Episode 27: Meggy's Bootcamp

Welcome back readers to another episode of my Smg4 harem fanfiction. Hope you're ready for this month. I also decided to skip the trip to japan episode as Hiroshi wouldn't be in the episode at all. There was really no need. Now, let's hop into this arc.

[Saga #2]

Anime Arc


[Opening 2]


[Narrator's Pov]:

Last time on "Smg4 Harem: A New Face", both Hiroshi and Mario decided to open up a small lemonade stand and sell some lemonade, to make some money for this Lizard guy named Francis. So far, they didn't get any costumers since nobody was interested in buying the stuff. Mario and Hiroshi got Tari to help them out with some lemonade until Jeeves got involved. Jeeves tried to destroy their lemonade business until Mario decided that enough was enough and made a quick phone call to Francis for help. Going back and forth, both Francis and Jeeves were at war with eachother until Meggy came and stopped all of the commotion. After the little pathetic battle they two sides had, Meggy dragged Hiroshi and Meggy to train for the upcoming Splatfest as Tari tagged along. Now, let's see what the crew is up to.

[Third Pov]

It's been...probably a few hours, I don't know, since the last episode. The gang were at Inkopolis. Hiroshi, Luigi, Mario, and Tari were standing front and center by Meggy. Well, Mario was being himself as the others were listening.

Meggy: {Serious} Okay you lazy Salmonids-

Hiroshi: I prefer the term "lazybones", thank you very much.

All Meggy did was glare at Hiroshi, making him shut up on the spot as she continued.

Meggy: {Serious} As I was saying! Splatfest is in two weeks...And during that time...I'm going to train all of you like your lives depended on it!

Luigi: {Whining} Why did I get dragged into this?

Hiroshi: Same here. I feel like I'm not really needed here.

Tari: Well Luigi, we kinda needed a fourth member since Meggy's old teammates left. As for you Hiroshi, I guess she just wanted you to participate. Maybe as backup?

Hiroshi: Well okay then. It's not like I have anything better to do.

Meggy: And with them gone...you're our next best option. After Saiko and the others....but I think they're on holidays...

Mario: {Smiles} Don't worry Meggy, my bro's really good at dodging. Check this out!

Mario then suddenly got his mini gun and began to fire ink at Luigi, who is successfully dodging (more like running) the attack. At the same time, Mario hit some inklings with his weapons as Luigi decided to use Sheldon as a shield. Poor Sheldon, not...ha!

Hiroshi: "Eh...I can dodge way better."

After Mario finished firing his weapon, he turned to Meggy to get a reaction.

Mario: See? :D

Of course, Meggy wasn't impressed as she smacked his weapon away.

Meggy: {Annoyed} Mario! This is serious! I need you to focus! DO NOT SCREW THIS UP!

Hiroshi: Meggy, I think you need to chill-


Hiroshi: ....Okay (•_•)

In the next scene, the gang were at the target practice area, practicing their aim.

Meggy: Alright, let's start with the most basic of skills: Aiming!

Mario: {Excitedly} Oooh! Me first!

Mario said as he ran and sat down, spreading his legs as his mini dong machine gun suddenly appeared and began firing, literally missing every shot until the last shot finally made a hit. Meggy was not happy as she facepalmed.

Meggy: Your turn, Luigi!

Next was Luigi's turn and oh boy, he was not ready. He even pictured his ink weapon as a real gun. He shakily and closed his eyes, aiming his weapon forward and ink just dripped from the gun, making a little noise, scaring Luigi as he cried in the corner.

Luigi: {Scared} IT'S TOO VIOLENT!

Hiroshi: .............That's why he gets no bitches.

Meggy was completely speechless of Luigi's cowardness, having her eye twitch of watching all this. Meggy then turned to Tari.

Meggy: Tari, I've seen you shoot really well before, please show us how it's done.

Tari: {Unsure} Uhh...o-okay...

As Tari took aim and shot her weapon, it suddenly hit the target and bounce it off towards the Inkopolis tower in the background as it fell and exploded.

Hiroshi: How the fu-?

Tari's eyes were wide as Mario congratulated her. Meggy was totally upset.

