Episode 25: Mario's Illegal Operation

Wahoo! Hiya readers! Let the Anime Arc continue! We are getting closer to the ultimate battle.

[Saga #2]:

The Anime Arc


[Opening 2]


[Narrator's Pov]

Last time on, "Smg4 Harem: A New Face", both Mario and Hiroshi were taking a nap outside together (Not like that!) until Meggy came running after Tari, seemingly training with her, even if the poor girl was trying to mostly survive. Suddenly, both Bob and Boopkins decided to do an anime challenge, to which Hiroshi and the gang (minus Meggy) were excited to participate. During this little anime challenge, Hiroshi along with Tari were judges for Mario, Bob, and Boopkins going up against eachother. One thing led to another, until a anime death battle happened. Destruction was being caused everywhere, thanks to the 3 idiots fighting seriously. After Bob unleashed a deadly attack that destroyed Peach's castle, Hiroshi knew that they were all fucked with a capital 'F'. Now, let's see what is going on after the anime challenge battle.

[Third Pov]

Not long after the anime challenge battle, possibly a day at least, we can see that everywhere in the Mushroom Kingdom, chaos was happening. The scene opens with the words: "Breaking News" on the television, with our host: Kermit the Frog.

Kermit: "Breaking news! Anime trends have swept across the Mushroom Kingdom! People have been Naruto running and anime battling all across the land!"

Kermit said as we can see that the screen showed us images of city in chaos, Mario doing the Naruto run, Bob blasting his final attack and Steve with his Pokémon elephant having a Pokémon battle, by saying the wrong moves. The elephant isn't a Pikachu, Steve! Anyways, Kermit was on the scene, talking to a Toad that has a couple wig on.

Kermit: "{To the Toad} Excuse me, who are you meant to be?"

Frankie (As Light): "I kill people! :D."

Jesus, that took a dark turn.

Kermit: "Though seemingly harmless, it has caused tremendous damage to buildings in the entire Mushroom Kingdom community. In response, Princess Peach has decreed anime a public health threat and banned it... FOREVER! An official division known as the Anime Secret Service aka the A.S.S. have been established to stop the distribution of now illegal anime."

Kermit said as we can see images of the city in ruin, Mario and the gang in the middle of the mess having different reactions as Hiroshi was doing some Fortnite dance for no reason, Peach setting a body pillow on fire, people getting arrested for having anime, etc. In the scene scene, we can see that Toadsworth was giving a speech to the people.

Toadsworth: Why don't you understand that anime belongs in the trash?

He said as he lit a match before the scene switches over to Mario, Luigi, and Hiroshi looking over that anime stuff being on fire.

Luigi: Well...you really did it this time, Mario.

Mario: Eh, anime is stupid anyway.

Hiroshi: Besides, ain't people reacting over a little too much?

Just then, the group turned their heads in the direction of Boopkins trying desperately to hold onto his waifu pillow.

Boopkins: {Desperately} No, don't take Sagaru-chan! She's my last one! NO!

The Policeman had enough and kicked Boopkins away as he threw the body pillow onto the fire.

Officer: I saved the world. :D

Luigi: {Worried} I wonder if this is going to have any major consequences...and be the spark that ignites a series of huge events.

Mario: Nah, it's probably nothing.

Hiroshi: .....For some reason, I think this is foreshadowing.

Boopkins: {Upset} No, you don't understand! Anime's my life!

Boopkins began to cry. Anime was his entire life and now, it's ruined.

Luigi: D-Don't worry Boopkins...we'll help you get through this! Right Sans, Mario?

Hiroshi: ....Who the fuck is "we"? I'm tired and I want to go to bed.

Mario then yelled out "Nerd!!" and got punched by Luigi as Hiroshi chuckled at Mario's misfortune. Of course, Mario was mad.

Mario: {Angry} What?! What am I suppose to do?!

Suddenly, a voice behind them got the group's attention.

???: I think I can help you with that.

The voice turns out to be Iggy....no wait, Leggy?? Uh, oh right! It's Lemmy, the non-important character. Boopkins seems happy to see him.

Boopkins: Oh Lemmy! It's so nice to see you! How are you doing my Otaku Tomodachi?

