Episode 22: Hanging Out With The Girls (Final)
Hello readers. Finally, we are on the final side episode of Hiroshi hanging out with the girls. This is a pain to do, but sorta worth it in the end. After this episode, we can now get back into the Smg4 episodes. Now, let's finally jump into this episode and see what are the final girls Hiroshi will be hanging out with.
[Opening 2]
[Narrator Pov]
Last time on "Smg4 Harem: A New Face", Hiroshi was chilling and hanging around the Gmod mall. It was just a normal day for him as someone got caught of fire. Yep, normal is the word he uses in the Smg4 logic way. When hanging around the Gmod mall, he bumped into Shantae and he got to meet her friends, known as: Rottytops, Risky Boots, and Sky. They hanged out by doing some shopping, karaoke, and got something to eat and the end. Another hang out with some more friends on Hiroshi's list has been crossed out.
Let's jump into the story to see how Hiroshi is doing right now. Cause unknown to him...his hanging out with friends day is coming to close as something...or someone evil is rising.
[Third Pov]
(4 days until the Anime Arc begins...)
It's been around 4 days since Hiroshi hanged out with Shantae and her new friends. Four peaceful days has passed for him, well...peaceful for him and a bit chaotic for the other Smg4 crew because of Mario. Yeah, Hiroshi didn't want none of that so he ditched the gang and left to go do whatever he wants. However, we ain't gonna start with Hiroshi right now, cause a new character as arrived. It is a beautiful afternoon in the Mushroom Kingdom. There are birds singing, kids playing, memes watching, etc. At the other side of MK city, we can see a young beautiful yellow hair girl watching a YouTube video about Smg4 crew going up against Bob's Rap Career. However, she didn't care about their song at all as she was very interested in the song named "Gimme that" by a young boy around her age, who sang it against the trash man.
Meet Amy Von Hresvelg, who is a year younger than Hiroshi. She is also like him, with having magical powers, but her powers are most elemental type. As we can see this girl was watching the scene that Hiroshi sang and dance, she was....heavily breathing.
Amy: {Heavily breathing, drooling} Ah Hiroshi-sama~. You're just the coolest and cutest boy I have ever laid my eyes on~. You're so dreaming...so hot...so damn sexy~. If only I can meet you in person~♡.
...Yes, she's one of Hiroshi's biggest fan for that only one song Hiroshi sang. When she saw Hiroshi in the video, she fell in love. She couldn't keep Hiroshi out of her head as she's been watching the same video over and over again. Since it came out. She did watch the other Smg4 video that Hiroshi sang the other song (Hint: prologue), but this song was actually her most favorite as she thinks that Hiroshi is singing it to her and only her. Yep, the girl was madly in love. She also bought so many Hiroshi merchandises as well....including many body pillows of him, even the sexual ones.
Amy: {Wipes drool} Oh man, I gotta buy 20 more merchandises of him...and 50 more body pillows!! Oh yes!~
...Damn, she's outta control. Anyways, as Amy was busy daydreaming about Hiroshi, she suddenly hears music up ahead, snapping her out of her wet thoughts. She even saw a big crowd surrounding the area.
Amy: {Puts phone away} Huh, what's going on?
Amy then began to get through the crowd, wanting to get a better view. As she made it through the crowd, her eyes widen and gasped in shocked. She felt her heart pounding as she looked at 2 people rap battling eachother, especially our main protagonist; Hiroshi Sans Tatsunori. He was rap battling a little boy with blue hair as a girl was seating on the speakers.
Both Hiroshi and the blue guy, known as Boyfriend (Bf for short) continued to rap battle eachother, sending the entire into screams of joy and excitement, especially Amy, who shouted the loudest as she cheered for Hiroshi.
Amy: {Excitedly, blushing} WAHOO!!!! GO HIROSHI-SAMA!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!! GO HIROSHI-SAMA!!!
As they were rapping, Hiroshi faced Amy one quick second and winked at her direction, having Amy get heart pupils, blushed even harder, and having her squeal so much.
Amy: {Blushing harder, heart eyes} 'Kyaa!! Senpai noticed me!!!! I'm so happy that I can just die!!!'
After the song ended, everyone clapped, especially Amy who was both clapping and whistling at Hiroshi. BF wiped his sweat as Hiroshi raised his hand, for BF to shake it, which he did.
Hiroshi: Heh, you did amazing BF! Rapping with you has been quite a blast.
BF: Beep boop ske bop!
Hiroshi: Nah, your skills are off the charts. I was just rusty.
BF: Boop bop beep?
Hiroshi: {Smiles} Of course, we can rap again sometime in the future. I'll be looking for to it.
BF: {Happily} Ske bop beep boop!!
(Note: Just a reminder, I don't know how to type the way Boyfriend from fnf speak. So, I'm doing it from memory)
After the crowd, BF and GF left, Hiroshi smiled as he stretched his limbs.
