is flashing before my eyes!
Smg4: Alright, alright. Back it up.
Smg4 said as he pushed Saiko away.
SwagMaster: HOLY SHET! It's Smg4!
Chris: We thought you were cartel food...
SwagMaster: Yeah, what are you doing with this weeb trash?
Smg4: {Angry} She's not trash! She's pur friend! {Smirks} And we're here to unban anime!!!
SwagMaster: ...Hey Chris? If I ever say something as gay as that, I want you to shoot me, kay?
Saiko then smacked Swag, making him have a sad face. He really deserved that.
SwagMaster: Hey! That's not very nice you know. Your lucky I'd never hit a girl.
Axol impatiently yelled as he got out his magical ink weaver and began drawing some anime that came too life.
Chris: What the?! Who are you?
Boopkins: Oh, this is Axol. He can make anime come to life! ('w')
SwagMaster: OH GOD PLS NO!
As "Bon Appètit♡S nightcore" plays in the background, many anime waifus suddenly appeared and began to run pass Swag and Chris. Swag then pulled out an RPG.
SwagMaster: {Pulls out Rpg} Quick Chris! To the murder mobile!
Both Chris and Swag chased after the anime waifus, giving the gang the opportunity to escape.
The gang then arrived outside the airport.
Axol: Hmm...we need a mode of transport!
Bob: wAiT gUys i gOt aN iDeA!
Bob said while looking towards the buses as he got inside, grabbed the old man and kicked him out as the crew got in. Saiko got comfortable, Boopkins got his booster seat, Axol buckling in with Ink Weaver as Smg4 began to drive.
Bob: WhO's uP fOr a bUs sInG-a-LoNg?
Everyone: {Panicking} NO! GOD PLEASE NO!!!
...Yeah, nobody liked Bob's singing, not even the author. Anyways, on the other side of town, another vehicle was racing by. It was shown to be Meggy and the others, driving a monster truck as Meggy was the driver. There was enough room in the car, so Amy was happily sitting on Hiroshi's lap, as said boy was so uncomfortable and the girls were clearly jealous. What happened between them earlier was that Hiroshi managed to explain to them that Amy wasn't his girlfriend and she was talking nonsense once again as he also scolded Amy for such unbelievable lies. Even though Hiroshi gets tired of the content flirting from females, he still can't handle them when they get unexpected.
Luigi: Meggy! Are you sure a monster truck is the right anwser here?!
Tari: ...How do you even have access to a monster truck?!
That's a good question...
Meggy: I know a guy...
As Meggy said that, the scene changes to Shroomy, doing some scout training with monster trucks.
Shroomy: Remember kids! Drive responsibly.
Back with the gang, Mario began to write his notes, same with Hiroshi.
Mario: {Writing} Note to self...be with Shroomy...
Hiroshi: {Writing}....and have a mega monster truck race....hehe~.
Meggy: {Furious woomy} When I get my hands on my splattershot again...I'm gonna drown her in ink!!!
Mario: {Scoots away} (•_•)....
Hiroshi: ....Pause?
Amy began to snuggle even closer to Hiroshi, making him even more uncomfortable. Meanwhile with Smg4 and the rest of the gang plus Axol, they continued down the road on the bus, having Smg4 hum a tune until suddenly, both vehicles were heading straight towards eachother as Tari noticed.
Tari: {Screaming} WATCH OUT!
Meggy screamed in surprise but it was too late to stop the vehicle as they crashed into eachother. Everyone then got out of their vehicles.
Mario: {Angry} Hey dumbass!! Watch where you're going!
Smg4: {Eye twitching} Do you even know how to drive?!
It was silence for a couple of seconds until they finally recognize eachother. Both Meggy and Tari hugged Saiko tightly, missing her greatly. Mario squished Smg4 as he was happy to see him again as Hiroshi was laughing, glad to see everyone again. Boopkins and Luigi greeted eachother. As for Bob....yeah, nobody cares! Moving on!
Boopkins: So good to see you guys! We were chased by the A.S.S! Then we lost a lot of anime and The Anime Cartel told us to go to Japan. So we did and we saw some cool anime and then we went to a maid café! But that's not important. What's important is we met Axol! He's gonna unban anime!
