Episode 23: Mario's Prison Escape.
Hello everyone/everypony. It's been awhile since I updated this book and now, it's returning, thanks for you all for giving your votes for to almost each episode. I would also like to thank you for not spamming/leaving comments about updating this story as it will only make me angry.
[Opening 2]
[Narrator Pov]
Last time on "Smg4 Harem: A New Face", Hiroshi was just hanging around MK City, wanting to get away from the gangs' shenanigans. Hiroshi loved his friends, but he would rather deal with something else other that their craziness most times. As he was hanging around MK City, he was introduced to Boyfriend and Girlfriend from Friday Night Funkin and was challenged to a rap battle. How can Hiroshi possibly refuse such a fun time? Both Hiroshi and Boyfriend did a few rounds, rap battling eachother just for fun as they were drawing in a huge crowd. As they drawn a huge crowd, Hiroshi's "number 1" fangirl came into view, extremely happy to see her future husband rapping against his opponent. After the battle, the girl known as Amy Von Hresvelg got Hiroshi's attention and wanted to know him more, probably on a personal level, which made Hiroshi a bit uncomfortable, but he agreed to hang out with her and get to know her. Both of them even sense eachother on having powerful magic, which surprised them.
During their hangout, they ran into Hiroshi's childhood friends known as VannaMelon and Mini Lemon, which both girls are happy to see Hiroshi, even though Lemon was being a total tsundere about it. Amy was a bit jealous when they encountered them. Anyways, all of them hangout and had some fun. Amy wanted to challenge Hiroshi to a friendly duel, which he was a bit hesitated but agreed since he want to test out her power and where he stands. The battle was a bit intense, having Hiroshi have to take Amy serious as she pushed him into using more power than he needed it to use. In the end, Hiroshi was shown to be more powerful then expected and won in the end. Now, both Hiroshi and Amy are now rivals as she earned the title. Now, let's jump into the story and see what the gang are doing at this moment.
[Third Pov]
(2 more days before the Anime Arc begins...)
It's a beautiful day in the Mushroom Kingdom. Well, not really. Today isn't a beautiful day, for Mario and the gang as they aren't in the Mushroom Kingdom or close to the city. They are out in the desert. Why in the desert, you ask? Well, they are in prison. Yep! The Desert Prison as what the Smg4 wiki calls it.
Why crimes did they do? It will be revealed in due time. As of right now, let's see how the gang is handling thus situation. At this moment, when the camera zoomed in, we can see that Mario is yanking on the window bar, trying to desperately escape.
Mario: {Desperately yanking on the window bar} LET ME OUT! I NEED TO PISSSSS!
Mario then fell down to the floor, no luck in getting out. As for poor Luigi, he was dragging his cup against the door's bars. He looks pretty sad.
Luigi: {Upset} My mushy face won't survive prison...
Mario: {Angry} Luigi! What crime did you do? Throw perfectly good food away?
Mario decided to accuse Luigi for a crime, he probably didn't even do, that got them into this mess. Wow, some brother he is. Of course, this caused Luigi to freak out more.
Luigi: I don't know why we're here!!! D;
Mario: {Smiles} It's ok! Mario's genius brain will come up with an escape plan!
Mario then began to think of a "genius" plan to help them escape....but the only thing Mario's brain thought about was this:
Mario: {Shrugs, derp face} Ah, I got nothing.
Mario then began to yell hoping that anyone to hear him to let him. Next he began using a damn chainsaw, that he literally pulled out of nowhere, on the door's bar and he tried using Luigi to break down the door by throwing him at it, only it was no use. Suddenly a familiar voice called out to Mario.
???: Hey! Shut your bitch ass up down there!
Ladies and Gentlemen, it's the swag master himself.....which it's actually his name. Oh man, I got nothing for the guy. All I can say is he is trouble.
SwagMaster: Oh, it's just the thicc juicy moustache boi and lesser thicc green boi.