Meggy: {Upset} WHAT WAS THAT, TARI?! I saw you shoot well at the carnival!

Meggy said as we can see a flashback of said carnival of Tari being to goat of games.

Tari: {Rubs her head} Uhh, well I'm only good at games and this is more of a sport.......I'm really bad at sports....

Meggy sighed and turned to Hiroshi, who happened to be holding an ink brush weapon of his own.

Meggy: Sans....please tell me that your aim is good.

Hiroshi: {Smirks} Heh, no problem. I got this in the bag.

Hiroshi got in a stance, ready to charge towards the target-

Hiroshi: This bitch empty, YEET!!!

-and threw it. He just threw his weapon and literally missed the target, but he did got the hit on Captain Cuttlefish. He'll be in the hospital for a month after that. Hiroshi then looked at Meggy with a big smile on his face.


I swear, it's like Hiroshi is losing more braincells...or being more of a Sans...or just being himself....I don't even know anymore.

Meggy: ......Ugh....Let's just move on from this....

In the next scene, the gang were at a parkour area and let me tell you, it looks like hell.

Tari: {Screams} Ah!

Mario: (•-•) Mama-fuck-a

Luigi: Oh....


Yep, their reactions says it all. This parkour track looked too extreme. Meggy was definitely trying to push them to their limits and possibly deaths. I mean, it doesn't really look much, but this is just a video (in this case, a story). So, onward with the plot!

Meggy: Alright, Luigi, you're up first!

Luigi gulped nervously as he was the first one to go. In the first section of the barb wire course, Luigi began to crawl through it. Seemingly enough, he was doing it.

Luigi: Waah! I'm doing it!

Hiroshi: Heh, Luigi is actually doing it! Nothing can stop him!

...Yeah, Hiroshi spoke too soon as Meggy pressed a button that summoned a ink mini machine gun and fired at Luigi. Poor Weegee didn't get a chance to think.

|(A/n): Look, at this point I literally forgot the names of the Splatoon weapons and I don't feel like looking them up. Apologies, but you can probably tell of what weapon I'm referring too. Anyways, back to the story.|

Luigi got send flying back to the start of the course.

Hiroshi: ...Me and my damn mouth.

Meggy: {Crosses arms} Expect to be shot on the battlefield! You're up Tari!

Tari looked at the barb wire, very uncertain as she then looked at the ink machine gun sentry as it really want the smoke. Poor Tari covered eyes, laid down, cried, and rolled over. No seriously, she literally rolled over through the barb wire obstacle and didn't got hit even once. She didn't even try and that was impressive. Tari herself was surprised as well.

Tari: {Surprised} Oh my gosh, I did it!

Hiroshi: You go girl!

Meggy: {Impressed} GOOD! Now next obstacle!

The next obstacle was crossing the water with the rope. Tari began to slowly cross the water using the rope, until she spotted some hungry looking fish. Poor Tari was stuck.

Hiroshi: Heh, I guess you can say that the fish...'seafood' (Ba-dum-tss)

Meggy: Well...doesn't look like she's going anywhere. Anyways, Mario, you're up!

Mario: {Whining} Aweee I don't wanna....

Meggy: Finish the course and...we'll have a lunch break.

Meggy said as she held a plate of spaghetti in her hand. That definitely got Mario's attention as he soon ran full speed through the courses. Literally, he ignored on how to properly do them and just went through them. After going through the barb wire, and through the fishes, Mario went blasted his way through the boxes that Meggy was standing on and had her fall to the ground as the boxes got destroyed. However lucky for her, Hiroshi was extremely quick and caught her bridal style before setting her down as Mario happily chowed down on his food as Hiroshi walked towards the others. Meggy wasn't happy at all.

Meggy: {Annoyed} MARIO FOCUS!!

Mario: But you said we get a lunch break.

Meggy: {Facepalmed} I just said that so you'd do the stupid obstacle course. We have a lot more training to do.

Mario: But I am le tired.

Hiroshi: Mario, you rarely did anything.

Meggy was getting angry. She needs to take a chill pill. I know the Splatfest is important, but come on!