Boopkins said as he pointed to Axol, sitting on top of the bus, before his patience ran out.
Hiroshi: Heh, I don't see why not.
Meggy: I...I can't. I still need to get my weapons back from Desti...I'm sorry.
Catching his attention, Axol got up close to Meggy, inspecting her as she grew a bit uncomfortable.
Axol: Hm, interesting. You're an Inkling!
Meggy: {Uncomfortable} ...Yes? And what are you?
All Axol did was smirk before posing, anime style.
Hiroshi: (🤩) {Tiny blush}....So cool~.
Amy: {Death stare}....
Meggy: ....Who?
That kinda ruined Axol's confidence.
Hiroshi: Heh, don't mind her. She doesn't read manga.
Axol: I-I see. Uh...ahem! With an Inkling's help...I'll most definitely will get anime unbanned!
Meggy: Really?! Pass. I kinda like anime being banned.
Hiroshi: Meggy! Please reconsider this!
Meggy: Hm? Why?
Hiroshi: {Sighs} Meggy, since anime is banned, that means Saiko is also banned for setting foot in the Mushroom Kingdom. She's anime! I don't.....I don't want her to be gone. It'll be really depressing if she's gone...
Saiko: {Blushes} Oh Senpai~♡.
Tari: {Shocked} Wait! That's why Saiko left?!
Meggy: We thought you were just on vacation...
Meggy didn't know that banning anime is also banning her friend and she didn't wanted that. Without hesitation, Meggy quickly made up her mind.
Meggy: {Holds up hammer} That's it! We're going to unban anime!!! But seriously, I need my weapons back first because this thing isn't going to cut it.
Axol: {Crosses arms} Agh...but every minute that goes by-
Mario: {Annoyed} Hey paisano, we're in the middle of our own plot arc too you know!
Hiroshi: That's right amigo! First things first!
Saiko: It's fine Axol...We can help my friends kick some ass before we unban anime. Considering it a warm-up...
Axol: Ugh...ok fine...
Then, Axol decided to give everyone their own nicknames:
•Meggy = Fish Girl
•Tari = Duck Nerd
•Luigi = Pickle
•Mario = Friend of Pickle
•Hiroshi: Marshmallow
•Amy = Lemonade
Oddly enough, Hiroshi was okay with it as Amy found it a bit weird, but she'll get use to it eventually.
Axol: {Being too cool} I will help you defeat your nemesis! And...who is that exactly...?
Meggy: {Smirks} Hehe...I'll show you...
Back at the hideout, Desti was looking out the window for any sign of Meggy, especially Hiroshi. She even looked bummed out of not seeing her anywhere.
Desti: Wow, that orange moron actually gave up and took my future hubby away from me...I'm actually disappointed..I was starting to have fun and as a added bonus, I get to see that cute smile of Sans~.
Without any moment to spare, the alarm began to ring, signaling that Meggy returned along with her friends as backup. As Desti looked out the window, she saw the gang riding Pokémon on their backs, charging straight ahead. As for Amy and Hiroshi, they were actually Naruto running together as it was more fun this way.
Desti: GIRLS! Battle stations!!!
On the rooftop, Desti's team equipped their heavy mini machine guns as Desti ordered them to fire. Team Axol and Team Meggy with their Pokémons dodged the oncoming attack. For Hiroshi and Amy, they kept Naruto running doing flips, dodging without getting hit. They both work so well as a team. As for Team Mario...well, they aren't dodging as their Pokémon kept taking on attacks, hurting it.
Mario: {Annoyed} What the hell?! Why isn't this thing dodging???
Mario: LEFT!
Mario said as he slapped Snorlax. The Pokémon then looked at Mario as he smacked him off before running ahead. Before Mario can get hurt from the oncoming attack, Team Meggy with Charizard swooped in and saved him in the nick of time.
Meggy: Need some help red?
Mario: {Happily} My heroes!
Desti: {Pissed} MOVE ASIDE!!!
