Episode 26: The Lemonade Stand

Here's another episode of Smg4, into the Anime Arc. We're getting closer to war. Also, I planned to change the title of the episode everytime I upload a new chapter instead of using the same title as the video.

[Saga #2]:

The Anime Arc


[Opening 2]


[Narrator's Pov]

Last time on "Smg4 Harem: A New Face", Hiroshi along with Boopkins and Mario, made it their mission to sneak in some anime in the kingdom, considering that anime is banned everywhere, which sucks for all the weebs living in the kingdom. At first, Hiroshi really didn't care about anime being banned, but promise to help only if he gets rewarded with a pun book (which he never gotten it at the end, sadly). Hiroshi helped both Mario and Boopkins move anime through the city, even embarrassingly doing a distraction so the gang can get by. Almost at the end, Hiroshi and the gang bumped into SwagMaster and Chris and finally escaped when they got the chance, while taking Smg4 with them. Then, Hiroshi and the crew met with the anime king of weebs himself; Francis, as they headed towards the airport. There, they met up with Saiko, to which she sadly needs to leave the city because she was anime herself. This sadden the gang, especially Hiroshi. He couldn't believe that one of his beloved friends is leaving because she's anime and feared that she might be hunted down and imprisoned. Determined and making an unbreakable promise, Hiroshi promise Saiko that he'll unbanned anime, so she can return, no matter the cost as he'll everything in his power to make sure that happens.

Now, as the crew left for Japan, Hiroshi decided to stay behind with Mario as they need to raise money to pay back the lizard. However, Hiroshi has gotten a sudden odd feeling against Francis and was worried if something bad will happen that will change the course of history. Hiroshi just hopes he is wrong about things. Now, let's hop into the next episode and see what Hiroshi and Mario is doing to raise money.

[Third Pov]

It's been a few days since Saiko and the others left for Japan as Mario and Hiroshi stayed behind. In the opening scene of the video, we can see that Meggy was driving her squid vehicle, looking for someone, or rather looking for two certain people.

Meggy: {Frustrated sigh} Ugh....where is that red and smiling dummy?...They both better be saving the world if they think that they can skip Splatfest training... Besides, I wanted to spend more time with Sans.

Meanwhile with both Hiroshi and Mario, the duo were standing in front of their lemonade stand in full glory, well Mario was as Hiroshi thought otherwise.

Mario: Damn, that's a fine lookin' lemonade stand if Mario does say so himself!

Hiroshi: Well...I guess? How is this gonna make us so much money? We need to think of something bigger. This isn't really a good idea.

Mario: Oh relax, Mario thinks this idea is brilliant. Besides, your other ideas didn't work and we can sell lemonade at a very very high prize.

Hiroshi: {Sighs} And who's fault is that?

Hiroshi's earlier ideas involved in cooking delicious food and selling it at the right high price, only to have Mario eat all the dishes. The next one Hiroshi thought about singing in a concert to raise money, but of course Mario burnt the place by being himself. The last one was when Hiroshi thought about maybe being a surgeon....only to have Mario fuck it up by giving the patient's a heart shape chocolate box as a real heart and immediately die from too much sugar. Smg4 logic doesn't make sense, but roll with it. Having ideas drained Hiroshi as he gave up since he was lazy to come up with anything else as it was Mario's turn and this is what he came up with; a lemonade stand.

Mario and Hiroshi then stand behind their lemonade stand and began their day to try and sell lemonade, even though it's gonna be a very painfully slow progress.

Mario: {Happily} Now time to make lots of money.

Hiroshi: ....Let's just hope everything can go smoothly for once.

For a little while, Mario and Hiroshi has been standing and waiting for anyone to buy their lemonade, but as a few people didn't bother to buy lemonade, Mario grew annoyed.

Mario: Hey, what the fuck?!

Hiroshi: Looks like we'll be here all day....

Suddenly, the duo saw another person walking by and Mario took this chance to get a customer.


The customer was happy to be offered lemonade and began to cross the road, only to get ran over.

Hiroshi: ...Damn.

Mario: Godammit.