Damn, gotta do Luigi dirty like that? Anyways, yeah, Luigi was pretty upset with that. Just then, SwagMaster's friend and the only one who has to deal with Swag's shenanigans is Chris, came to his side.
Luigi: {Big sad} Less thicc?...
Mario: {Enraged} LET US OUT!!!!
Chris: Tough luck guys, you're in here for good.
Luigi: But....we're innocent!
Swag then decided to be...well, himself and began taunting them.
SwagMaster: How about you lick mah balls. Lolololollo-
Swag has been interrupted as Mario punched him in his balls and then flipped him off.
SwagMaster: {Gets punched} Ah my dick.
Mario: {Flips him off} That's-a so nice!
This only triggered Swag as he quickly got back up.
SwagMaster: U WOT M8! COME HERR! ill bloody wreck ur prostate and slap you back to italy-
He was interrupted yet again as Mario tackled the shit out of Swag as they began to fuck eachother up! Both Chris and Luigi just watched.
Chris: god dammit, swagmaster. {To Luigi} You have to deal with a dumbass too, huh?
Luigi: Yeah...
Just then, a buzzer went off, telling us that it's lunch time already.
Chris: oh! Looks like it's lunch time.
In the next scene, we can see that both Luigi and Mario are outside in the courtyard. We can see that there was a Boo and Koopa, seemingly that the Boo was helping out his buddy with weights by using his words, a guy was on a toilet and the other was in a bathtub, and finally we can see John Cena watching some meme on TV, talking about "Bofa Deez Nuts" and dabbing in the end. Seems fun. Luigi wasn't liking this prison one bit.
Luigi: {Sad} Aww Mario, we don't belong here.
Mario then ran to the fences and began climbing to escape.
...Yeah, Mario didn't get far as he got hit with an rpg missile. The one who fired that rpg was none other than Swag, with Chris next to him.
Chris: Dumbass. Nobody escapes from this prison.
SwagMaster: Lets shoot him again lol.
Chris: WAIT NO!
Swag didn't listen as he shot Mario again, making him go flying and landing next to Luigi...on fire.
Luigi: Mama-mia.
Mario: {Sad} Oh nooo.
It was hopeless of escaping until they heard someone whispering towards them.
???: {Whispering} Psst! Hey.
Luigi: Wah? Us?
It was none other than Fishy Boopkins.
Boopkins: {Whispering} Uh, come over here real quick and don't make a noise please-
However, he was interrupted by Mario, who was excited to see him as he yelled for his name.
Mario then ran to Boopkins, picked him up and started to shake him.
After Mario put him down, Boopkins began to speak his plan.
Boopkins: We're planning to break out of this prison.
Luigi: {Shocked} We? Who else is planning to join you?
Boopkins: {Points} Him.
Boopkins then pointed at Bob, who was busy lifting weights. Dude, those weights are not even heavy! Anyways, Boopkins went over to Bob to discuss about the Mario bros joining in the escape plan.
Boopkins: Um Bob? Can Mario and Luigi come with us?
Bob wasn't listening as he continued to lift weak weights.
Luigi: Uhh...Bob?
Bob still wasn't listening...until Mario got him to listen, by making him drop his weights onto his neck.
Bob began to choke, not being able to breathe. Okay, this actually looks funny.
Boopkins then came to Bob's rescue.
Boopkins: {Panicking} Oh no, guys help me get this off!
Somehow, Boopkins managed to get the weights off of Bob, making it hit Mario. Bob wasn't pleased with Mario at all.
Bob: gOdDammIt mArIo! YoU sCrUb! i wAs tRyInG tO lOOk lIkE a bAdAsS! SiGh, yEs, yOu cAn cOmE wItH uS. wE nEeD sOmEonE fOr tHe gUaRds tO shOOt At.
...Wow Bob, such a caring friend. Anyways, Mario and Luigi were very pleased.
Mario: {Happy} Awesome! So whats the plan?