Hiroshi: {Stretches, yawns} Alright! That was pretty neat. Now to find a quiet place to nap-
Before Hiroshi can finish his sentence, a yellow blur zoomed very close into his personal bubble, making him flinch a bit. It was the girl from earlier and she had stars in her eyes.
Hiroshi's eyes widen a bit on how fast she was talking because...he couldn't understand what she was saying.
Hiroshi: {Wide eyes} Ayo, wait! Slow down girl! Just calm down for a quick second. Um, may I know your name please?
Amy: {Stares dreamily} Anything for you, Hiroshi-sama~♡. My name is Amy Von Hresvelg, but please call me Amy or Ames. I'm your biggest number #1 fan since you sang against the Bob's Rap Career. I love the way you sing~. You're voice is so dreamy~.
Hiroshi: (💧) 'Oh god...she's one of those fangirls....' Well, it's very nice to meet Amy. You sorta already know me, but I'll introduce myself still. The names Hiroshi Sans Tatsunori, but my friends calls me just Sans. Also, no need for the "sama", just calling me by my name alone is good enough.
Hiroshi held out his hand for Amy to shake, to which she quickly shook his hand. However, when they both touched hands, they felt a shock throughout their entire body. Not just any shock, but a familiar shock that they all know to well. Hiroshi was the one who spoke first.
Hiroshi: {Surprised} You...also have magic?
Amy: {Shocked} You too as well? So, I'm not that only one? And your magic is hella huge!
Hiroshi: Heh, your magic is pretty high as well. Welp, it was nice meeting you, Ames...but I gotta go. So, see ya!
As Hiroshi was about to leave, Amy quickly grabbed his jacket sleeve, stopping him in his tracks.
Amy: {Blushes} W-Wait a minute, Sansy! I-I wanted to say that...um...can we please hang out? I-I want to get to know you better and...you're the coolest person I've met! Please!
Hiroshi doesn't know how to respond. I mean, he barely met this girl and her aura just screamed "Fangirl power!". But then again, he did meet Desti for the first time in his last and hanged out with her no problem.
Hiroshi: Uh....oh what the hell. Sure, we can hang out. We can probably get to know eachother as well. Got any plans?
Amy just squealed in happiness.
Amy: {Happily} Kya!~ Yay! Let's go!!
Amy quickly grabbed Hiroshi's arm and started to drag him along.
Hiroshi: H-Hold on, wait! ( ; ゚Д゚)
[Hanging out...with a fangirl, ♡START♡]
As we can see, Amy was dragging Hiroshi along MK city. As for Amy, she was very happy to be hanging out with her favorite person in the entire universe. It was a dream come true for the girl. As for Hiroshi, this was a bit awkward for him. He seriously didn't want to do this...but the kindness of heart betrayed him.
Amy: Sany~♡. I definitely know the place we can hang out. There is the Karaoke place. I want to hear you sing for me~.
Hiroshi: 'More singing?! Oh come on!' Uh...
Before Hiroshi can even start to say what's on his mind, he heard a familiar voice behind him.
???: Eh? Berry? Is that you?
Hiroshi's eyes widen as he noticed that voice anywhere. He turned around and he couldn't believe who he saw.
Hiroshi: {Eyes widen} Vanna..? Lemon?
Hiroshi couldn't believe that he was seeing his first childhood friends after so many years. These girls were first ever friends that he made when he was just a little kid. Meet VannaMelon and Mini Lemon, sisters to be in fact. They aren't similar in personality, but they are twin sisters.
[Note: Okay, let me clear up the confusion here. So, basically in episode 1 (aka: Prologue of the story), I said that "Smg4 was Hiroshi's first best friend in Highschool". Yes, that is true...but in Highschool only, not childhood. It's been awhile since Hiroshi saw the twins when he started a new life. The twins are the very first friends he made that are his age. Hope that clear up the confusion, just in case you guys remember the sorry excuse of episode 1. Wasn't my best Prologue as I was still a noob at writing.]
Anyways, Hiroshi quickly hugged both of the them, making Vanna blush as she hugged back as Lemon was blushing extremely hard.
Lemon: {Blushes, annoyed} B-Baka! Don't hug us all of a sudden!!
Hiroshi: I-I'm sorry....I just missed you.
Vanna: {Smiled, blushes} We missed you so much as well, Berry.
Lemon: Hmph! I-It's not like I was always thinking about you everyday! Don't get it twisted!
Hiroshi let go of the hug and smiled at the twins.
Hiroshi: {Smiles} You girls have grown. You both look amazing.
Both Vanna and Lemon blushed at Hiroshi's comment.
Vanna: {Smiles shyly} Hehe, thanks. You've grown up as well and looking fresh.
Lemon: {Cocky} Heh, yeah. Praise me!
