Episode 21: Hanging Out With The Girls (Part 5)
Hello readers! Sorry for the long wait. I'm gonna start writing on my tablet for this account. Let's hope this will work....cause if it doesn't, I'm gonna cry.
[Opening 2]
[Narrator Pov]
Last time on, "SMG4 Harem: A New Face", it's been a few days since Hiroshi hanged out with Saiko and has been taking a break from his training, so he can enjoy life. After just a few days, Hiroshi met Desti, an Octoling girl who's tough and she proclaimed herself as Meggy's rival. Our main protagonist found her quite amusing, to say the least. Desti wanted to hang out and get to know Hiroshi better, as said boy didn't mind hanging out with a girl he just met. He wanted to know her as well. Desti wanted Hiroshi to train her, the same way that he had trained Meggy. Hiroshi wanted to decline, but accepted...even though he really didn't wanted too, but he's too nice.
After training her, they both to a ramen shop and enjoyed each other's company as they talked a bit about themselves. After dinner and after exchanging contacts, they both went their separate ways. However, Hiroshi began to have a bad feeling that something horrible will happen, but quickly dismisses the idea as he thought that he was being paranoid. Now, let's jump into the story to see how our hero is doing, shall we?
[Third Pov]
(8 days until the Anime War Arc begins)
It's been 4 days since Hiroshi hanged out with Desti and trained her bit. So far, nothing out of the ordinary has happened and things been peaceful...in a Smg4 logic type of way. Right now, our main protagonist was at the Gmod Mall, enjoying his time to himself.
What a wonderful and beautiful day to be spending his time at. It was around the afternoon as Hiroshi was sitting by the Starbucks' stalls, enjoying his delicious Frappuccino and small cake. Since Hiroshi wasn't training anymore for now, he was catching up on his sleep schedule by almost sleeping for 16 hours everyday, writes in his pun journal, or just hang out for some fresh air. He's also been hanging out with Desti a bit, including the other girls during the 4 day timeskip. Life was great so far.
Hiroshi: {Enjoying his Frappuccino} Ah~, what a nice and calming day. Peaceful music in the background, sells going on, some people getting caught on fire-
Yep, a person was screaming his head off. TrapMaster20 was playing with fire and set his friend; Femboy_Elf_Queen on fire by accident. TrapMaster was trying to help his friend...but he was panicking way too much.
TrapMaster: {Horrified, Panicking} Holy shit!! Drop and roll!! DROP AND ROLL!!!
(Note: Yeah, I added my other account. To be honest, I might make myself as a femboy oc, like what if I was a femboy and how I'll look like...seems fun.)
Hiroshi: {Smiling innocently}...Yep, just a normal day.
As Hiroshi continued to enjoy his Frappuccino, he fail to notice a familiar girl jogging up to Hiroshi. Meanwhile, Hiroshi was busy thinking of new puns to write in his pun journal, until he was snapped out of his thoughts as he felt a tap on his shoulder.
???: {Smiles} Sansy! It's so good bumping into you here.
Hiroshi turned around and smiled as he knew this girl. Hiroshi also failed to see that some unknown people are walking up to them. Hiroshi also noticed that Shantae is wearing a casual outfit other than her genie outfit and he was liking the clothing.
Hiroshi: {Lazily smiled} Heh, heya there Shantae. It's been awhile since I've seen you. How're you been doing lately? Also, looking pretty good in that outfit. Loving it.
Shantae blushes a bit at Hiroshi's comment as she started to poke both her index finger together and avoided eye contact.
Shantae: {Blushes, a bit shy} T-Thank you Sansy. Um, I've been doing well. Still training in my magic and getting stronger. I-I'm here with my friends today to hangout at the mall.
Before Hiroshi can respond back, he heard a few voices behind Shantae, sounding feminine as he looked behind said girl.
???1: Shantae girl, there you are! You can't just suddenly run off like that.
???2: What's with the rush all of a sudden? {Sees Hiroshi} Hm? Who's the cutie?
???3: {Crosses arms, looks at Hiroshi} Hmph! Is this the guy you've been annoying us all the time about? Doesn't really seems much.
Hiroshi just raised his eyebrow at the trio of girls behind Shantae. These girls seemed to know her as well. Shantae quickly turned around, noticing her friends are right behind her.
Shantae: O-Oh, girls! Sorry for ditching you all.
???2: {Smiles} It's fine hon! Now, are you gonna introduce us to your guy friend?~
Shantae: O-Oh, right! Sansy, meet my friends; Sky, Rottytops, and Risky Boots. Girls, meet Sans.
Hiroshi smiled at the girls as he waved at them.