Bob: aLrIghT, heRE iS tHe pLaN. YoU tAkE tHis bAg aNd yOu...
Bob then began to whisper the plan with the gang. Meanwhile with Chris and Swag...
Chris: {Suspicious} Hmm, they are planning something.
SwagMaster: Hey Chris?
Chris: Yeah?
SwagMaster: Reckon i can spit on them from here? Lol.
Chris: Sigh...
In the next scene, we are now looking inside of the cafeteria. Luigi snuck into the kitchen as Mario went in another way, making him crash over the stove and the poor watermelon. Mario and Luigi began looking for the source of food until they spot Big Smoke, and some Harry Potter character that I don't know how to spell his name, cooking some prison soup.
Luigi: We need a distraction.
As Luigi began to think of a plan to distract the two dudes, Mario being...himself just threw a chair from out of nowhere, hitting the noseless dude and gaining the attention of Big Smoke. He quickly turned around, spotting Luigi and Mario. Without hesitation, Mario put the blame on Luigi.
Mario: {Derpy, points at Luigi} It was him.
Big Smoke: {Chargin' up} Oooooohhh! You picked the wrong house fool!!
Big Smoke said as he tackled Luigi and began beating his ass. Ignoring his brother's cry, Mario sneaked towards the prison soup and began putting stuff that will mess up anyone's stomach. He put a poisonous mushroom, chef boyardee's beef ravioli in a cup, and a meme. Mario began to stir the pot, laughing a bit evilly.
Mario: {Sniffs it} Hey, that actually smells pretty good.
Mario decided to grab himself a bowl as Luigi crashed into Mario, making them fly into a wall next to Bob and Boopkins, who was talking on the radio with someone.
Boopkins: {Speaking on the radio} Alright, we're almost ready. See you soon.
Just then, Big Smoke brought the pot of the prison soup, having the people grab their own bowl to serve themselves. However, as they began eating the soup, they all began to throw up. Everyone tried to rush to the restroom, but the next person and after that kept on smacking eachother out the way. Both Swag and Chris then entered the scene.
SwagMaster: Ew gross, get away from me!
Chris: Why are all these prisoners throwing up?!
SwagMaster: Maybe its because they saw your face lolololol.
Random Guard: {Panicking} Need some help here! HEEEELLP!
Bob: {Speaking on radio} aLriGhT, thATs oUr QuE. TEll tHe oThErs tHat wE wiLL seE tHeM oN tHe oThEr sIde.
The gang then began to sneak pass the chaos and sneak through the vents. Mario was the last one to hop into the vent, but his ass got stuck.
This definitely got Swag's attention with all the noise that Mario was making.
SwagMaster: Holy hell its a thicc ass. And not the good kind.
Chris: Crap! We need to stop them or the boss is gonna be really mad.
SwagMaster: Does that mean I can do the thing, Chris?!
Chris: *Sigh* Yes...Go for it.
Swag then pulled out a big ass weapon out of nowhere. That size ain't normal! Then again, nothing is in the Smg4verse.
SwagMaster: Time to banish some scrubs from existence lol.
Back with gang escaping in the vents...
Boopkins: Ah, just keep crawling!
Mario: {Angry} Crawl faster! Mario doesn't want to stare at Bob's ass all day!
Bob: HeY, scReW yOu! mY aSs iS beAuTiFuL.
Just then, the vent began to shake, scaring both Boopkins and Luigi. Mario, on the other hand, continued to rush the gang, only for him to freeze up as Swag smash his weapon through the vent, behind him.
SwagMaster: DAMMIT. no one here. I know you're in there scrubs.
Mario's head shrunk in fear.
Mario: Shiiiiiiiiiit. Run bitch run!!!!
SwagMaster: no escape bitches.
The gang then began to crawl faster as Swag continued to smash through the vents, making holes, over and over again.
Bob: hOly cRaP, mOvE yOuR aSs, bOOpkIns!