Hiroshi: Heh, never change Lemon.
As Hiroshi and the twins were talking, Amy, who was watching at the background, was getting quite jealous of these 2 new girls interrupted her time with Hiroshi. Finally, both Vanna and Lemon noticed Amy, who was becoming quite jealous of the twins.
Vanna: Hm? Oh Berry, who is she? Is she your new friend?
Hiroshi: Oh her? Well, she's actually-
Before Hiroshi can finish his sentence again, Amy quickly wrapped her arms around Hiroshi's whole left arm and glared at the girls.
Amy: {Glaring} If you must know, my name is Amy Von Hresvelg and I'm here on a date with Sansy, so we're busy!
Hiroshi's eyes widen like dinner plates as he couldn't believe what bullshit he was hearing. Both Vanna and Lemon felt their heart shattered.
Vanna: {Upset} O-Oh...um...sorry for interrupting your date.
Lemon: {Upset}....Let's just go sis...
Hiroshi: Ayo, hol'up!! {To Amy} Amy, we aren't dating!! We barely met today! This shit is moving too fast for me! Who the hell gave you that idea?
Amy: O-Oh, I really thought this was a date....sorry.
The twins felt happy, knowing that Hiroshi isn't dating...yet. Hiroshi just sighed as he now wants this day to be over quick.
Hiroshi: {Sighs} Come on, how about we all hang out together, okay?
The twins agreed and even Amy, even though she just wanted Hiroshi all to herself. Mini Timeskip, brought to you by the author getting sick and tired of this chapter and wanted to be done with it, Hiroshi and the girls went to a Karaoke place as Hiroshi payed for their room and headed inside. Surprisingly, the three wanted Hiroshi to sing, which he didn't mind. Vanna went ahead and ordered their drinks. Hiroshi was only gonna sing around 3 songs, which was fine for them. As Hiroshi was scrolling through the list on which songs to sing, he found 3 good ones and is about to begin to sing 'em in order. Hiroshi noticed that the girls...were gonna record him sing. I mean, he doesn't mind, but he hopes they don't upload it on the internet. He definitely hates dealing with fans as he doesn't need popularity as it wasn't his cup of tea.
As Hiroshi sang, the girls were amazing, beyond even. The twins didn't know Hiroshi could sing so good, let alone sing at all. This was new to them as they were loving it. Lemon was blushing, but tries to hide as Vanna was blushing extremely hard. Amy, on the other hand, was enjoying this too much as she was drooling to this. She couldn't believe that she is witnessing Hiroshi singing in person. This was a dream come true. After the song was finished, Hiroshi wasn't no time to play the other song.
Hiroshi was on a roll today. He was feeling pretty good with himself. The girls continued to be amazed. Amy was drooling a lot. Suddenly their drinks arrived and after Hiroshi drank his water, he quickly started to next song.
Mini Timeskip brought to you by the author losing her damn mind on this chapter, we can see Hiroshi and the girls waking down the road of MK City, said girls were very amazed and blown away by Hiroshi's singing skills.
Vanna: {Happily} My gosh Berry, you were so cool! I never knew you can sing like that!
Lemon: {Blushes, tsundere mode} Hmph! You were...okay, I guess.
Amy: {Heart eyes} You were so dreaming~! I couldn't get enough of you~. You were just the most epic person ever! Your singing was even better in person~♡.
Hiroshi: 'Just...gonna ignore Amy's flirting' Heh, thanks girls. I tried my best, but I'm glad you all love it. Now, how about we get something to eat? I'm actually a bit hungry as I never ate anything at all today.
The girls: Sure!
Hiroshi and the girls headed to a fast food restaurant and started ordering their meal. Vanna ordered a cheeseburger with fries, a fruit salad, and juice. Lemon ordered an avocado burger with fries, 2 chocolate chip cookies, and some lemonade. Amy ordered a chicken ranch deluxe burger with curly fries, and a strawberry milkshake. For Hiroshi, he ordered a double bacon cheeseburger with fries, chicken nuggets, a chocolate milkshake, and even a big bottle of ketchup. The gang were siting at the table meant for groups, so the twins were sitting together as Hiroshi and Amy were sitting together, much to Amy's happiness.
As the gang started eating, to the girl's shocked faces, they saw Hiroshi drinking ketchup from the bottle.
Vanna: {Surprised} Sans? You're... drinking ketchup?
Lemon: B-Baka! You shouldn't drink ketchup like that! It isn't normal!
Amy: Wow Sansy, I'm learning more and more about you every minute. You amaze me.
Hiroshi: {Wipes lips} Hehe, uh sorry girls. For the past few days, I've been craving ketchup lately. However, I always have the urge to drink it from the bottle. I don't even know why, but it isn't bad. I oddly enjoy it.