Meggy: {Angry} Come on! We need to train, you guys aren't even trying!

Tari: Meggy....We are trying...

Hiroshi: No no, she's got a point...

Meggy: {Furious} Well, you all aren't trying hard enough!

Hiroshi: Okay Meggy, that's enough! This is all just stupid! Training and perfecting skills take time! You shouldn't get mad at us for not being "good enough". Besides, you are being too rough with this training! You shouldn't be treating your friends like! Doing all of this and for what, a stupid Splatfest? I don't get what's so special about this event, but that is still no reason to push your friends into exhaustion. This isn't worth it!

Silence. Pure silence was in the air. With sad eyes and a painful ache in the heart, Meggy began walking away from her friends, worrying the gang.

Hiroshi: W-Wait Meggy...

Hiroshi said as he held out his hand towards her retreating figure. He felt bad for saying those things as he also thought that maybe this Splatfest event is special to her. Just then Mario put an arm onto Hiroshi's back, making him look back at the red plumber.

Mario: Go after her, Sans. She needs you.

With a nod, Hiroshi ran after Meggy. Cut to the next scene, Hiroshi arrived at the rooftop and found Meggy sitting by the edge, looking pretty depressed, and watching the sunset. Hiroshi began to slowly walk towards her while calling her out.

Hiroshi: {Upset} M-Meggy...?

Without even looking, Meggy pointed her gun towards Hiroshi.

Meggy: {Sad woomy noises} Go away, Sans....

Hiroshi: {Sighs} Look Meggy, I'm sorry for what I said. Truly I am. Sometimes I just can't keep my mouth shut. I don't know what's eating you away. I know something is troubling you, so can you please talk to me and tell me what's really bothering you to train your friends this hard.

Hiroshi said as he sat down next to Meggy, legs dangling on the edge of the building.

Meggy: {Sighs} Well, you weren't here, but I remembered that me and Red trained here a few years ago and we sat right here on this rooftop the same very day. I told Red that I was an "upcoming star" and we were going to own the Splatfest....

Suddenly, Hiroshi's eyes widen with sadness as he saw Meggy's eyes becoming watery with tears.

Meggy: {In tears} But it's been two years since then and I still haven't won a single Splatfest... I'm...I'm just a big disappointment...

Meggy began to cry. All the loses, all the humiliations from losing, not being very good at almost anything, has finally got to her. She just couldn't take it anymore and just cried. No matter how hard she'll train, she will always remain a big loser. Hiroshi was very sad to see his friend cry like this in front of him.

Hiroshi: Meggy....please don't say that about yourself. You are never a disappointment in my eyes. Not even your friends think that you are.

Meggy: {Crying} The worst thing is...I've been so mean to you and the others... I feel like I'm losing sight of who I am.

Meggy began to cry harder as Hiroshi sadly watch her release her sadness. However, Hiroshi was determined to cheer her up and see her smile again. So with a flick of his wrist, and using his magic, Hiroshi summoned a beautiful cosmic purple rose.

Catching her off guard, Hiroshi gently wrapped his arms around her, brought her in for a hug, while putting the rose in her hair.

Hiroshi: {Softly} Shh, don't worry about it my beautiful strong rose. Don't even stress yourself out. Things might be bad right now, but you can try and try again. Never give up on your goals. You can let your doubts hold you back. Stay determined and focus on being the best.

Hiroshi said in a soft and gentle voice, making Meggy blush as she wiped her tears. She was very greatful for his words, especially him calling her a beautiful strong rose. She was feeling the love in her heart for Hiroshi even more. Before she can even say anything, the rest of the gang joined them on the roof.

Tari: We're going to win!

Meggy: Guys! I'm sorry for-

Tari: {Smiles} It's okay, we heard what you said. You don't need to apologize for anything!

Luigi: Yeah, it's normal to get emotional over something you care about. It's like when anyone Mario mentions spaghetti.

Luigi said as Mario turned around with a crazy look in his eyes.

Mario: DON'T TOUCH!! >:(

Meggy: {Guilty} But I still yelled at you, and that's not okay. Winning Splatfest isn't worth it if I lose my friends along the way.