Desti then pushed her teammate away and began firing at Team Meggy. She was firing real bombs at them. Team Meggy then got shot down as Team Smg4 also got shot down, even with their poorly human-shield. Hiroshi and Amy kept dodging, not even breaking a sweat.
Axol: {Smirks} FIRE!
Axol said as he commanded his Pokémon to fire its cannon, to which it bounces one of the bombs back into Desti's weapon. She was confused at first as to why is won't fire anymore...before the weapon exploded, possibly destroying her hideout, as she crashed near the gang.
Meggy: Give it up Desti. You're outnumbered.
Desti: Ok, ok, wait. How about we have a little wager...
Meggy: What are you talking about?
Desti: A quick, simple splat duel. If you win, we will give your weapons back peacefully.
Meggy: And what if we lose?
Desti: You...pull out of Splatfest...
This completely shocked Meggy. If she loses, it'll be all over for her. A deal is a deal. No backing out.
Mario: {Shocked} What?! No, even Mario knows that's stupid. Let's just get the weapons and run-
He was then cut off by Meggy.
Meggy: Wait!....you want a 1v1 duel? Fine...I'm game!
Hiroshi: "I believe in you...Meggy."
The scene then changes as Meggy and Desti are both facing eachother, having them give eachother space. It's gonna be a type of Cowboy duel.
Mario: Well, Mario is the ref for some reason. After the countdown, first one to shoot wins. ARE.YOU.READY!?
Desti: Ready!
Meggy: Let's do this!
As Mario began to countdown, Meggy just threw her weapon at Desti. Not having any time to react, Desti got hit with Meggy's weapon. Welp, guess she's the winner.
Amy, Smg4, Mario, Luigi, and Boopkins quickly ran and grabbed the weapons, making a quick getaway as Axol began to draw a vehicle to escape in. He chose Thomas the Tank Engine of all vehicles, but I ain't complaining.
Desti: {Groans, Pissed} What the hell! You cheated!
Meggy: Hey! Cheating is a legitimate strategy!
Hiroshi: {Winks} Heh, sorry Desti~. All fair in love and war~.
The gang then hopped into the vehicle and blasted off. Desti wasn't happy at all.
Mario: {Flips her off} Eat my hot italian sausage! :D
Tari: {Smiling} Wow, I can't believe that actually worked!
Luigi: Hehe, together there's nothing we can't do!
•Reboot Sound•
Hiroshi: Heh, that was way past cool! Good job team!
Meggy: Thank you so much everyone!
Saiko: Now, all that's left is unbanning anime. And life will finally be back to normal.
Axol began to smile as he looked in the direction of Inkopolis as Smg4 came to have a chat with him.
Smg4: What is it Axol?
Axol: Oh, it's just Inkopolis...
Smg4: What about it?
Axol: I was born here...
Hiroshi: Oh my god, he is so goddamn cool....
Before Bob can interrupt them by saying that he barely had anything to say in this episode, Amy quickly punch his lights out before dusting her hands off.
Amy: Hmph! Of course you barely said anything in this episode! The author is tired of writing your dialog everytime!
Hiroshi: Hey Amy?
Amy: Hm? Yes senpai?
Hiroshi: Um, y'know during this whole time, I noticed that your hair is down and I never said anything about it. I gotta say, it looks really good on you.
Hiroshi said as he smiles brightly as Amy, making her heart thump as her face became a bit red.
Amy: {Blushes} O-Oh, thanks for noticing Senpai~.
Saiko: Oi, who are you and why are you so friendly with Sans?!
Amy: {Smiles} Oh, I'm-
Before Amy can say anything and possibly make it worse, Hiroshi quickly got between them.
Hiroshi: {Nervously} A FRIEND! OKAY! DEFINITELY JUST A FRIEND!! L-Let's just stick to our mission....
[Episode 28 end...]
[To be continued...]
[Ending 2]
There we go! Another episode done! You can't wait for next one, huh? Welp, I'll start the next one tomorrow later. Let's get some votes in. Let's raise those double digits higher. I'm talking maybe 20+ votes everyone.
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December 13, 2024
Time: 9:11 pm
Words: 3,560
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