Episode 2: Mario's Late
(A/N): Before I start this story, I just wanted to say that this story is gonna follow the same episodes of SMG4. Meaning that it will follow..the timeline(?) I will change the main episode a bit and might even create my own arc. Anyways, Onward towards the story. Also, I suck at explaining things. I hope you guys don't mind.
Hiroshi's POV
It has already been a full day and I'm already loving this place a lot. Tonight is a big night. Tonight is the award ceremony and I was actually excited. I really hope that SMG4 will win, it really means a lot to him. I was getting ready in my room, doing my hair a bit. I was already wearing my suit and I got to say; I look pretty good.
(A/N): Ignore the cigarette.
Hiroshi: <Fixing my tie and looking into the mirror> Hehe~ Well Hello you sexy magical devil~ Looking pretty good~.
Yeah...I was talking to myself while looking into the mirror. Yep, I'm a bit odd, so what? Anyways, after I got finish getting ready, I headed out of my room and headed towards the other room were the other guys are at.
Hiroshi: I hope their ready. This is the big night. How bad can this turn out?
Hiroshi: Why do I feel like I just jink myself??
Third POV
Meanwhile, the scene changes to were Smg4 is getting ready for the big night. Smg4 was wearing his original overalls...with just a bow tie, while looking into the mirror.
Smg4: Now who's that sexy man in the mirror? :D Ok guys! Let's go! The others are waiting for us downstairs!
Smg4 turned around to expect his friends to be ready, but they weren't. Toad was laying on the couch with his phone not giving a care in the world, Luigi whining that he can't find anything to wear, and Mario and Bowser are fighting overba stupid tie.
Mario: ITS MY TIE!!! GIVE IT!!!
Toad: I ain't going to no dumb award ceremony.
Smg4 grabbed Toad since he wasn't having it.
Smg4: You little sh*t! It's not dumb! I'm going to be a guest speaker at the Mushroom awards! And none of you are going to mess this up for me...
Toad: What's the award even for? Biggest low-life?
Smg4 then dropped Toad towards the ground.
Smg4: No, thats not it! It's for...wait..I know this one...
Before Smg4 can finish, Both Mario and Bowser ran into Smg4, knocking him down, still fighting over the stupid tie.
Bowser: Saw it first? BUT IT'S MY TIE!!!
Smg4 had it with Mario and knocked him down. When Mario fell, T-Pose style, Smg4 smacked him in the face saying "Sthap it". Mario mustache disappeared and he started to cry, remix style.
Mario: Fine! >:(
Mario threw the tie at Bowser, who was flipping Mario off while saying "B**ch" as the tie Bowser with such force, breaking his everything.
Mario: If I can't have his tie...THEN I'LL HAVE HIS HAT!!!!!
Bowser was in pain after the tie hit him, saying "ooooh my stomach", not until seconds later, Mario tackled Bowserrm, trying to get the hat. You can hear Bowser rape screaming from a mile away.
Smg4: Oh for gawds sake. How about you Luigi?
Luigi was just in the corner by the chest crying and questioning about his life.
Smg4: Uhh...Luigi?
Luigi: I...I can't find anything to wear! ;-;
Smg4: The heck do you mean you can't find anything to wear? You have a chest full of clothes!
Luigi: Yeah but...none of them suits me tonight...
Luigi brought out the 2 same pairs of overalls he is even wearing.
Luigi: Why do I wear the same clothes so much...
Smg4: Ugh. Ok you know what...I'm gonna call up Meggy and tell her and the others to give us another 5 minutes. When I get back... YA'LL A$$E$$ BETTER BE READY!
In other words, they are gonna die if their not ready. After that, Mario and Bowser went back to fighting over a hat, Luigi whining on what to wear, and Toad not giving a f**k. Meanwhile, Hiroshi was walking towards the room that the gang were in until he spotted Smg4.
Hiroshi: Heya Smg4!
Smg4: Oh Hello there. Wow Hiroshi, your looking very cool. The ladies are gonna love ya.
Hiroshi smiled at Smg4's comment and laugh a bit nervously.
Hiroshi: Heh. Thanks Smg4, by the way, are the others ready yet?
Smg4: Grrr! No they are not! They better be ready before I get back. I'm glad your ready though. Can you check on them and make sure they are ready for me please?
Hiroshi: Sure thing Smg4.