Seeing this typ of reunion, Mario threw up, Luigi just there awkwardly and Hiroshi just kept his smile and shrugged.

Lemmy: {Smiles} You looking for some of that "desu desu" know what I'm saying?

Boopkins: YES!

Boopkins said as he had blood-shot eyes. Man, is he that desperate? Anyways, Lemmy was checking his surroundings before telling that gang to follow him. In the scene, in an alleyway, we can see Bob was waiting for someone, and that someone was Lemmy as he brought the gang with him.

Bob: fInAllY yOu'Re hErE. WhAt tOOk yoU, mAn? wE gOttA mAkE tHe dElIvErY nOw oR tHe bOsS iS gOnnA bE aNgRy.

Lemmy: Sorry, found some more customers.

Bob: wElL, sHoW mE tHe gOOds I'm sMuggLinG.

Luigi: {Raised eyebrow} Smuggling? You're smuggling anime?

Bob: yEah, I wOrK fOr tHe aNimE cArtEl nOw!

Lemmy then pull out a body pillow from the box as the Zelda opening sound played in the background. This got Boopkins excited. Hiroshi just rolled his eyes as he never understood people having body pillows. Bob then sniff the body pillow, well...more like inhaling the smell.

Bob: Oh mY! YeS! tHaT iS sOmE pReMiUm 2D tItY rIghT tHerE.

Hiroshi: {Unamused} This...is just disappointing.

Luigi was feeling nervous with all of this as Mario wasn't even impressed.

Luigi: {Nervously} M-Mario, I don't like the look of this.

Mario: This is a very strange sight for Mario right here.

Hiroshi: ....This is all just too weird for me.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the A.S.S truck came crashing by the alleyway. Officers came in and pointed guns at group. Shockingly, Smg4 was working with them?! Hiroshi was shocked and surprised. He was not expecting this.


Both Mario and Hiroshi laughed at the word "ass" and Mario got shot while Hiroshi got smacked. It was worth it though.

Smg4: You're all under arrest for association with the Anime Cartel!

Hiroshi: Bruh, I had nothing to do with this.

Boopkins: {Shocked} Smg4?!

Luigi: {Scared} We swear we didn't know anything about this!

Smg4: {Shocked} Guys?! How could you do something so illegal? I-I can't believe my own friends...especially you Sans! What would you mom think?!

Hiroshi: ....Eh, she'll probably kill me. Man, I haven't seen her in forever. Maybe I should give her a call.

Mario: {Angry} Bro it was just a drawing!

Smg4: Even so! I promised the princess that I would respect the law and help the A.S.S ban anime!

Luigi/Boopkins: Oh no!

Bob: cRaP! EvErY nErD fOr tHeMseLves!


Bob began to make a run for it as Smg4 and the cops gave chase. Bob was screaming as Smg4 was telling him on why he was running. Back with the gang, it was time to split.

Luigi: Mario! Hiroshi! Let's get out of here!

Hiroshi: That sounds like a good idea.

Lemmy: Godammit. Well, now since Bob's probably gonna be arrested, I need a new mule.

Mario: Sorry...Mario doesn't swing that way.

Lemmy: What? No! I need someone to help me smuggle some anime into the Mushroom Kingdom.

Luigi: {Shocked} Wah?! No! T-That's illegal!

Lemmy: If you do this...there will be unlimited anime waiting for you after.

This of course got Boopkins attention as he just expanded his dong...er, more like his eyes when he heard unlimited anime.

Boopkins: Unlimited anime! :D

Mario: Think of how much money Mario could make selling it to weebs!

Hiroshi: Er, I don't know. What's in it for me?

Lemmy: I'll give you a limited edition Hatsune Miku body pillow!

Hiroshi: .......

Hiroshi was just disappointed and gave Lemmy the blankest expression he can make.

Lemmy: Uh...do you like jokes? I can get you a joke book...anime edition...???

Hiroshi: {Le Gasp} You son of a bitch, I'm in!

Welp, that got Hiroshi to help. He loves his puns and can't live without them.

Luigi: {Angry} No! I refuse! We are not breaking the law anymore. We are good people and we are not going to associate ourselves with crim-

....Yeah, the gang was long gone when Luigi was talking. Now he was all alone. In the next scene, we can see that Mario, Hiroshi, and Boopkins were driving a box truck, having Mario being the one to drive.