Boopkins: I'm trying! My legs are too stubby!
Swag continued to smash holes in the vent, nearly missing Mario.
SwagMaster: hi ho hi off to banish some scrubs i go.
Bob: aH tItS, pLeaSe dOnt hUrT mY prEcIouS buTThOle
Luigi: {Scared/Panicking} WE'RE NOT GOING TO MAKE IT!
As the gang continued to panic, an idea came to Mario as he remembered the prison soup he got earlier and decided that it was the best time to eat it.
Mario: {Happy} Oh yeah! Mario was saving this for later...but I'm about to die, so whatever!
Mario then started to eat his soup, gaining the attention of everyone.
Boopkins: {Raised an eyebrow} Huh? What's that sound?
Bob: uH, mAriO jUsT aTe tHe cAfeTeriA fOOd.
...Yeah, that wasn't a good sign as everyone's eyes widen and Mario's stomach was killing him.
Boopkins: {Eyes widen} uh-oh.
Mario then vomited, causing him to be a "boost" to the gang as they went flying out the prison by crashing through the wall. However, before that happened, seconds earlier, an alarm went off, alerting both Swag and Chris.
SwagMaster: Oh no! The alarm is going off which can only mean one thing! The most dangerous criminals are lose!
Chris: Then we better make sure they don't escape! Let's go!
As they left, back with the others, as they crashed through the wall, Mario was done after that. Just then, the gang heard a truck's horn, revealing to be the girls who came to rescue them.
Meggy: Hey boys!
Boopkins: {Happily} Oh, hey girls!
Luigi: {Shocked} W-Wait...you were waiting here the whole time!?
Tari: Yeah. When Boopkins called and told us you guys were in trouble... We had to come help save our friends!
Saiko: What she said...minus everything. I just want to kick some ass.
Meggy: We would've brought Hiroshi to help us as well, but we couldn't find him nor where he is at the moment.
Luigi's eyes widen as he just remembered something.
Luigi: {Eyes widen} W-Wait, Hiroshi?! Wah! I forget that he was also taking in by the cops!
Everyone, especially the girls, eyes widen like dinner plates. Hiroshi was also arrested?! Saiko then grabbed Luigi's by his shirt, scaring the poor guy.
Saiko: {Menacingly} You mean to tell me that Senpai was in prison with you and you suddenly remembered?! Why isn't he with you?!
That was a very good question. Why wasn't Hiroshi with the gang from the beginning? Well, let's back up around 20 minutes, shall we? Back inside the prison, there was another giant room with many prison cells, special prison cells that kept dangerous criminals in check. Right now, Hiroshi was in special cell and he was not happy at all. It was supposed to be a beautiful and peaceful day for him, but got arrested for something he didn't do and he was actually next to someone's prison cell that he hates to the core. As we can see right now, Hiroshi was in his orange prison suit, sleeveless, and continued to punch the wall over and over and over again, like he was boxing. Hiroshi was just trying to mind his business, trying to stay distracted but of course, he couldn't as the person he hates the most began to speak.
???: Ha! Look at little magic boy. Boxing now, huh? That must've hurt, punching the wall over and over again. Think you're getting stronger, but you are always gonna be weak.
After one final punch, Hiroshi glared at his past enemy. Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you to Ruisu Naegi, the one foe to almost killed Hiroshi a few times and cause him nothing but trouble. He is also around 25 years old.
Not only that Hiroshi is in a special cell, surrounded by some criminals he put in jail, but he is literally his most greatest enemy's neighbor. Both Hiroshi and Ruisu fought plenty of times in the past and Hiroshi almost got killed with every encounter as Ruisu grew stronger and adapted way faster than Hiroshi. Anyways, Hiroshi effortlessly rip his entire bed off the ground and began to lift the bed up and down, like he was lifting weights.
Hiroshi: {Glaring} Oh trust me, you prototype bastard! I am getting plenty strong.