Next costumer was Donkey Kong. Let see how this goes.

Mario: Hey Mr.Dong. Want some magic yellow drink?

Hiroshi: Dude, just call it lemonade.

Donkey Kong decided to give a try and decided to drink the entire gallon and began to chocking.

Hiroshi: Oh no, he's chocking...anyways, we're out of lemonade Mario.

Mario: {Smiles} And that'll be $85.

Hiroshi: Seriously Mario? That's extremely cheap. It should be around $200.

Suddenly, Mario and Hiroshi saw a familiar blue haired female figure walking by. It was our lovable gamer girl; Tari.

However, our favorite gamer girl seems to be upset. Hiroshi was the first one to notice.

Hiroshi: Huh, Tari? What's wrong? Why the long face?

Mario: Yeah, why so sad? Want some lemonade?

Tari sadly slammed her head onto the lemonade stand.

Tari: {Sadly} No thanks...I've had no one to play video games with... Meggy's been training for the Splatfest and everyone else has gone to Japan.

Mario: Oh! That's okay! Why don't you help Mario and Hiroshi sell some lemonade?

Hiroshi: Yeah Tari, it will really put you in a better mood. Who knows, it'll probably be fun.

This caught Tari's attention. Why would Mario, especially Hiroshi, decided to sell lemonade all of a sudden.

Tari: Huh? Why are you both selling lemonade?

Hiroshi decided to step up and explain the situation to Tari, telling her that they needed to raise money to pay back this weird weeb named Francis. This of course shocked Tari, seemingly like she knew the guy.

Tari: {Shocked} What?! Francis from the anime cartel? You guys, they're really bad guys!

Hiroshi: 'Huh? So they are bad? Interesting...but the main question is: how bad are they? If they're a threat, I won't have any problem taking care of them myself..'.

Tari: {Crosses arms} I don't want anything to do with them.

Mario: {Scared for his life} But they're going to break Mario's kneecaps if he doesn't make the money he owes them!

Hiroshi: ...I'm just only here for plot purposes.

Tari: {Hesitated} I dunno...

Mario: {Smiles} Come on!

Hiroshi: {Smiles} Heh, yeah come on, Tari. It'll be fun. We can all hang out together.

Tari the finally made her decision and decided to help out the duo.

Tari: {Smiles} Okay fine, but where's your lemonade?

Hiroshi: Well, Donkey Kong decided to be a dumbass and drink our entire gallon of lemonade.

Tari: Oh...

Hiroshi: Heh, yep. {Towards Mario} Hey Mario, you're in charge of making the lemonade. I'll get the cups ready.

Mario: Okie dokie :D

Mario then decided to turn, UNZIP HIS PANTS, and piss in the lemonade jar. What the actual fuck..?! Hiroshi was disgusted and shocked, even Tari.

Hiroshi: {Shocked/Disgusted} Dude...the fuck?!

Tari: Why don't you leave making the lemonade to me. You just focus on selling it, Mario.

Hiroshi: Seems like a smart plan, Tari.

Hiroshi and the crew then arrived at a lemonade drink, ready to start making lemonade.

Mario: Oh! Lemonade is made of lemons! Who knew.

Hiroshi: '....He's a fuckin' idiot.'.

Tari tried to grab some lemons by jumping up to the tree, only for her to fail as she crashes onto the ground.

Tari: Ugh...There has to be a way to get them down.

Hiroshi: {Kicks the tree}.....

Mario then crashes his entire body into the tree and gave up after one try and flattening his face. As Tari was thinking on her next plan, she suddenly saw Villager from Animal Crossover, stuffing an entire refrigerator in his inventory.

Tari: Uh...excuse me... A little duckie told me that tree over there has...CASH!

Villager: ....Moneh~ =)

The Villager then charged at the lemon tree and began to roughly shake the entire thing, determined to get his "money". Lemons (even an old man) began to rain down from the tree, crashing onto Mario as both Hiroshi and Tari collected the fallen lemons.

Tari: {Happily} We're in business, Mario!

Hiroshi: Heh, time to make some lemonade!