Boopkins: It was sure nice of Lemmy to give us his truck before running off. I wonder why he had to go?

Mario: Probably to take a piss....

Hiroshi: Or probably taking a number 2...

Boopkins: Yeah, I can't believe all we have to do is drive this truck full of anime.

Mario: Yeah and no ASS in site!

Hiroshi: {Eyes widen} Uh....Mario?

Suddenly, Mario quickly stopped the vehicle as they saw a long line of cars in front of them. However, up ahead, there was a checkpoint of the A.S.S, letting vehicles through that doesn't have anime. Unfortunately, the vehicle that pulled up next had boxes, making the chain chomp dog bark, getting the Officers attention.

Officer: Put your hands up!

Out came Hideo Kojima from his vehicle, putting his hands up. The officer checked one of the boxes, only to discover anime inside it. It was Sword Art Online. The security guard called towards his friends.

Officer: Yo, we got some trash in here!

The Officers then tackled Hideo to the ground as they used a nuke to bomb the trunk.

Boopkins: {Shocked} Oh no, what do we do?

Hiroshi: Heh, I guess you say it was blast seeing that. (Ba-dum-tss!)

[Insert any jokes here please! I need more jokes, cause I really do suck. Dark humor, awful ones, any joke please. I want to use them and I promise to give credit.]

Ignoring Hiroshi, Mario suddenly got an idea, that Hiroshi is not gonna be happy about it.

Hiroshi: ....YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT?!?!

Now, it was the gangs turn as Boopkins and Mario drove up to the checkpoint. However, Hiroshi was nowhere in sight.

Officer: Y'all got some of that sweet anime?

Boopkins: Uh, no sweet sweet anime in here~.

Mario: Yep, definitely none in here.

Of course, the officer didn't believe them as he ordered them the open up. Both of them got out as Boopkins opened the back of the truck. The chain chomp dog began to sniff for anime, having both Mario and Boopkins be extremely nervous. Just then, the chain chomp began to bark, having both Mario and Boopkins stress/panic meter rise up. However, the chain chomp was barking at something else as the Officer turn towards the direction the dog was barking at.


What the Officer was looking at, was a person...an anime person. I really don't need to explain this...here is the image.

Modeus(?): {Blushes}.....Komichiwa, let me give you that succ succ, senpai~. I want your babies~.

That actually made the Officers go off as the dogs keep on barking. Taking this chance, Mario and Boopkins drove off as "Modeus" ran off as the Officers began to chase her until Modeus ran into a corner.

Officer: Prepare to die anime!

Modeus(?): W-Wait! I'm not even anime!

Suddenly, "Modeus" grabbed her head and pulled it off from her body, technically her entire body was ripped off and there, stood Hiroshi. It wasn't a girl, but a man.....a very beautiful man. Uh, yeah...Modeus was just an entire costume.

Hiroshi: You thought it was anime, but it was I, HIROSHI-SAMA!

Officer: ...Damn it, alright back to your posts men.

After the men left, Boopkins and Mario came back to him as Hiroshi hopped into the trunk as they drove off.

Hiroshi: ....Never again....I have never been so traumatized doing that shit...

Mario: {Smiling} Oh come on Sans, I think you looked really cu-

Before Mario can finish, Hiroshi grabbed him by the neck and glared at him.

Hiroshi: {Glaring} Shut up! Don't ever bring up this shit ever again! Do you understand me?

Mario quickly nodded his head out of fear as Hiroshi let go of him.

Boopkins: Um, Hiroshi...? I was wondering if you can wear that waifu suit on my birthday...?

Hiroshi: {Disgusted} Ew!! Hell no! You keep your weird anime fetishist away from me, you son of a bitch!!!

Boopkins: ....Aw :(

Hiroshi: {Shudders} 'Never again....'

Hiroshi and the crew suddenly made it to the warehouse. As they back up the vehicle inside the warehouse, Hiroshi and Boopkins got out and saw that two men are waiting inside.

Hiroshi: This is probably the right place.

Mario: Hello! Weeboos! :D

One of the men signaled Boopkins to give them the anime.

Boopkins: Ah, you want the anime r-right!

Boopkins then opened the back of the box truck, digged into one of the boxes and pulled out a anime body pillow.