Ruisu: {Smirks evilly} You must've misplaced that bed, when I embarrassed you badly, even with your new form.
Hiroshi: Tch, don't mind me. At least I have a form unlike your tentacle weapon fetish.
Ruisu: All I know that it wasn't me taking the full hit of an atomic bomb level of a blast and was in a coma for a full year.
Hiroshi: Shielded. I shielded, taking the blast head on while protecting my family's life because where I am from, we don't settle fights by endangering the innocents!
Ruisu: Ha! That's funny because where I'm from, we don't need any girls running to our rescue, not even little brats.
Hiroshi then tighten his fist hard, almost making his hands bleed as he continued to glare at Ruisu.
Ruisu: {Smirks} Heh, with all that newfound power you now possess, can you really stand in front me and finally take me on?
Hiroshi: {Leans forward against the window} Let me tell you something: me and you, one on one, nobody else around. I will beat you ass like a Cherokee drum and I'll definitely make sure that you permanently burn in hell!
Ruisu then crossed his arms, having his eyes glow dangerously red and smirking, showing his sharp teeth.
Ruisu: {Menacingly} Maybe one day, we'll find out, little magic boy~. It'll be the final fight of the century.
Hiroshi: {Actives Bad Time Eye, Glares} Oh you better hope that day never comes because I'll be ready. You will have a bad time when that day comes.
Hiroshi then deactivated his bad time eye as Ruisu then lean against the wall, closing his eyes. Hiroshi rubbed his head, seemingly very tired.
Hiroshi: {Sighs} 'Ugh, of all the times I have to be stuck with this asshole. Man, I could really go for some ketchup right now.'.
As the scene changes, we can see a random security guard sitting down in the security room, began to drink some coffee. However, the coffee was too hot as it spilled all over the controls that was connected to Hiroshi's cell.
Random Guard: .......Fuck.
The door to Hiroshi's cell began to open. The said boy raised an eyebrow as he was confused.
Hiroshi: {Confused} The hell? Am I free?
Just then, the alarm went off and many guards began heading towards Hiroshi's cell, located on the third floor.
Hiroshi: ...I guess not.
The guards finally cornered Hiroshi's cell, threatening him with tazing sticks. Hiroshi tried to tell them that it was probably a malfunction, but they weren't listening. Suddenly, a guard was too close to Ruisu's cell as he grabbed the guard's neck through the bar door, snapped it and used the guard's tazing stick to electrified the wires above the door, overloading the system and this cost every cell of the dangerous criminals to open.
(Begin at 0:54)
As the dangerous criminals' cell door opened, all hell broke lose.
As Ruisu cell opened, some other guards tried to attack him, but he effortlessly killed them easily. Hiroshi's eyes widen as he saw Ruisu trying to escape.
Hiroshi: {To the guards} Stop him!! Don't let him get away!
Hiroshi began to fight through the guards as the were blocking his way and they wouldn't listen to him.
Hiroshi: {Punches a guard} Get the hell out of my way!
Hiroshi began chasing down Ruisu, only to see him jumped from the third floor to the second floor. The guards began shooting him with....rubber bullets. However, it had no effect on him as Ruisu transformed his left arm into a blade and killed 4 guards that was in his way.
Ruisu then quickly ran and jumped onto the first floor as Hiroshi got to the second floor. However, a dangerous criminal came closer to Hiroshi, holding a big knife.
Dangerous Criminal: I've been waiting a long time for this!!
However, before he can attack Hiroshi, the said boy summoned a bone from underneath the criminal, stabbing through his stomach, having plenty of blood spill on the floor.
Hiroshi: {Glaring} Keep waiting in hell, bitch.
He then stick his hand out to the criminal and blast him point blank range, showing no mercy. The blast also destroyed a chunk of the wall ahead.