Hiroshi: {Smiles} Heh, sup girls. The names Hiroshi Sans Tatsunori, but my friends just calls me Sans.
Rotty: {Smiles} That's a very cute name you got there, Sansy~! My name is Rottytops but please, call me Rotty. Is your brain tasty?
Hiroshi: (💧) Uh...wha?
Shantae: Rotty, don't you dare! {To Hiroshi} Sorry about her, she's a zombie...if you can tell.
Hiroshi: A zombie? Huh, neat. I don't judge. 'Is she Frankenstein's long lost sister?'
Rotty: {Smiles} You ans I are gonna get along just fine~.
Sky: The names Sky, nice to meet you. Shantae here told a lot of things about you, a lot of good things.
This made Shantae blushed as Hiroshi looked at her and smirked, making her blush a bit harder.
Hiroshi: {Smiles} Heh, what can I say? I'm always bringing my A-game everywhere I go.
Risky: Tch, guess I'm introducing myself. The names Risky Boots, but I prefer Risky. Don't forget it "Sans"!
Hiroshi: {Smiles} Heh, I guess it was rather risky of you introduce yourself to a complete stranger.
After saying that pun, Risky got pissed off, as Sky was laughing, Shantae trying to hold her laugh in, and Rotty just playfully rolled her eyes.
Risky: {Angered} (💢) Was that a fuckin' pun just now?!
Hiroshi: ...Maybe.
Risky just grumbled and turned away with her arms crossed. After laughing a bit, Shantae asked if Hiroshi wanted to join them on their hangout, which Hiroshi agreed to that idea as he has nothing better to do in the meantime.
[Hanging Out With Shantae + New Friends, ♡START♡]
Hiroshi and the girls started to walk around the mall, talking and thinking what to do.
Shantae: Hey everyone, how about we do some clothes shopping?
Rotty: I don't mind a little clothes shopping, but I doubt I'll find anything with my taste.
Sky: {Smiles} Sure! I can get some new clothes!
Risky: I really don't care, but I need some new clothes as well.
Hiroshi: Heh, why not? I actually need some new clothes and possibly a new jacket. Scratch that, make it plenty of jackets.
Shantae: {Smiles} Then it's settled! Let's go clothes shopping!
And so, the gang went to the clothing store and went their separate ways as they were searching for new outfits. After a few minutes or so, the girls plus Hiroshi found some clothes that caught their attention. Even Rotty found a single pair of clothes that actually caught her attention. Here are some pairs that the girls got:
•Shantae's new pair of clothes:
•Rottytops' new pair of clothing:
•Sky's new pair of clothing:
•Risky's new pair of clothes:
These clothes were amazing in Hiroshi's eyes, as he complimented the girls, saying either: "You look good", "Looking beautiful", "So cute!", etc. The comments he was giving the girls either made them blush, heart skip a beat, or/and in Risky's tsundere way, blushed with her arms crossed and trying to act cool about it or something. Now for Hiroshi, he found some clothes that really caught his attention. He found a new sweater, an outfit, and another outfit that makes him look like a badboy...with a gun.
Ignore the weapon please. Anyways, Rotty, Sky, and especially Shantae loved the different outfits he was trying on. Risky only nodded in approval. Moving on, the girls and Hiroshi bought their new clothes and left the store. However, Hiroshi only bought a new sweater as the clothes can wait for next time.
Shantae: {Smiles} I can't believe we found some cute clothes!
Rotty: Heh, yep! The outfit I bought was actually my style.
Risky: {Sighs} Yeah, the clothes was okay, but can this day be over already?
Sky: Risky honey, don't be a party pooper.
Risky: {Crosses arms} Tch! Whatever.
Hiroshi: Heh, so girls, is there any other place you want to go?
The girls, minus Risky, began to brainstorm some ideas that they can go that was available in the mall. Just then, an idea popped into Shantae's mind.
Shantae: Oh! How about some karaoke?
Rotty: Ooo~, karaoke isn't a bad idea!
Sky: Meh, why not? Could be fun. {To Risky} How about you Risky?
Risky: Uh, I don't know. I'm not much a singer.
Risky looked at Shantae as she was giving the huge puppy eyes towards her. Risky gave in and sighed in defeat.
Risky: {Sighs}...Fine.
Shantae: {Excitedly} Yay!
Hiroshi: Heh, I don't mind.
Shantae: Hehe, awesome! Let's go!
The gang then headed towards the karaoke place that's located in the mall. They soon arrived at the karaoke place named: MK Karaoke Bar. Hiroshi paid for the room for all of them, even though Shantae didn't want him to pay for them all, but she and the other girls were grateful as Hiroshi told them that he did it because he wanted too. Once they arrived at the room Hiroshi rented out, Shantae was the first one to choose a song. After scrolling through the list of many many songs, she found the right song for her. Risky decided to order some drinks for her and the others, while Shantae began singing.