The girls just nodded and didn't question it any further. As they were eating, Amy suddenly told the girls that she got magic and Hiroshi nodded in agreement at this. This shocked the girls because they only know that Hiroshi has powerful magic, nobody else...at least nobody they know of. The twins were surprised to know that there was another person, besides Hiroshi, who has magic and her magic is based on elemental. As they continued to talking and enjoying their meal, Amy asked Hiroshi something that made him choke on his food.
Amy: {Excitedly} Sansy! I want to fight you!
The twins were surprised and concerned about this. Hiroshi, on the other hand, um...yeah, he started chocking on his chicken nugget, making Lemon quickly pat his back.
Hiroshi: {Shocked, surprised} W-What?! Why? This is totally out of the blue to ask me that.
Vanna: I'm surprised about this as well. Why do you want to fight him?
Lemon: You know Sans is pretty much unbeatable, right?
Hiroshi: 'I...uh...I wouldn't really say that. My Master kicked my ass...very easily last time'.
Amy: {Smiles} I just want to test myself against him. I actually want to test my own magic against his, to see where I stand. {To Hiroshi, begging} Please Sansy! Just for a little bit~.
Hiroshi was unsure about it. I mean, this wasn't really necessary, but then again, Hiroshi secretly does want to test himself against elemental magic. He then smiled.
Hiroshi: {Smiles} Oh what the hell, sure. I actually want to test myself a bit. {To the twins} How about it, girls? Want to watch?
Vanna: {Smiles} Sure! It's gonna be so fun to watch! I'll be the snacks!
Hiroshi: 'But...we had lunch.'.
Lemon: {Crosses arms} Hmph! I guess it wouldn't hurt to watch. D-Don't get the wrong idea baka! I-I won't cheer you on!
Hiroshi: Heh, okay. Alright gang, let's go!
Timeskip to massive open field by the forest, far away from the city, we can see both Amy and Hiroshi standing far apart, facing eachother as both Vanna and Lemon were at a safe distance, enjoying their snacks.
(Play Ost!)
Amy got into a ready-to-fight stance as Hiroshi was casually standing there.
Amy: {Smirks} I'm pretty happy to be fighting you. Although, why aren't you into position?
Hiroshi: Oh, I have a habit of not taking anything seriously. You won't even land a hit.
Amy: Hmph! Don't underestimate me! If you're not gonna attack first, then allow me!!
Amy charged a fire ball and fired it at Hiroshi, who simply dodged it. Amy slightly glared as she kept firing multiple fire balls at Hiroshi, making him smirk as he dodged it effortlessly.
Hiroshi: {Smiles} Heh, gotta be faster than tha-
Before Hiroshi can finish his sentence, he felt a punch to his right cheek, making him go flying and crashed onto the ground. He grunted and quickly got up, holding his cheek as he smirked. Amy landed a punch on him. Did she increased her speed? He actually felt that. Amy was smirking as well. The twins were flabbergasted.
Amy: {Smirks} Heh, never let your guard down.
Hiroshi Yeah, I have a habit of doing that. Alright, I guess I'll play for a bit.
Hiroshi then crouched down, into a running start and with such speed, he broke the ground (making a small crater) as he rushed towards Amy. Her eyes widen as she quickly blocked Hiroshi's punch, making her skidded back quite a bit. The twins who were watching, were surprised. They didn't know Hiroshi had that type of speed and he actually flew!
Amy: Whoa! I felt that. I shouldn't underestimated you as well.
Hiroshi: {Smirks} Oh, I haven't even started yet. Come and get me.
Amy: {Smirks} With pleasure.
Amy suddenly did a rapid fire of fire balls towards Hiroshi, who either dodged or deflect it away. Amy increased her fire magic in both power and speed, blasting off towards Hiroshi.
However, to Amy's and the twins surprise (again), Hiroshi formed 2 ki balls, 1 in each hand and fired it at Amy, who dodged it and slided back a bit.
Amy: Woah! What...was that? That wasn't magic, was it?
Hiroshi: Heh, no not really. It's called Ki, something I learned from someone I cared about a lot.
Amy: {Smiles} That's amazing, Sansy! By the way, I've been noticing that you aren't using your magic against me. Why is that?
Hiroshi: Oh, is because I don't want to keep relying on using my magic a lot. That's why I trained to fight without using my magic. I rather let my fist do that talking. Besides, I want to test myself with ki.
Amy: {Smiles} Alrighty! Let's get a bit more serious.
Suddenly, the clouds became dark, confusing Hiroshi, but out of nowhere, a lightning strike came down and shocked Hiroshi, making him scream in pain. After it was done, Hiroshi's body was smoking a bit.
Hiroshi: 'Dammit! She has lightning as well? Of course...' Oh shit!
Hiroshi quickly block as Amy came rushing at him, electricity around her body as she started to take this a bit more seriously.
Hiroshi was speechless about her power and speed. She was this strong all along?!