Both Hiroshi and Mario raised their eyebrow as they heard those familiar voices before.

Mario: Wait.....Where have I heard that voice before?

Hiroshi: Yeah....your voice sounds very familiar.

???: Uh, I don't know what you're talking about...I am definitely not in disguise.

Mario got very close to guy, not completely convinced.

Mario: Hmmmm...what's your name?

???: Uh, my name is Jeff.

???2: Hey! Shut your damn mouth!

Mario: Wait a minute....

Hiroshi: {Realization, eyes widen} Mario! They're both-

???: HOLY TITS, THEY'RE ONTO US! ASS police do the thing!

Suddenly, Hiroshi and the crew got surrounded by the A.S.S as Smg4 showed himself. The two men from earlier was none other than SwagMaster and Chris themselves.

SwagMaster: lol surprise.

Boopkins: {Scared} Ah! Mario, Hiroshi, what do we do!?

*Mario.exe stopped working*

Hiroshi: {Shrugs} Welp....we tried.

Smg4: Just come quietly you guys, we don't want to hurt you!

SwagMaster: Yes we do! We lost our jobs at a prison because of these assholes.

SwagMaster then brought out his trusty Rocket Launcher.

SwagMaster: Remember this bois?!

SwagMaster fired at the crew, having Boopkins and Mario jumped out of the way as Hiroshi flipped out of the way. The missile destroyed the anime within the boxes.

Boopkins: {Sad} NOO! The anime!!! D:

Smg4: {Angry} Damn it, what are you doing? These guys are my friends! Let me handle this!

SwagMaster: ....Bitch.

Smg4: {To his friends} Come on guys, just come quietly.

Mario suddenly got an idea as he quickly grabbed Smg4 and held a anime plushie near him.

Mario: HAHA! GOTCHA! Shoot and I'll turn him into a weeboo by using this doll!

Smg4: Mario you idiot, that's not how it works!

SwagMaster: lol easiest double kill of my life.

Chris then smacked SwagMaster. Ha, he deserved it.

Chris: Do you want to get fired again, Swag?

SwagMaster: Chris, you hit me. That was not very nice. :-(

Hiroshi: {Mumbles} These guys are idiots....

Boopkins was definitely panicking as he took out a body pillow and threw it into SwagMaster, which somehow caught him on fire.


Hiroshi: Alright gang! Now's our chance to haul ass!!

Hiroshi and the crew, along with Smg4, took this chance to run and get away from the A.S.S. SwagMaster then finally got the body pillow off of him.

SwagMaster: god dammit...ugh...Do we have to go after them?

Chris: Let's just say that Smg4 double crossed us and call it a day...


Meanwhile with Hiroshi and the gang, Mario continued to drag Smg4 away as he tried to get him off.

Smg4: {Angry} Grr, put me down Mario! You're in big trouble already!!! Hiroshi, help me out here.

Hiroshi: ....Nah.

Boopkins: Oh, it's bad enough that the A.S.S wants us, but the Anime Cartel is going to kill us too for losing their merchandise!

Mario: {Throws Smg4 to the floor} Don't worry, they can't kill us if they can't find us!

Hiroshi: Besides, I'll fight all of them just to protect us if it comes to that.

Suddenly, the crew then heard a vehicle's horn as they turned around to see a limo heading their way.

Hiroshi: Who the hell is that?

As the limo pulled up, Smg4 immediately recognized who it is.

Smg4: O-Oh no....

Boopkins: What is it Smg4?

Hiroshi: Yeah bro, what's got you shaking?

Smg4: It's the boss of the anime cartel...Francis.

The limo's window rolled down, introducing a lizard with his body pillows.

Seeing this asshole wants me to hakai him from existence.

Anyways, Francis suddenly pulled out a gun and told the boys to get in. With no choice, they got in the limo as they drove off. Bob was also here.

Bob: hEy, yOu guYs aRe hErE toO? GlAd mY bAlLs aRen'T tHe oNlY oNes tHat aRe gOoNa gEt bEaT.

Hiroshi: {Tired} Bob....just shut the hell up please.

Francis: Normies, it's time we discussed what happened to my kawaii goods...

Boopkins: But it's not our fault though!