(Note: Not gonna bother on writing the entire lyrics. Maybe I'll do it here and there, but not all the time as it can be time consuming and tiring)
After the song ended, the girls were shocked that Shantae could sing like that. Both Sky and Rottytops both cheered and hugged her as Risky clapped in approval. Hiroshi was actually a bit speechless as he just stared. Shantae saw this and all she did was winked at him, causing him to snap out of his staring and start to clap with a huge smile on his face.
Hiroshi: {Amazed, clapping} Wow! That was amazing Shantae. I didn't know you can sing like that.
Shantae: {Giggles} Heh, thanks Sansy and thank you girls! May I go again?
Risky: Go ahead.
Rotty: Sure!
Sky: I don't mind.
Hiroshi: {Smirks} Go for it!
As their drinks came in, Hiroshi getting an orange soda, Risky getting beer, Rotty getting a cola, Sky just getting some water, and Shantae getting pepsi, the said genie girl started her next song.
After singing the song, the girls were left speechless of her vocal skills, especially Hiroshi. He couldn't help but stare as he was so amazed and awe. Although, why was Shantae staring at him mostly when she sang the song. Hiroshi can't help but blush a bit and avert his eyes. Shantae loved the reaction from him. After Shantae sat down next to Hiroshi and started drinking her pepsi, Rotty decided it was her turn to sing, but said she'll do only one song, which it was fine with the gang.
Rotty was amazing when she sang. Who knew she could sing so good, despite being a zombie. The girls clapped in excitement, while Risky just smirked as she clapped, while Hiroshi was also in awe.
Hiroshi: {In awe} 'Wow...These girls have potential to be singers! Also...can I have like 5 minutes without these girls giving me those looks when they sing these type of songs!'
Yep, Rotty was giving loving looks towards Hiroshi here and there when she sang the song. The other girls didn't notice, but our main protagonist did.
Shantae: {Smiles} Alright, Rotty! Way to go!
Sky: That was awesome!
Risky: It was pretty cool.
Hiroshi: {Smiles} That was pretty incredible, Rotty. Didn't know you can sing so good. {Drinks soda}
Rotty: {Giggles} Hehe, thanks! I had so much fun.
Sky: Heh, alright. It's my turn, fellas!
Sky then began to scroll through the music list as she found the perfect song. She never really sang before, so she thinks as least one song won't hurt. As the others watched, Sky began to sing.
The girls and Hiroshi clapped after Sky sang. She was amazing out there! A lot of people out there have really have potential to be very great singers. Sky then bowed playfully as she sat down. Looks like it's Risky's turn next as Hiroshi said he wanted to go last. After scrolling through, she found a song she thinks it'll be good enough.
Again, the girls and even Hiroshi were blown away from Risky's vocal skills. Who knew she can sing like that. The gang clapped and whistles at her performance as Risky blushes in embarrassment, but secretly likes it.
Risky: {Blushes a bit} Yeah yeah, praise me. {Looks at Hiroshi} Here, it's your turn now, smiley face.
Risky threw the microphone towards Hiroshi as he caught it. He smirked as he wasn't gonna sing a song that was on the karaoke list. After messing with the settings a bit, changing the tune, it was time. He just wanted to show off a little.
When Hiroshi was singing, the girls were speechless, very speechless. They didn't know Hiroshi can sing like this and they never heard about this song yet. Meaning, Hiroshi made up a song on the spot. Talk about a lot of plot armor that Hiroshi has at the moment. Hiroshi's vocals were on point, making Rotty and especially Shantae blush. Sky was also blushing a tiny bit and Risky just couldn't help but stare. After Hiroshi finished his song, he looked at girls, waiting for their response.
Shantae: {Blushing} So..cool.
Risky: {Stunned} Wow.
Sky: {Blushes a bit} Damn hun.
Rotty: {Blushes, mumbles} Hot~.
All Hiroshi did was smiled as he started spinning his microphone.
Hiroshi: Oh, I'm not done yet. I have one more song up my sleeves that I've been working on.
After messing with the settings and changing the tune again, Hiroshi started to sing the song he has been working on...off screen of this story. Hiroshi just hopes he does at least good since he hasn't got much time into practicing this song, but got a guts feeling that he'll do great.
This song...this song right here made Shantae, Rotty, and possibly the other two girls were blushing hard, having their heart skip a beat. It didn't help as Hiroshi was looking at them while singing the song. It wasn't the case to make them heat up like that as Hiroshi was thinking that he was singing towards a huge crowd. After the song, the girls were left speechless as both Shantae and Rotty have hearts dancing around there heads.