Hiroshi: {Shocked, blocking} 'She's making me try...she's actually making me try in this battle! Heh, not bad.'
Hiroshi then teleported away, making Amy stop her assault as she turned around, only to be caught in a crossfire as Hiroshi rapidly fired many ki blast attacks. As the smoke clears, we can see Amy rushing towards Hiroshi at full speed as she fired both lightning bolts and fire balls at Hiroshi, making the boy quickly dodged it. As Amy gotten closer, she aimed a kick towards Hiroshi, but he dodged it at the last second by bending backwards all the way.
Now, it was Hiroshi's turn. With such speed, he charged at Amy, who also charged back as they began to trade blow for blow.
This was a shocker for Amy. Hiroshi was now keeping up with her blows. Not that long ago, Hiroshi was busy blocking and trying to dodge her attacks. Now, he is fighting back and keeping up.
Amy: {Continues to fight} You're keeping up with me?! How?!
Hiroshi: {Continues to fight} Hehe, oh you know, I'm just full of surprises~.
After the final punch, their fist landing on eachother's face, creating a shockwave and a big crater on the ground, they both jumped back, giving eachother some space.
(Stop Playing OST!)
Hiroshi: {Wipes mouth} Heh, okay...not too bad, Ames.
Amy: Hehe, same to you. You are a pretty tough cookie! However, I know you are holding back. Come on, get a little serious!
Hiroshi: Heh, okay. I was just using 25% of my power, so get ready!
Amy: Wait wut?
(Play OST!)
Suddenly, Hiroshi activated his left eye, giving off a scary vibe. His power increased a lot and Amy was amazed by it. The pressure from him alone was enough to make the ground beneath him crack. Now, Hiroshi has activated 50% of his power.
Amy: {In awe} Holy cow! Talk about amazement!! Just from activating your eye, your power increases this much?!
Hiroshi: {Smirks} Yep. Now, let's see if you can handle 50% of my power. Hope you're ready.
Amy: Heh, bring it!
As both of them got into their fighting stance, they suddenly rushed towards eachother and started to trade for blow for blow. This was unbelievable for Amy as she was getting rekt here. Hiroshi's power and speed increased so much that she's having trouble keeping up! Both of the clashed at break neck speeds, but of course...Hiroshi has the advantage now. Suddenly, Amy received an uppercut on her chin by Hiroshi, sending her into the sky.
Hiroshi then flew into the sky, leaving a crater below him. Amy quickly took control of her momentum, hovering about clouds. Since she couldn't use ki to fly, she's relaying on her fire magic, to produce fire under her feet. Suddenly Hiroshi then met her at her level, hovering about the sky as well, having his arms crossed.
(Stop OST!)
Hiroshi: {Crossed arms} Heh, What's wrong Ames? Am I too hot to handle? Ha!
Amy: {Pouts cutely} Oi Sansy~! How are you keeping up! It's like you're getting stronger the more we fight.
Hiroshi: Heh, it's not that Ames. As we fight, I'm actually reading your moves and quickly adapted.
Amy: {Surprised} You can adopt quickly?
Hiroshi: Sorta, yeah. You make it so obvious. However, I've been super rusty lately and recently got back to training.... against my will. I can quickly adapt, but it'll take awhile.
Amy was in awe with Hiroshi. Just how much potential does he actually have? She wished that she can quickly adapt in battle as well, but oh well...she does have the plot and power of a main character.
Amy: {In awe} You're so cool! I definitely want you to date me~♡.
Hiroshi: (💧) Uh....no thanks.
Amy: {Sadden} Aww....{Suddenly smiles} Anyway Sansy, this time...I want you to use your magic. Pretty please♡. I wanted to see what type of magic you got, since you never explained it.
(Play OST!)
All Hiroshi did was smile. He might as well give her what she wants, but she hopes she knows what's she getting at.
Hiroshi: {Smirks} Heh, alright, but I'll only do it if I get to see your full power right over that bad. 'So far, I only see her use lighting and fire magic. Does she has more magic abilities or just that for now....?'
Amy: Hehe, wish granted sweetie!
Suddenly, Amy started to power up as a firey and lightning aura surrounded her body. She has now entered her full power state. Hiroshi was very most impressed. Amy definitely has a lot of potential.
(FP = Full Power)
FP!Amy: {Smirks} Hope you won't eat your words because I'm about to make you~.
Hiroshi: Heh, I'll show you the results of my training.
Hiroshi powered up as both him and Amy started to clash fist for fist and kick for kick. Their battle in the skies were sending shockwaves on how fast they were actually fighting.
They both were flying all over the place as they continued to fight. Both Vanna and Lemon who were watching the fight, was in total awe and in shocked. This was pretty much the coolest fighting match they saw in all their life. Amy stood to her words as she did switch up the way she fights. Even without ki, she is keeping up with Hiroshi with just magic alone.