Hiroshi then spotted Ruisu continuing killing both the guards and the prisoners. Hiroshi then summoned a Gaster Blaster, have it close in on Ruisu and blast him. Ruisu was caught off guard as it send him crashing into a wall. As Ruisu got up, he saw that it was Hiroshi. Ruisu then smirked evilly as he quickly parkour his way up to the second floor to meet up with Hiroshi. As Ruisu landed, he transformed his arms into claws as he smirked evilly at Hiroshi, having his eyes glow dangerously red.
Ruisu: {Smirks} You really want to fight me now, little magic boy~?
Hiroshi then activated his bad time eye, getting ready for a fight. Hiroshi was glaring at Ruisu, but also began to smile.
Hiroshi: {Smirks} I'm more than powerful enough to end you this time. You won't hurt anyone else anymore and I'll make sure of that. Now, ready to have a bad time?
Ruisu smirked as he summoned his tendrils from his back to attack Hiroshi, who began to dodge effortlessly. However, Ruisu began to increase his speed in attack, making Hiroshi dodge faster. Hiroshi then summoned and shot bones towards Ruisu, who easily slashed them down with his claws. As Hiroshi kept dodging Ruisu attacks, he slowly began to get closer, until with such speed he punched Ruisu hard in the face, but the force of Hiroshi's blow only made Ruisu scoot back a few feet. Suddenly, Hiroshi felt a some pain on his arm and as he looked, he can see that Ruisu has already slashed him with his tentacle and he didn't even noticed. All Ruisu did was smirked.
Ruisu: {Smirks} Heh. You call that an attack? That actually tickled, boy. {Wipes mouth} And you finally realized the cut I gave you. Now, let me show you real speed!
With such speed, Ruisu charged at Hiroshi and transformed his arm into a blade, ready to cut him down. Hiroshi saw this as his eyes widen and on instinct, a Gaster Blaster formed onto his right arm as he deflected the attack, having Ruisu jump back a bit.
Ruisu: Huh? An arm cannon?
Hiroshi: {Smirks} That's what happens when you play a lot of MegaMan games. I call this the Gaster Buster! Ready to dance?
Hiroshi then began to rapidly fire magical pellet bullets at Ruisu, who uses his blade to block it. With quick thinking, Ruisu activated his tentacle devastators, summoning so many tentacles around him and aim it at Hiroshi.
Said boy continued to dodge and fire his Gaster Buster at the tentacles and at Ruisu, but he couldn't keep up as Ruisu began to rapidly increase his speed. This began to completely shock Hiroshi when he was witness such speed. The tentacles began to blur around him with incredible speed.
Hiroshi: {Shocked} 'I-Impossible! How he is this fast?!'
Ruisu: {Chuckling darkly} Hehe, if you wanted to know how I'm this fast, then all you got to do was ask, boy~.
Hiroshi's was frozen as a drip was sweat went down from his head. Ruisu actually read his mind, meaning he had telepathy and to top it off, Ruisu was literally behind Hiroshi as said boy turned around, only to be punched in the gut hard, making him cough a bit of blood and spit.
Ruisu: It's because, boy, I actually kept training while you only barely begun~. And remember what I said, that you're so weak and will always be weak!
(Stop Music!)
Without anything else to say, Ruisu charged up a red energy sphere in the same hand that he punched Hiroshi and blasted him away. A few seconds earlier, both Chris and Swag entered the room to see the chaos.
SwagMaster: Holy merry mother of Joseph, it's absolute chaos!
Chris: We got to get more help to bring these prisoners back in their cells!
Just then, they see Hiroshi went flying past them and through the wall, heading outside.
SwagMaster: oh hell no, get that mofo!
Chris: What about the other prisoners?
SwagMaster: fuck them, we don't get paid enough with this shit.
Back with the gang, as they were trying to figure out a plan to save Hiroshi, said boy already came crashing through the wall, having his Gaster Buster destroyed, and roughly landed next to the gang. The crew gasp in shock as the girls ran to Hiroshi's aid.