Mario: Mama Mia....

Back at the lemonade stand, Tari made some fresh batch of lemonade as Mario was waiting for people to walk by, while Hiroshi was just drinking a bottle of ketchup that he had with him the whole time, just waiting for the money to come. Suddenly, Mario then spotted Toadette.

Mario: Hey, whatever your name is, stupid bitch! Would you kindly try some of our lemonade? :D

All Toadette did was smack Mario, pissing him off as Hiroshi was laughing in the background. Next, Mario creepy pressed his face against the glass wall next to a Koopa who was reading a newspaper. After that failed attempt, which I'm pretty sure the Koopa ran away in fear, a Beaver took an elevator and somehow landed next to the lemonade stand.

Mario: Oh boy! Another customer!

Hiroshi We sell the most delicious yellow stuff. :D

It appears that Mario was the one to hook up his vehicle to the elevator and drove it towards the lemonade stand.

Mario: {Excitedly} Seeing as there's no possible way to get back...WHY NOT TRY SOME LEMONADE?

This only made the beaver person scared and rapidly pressing the elevator button, wanting to get away. This only made Mario pissed off even more as he started to chase the customers, trying to force them drink his lemonade.

Tari: Mario...I don't think this is working...

Hiroshi: {Eating a hotdog} Now this is comedy.

Mario: What do you mean, they're loving it!

Mario said as he was "innocently" forcing lemonade into the Goomba's mouth.

Tari: Uh...let me have a shot...

Suddenly, Shroomy appeared all of a sudden as his surrounding area turned dark, scaring him a bit until Tari appeared in the light.

Tari: Are you...feeling thirsty, Shroomy?

Shroomy: Uh, a tiny bit I guess?

Tari: Are you looking for something...SWEET?

Shroomy: Uh, sure?

Tari: {Creepily, heavy breathing} Then you should buy some lemonade.

Shroomy: {Uncomfortable} If I buy it, will you go back to talking normally.

Hiroshi: ....Yes, please do Tari. It's kinda creepy.

Tari: {Nervously} H-Heh, sorry. Got carried away.

Shroomy then pulled out some cash, lots of it, making the crew awe'd at the money. Suddenly, a limo pulled up the crew look at it. Hiroshi and Mario was wondering who it is, as Tari hid behind the lemonade stand. The window rolled down, only to reveal Jeeves, the fork dude with problems.

Hiroshi: {Mumbles} Oh not this dude again...

Mario: Oh, it's Jeeves! Hey, how's your milk factory going?

Jeeves: {Angry} Mario! What are you doing now? First you destroy my milk factory, now you're stealing business from my café!

Tari: Oh, sorry Jeeves, we didn't mean to hurt your business.

Mario: Yea, maybe you're just a crappy businessman compared to Mario!

Mario said as his lemonade stand sign just went from "Mario's Lemonade" to "Mario's Aids".

Jeeves: Mario, we'll call it even on my milk factory if you take down your lemonade stand right now.

Mario: Make me...

Jeeves: If you insist...

With a snap of his fingers, Jeeves summoned his milk henchmen as they began to walk towards the lemonade stand.

Hiroshi: {Sighs} Mario, you and your big mouth....

Tari: Hey...guys...why don't we just all relax with a nice cup of lemonade instead? Hehe....

All of sudden, the milk henchmen began to destroy the lemonade stand, ruining everything.

Hiroshi: Oi! Stop it!

Tari: No! What are you doing! You're ruining it!

Jeeves: Yes! Just like how Mario ruined my factory! Keep going boys!

Hiroshi suddenly then dropped kicked one of the henchmen away, but soon realized that another one was aiming an rpg towards the lemonade stand. Without hesitation, Hiroshi carried Tari bridal style, making her blush as he jumped out of the way of the incoming rocket as it destroyed the lemonade. The crew was shocked as Tari went over, picking up a broken lemonade jar, feeling so sad.

Tari: {Upset} We worked so hard on this...

Hiroshi was pissed as he began to squeeze his hand so hard that electricity began to form around his arm for a brief second.