Hiroshi: {Fighting} 'Haha! Amazing! This is amazing! Who knew that this girl has so much potential! Without ki, she is keeping up with me, making me use a bit more and more power. I wonder, if I never attained ki and never trained, she would probably beaten me in less than 20 minutes or so. Maybe if she would've attained ki as well, she be as strong or even stronger than me...probably?'
Hiroshi then got some distance as he summoned many karma bones and fired all of it at her, with ki blasts as well. Amy then dodged and maneuver, even slicing the karma bones with a flame sword she created. Hiroshi quickly summoned 4 gaster blasters as they started to chase her around. One at a time, the gaster blasters fired at Amy, who dodges again and blasted them altogether with ray of fire.
Amy: Flamethrower!!
However, this was just a distraction for Hiroshi as he wasn't there after Amy destroyed his gaster blasters.
Amy: {Confused} Huh?! Sansy?! Where are you?
Hiroshi: WILD!!!
It was slow motion as Amy turned around to Hiroshi was a bit above her, but was too late to react as Hiroshi held his hand out with a big yellow ki ball in his right hand. Not even seconds later, he fired it by punching it left fist.
Hiroshi: CANNON!!!
After he fired one of his new ki techniques, Amy was blasted off towards near a mountain, and as she crashes, an explosion followed.
Hiroshi: {Smiles} Hehe, I've always wanted to try one of my new techniques.
Hiroshi's first technique was the "Wild Cannon" as he calls it. He has a few more techniques up that he learned, but didn't want to show them all yet.
(Stop OST!)
Hiroshi: {Smirks} Heh, I think this battle has been concluded.
Hiroshi then landed onto the ground, a bit away from Amy, who was out of his full power state. Amy grunted in pain as she gotten up, her clothes torn in places as she held her right shoulder in pain.
Amy: {Grunts} Ngh....Dammit Sansy, you could've taken it easy....
Hiroshi: Heh, sorry about that Ames, but you did asked for it. So, you give up now?
All Amy did was smirk as her eyes changed into a firey color, catching Hiroshi's attention as he felt her power...growing to new heights.
Amy: {Smirks, glares} Heh, not yet hon~. I'm just warming up! Behold my real full power!! Haaa!!
Amy then powered up as her magic aura shot into the sky. Both fire and lighting surrounded her body as the ground shook. Hiroshi was holding his ground as his eyes widen as he noticed something very different about Amy. She has transformed...and her power is extraordinary.
(Play OST!)
Hiroshi: {Shocked} H-Holy...shit. How is this possible...?
(A little edit I made~, nothing big)
(PQ = Phoenix Queen)
Amy's form is completely different from before. Her hair was a crimson firey red color (even her eyes), her clothes changed from normal to some sort of armour, now having a weapon she somehow summoned, and her aura was mixed with her flaming hot fire and a bit of lightning. Her power has even increased dramatically. We are talking about a 250x multiplier. Hiroshi was speechless on seeing this new form.
PQ!Amy: {Smirks} Like the new look~.
Hiroshi: This...pressure is insane. You are truly amazing Amy. However, I ain't about to lose nor give up.
(Stop OST, play next one!)
Amy giggles as she started to hover about the ground.
PQ!Amy: I'm so happy Senpai~, let's continue this fight.
Both Hiroshi and Amy, in her new Phoenix Queen form, charged towards eachother as they clashed fist, making a giant shockwave and crater beneath them. However, something was wrong as we can see Hiroshi was struggling a bit as Amy wasn't. She began to push Hiroshi back as they continued to clash in the battle.
However, it didn't lasted long as Hiroshi has received a punch in the gut, making him lose the air in his lungs as Amy quickly kicked him into the mountains.
Hiroshi: {Slowly getting up, in pain} Ngh! Dammit....she's very strong now. However, I ain't giving up yet.
As Hiroshi slowly gotten up, he powered up his ki and started to spam fire his ki blast. However, all Amy did was dodged as she got closer to Hiroshi. With his quick thinking, Hiroshi summoned a bigger karma bone as he was holding it like a sword. As Amy came to swing down her weapon at Hiroshi, he quickly raised his karma bone to block the attack. However, his survival instincts kicked in as he teleported away, leaving his karma bone behind as it was cut in half.
Hiroshi: 'Holy shit! Good thing I dodged in time'.
Amy knew where Hiroshi was and quickly teleported in front of him, catching him completely off guard. Before Hiroshi can do anything, he was uppercutted into the sky as Amy flew after him and sledgehammer him. However, Hiroshi wasn't finished as he caught himself in midair and decided to test out his other ki technique he learned.
Hiroshi: Destructo Disk!!!
However, it was futile as Amy simply destroyed both his destructo disks with ease.
Hiroshi: 'Damn! I have to get rid of that weapon, somehow!'.