Saiko: {Worriedly lifts Hiroshi up} Senpai! Are you okay?
Hiroshi: {Grunts a bit} ....I'm just peachy.
Meggy: S-Sans, you're bleeding from your arm! I-Is that blood from your mouth as well?!
As Hiroshi got up, with the help of Saiko, wipe the blood from his mouth. He thought back of his fight earlier against Ruisu. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that it wasn't a fight at all. Ruisu was toying with the whole time and he got way more powerful from their last fight in past as Hiroshi barely gotten stronger. Ruisu was right, Hiroshi is too weak and Hiroshi knows that.
Tari: {Worried} Sans..? Are you okay?
Hiroshi quickly got rid of that thought and put a smile for everyone and kept his encounter with Ruisu a secret.
Hiroshi: {Shakes head, smiles} Heh, I'm fine. Anyways, let's get the hell out of here. This prison has been giving me nothing but bad luck...
Luigi: I agree with Sans. Let's get out here.
Everyone nodded their heads as both Saiko and Tari jumped into the the driver's and passenger's seat as the rest of the gang got in the back of the box truck and drove off. Unknown to them, Swag was there, watching them leave.
SwagMaster: not on my watch bitches.
As they were driving back, Meggy was watching some shows on her Squidphone as Hiroshi was with her. They were watching it together, until they heard a truck's horn in the background behind them. They are not the only ones noticing as Luigi, Boopkins, and Bob noticed as well.
Bob: pLeaSe teLl mE thaT'S aN iCe CreAm tRucK.
Sadly, it wasn't as it was both Swag and Chris coming towards them at full speed, as Swag was holding his giant weapon.
Chris: {Fires his AK-47} Stop the vehicle this instant!
Everyone, minus Hiroshi, in the back was panicking as Bob used Mario as a shield. Tari was also panicking as Saiko wasn't.
Tari: AH! We're under attack!
Saiko decided to look out the window to see who was attack them and when she did, Swag responded.
SwagMaster: Holy dick casserole, there's anime on board. We have to destroy it!
Clearly insulted, Saiko began to throw shurikens at Swag, which he dodged it while showing off.
SwagMaster: Lol lol cant touch this hot piece of ass. Get good scrubs! Lolololol.
Unknown to him, Meggy was aiming towards Swag with her sniper while Swag was busy boasting.
SwagMaster: get rekt ya plebs, I am invincibl- the hell is that on my penis?
As soon as Swag realized what was aiming at his small micro dong, it was too late as Meggy took the shot. Ouch.
Chris: oh for god's sakes.
SwagMaster: {Angry} U SONS OF BITCHES, HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO FAP NOW!? {To Chris} Faster Chris, FASTER!
As Chris hit the gas, Saiko was trying to make Tari go faster as well.
Saiko: FASTER!!!
Tari: I'm trying!!!
SwagMaster: heeeeree's swaggy.
As Swag and Chris came dangerously close from behind the box truck, everyone minus Meggy and Hiroshi began to panic, as Meggy went ahead and kicked Swag in the head, only to not to do anything but hurt him.
SwagMaster: ow that hurt you thot. Time to teach you a lesson in ass whoopin'.
Swag then hit the side of the truck, making everyone in back to crash against the wall and the truck to almost lose control. Saiko got out a gun and pointed at Swag, shocking him.
Chris: oh no you don't.
Chris then used a magnet to take Saiko's gun away, surprising her.
Chris: haha gotcha.
SwagMaster: wow you saved me chris. I luv u, no homo tho.
Chris: shut up and stop them!
Meanwhile, Tari was panicking, not knowing what to do, until an idea came to her. She got out her GameCube controller, plugged it in, and was ready roll.
Tari: Let's do this!
Then, the sped off with new speeds, beginning to get away from the 2 guards.
Chris: God dammit, they're getting away!
SwagMaster: Well thats why I brought the fun stick.
Swag then brought out his rpg.