Both Luigi and Tari were touched by Meggy's words.

Tari: Aww, you'll never lose us Meggy!

Hiroshi: {Smirks} Heh, we are with you all the way!

Mario: Yeah! Mario's got your back!

Mario said as he wore a Meggy's wig...? Where did he get that? Isn't this racist? Uh, I don't get paid enough for this. Onto the story!

Luigi: I fight for my friends.

The gang began to cheer for Meggy, telling her that they'll stick with her because they are a team, they are family! Meggy wiped the remaining of her tears and joined in on the team.

Meggy: {Smiling} Thanks guys! Who's ready to train?

The gang cheered as the training can finally begin. In the next scene, the crew were inside a classroom as Meggy was giving out instructions on how to play in the Splatfest. She even wrote it on the board and it goes like this:


•Don't get hit

•Cover everything with paint

•Shoot the other team (Spawn Camp)

That's how it goes. Simple as that. Tari was taking notes on the computer, Luigi took notes on paper, and Mario simply had the words: "Other team = Shoot" printed on his hand. As for Hiroshi, he was also taking notes, having a few stacks of notebooks and making some serious notes, while also wearing glasses. In the next, was a do over of aiming practice by hitting the targets. Tari was up first as Luigi got finished putting some score points by each target.

Meggy: Alright Tari! The big ones are worth 50 points, the little ones are worth 100 points. It's a game now.

Of course, Tari being herself, she was unsure about it.

Tari: I don't think it works like that Meggy...

Meggy: {Encouraging} Just try!

And that's what Tari did. After firing so much ink, she hit the target. Being so proud of herself, she kept going and now she's just showing off by doing a trick shot, but the gang were happy anyways.

Luigi: Wow good job Tari!

Meggy: {Excitedly} WELL DONE TARI!

Hiroshi: That was so cool.

Feeling extremely proud, Tari began to spin her weapon on her finger, only to mess up and hit Luigi. My boi just can't catch a break. In the next scene, many ink mini gun sentry lined up and this is where Hiroshi and Luigi comes into play. It was dodge practice time. Luigi was nervous and Hiroshi was pretty chilled about this.

Hiroshi: Heh, this'll be easy as pie.

Meggy: Dodge practice!

Mario: Don't worry bro! Maybe this will help!

Mario said as he put on some....music? It was just repeating "Go Weegee" over and over. Now, Hiroshi doesn't need music as he was just casually dodging the attacks with his eyes closed. Luigi was doing a good job as well. Meggy were proud of the 2 boys to complete this obstacle. The next and final obstacle was the battle practice round. It was Meggy vs Mario as the rest of the gang watches from the sidelines.

Meggy: {Smirks} Time to fight...

Mario: Ahhh shet, here we go again...

Meggy was the first to fire her weapon before Mario quickly took cover. Next, Mario fired his weapon at Meggy, who of course dodged and took cover. Meggy then throws a splat bomb towards Mario, who quickly got out of the way as Meggy was looking around for Mario.

Mario: Are you ready to die?

Mario said as he summoned his weapon from his mouth and shot at the crate that was above Meggy. The crate fell, but Meggy quickly got out of the way by transforming into a squid. Mario then peaked out from his hiding spot.

Mario: Come heeeere fishy fishy! :D

Landing like a boss behind Mario, Meggy aimed her weapon at Mario, ready to fire. However, Mario quickly used his "Quik maffs" technique and did a backflip while Meggy fired and landed behind her.

Mario: Boing! You are dead.

Mario said as he shot his weapon at Meggy, sending her flying and winning the round. Meggy laughed and was proud of her friend.

Meggy: That was awesome Red!

She said as she shot Mario into the water.

Meggy: You got to remember to never drop your guard through!

All Mario did was gave a thumbs up as he sinked into the water, just like when the Terminator did when he sinked in lava. In the next scene, training was over for now as the gang were chilling and resting.

Meggy: Thanks for today everyone. You all did really well.