Suddenly, he has an idea. Hiroshi powered up his ki and flew straight towards Amy, who was still hovering in the air. She saw this and started blasting many fire balls at him. Hiroshi dodged and maneuver out of the as he summoned gaster blasters that are near her. Amy quickly turned around to destroy the gaster blasters Hiroshi summoned. However, it went to plan, because as she turned around to face Hiroshi, without thinking twice, he kicked the blade away from her, having her go eyes wide.
(Stop OST!)
Hiroshi: Heh, that blade is gone now!
PQ!Amy: {Giggles} Oh Sansy~, I don't need a weapon to win this battle~. Checkmate~.
Hiroshi: {Confused} Wha-?
Before Hiroshi can finish, Amy quickly blasted a fire beam near his stomach, making him scream in pain as the fire consumes him while being blown away. However, Hiroshi quickly caught himself in midair. He clothes were damaged and burnt and he felt hot. Without warning, Hiroshi was surrounded in a fire dome of magic, making him sweat up in there. The heat was getting to him. To make matters worst, Amy surrounded the fire dome with more fire balls.
Hiroshi: {Getting really exhausted} D-Damn...this cursed heat! It's so hot! Can't...think straight....
His vision was starting get blurry, but he was determined to stay awake. Suddenly, Amy snapped her fingers as the fire balls fused into the dome as Hiroshi's eyes widen.
Hiroshi: OH SHIT!
BOOM!!! There was huge explosion that rocked the area. There was smoke and dust everywhere. As it cleared, all Amy was smiling.
Amy: {Smiling} Such quick thinking, Sansy~. He managed to summoned a barrier around you-, OH MY GOODNESS!!! LOOK AT THE HOT BODY~♡.
...Well, what she saying is...yeah, Hiroshi, at the last minute, summoned a barrier around him for protection. However, his clothes wasn't lucky. This is how his damaged clothes look like:
Just an example. After seeing his godlike muscular body, Amy's nose were bleeding as she had heart eyes.
Hiroshi: (💧) {Sighs} Can you...please just focus.
PQ!Amy: {Wipes bloody nose} Hehe, sorry~. 'Oh, I'm definitely gonna have that image in my head~'.
Both Hiroshi and Amy landed on the ground. Hiroshi wasn't finished yet.
Hiroshi: You're pretty strong for you age, Amy. I can tell you that much. However, I'm still far from full power. I was just testing you and your new form out.
PQ!Amy: {Smiles} Then go full power~. The outcome will be the same. I have a transformation and you don't~.
Hiroshi: {Cracks neck} Heh, prepare yourself for my absolute full power!
(Play OST!)
Suddenly, Hiroshi started to power up more and more. His whole body had an outline of blue around. The ground began to shake and quake, lightning began to shoot down from the sky. Amy's eyes widen in shock of this. Hiroshi was hiding this much power from within. She can feel the pressure of his magic growing to extraordinary heights.
Back in MK city, up in the mountains, Milky and Shantae were sparring with eachother until they both felt a sudden power risen. Shantae fell on her ass from the rare power she is sensing.
Shantae: {Shocked} W-Woah! What is going on?! This power is off the charts!
All Milky did was smile proudly as she knows this energy far too well.
Milky: {Smirks} Heh, can't you tell? That's Hiroshi, showing a bit of his full power.
Shantae: {Hella shocked} Nani?! That's Hiroshi?!? How much power was he hiding?!
Milky: {Smiles} A lot more than the readers know~.
Shantae: ...Wut?
Milky: {Smiles} 'It's been a very long time since Hiroshi ever went full power'.
The next scene changes as we can see far away in the distant, there was a prison. In a very special prison cell, we can see a prisoner with white hair and crimson red eyes, having his head down as we couldn't see his face. However, we can see the evil smile he made.
???: {Evil smile} Well well, little magical boy has finally grown stronger~. Can't wait to meet him again...soon~.
Back with the battle, Hiroshi let out a mighty roar as a blue aura burst into the sky, causing Amy to cover her eyes from the light. As the light dyed down, Amy couldn't believe her eyes. Hiroshi's both eyes are glowing blue, his now blue aura was fierce and his power...oh dear god, his power is unbelievable. Behold readers, Hiroshi has entered is own full power state.
(An edit I did. I did my best. I might remake it. This was a headache on how I wanted to be. It looks very plain, but I believe this simple edit should be good enough. I mean, he went full power...no transformation.)
FP!Hiroshi: {Smirks} Heh, congratulations Amy. Nobody has pushed me this far before...besides my Master.
PQ!Amy: {Shocked, sweating under pressure} Y-Your energy...is overwhelming! You...had this kind of power this entire time?! How!?
FP!Hiroshi: Eh, I'm pretty much a broken character. So, how about we finally end this.
Amy quickly got out of her shock state and got ready to battle again. Amy powered up and went full power as well.