Hiroshi: (💧) {Chuckles} Hehe... 'I think I broke them...'
After during their time at karaoke, the gang left and went to get something to eat.
Shantae: {Smiles} That was fun, gang! Now, I'm hungry.
Risky: I can go for a bite.
Sky: I'm pretty hungry for as well.
Rotty: I'm so hungry I can eat a horse.
Hiroshi: I'm pretty starving myself? What do you girls want to eat?
The girls and Hiroshi started to brainstorm on where to head to get something to eat. Considering that they are still at the mall, there must be some good mini restaurants. The gang continued to walk until they arrived at the food section, having many different food stalls together, selling different kinds of food.
Shantae: {Excitedly} Ooo~! I didn't know this place has a giant food court in one place. I pick Chinese food!
Risky: I'll get a burger meal.
Rotty: I'm getting chicken!!
Sky: Oh, they got tacos?! Hell yeah!
Hiroshi: Heh, I'm in the mood for pizza anyways.
They gang split up to get their meal. After a few minutes of ordering their meal, they all sat down together. While eating their meals, Hiroshi and the gang were telling stories about their life. Hiroshi listen to Shantae's story about how she went on many adventures she had with her friends and became a hero of Scuttle Town. She even said that Risky was her evil archenemy, but don't as she's now good pals with her and the girls, even though Risky just rolled her eyes away. Yes, way before Shantae met Hiroshi and a few months after she got adopted by Milky, the Shantae game series took place during that time as Shantae went on her own adventure. While they were telling stories, Rotty asked something to Hiroshi that made him froze.
Rotty: Oh, right! Hey Sansy, Shantae did told us that you have powerful magic. Is that right?
This made the other girls stop what they were doing and looked at Hiroshi, who was frozen and dropped his pizza. He glared at Shantae, who started sweating.
Shantae: I-I'm sorry, Sansy! It must've slipped when I was talking about you.
Hiroshi just sighed. There is no reason to hide or deny it.
Hiroshi: {Sighs} It's..fine Shantae. {To Rotty} Yes, Rotty. I do have powerful magic. It's not just any magic. I call it Karma Manipulation. I would like to keep it a secret, okay?
Sky: Why hon? There is no shame of having magical powers.
Risky: Are you scared of telling people, possibly the world you have powers?
Hiroshi: Uh, something like that. I just...pretty want a normal life and my past...is something I don't like to talk about. Trust me, it's not just I'm scared on telling my friends...it's more complicated like that.
The girls nodded as they promised to keep it a secret, which Hiroshi was happy about it. They then decided to change the subject as they continued to tell each other's stories, while Hiroshi dropping puns/jokes here and there, making the girls laugh as Risky grumbles in annoyance. After their time together, it was time to go. The girls and Hiroshi went their separate ways.
Shantae: {Stretches} Wow! Today was sure fun. I had a wonderful time.
Rotty: {Smiles} Today was fun indeed!
Sky: It was fun. You were right Shantae. Your friend Sans was pretty cool to hang out.
Risky: {Slight blush} Yeah...he was okay at least.
Rotty: {Smiles brightly} He was the coolest boy I have ever met! He's puns are funny! You have good taste, Shantae.
Shantae: {A little blush} See girls, I told you that Hiroshi was the coolest to hang out with. He's just so easy to talk to and he never judges anyone, but personality.
The girls continued to walk home...until Rotty told Shantae something.
Rotty: So...is Sansy single, Shantae?
Shantae: {Eyes Widen, freaking out} ROTTY, NO!
[Episode 21 End...]
[To Be Continued...]
[Ending 2]
How is it, readers? Like I said last time, I'm not really trying much for these type of episodes. Also, we got like 1 more of this random episode before we head into the anime arc. Also, if you're seeing something different in my writing, I'm using my tablet to update this book as it's way bigger than my phone, so I ain't completely used to it. In other words...this entire episode is probably a mess.
Who's excited for the Anime Arc?! We about to go to war against a perverted lizard!
Now for a little fun Q&A for our main protagonist:
[Q&A: In the Anime Arc, in what way do you want Hiroshi/(Y/N) to deal with Francis in the most brutal way? Don't feel shy and give me your best description.]
Yay, remember to vote, share, and add this story in your reading list. Please do it for me. Please and Thank you♡. Give me a follow if you want more future stories/updates and notifications from me.
Thanks for taking your time and reading my stories, my friends! Until next time. Please stay safe and wonderful♡.
June 11, 2023
Time: 5:13 pm
Words: 3,434
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