Hiroshi: {Pissed} You milk loving bastards are really pushing my buttons!! I have half a mind to send you all to the damn shadow realm!

Mario was also pissed as he went up to a milk henchmen and kick him down, only for another one to hit Mario back, making him crash onto the ground.

Jeeves: Sorry Mario, it's just business. Also Hiroshi, my dear boy, I recommend not using that tone with me as I'm starting to like you. So, don't push my buttons, okay? Toodles~.

Jeeves said as he drove off as his henchmen dragged Shroomy away. Hiroshi's eye twitches a bit before calming down his anger. He went over to Tari and began to comfort her as she sobbed in his arms.

Hiroshi: There there, Tari, it's okay...

Mario: {Pissed} That's it! You don't fuck with the Mario!

Mario then began to make a phone call for help and just then, a white limo drove up, to reveal that it was Francis.

Francis: You called my tomodachi?

Tari: {Sad} Well, we were minding our own business-


Hiroshi: That asshole needs to pay!

Francis fixed his glasses, having it shine in the light of day.

Francis: Alright...Leave this to senpai

In the next scene, we can see that Jeeves was enjoying his day at his milk café. He heard a ding from his door, expecting a customer, only to have one of his henchmen to be blown away, pissing him off. Francis, along with his anime loving gang were there for a fight.

Francis: Konnichiwa bitch. Attack formations!

A fight broke out as the weeboo gang attacked the milk gang. Shroomy's milk was even knocked out of his hand, making him disappointed. Jeeves was slowly losing his cool as his face says it all. Mario, Hiroshi, and Tari was watching all the chaos happening, having Tari be in total shock as Mario and Hiroshi was enjoying the show. Jeeves then snapped.


Francis began to laugh, only to get sprayed away with the milk hoes by one of the milk henchmen.

Francis: {Enraged} You nerds and your dumb anime!!!

Jeeves then pulled out a broom, ready to get to smacking.

Jeeves: CAREFUL! I was an apprentice to Master Baldi in SPANKING!

Triggered by his earlier comment about anime being dumb, Francis began his speech.

Francis: DUMB ANIME?! Anime is awesome! There is no greater form of entertainment on the face of the earth-

However, Francis never got to finish his speech as he and his crew got sprayed away by milk, leading towards the outside.


Mario: Wow, what an asshole.

Hiroshi: ...I have an urge to burn his café to the ground.

Tari: Umm, the lemonade stand wasn't that important anyway. How about we open a duck emporium?! :D

Hiroshi: Maybe even better, a comedy show! :D

Francis: No Tari-chan, Hiroshi-kun. He insulted anime. This normies gonna get a beatdown, just like Krillen did in episode 231 of Dragon Ball Z!

Hiroshi: '....What the hell is Dragon Ball Z?'

Mario: {Happily} Oh, Mario wants to do an anime beatdown too!

Hiroshi: {Smirks} Heh, come me in as well!

In the next scene, we can see that a customer drove up to the drive thru as Mario pretend to be Jeeves and Hiroshi was a milk henchman.

Mario: Hello its-a me, Jeeves. What's up?

Hiroshi: Ay boss, it's ya boi, Milk Daddy! :D

The customer was about to order but Mario suddenly refused and flipped them off as Hiroshi threw milk on the customer's car, making a mess. Boy, the customer was mad and would probably never return again. Jeeves saw this but the duo ran before anything else can happen. In the next scene, it was Francis turn. He was sitting next to a customer and was ready to "drink" to milk, only to say it smelled and supposedly "died" as the customer backed off, in fear of the milk. Jeeves was getting very angry.

Meanwhile, Tari was trying to fix the lemonade stand, just minding her own business, but of course the damn milk henchmen came and destroyed it, upsetting her again. Next, Jeeves was adding a new sign to lure in new customers. The sign saying: "50% off special!". This helped attracted customers, only for Mario to add a new sign as well: "51% off special!". This attracted Jeeves' customers, which didn't make him happy. So now, they were both going back in fourth with new signs:

"Comes with a free cup!"