Smg4: Thanks Hiroshi. I'll be right back.
Smg4 quickly left as Hiroshi was going to open the door towards the room were the gang are.
Hiroshi: How bad can this be?
Hiroshi opened the door to see Mario and Bowser fighting over a hat, Luigi looking through a box, and Toad being a lazy little b**ch.
Hiroshi: .....It's that bad, huh?
Mario: Gimmie the damn hat Bowser!
Bowser: Not a chance fat boy!
Mario and Bowser kept playing "Tug Of War" of the hat that they bumped into Luigi into the box. Hiroshi didn't see of course. While Mario and Bowser still tugging on the hat, Mario ended up winning over the hat.
Mario: HAHA! It's mine now!
Bowser: I'm just gonna take it off you anyway...
Mario: OH NO YOU DON'T!!
Next thing you know, Mario went ti get his "Emergency Super Glue" thats named "Strong Dong Super Glue" and the next stupid thing he did was put glue on his head and out the hat on.
Mario: Now that's gangsta.
Bowser was beyond shocked while Hiroshi just facepalm.
Bowser: What...did...you...
Hiroshi: <Facepalm> (mind: Good luck getting the hat off, you stupid idiot). (-_-)
Mario: HAHA! Now you'll never get it off! I am the smart! I am the smart!
Bowser's eye was twitching until he had enough and brought a cross bow out of nowhere.
Hiroshi: 0_0 What the-?
Mario made a "eep" sound a quickly hit behind the table, bringing out same weapon.
Mario: C'mon! You wanna piece of me!?!?
Toad also had enough and brought out double of the same weapon.
Toad: Can you two keep it down? I'M TRYING TO READ!!!
Hiroshi: What is even going on!?!?!
Just then, Smg4 came in for a picture.
Smg4: Ok guys, hopefully you're all good to g-
What Smg4 saw was unbelievable. He just had it. Smg4 dropped his phone, went out the door and seconds later, came back in the door with the wifi router....with a BOMB!?!?
Hiroshi: (mind: Don't tell me is that what I think it is?..)
Mario: Uhh...Smg4, what are you doing?
Smg4 then threw the bomb on top of the big shelf.
Smg4: That's the wifi router...If you guys don't get ready in 5 minutes, say goodbye to the internet!
Mario, Toad, and Bowser stood quiet for a second before they went into panic mode.
Hiroshi: (mind: Yep! Smg4 has lost his mind!)
Bowser tried getting the hat off of Mario, since he glued it on.
Mario: GET IT OFF!!! GET IT OFF!!!
Toad is screaming like a girl, looking in a box.
Smg4: Uhh...guys?? Where's Luigi?
Hiroshi: Eh? Luigi? Oh crap! I forgot about him!!
Meanwhile with Luigi, he was in some sort of crack dimension, screaming...and screaming....and he continued to scream.
Luigi: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! <Stops mid-air, catching his breath> AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! Agghh...WHAT'S HAPPENING!?
Luigi kept falling until he hit the ground in the room as a ghost.
Ghost Luigi: H-Huh?! WHAT IS THIS?!
Meanwhile, the others are trying to find Luigi.
Bowser: Hmmm...Where is that juicy boi?
Hiroshi: Yo! Luigi! Where are ya bro?! Stop hiding!
Toad then reached into his box and found on what's he's been looking for; His Ball Shine....thing?
Toad: Yeah!!
Ghost Luigi: Guys! I'm right here!!! Helloo Mario!!? Hiroshi?!??!
Mario: Toad, What the heck is that?...
Toad: ITS MY BALL SHINER! It's so my head is nice and shiny for tonight.
Mario just backed away from Toad as Hiroshi was holding a cross for some reason.
Also Hiroshi's inner mind:
Ghost Luigi: Toad...you can see me...right!?...Toad???
Luigi then lift up the "Ball Shiner" from Toad's hand, but as soon as he did, everyone was panicking that the thing was floating. Toad hid behind the couch, holding a bible, repeating "Out of this house".
Smg4: What the heck is going on!!?
Bowser: Whoa! I'm freaking out man!
For Luigi, he thought it was fun as he picked up Toad as he was completely freaking out. Mario thought it was funny, as for Hiroshi....
Smg4: Your a devil! A DEVIL!
Bowser: Woah man, I'm tripping about plumbers and stuff.