(Play OST!)
PQ!Amy: {Determined} Yes...let's end this in one attack!
Amy teleported to the high ground as she powered up to the max, summoned 3 giant fire supernova's.
Hiroshi wasn't worried at all. He stood his ground.
FP!Hiroshi: 'So, she wants to end this in one go? Fine by me since my power is actually depleting. I can't contain my full power state for long. Not to mention, I'm damaged. I should start training again to perfect myself. Now, time to test out one of my favorite techniques'.
Hiroshi got in stance as his aura explode in power and raised higher. He then cupped his hands together and put them near his waist.
FP!Hiroshi: {Powering up} Ka....Me....
Suddenly, a blue energy sphere appeared in his hands as it grew bigger and bigger.
FP!Hiroshi: {Continues to power up} Ha....Me...!!
Amy has finished charging up her attack.
PQ!Amy: No hard feelings, Sansy! Take this!! Supernova Inferno Bomb!!!
She threw her 3 Supernova Inferno Bombs as they all combined into a massive Supernova Inferno Bomb. It was hella giant!!! However, Hiroshi was ready!
FP!Hiroshi: HAAAA!!!!
There was a beam struggle between both Amy's and Hiroshi's attack. They both keep pushing and pushing, putting in more and more power. Both of them aren't letting up.
PQ!Amy: I'm sorry, Sansy! I'm gonna win this!
FP!Hiroshi: {Smirks} Heh, I am impressed Ames...however-
Suddenly, a crimson red aura on top of Hiroshi's blue aura. Amy's eyes widen as she felt Hiroshi's power double, probably even tripled!
(Stop OST!)
Hiroshi's beam overpowered Amy and a very big explosion occurred, having them both get caught in it. With the twins, who were watching everything, almost got blasted away from the wind alone. They were holding on the ground for dear life. After the explosion happened, there was a lot of dust everywhere, being it hard to see.
Vanna: {Coughs} A-Are you alright, Lemon?
Lemon: {Coughs} I-I'm okay...but what about Sansy and Amy?
Both of the girls tries to see any signs of Hiroshi and Amy, but couldn't see them. However, they suddenly heard footsteps from the smoke. It was soon revealed to be a very badly damaged Hiroshi carrying an unconscious and very damaged Amy in his arms, bridal style. Both Vanna and Lemon ran towards them.
Vanna: Hiroshi you won! Is Amy okay? {Sees Hiroshi's body, blushes} Holy melon gods, you're jacked!
Lemon: {Blushes, drools} P-Put some clothes on, baka!!
(Play final ost!)
Hiroshi was very exhausted, but still kept his smile. He looked at Amy's unconscious form and gently put her down. After that, Hiroshi fell on his ass.
Hiroshi: {Chuckles} Hehe, she was amazing out there, girls. She actually pushed me to go full power. She has a long way to go to fully beat me and outclass me. She...has a lot of untapped potential within her. With the right training, she'll be the most powerful. Heh, looks like I finally find it....
This confused the girls. What does he mean on he found it?
Vanna: What do you mean, Sansy?
All Hiroshi did was give a tired thumbs up.
Hiroshi: Heh...I finally found someone worthy to be my rival.
(Stop ost!)
[Episode 22 end...]
[To be continued...]
[Ending 2]
Wahoo! Finally, I'm finished with this episode! Hope you guys enjoyed it. So, how is it? I know it's not the best episode, but come on, I'm trying here. I'm not good with battle scenes as it can be tough. I started this story last Sunday, and took my time working on it since I got work. I want to take a small break from this story, again, so I can focus on other stories that haven't been updated for a long time. Like, maybe...I can finally update the other Smg4 Harem book, that I know most of you are dying to see!
Is Wattpad okay with fight scenes like these? Just in case Wattpad deletes this book for whatever reason...I ain't bringing it back, since I still don't know how to save a story on my Google docs and not do everything from scratch...seriously, I am not writing all this again if it gets taken down.
Also, finally! I can now upload a chapter using my phone instead of my tablet. It's easier that way as I can type faster and get more words into this story.
This chapter might not make sense in a way, but again...I can switch it up in the future when Hiroshi goes against Francis and his army.
I just hope you guys continue to enjoy my stories and vote. It will really make me happy if you did.
Thekingofwaa - Amy Von Hresvelg belongs to him. Thanks for introducing Amy and putting her into Hiroshi's harem. Hope you love the idea of adding Amy a form and how she acts around Hiroshi. I probably went a little crazy. Please readers, give him some love and support. Thanks♡.
Remember, to vote, share, and add this story in your reading list. Let's aim this story to the stars. Please and Thank you♡. Give me a follow if you want more future stories, updates, and notifications from me.
Thanks for taking your time in reading my stories. Until next time, see ya♡.
July 1, 2023
Time: 12:56 am
Words: 7,077
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