SwagMaster: Do you smell that chris?
Swag then smelled his rpg, like he was very addicted to it. Is he okay?
SwagMaster: Smells like bitches gonna die tonight.
Chris: You need series help dude.
SwagMaster: no u.
Swag began to fire his rocket launcher at the gang, eventually hitting them as they crashed. Tari tried to start the truck again, but her controller wasn't working.
Tari: {Worried} Oh no...
Everyone, minus Hiroshi and Meggy, began to panic as the guards were beginning to get closer. Boopkins didn't know what to do until he decided that it was time to protect his friends.
Boopkins: {To himself} You can do it! Protect your friends, Boopkins.
Boopkins then walked up to Meggy and Hiroshi, by their side.
Boopkins: Stand back Meggy and Hiroshi, things are gonna get ugly!
Here it comes ladies and gentlemen, character development-
Boopkins: {Pathetically} You guys need to stop right now, you're being very mean!
Bob: {Rolls eyes} gOd dAmmIt.
Hiroshi: ........Welp, he tried.
Never-fuckin'-mind! Swag then fired his rpg, having everyone panic as Hiroshi just stared at the readers.
As Mario saw the rockets coming towards them, all he saw in his vision, was the horrible soup that ruined his stomach. This was enough for Mario to freak out and used Boopkins as a shield, by throwing him at the rockets, having it deflect back to Swag and Chris.
Chris: welp we're screwed.
SwagMaster: like ur mom last night lol.
Chris: jesus christ, shut up!
SwagMaster: lmao.
They finally exploded, making the gang in the clear, free from them.
Bob: gOd dAmN, tHeIr vOicEs aRe aNnOyiNg.
Mario: We're....we're free. {Grabs Meggy} WE'RE FREE FROM THE SOUP!!!!
Hiroshi: Heh, was the soup that bad?
Luigi: Aww man...how did we even get arrested in the first place?...
Hiroshi: Now that I think about it, I would like to know as well.
Mario began to think back on why they were arrested, seemingly already knowing what happened.
Appearently, during the flashback, Mario seemingly ran over a random citizen, probably for not liking Spaghetti and Mario quickly put the blame on Luigi, Boopkins, and Bob, who were just standing on the other side of the street in coincidence, even Hiroshi, who just happened to walk by them. After the flashback was over, Mario just had his derpy face.
Mario: {Derpy} I guess we'll never know...
Just then, Hiroshi sense something as he looked into the sky, way above the dark sky, to see Ruisu hovering over them with his demonic wings. He was staring back at Hiroshi, until he disappeared into the night. All Hiroshi did was squeezed his hand into a fist. He needed to get back to training soon as possible and he must become stronger, stronger then he has ever before. If he was gonna fight Ruisu again in the future someday, he needs to surpass him and go beyond.
[Episode 23 end...]
[To be continued...]
[Ending 2]
Phew, there you go everyone! Episode 23 is finally done! Next episode will begin the Anime Arc and like I said before, it'll have to wait awhile again as I was to create a special Arc post, but it's getting a bit difficult to edit one and I want to work on other stories. Anyways, this episode is all your early Christmas gift. Hope you love it♡. I know that I'm rusty from writing and I'm probably not good, but I'm trying and still learning.
Ruisu5678 (Ruisu Naegi) - What's this? A new character has join in the story? Ladies and Gentlemen, please show some love and give support to my bestest friend here♡. He's the coolest and deserves so much.
H-Hello everyone/everypony. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. I tried my best to give you all the best chapter. Forgive me if you guys/gals think it's not that good. Um, please remember to vote, share, comment, and add this story to your reading list. Please and Thank you as this will make me happy. Give me a follow if you want more future stories, updates, and notifications from me. Only if you want to, that is.
[Q&A: If you got any questions for this story or anything at all related to this, please comment here and I'll try best to anwser it.]
December 9, 2023
Time: 7:02 pm
Words: 5,719
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