Even before Hiroshi was trying to sneak away, he heard the detonator still counting down.
[Detonation in T-Minus 10 minutes]
Ghost Luigi dropped Toad.
Ghost Luigi: Aah! Oh no!
Toad: Nooooo! Toad then quickly grabbed his ball shine thing and started pouring it on his....mushroom head?
Mario: QUICK!! Get this hat off me!!!!
Bowser freaked out a bit and looked around and trying to think until he pulled out a sword out of nowhere, thinking he found a solution.
Bowser: Yea!
Mario: HOLY SH*T
Mario was now screaming and running away from Bowser as Hiroshi had a "WTF is going on now?" face as Smg4 ignored the scene and started looking for Luigi.
Smg4: Hmmmm...Now where is Luigi..?
Hiroshi: Well, he has to be around here somewhere.
Ghost Luigi: Oh noo! I don't want to let my friends down...
Ghost Luigi then quickly went towards the chest.
Ghost Luigi: Guys!!! Im in this chest!
Ghost Luigi then tried to open the chest as the force of the chest blew him back a bit.
Ghost Luigi: Now, How am I going to make them notcie this chest...?
Ghost Luigi then got the idea to throw the chest at both Hiroshi and Smg4, which Hiroshi saw the chest coming towards him and dodged, while Smg4 got hit instead, saying "Ah sh*t".
Smg4: What the heck?
Hiroshi: You alright man?
Smg4: Yeah, Im fine.
Ghost Luigi: Oh yeah. You know you want to open this chest...
Both Smg4 and Hiroshi stared at the chest in confusion.
Hiroshi: Or at a strip club.
Ghost Luigi: What! <Starts whining> Oh no.
Smg4 was heading towards the door as Hiroshi stayed behind. Hiroshi saw Bowser using a freaking lawnmower on Mario's face to get the hat off. Hiroshi had a "bruh" face the whole time. Just then, Toad finally finished putting on his ball shine..thing. He was looking like a lightbulb.
Toad: Aha! Done! Now the ladies have to notice me!
...I doubt that.
Ghost Luigi then got an idea and quickly grabbed Toad, who was now screaming like a b**ch. Ghost Luigi then gotten close to SMG4 who was about to leave the room, which startled Smg4 as the light shined on the wall, revealing Luigi's Shadow.
Smg4: LUIGI!?
Hiroshi: Nani?
The Shadow of Luigi nodded his head.
Smg4: Where the heck are you!?
The Shadow of Luigi threw Toad at the chest. Hiroshi was gonna lie, Toad deserved that cause he wouldn't shut up. Bowser, Smg4, Hiroshi, and Mario who was now half bald, which Hiroshi found hilarious, got near the chest as Smg4 opened it. Luigi happily came out saying, "I LIVEEEE!!". The Gang celebrate a bit until...
Toad quickly push Luigi out of the way and digged through the chest for Luigi's outfit.
Toad: Would you like to see a magic trick?
Toad then quickly dumped Luigi's outift in a....very large bucket of paint, making the outfit change color.
Toad...just threw the new outfit at Luigi so hard.
Hiroshi: (mind: Welp. Rip Luigi).
Smg4: Toad, ya silly penis. My entire life is the internet. As if I'd let anything happen to it!
Hiroshi: Heh. I knew you wouldn't go that far.
Smg4 then pressed the button on the remote, only for the remote to explode, leaving Smg4 shocked.
[Detonation in T-Minus 1 Minute]
Bowser: This is a prank...right? You're not dumb enough to strap REAL explosives to the router...right?
Hiroshi: 0_0 ....Smg4...please tell me you thought this through...?
Smg4 the started to freak out. He then quickly ran towards the detonator, trying to reach it. Toad also was trying to help, but it was no use.
Luigi: WAIT! I'm still putting my clot-
Mario: NO TIME!!! Help Luigi!!
Mario then shoved Luigi who was now...naked, trying to help Smg4 to get the bomb.
[T-Minus 30 seconds]
Hiroshi hesitated for a bit. He was thinking if he should help his friends out by revealing his magic.
Hiroshi: (mind: Damn! W-What should I do! I don't have enough time! S-Should I reveal my magic? Will they call me a freak!? Ahh!! Forget it! I got no choice!).
Hiroshi was just about to use his magic to help and safe his friends from being exploded, until Bowser helped Smg4 grabbed the detonator, which Smg4 started freaking out on where to get rid of it.