Hiroshi: We were ambushed and those A.S.S assholes destroyed the goods.

Mario: Yea, it's cause Smg4 tried to arrest us. You only need to kill him!

Smg4: Hey, shut your mouth!

Francis literally had enough of everyone.

Francis: SHUT UP!! I've had enough of your excuses bakas!

Smg4: W-Wait! I can help you! I worked for A.S.S.! I can do things that these idiots can't!

Hiroshi: {In the background} Who are you calling idiot?!

Francis: Hmmm...what do you think Miku-sama?

Hiroshi: '....Is he mental...? He's talking to a damn body pillow....'

Francis: ...Alright...you noobs get one more chance or else...

Boopkins: {Happily} Arigatou gozaimasu Francis!

Bob: PrAisE tHe bIg TiTy aNiMe GoDs!


Francis: We need you to use your credentials to escort someone out of the kingdom. Do that and you're off the hook.

Francis said as the crew arrived at the airport. Hiroshi was wondering who were they escorting? Mario was thinking the same thing.

Mario: So, who is this important person we have to escort?

Hiroshi: Yeah, I would like to know as well.

Suddenly they heard a familiar voice, a voice that they were all too familiar. It was our lovable crazy psycho; Saiko.

Saiko: Jeez, took you nerds long enough!

Bob: DoEs aNyoNe hAvE a GuN?

Hiroshi: C'mon Bob, she isn't that bad.

The crew then went to greet Saiko.

Mario: Hoohoo! Hello, psycho bitch.

Saiko: Ugh, you're giving me these guys as my escorts?

Hiroshi: {Smiling} Hiya Saiko!

Saiko: {Blushing} H-Hi Hiroshi-senpai!

Just then Francis came over and bowed in front of Saiko, apologizing for finding these people. This kinda ruined Saiko's little moment with Hiroshi.

Francis: Sumimasen Saiko-chan, it's the best I could find.

Hiroshi: {Mumbles} This is embarrassing....

Francis: {Towards the boys} Make sure you protect S-Saiko~chan at all cost. GOT IT!?

Boopkins: {Upset} Saiko! Why are you leaving the kingdom?

Saiko: Why? You of all people should know Boopkins. I'm anime...and it's been banned here...

Boopkins: But...we want you to stay!

Hiroshi: Boopkins right, Saiko. This isn't fair! We really want you to stay....

Hiroshi was pretty upset to being seeing one of his friends leaving....until Bob needed to ruin the moment.

Bob: nO we DonT!

Hiroshi punched Bob in the face, knocking him to the floor.

Bob: Ow...

Hiroshi: {Annoyed} Shut up Bob!

Saiko: That's nice of you to say...especially you Senpai, but....the A.S.S will stop me...

Smg4: I would have never joined the A.S.S if I knew they were banning actual people....

Hiroshi: I swear this A.S.S program bullshit is just pissing me off!

Smg4: Saiko, let me make it up to you in the very least!

Boopkins: Yeah! We're all gonna help, right guys?

Bob: TbH, i'M jUst iN tHiS fOr tHe aNimE 2D bOobIeS.

Mario: Where are you even going anyway?

Hiroshi: {Crosses arms} Yeah, I would like to know.

Saiko: {Smirks & Winks} Japan.

This news definitely excited Boopkins, Smg4 and Bob. Of course, Bob said something about watching so much hentai. Oh boy. Hiroshi was about to go, but decided otherwise.

Hiroshi: Hey, Saiko?

Saiko stopped and turned her attention to Hiroshi.

Saiko: Hm? What is it, Hiroshi-senpai?

Hiroshi: Sorry, but I decided to not go with you to Japan.

Hearing this made Saiko's heart sank. She was looking forward to spending her time with her crush on this trip.

Saiko: {Upset} W-What...why....?

Hiroshi: I won't lie, I actually wanted to go...but I rather stay here. These damn laws about anime being abandoned, now only knowing that they'll abandoned people that resembles anime, it's just not right at all! So, I'll do everything in my power to destroy that law so you can come back! I don't care if I have to fight the entire A.S.S by myself.

Saiko was touched by Hiroshi's word. He would definitely go that far just for her.

Saiko: {Blushes} Y-You would do all that...for me?