"New ass flavor"

"Buy 1, get 99999999 free"

"Will sub to you on YouTube"

"I'll drown you in milk"

This kept on going until Waluigi appeared on the scene, deeply inhaled and proudly opened his Taco stand, which got all the customers, shocking both sides.

Hiroshi: Wow, I guess the fans(readers) are right. Waluigi is numbah one.

Hiroshi said calmly as he was eating his tacos he bought from Waluigi.

Hiroshi: {Eating his tacos} Mmm~, this is so good.

However, Shroomy was the last one standing between Francis and Jeeves as he was very thirsty but doesn't know what to get. Francis and Jeeves seeing this, jumped immediately into action.

Francis: HE'S MINE!!!

Jeeves: GET THEM!!!

Both of their armies began to attack eachother, having an all out brawl. One of the milk henchmen was having some ptsd flashbacks about the battle he was in back at the farm. Damn, poor fellow.

Shroomy: .....Maybe I'll just get a taco.

Tari: {Scared} AH!...Mario! Sans! W-What do we do!?

Hiroshi: Heh, not my problem. Let them fight it out.

Mario: Meh, nothing can hurt Mario.

Meanwhile back with Meggy, who was still driving around, kept on searching for the two people she was looking for.

Meggy: {Sighs} Dangit...where could those two have gone...?

Just then, in slow motion, Meggy was driving by the group...until her, Mario, and Hiroshi made eye contact. Gasping in surprise, mostly Meggy and Hiroshi as Mario gasped in fear. Meggy made a full turn and drove towards the boys at full speed in excitement.

Meggy: {Excitedly} RED!!!!! SMILEY!!!!!! FOUND YOU!!!

Mario: {Screams in fear}

Hiroshi: (0_0) Oh shi-

Crash!! Meggy crashed her vehicle into both Hiroshi and Mario, stopping her car right on top of them.

Meggy: There you both are! I've been trying to find you guys for the past two chapters! Come on! We need to go train for Splatfest! Now!!

Hiroshi: {In pain}...Why me...?

Mario: {Whining} Aww but Megggyyyy, Mario and Sans are in the middle of a gang war right now.

Meggy looked around to see that Mario was right, which she mostly annoyed with.

Meggy: Oh for squids sake.

Meggy the suddenly grabbed the lemonade and emptied to entire container into her Splattershot before gaining both gang's attention.

Meggy: HEY!

Meggy said before shooting her ink/lemonade weapon at the gangs, burning their eyes. She fired at both Jeeves and Francis, who were smacking eachother, as a milk henchman got in the way of fire, getting the two bosses' attention.

Meggy: {Annoyed} AGHHH! Stop fighting and let us go train!!!!!

Francis: {Angry} HEY! How dare you hurt my henchmen!!!

Jeeves: {Enraged} YEAH!!!

Both Jeeves and Francis whistles for their henchmen, ready to attack the crew. Tari and Mario were scared as Hiroshi was ready for a fight, but Meggy literally had enough of this.


This made Francis and Jeeves cry like a baby, holding onto eachother.

Jeeves: W-What....cruel words!

Meggy just rolled her eyes, unamused, before dragging both Hiroshi and Mario by their back collars.

Meggy: C'mon guys...let's go finally train for Splatfest....

Hiroshi: ......Zzzzzz.....

Of course Hiroshi is sleeping. I swear he is becoming more of a Sans than before.

Anyways, Tari saluted Meggy as she followed the crew to train for the upcoming Splatfest, while Francis and Jeeves continued to cry.

Francis: {Ugly crying} Don't listen to that bad woman. We're cool people!!!

Shroomy: ....I just wanted something to drink.... :(

[Episode 26 End...]
[To be continued...]

[Ending 2]


There we go everyone! I did promised you all another episode. Hope you all enjoyed it. Sorry if it seems a bit boring or whatever the word you're looking for. It's just I wasn't feeling it and wasn't really trying with this episode. But still, I hoped you all at least enjoyed it a little bit.

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August 24, 2024


Time: 1:04 pm

Words: 3,738

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