Smg4 just threw it outside. The Mail Koopa was checking the mail box for mail until the bomb landed by him and it exploded, very big.
Smg4: Hooray! Everything worked out! Now, Who's ready to go?
Everyone...was just shocked on what just happened.
~Mini Timeskip towards The Mushroom Awards brought to you by Chibi Tari cuddling Chibi Hiroshi~
Meanwhile, Meggy, Tari, and Saiko was waiting for the boys to arrive. Tari was playing her video game, Meggy was on her squid phone, and Saiko was just standing around. Just then, the girls heard a car engine and....some type of honk noise, grabbing their attention as the bus crashed. Smg4 and the boys got out.
Smg4: Hehe...Hey guys...hopefully we aren't too late?...
Meggy: And I thought girls took the longest to get prepared.
Smg4: Yeah, well Mario glued a hat to his head, Luigi went to another dimension, Toad turned into a lightbulb and the castle almost blew up!! Y'know, The usual!
The girls were looking at Smg4 like he was insane or something.
Saiko: ...Huh?...
Hiroshi: Ow...My Spine again...Smg4, I'm driving next time.
The girls looked over at Hiroshi and both Saiko and Tari blushed hard, seeing how handsome he is, even Meggy blushed a bit.
Saiko: Wow~ Senpai, looking very handsome.💖
Tari: <Blushes a lot and stutters> Y-Y-You r-really l-look n-n-nice. 😳👉👈
Meggy: Y-Your looking amazing, Hiroshi.
Hiroshi: <A bit embarrassed> Hehe. Thanks girls. Your all looking lovely today.
The girls blushed at Hiroshi's comment, feeling happy and also embarrassed. Hiroshi walked up to Meggy and playfully saluted.
Hiroshi: Sargent Hiroshi, Reporting for Duty Captain!
Meggy: <Saluted> Hello Soldier!
After a couple of seconds, they both started laughing a bit until they all heard the audience being excited.
Tari: Uhhh...guys? I think the shows starting...
Smg4: Oh crap! Let's goooo!
The gang went inside and seated down. Hiroshi seated between Saiko and Meggy. Just then, a fork guy named Jeeves started speaking.
Jeeves: Thank you all for coming tonight! And to present tonights Mushroom Kingdom Award...is the meme man himself, Smg4!
Smg4 came out on stage and wave as the crowd cheered.
Smg4: Thanks for having me here! It's an honor! Now everyone knows that the award is most outstanding citizen.
Baldi: That's me.
Hiroshi: (mind: Can this Q-Tip wannabe shut up?💢).
Smg4: And the winner is....WHAAAAAT!?
Jeeves: Hurry up and say the name!!!
Hiroshi: (mind: What? Don't tell me he didn't win..?).
Smg4: Smg3...for saving the world from Waluigi...
Smg3 then came on stage, laughing and Hiroshi was glaring at him.
Waluigi: Oh no, I lost.
Baldi: This is Bulls**t!
Hiroshi: Smg3...
Hiroshi's tone of voice turned venom, which frightened the 3 girls, who only heard him. Smg3 then saw Hiroshi and grinned.
Smg3: Well, Hello Hiroshi, We meet again after all these years.
Hiroshi: Don't "Hello" me you bastard! I still hate you.
Smg3: What have I done to you? ^^
Smg3 said it with an innocent smile which only angered Hiroshi more.
Hiroshi: You pushed me down the stairs in Highschool!!
Smg3: You survived. ^^
Hiroshi: I had a broken arm, leg, and a broken spine!!
Smg3: Eh, You lived.
Smg3 then started to laugh, to only get tackled in the ground by Smg4 and starting to beat Smg3 up. This made Hiroshi be in a good mood again.
Jeeves: Well...might as well make the most of it.
Jeeves then placed a sign saying "Place your bets, who will win this fight?". Then both Toad and Hiroshi took out a stack of cash.
Toad: I'm really glad I came tonight.
Hiroshi: Best Night Ever.
To Be Continue...
(A/N): Episode 2 is now done everyone. I hope..you like it. Remember to vote for my stories on which one you wanted to see most. Love you all 4000. Until Next Time.♡Chow♡
~Meme Time~
January 18, 2021
Time: 5:42 pm
Words: 2991
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