Hiroshi: {Closes fist} Definitely. Nobody deserves to have their freedom taken away. I'll make sure that you can return.

Saiko then hugged Hiroshi all of a sudden, catching him a bit off guard. Hiroshi smiles and hugged back. Even though Hiroshi hates making promises, this special promise that he made with Saiko, is the one that he'll definitely keep and promise to fulfill it till the end. Snapping out of the beautiful moment, Saiko lets go of the hug and blushes.

Saiko: {Blushes} W-Well, I guess I'll see you whenever the law is gone. Please stay safe, Sansy.

Hiroshi: {Winks} Heh, don't worry. I'll be safe alright.

Saiko began to walk away towards her plane, before she turned around to face Hiroshi again, with a massive blush.

Saiko: {Massive blush} S-Sansy, w-when I get b-back....I-I want to tell y-you....um....uh...I-I want to...

Hiroshi: {Raised eyebrow} Hm? What is it that you want to tell me, Saiko?

Saiko's blushes increase as she was red as a tomato until she continued take it anymore as she ran towards her plan, confusing Hiroshi for what was happening. However, Saiko suddenly turned around to face Hiroshi and surprisingly blew him a kiss.

Saiko: {Blows a kiss} Thank you for everything, Sansy! Good luck!

And with that, Saiko left towards her plane. What she did earlier made Hiroshi blush a bit, but made him chuckled at the end.

Hiroshi: {Blushes a bit} Heh, yeah. Stay safe Saiko.

With this going on, back with Mario, he was excited to go towards Japan. However, one of Francis's henchmen suddenly stopped him.

Francis: Oh Mario, did you think you were going with them?

Mario: Wah? Mario's not going to Japan?

Francis: Well...some baka has to make back all that money we lost... I have a very dangerous mission for you...

Francis began his evil laugh, only to began to cough and lose his voice for doing that laugh. Mario just backed away from him.

Francis: Can one of you get me my inhaler please?

Minion #1: Here you go, boss.

Francis: Thanks.

After Francis took his inhaler, Hiroshi then walked towards the group, getting Francis' attention.

Francis: Huh? You didn't go with them?

Hiroshi: Nah, I think I rather stay here and help Mario with making some money and somehow find a way to have anime be legal again.

Francis: Heh, alright you can help out. {To his henchmen} Come on gang.

As Francis left with his crew, Mario walked up to Hiroshi.

Mario: {Smiles} Heya Hiroshi, thanks for sticking with Mario. With your help, we can do this.

No response. Hiroshi didn't even pay attention to what Mario. Hiroshi kept staring as Francis as he walked away. He couldn't help but feel that something was terribly wrong. He could feel it in his soul.

Mario: Uh...Hiroshi? Is everything okay?

Hiroshi: Hm? Oh, uh, y-yeah. Sorry Mario. I just couldn't help but feel off when I'm looking at Francis.

Mario: Huh? Really?

Hiroshi: I-I just don't know...I just can't help but feel....that something bad is going to happen.

Hiroshi said as the screen began to go black as he continued.

Hiroshi: Like...a war is coming and I just hope that I'm wrong about this...

And Hiroshi is afraid that he'll be too powerless to stop it...

[Episode 25 End...]
[To be continued...]

[Opening 2]


There we go readers! Another chapter is finally done! Now, I hope you enjoyed it and can't wait for the next chapter. I just want to say this, hopefully for the last time, can you all please STOP ASKING for updates for any of my stories. I can't take it as it's fucking annoying. I tried to be nice, really I have. At first it wasn't a bothered until it became too much! At this point, I'm just deleting your comments if they say about updating or continuing the story. If this keeps happening, I'm going to start muting people and I won't look back. At this point, I don't care if it's mean, I just need to get through you all. I don't know how many times I keep saying the same thing and it's obviously gonna keep happening....


Opening Song for Season 2: "Super Mario Bros. The Legendary Warrior (Overlord opening "Clattanoia" by NateWantsToBattle)"

Ending Song for Season 2: "Dragon Ball Super ending 08 (Boogie Back)"

All images belongs to the rightful owner as they don't belong to me, except my character; Hiroshi and edits.

All videos don't belong to me either as they belong to the respectful owner.

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August 9, 2024


Time: 10:16 am

Words: 4,443

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