Luigi was laughing in joy and excitement, following by Tari, Hiroshi, and Mario. Suddenly out of nowhere, Mario got shot by purple ink, alerting the others. It was none other than Desti, who shot Mario and looking so good doing so.

Desti: Don't make me laugh.

Hiroshi/Meggy: Desti?/DESTI!!?

This caught Meggy's attention, as well as the others, as she turn her head towards Hiroshi.

Meggy: Wait a minute, you knew Desti?! Since when?

Hiroshi: Well, not really that long ago. We sorta hanged out a while back.

Desti: Hello Meggy, it's been a while. {To Hiroshi} Hello handsome~, nice to see you here.

Desti said as she gave him a wink, making Hiroshi slightly uncomfortable while also blushing just a tiny bit. Meggy got annoyed at Desti flirting with Hiroshi and Tari got a bit jealous fot that as Desti turned to Mario.

Desti: Hello Mayonnaise!

Mario: {Flips her off} It's Mario!

Tari: Meggy...is this an angsty friend of yours?

Desti: I'm DESTI!!! Leader of th-

Before she can introduce herself even further, she got cut off by Meggy.

Meggy: -leader of the Octoposse. Yeah, yeah... No one cares about your dumb group!

Desti: You should pull out of Splatfest. There's no point in competing.

Luigi: {Upset} Why are you so mean to us? )':

Meggy: Don't listen to her... She's only taunting us because she knows we can beat her.

Desti: Tch, I'd like to see you try.

With a clap of her hands, signaling something, the gang heard a familiar noise.

Mario: Hm?

Hiroshi: The hell...?

They all saw the helicopter, having one of Desti's team members with a mini gun.

Desti's Teammate #1: Kids gon' die tonight! >:)

Meggy: TAKE COVER!!!

Alerting her friends, Meggy, Tari, and Mario quickly ran and took cover. Hiroshi dodged and did a few backflips, avoiding the purple paint before taking cover next to the girls. Luigi was once again using Sheldon as a shield. While under fire from the enemy's attack, Meggy was the first once to notice that Desti was stealing their weapons.

Desti: Veemo!Buh bye~


Desti then hopped into the helicopter.

Desti: Nice seeing you again Meggy, especially you Sansy~. Hope we can hang out very soon~.

Desti said, blowing a kiss to Hiroshi who just tired at this point, while sticking the tongue at the others.

Hiroshi: {Sighs}....


However, Mario wasn't gonna let them escape that easily. He was determined!

Mario: {Determined} Hmm! No! >:(

Mario began to ran up the ramp and onto the building, chasing them.

Mario: {Determined} Imma gonna get you! Watch out! Come here bitches!

Finally getting closer to the helicopter, Mario did his long jump towards the flying vehicle, getting the attention of Desti. Of course with quick reflexes, Desti pointed her weapon towards Mario.

Mario: Doh!

Desti: Nice try~! Next time, I want my handsome future boyfriend to chase me, not you fatty.

Desti then fired her weapon, sending Mario towards the ground next to the gang as Desti got away.

Mario: Sorry Meggy...

Meggy: It's not your fault.

Tari: What are we going to do now?

Meggy: {Determined} Looks like we'll have to kick some Octoling ass...

Mario: YEAH! Mario loves big ol ass! :D

Hiroshi: Heh, looks like Desti is about to get a bad time from us. Heh, time to call in for some help.

Hiroshi said as he got out his phone, going through his contacts as it landed on a certain person.


•Baby Sister
•Master Bun Bun
•Meme Lord
•Inkling Chick
•Cool Octo Gal
>Amy Von Hresvelg
•Innocent Gamer Girl
•Psycho Bad Gal
•Dumber than Bricks
•Possibly Gay?
•Chicken Nugget Lover
•Genie Gal
•Bird Watcher Gal
•Zombie Gal

Hiroshi: Heh, haven't hanged out with Amy in awhile. Let's see if she wants to kick some ass with me.

[Episode 27 end...]
[To be continued...]

There we go! Hope you enjoyed this episode. Now, onto the next episode. Let's get plenty of votes in. Raise those double digits even higher.

[Ending 2]


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December 7, 2024


Time: 7:19 pm

Words: 3,820

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