Episode 19: Hanging Out With The Girls (Part 3)

What's up, readers! Sorry for the long wait. Also, the reason why I'm making these episodes is that so Hiroshi can hang out with them and get to know them better, even introducing the rest of the girls (Minus Belle and Melony for now) so they can get to know Hiroshi. Just a few more of these episodes and then we can move on!

Now, let's jump into the story, shall we?

[Opening 2]


[Narrator Pov]

Last time on "SMG4 Harem: A New Face", Tari decided to hang out with Hiroshi, just the two of them like last time. Hiroshi was happy enough to hang out with his friend. However, before they could fully start their day, Tari's past bullies unfortunately came by and started to harrass her. However, unfortunately for the bullies and lucky for Tari, Hiroshi protected her and threatened the bullies. He 100% promised them pain without end if they keep messing with Tari. Hiroshi hates bullies with a passion and hated that Tari was the victim. He'll make sure to always defend her because he cares for her. After that incident, both Tari and Hiroshi continued with their day without any problems.

However, unknown to them, a certain anime girl watched them in jealousy and decided that it was her turn to hang with her Senpai, just the two of them. Who is this anime girl? Well...it's totally obvious. Now, let's jump into this story!

[Third Pov]

(2 weeks before the Anime War Arc begins)

It was a fantastic and beautiful morning in the Mushroom Kingdom. How many times am I gonna use this line...? Many times, so deal with it!! Anyways, it's been a few days since Hiroshi hanged out with Tari and in the city of the Mushroom Kingdom, we can see a current anime girl walking through the city, looking...quite happy, which was odd, but we should know on why she's happy. Let's introduce her to you readers...even though you already know how she looks like.

Meet Saiko Bichitaru, a super badass, strong, and easily tempered girl. She's usually rude, but you just need to get to know her better. Anyways, why is the reason that she's happy? Well...she's going on a "date" with Hiroshi! Well, more like hang out. Seriously, it's a way too early to start dating, at least for Hiroshi.

Earlier, Saiko threat-, I mean, asked Smg4 on where Hiroshi is at, since she didn't see him at the castle. Smg4 told Saiko that Hiroshi was hanging around Mushroom City and Saiko hurriedly headed towards the city. Now, here we are, seeing Saiko walking and looking for Hiroshi while being oddly happy.

Saiko: {In a good mood} 'Okay, this is it! I'm gonna go on a date with Senpai! I can't wait as I got many plans for us!~ Now, where is my Sansy~? He should be here somewhere.'.

Saiko started to look around Mushroom City, looking for Hiroshi. She was starting to upset until she gasped happily and saw Hiroshi, sitting outside of a Starbucks, drinking....around 20 cups of coffee?! Damn...and Hiroshi is actually looking a bit tired, from the almost noticeable bags under his eyes. Saiko quickly started to go over to Hiroshi, who was busy in his thoughts.

Hiroshi: {Tiredly drinks his coffee} 'Man, reading plenty of pun books and training most of the nights is really tiring me out. I should really take it easy from now on. However...my training is paying off, so I'll take a long break from it. I really miss my lazy days...' {Yawns} 'Maybe I'll sleep for the entire day-'.

Before Hiroshi can finish his thoughts, he felt a tap on his shoulder, making him turn his head to see Saiko with a smile.

Saiko: {Smiling} Good afternoon, Sansy!

Hiroshi: {Lazily smile, yawns} Good afternoon, Saiko. {Yawns} You look happy today...anything on your mind?

Saiko: W-Well, I was wondering if we can hang out? Just the two of us?

Saiko was fidgeting a bit, secretly hoping that Hiroshi will say yes. Hiroshi yawned again and got up from his table, stretching.

Hiroshi: {Tiredly smiled} Heh....sure. Where do you wanna go? {Mentality upset} 'Welp.....there goes my sleep schedule...out the goddamn window...'.

Saiko: {Smiles happily} Great Sansy! I planned the whole day for us!

Saiko happily said as she took a giant list, making Hiroshi's eyes widen a bit. Did she seriously made a list? Rest in peace Hiroshi's sleep schedule.

Saiko: {Reads lists, smiling} Okay! 1: Go to the movies with Sansy, 2: Get lunch with Sansy, 3: Go to the park with Sansy, 4: Make lots of memories with-

Hiroshi just muted Saiko as he almost was falling asleep, literally. Our boi is completely exhausted. He could've sworn that Saiko passed number 56 on the list. Damn woman, can we slow down? Anyways, Hiroshi quickly interrupted Saiko and suggested that they go to the movies, get something to eat after, and go to the park later. Seems small enough to start off with. Saiko, blushes in embarrassment as she got way ahead of herself again. So, she agreed.

[♡Hanging out with Saiko, STARTS!♡]

Both Hiroshi and Saiko arrived at the theaters.

Hiroshi: So Saiko, what movie do you want to see...?

Saiko: Hm, well...I actually wanted to see the new movie; Freddy vs Jason. I've always wanted to see this movie for quite awhile.

Hiroshi: Heh, welp...alright then. No complaints here. Let's go see the movie.

Saiko: {Smiles} Hehe, let's go Sansy! You're gonna love this movie!

Hiroshi: {Yawns} Heh..if you say so. Anyways, do you want to get some Popcorn?

Saiko: Don't worry senpai, I'll be paying for the entire day we spent together~.

Hiroshi was surprised that Saiko...was willing to spend a money for both of them.

Hiroshi: Wow...uh, alright then. If you're willing to spend money for both of us, then I don't mind.

Saiko smiled warmly at him as they entered the theater. After getting popcorn and drinks, Hiroshi started to think about the movie that both him and Saiko was going to see.

Hiroshi: 'Hm...Freddy vs Jason? Why am I getting the feeling that...there is another me in the slashers world...who are genderbend..with creepypastas added to the mix? Am I thinking too much about this...? Multiverse can be hella confusing...

[Female Creepypasta/Slashers Harem, anyone? Wanna see that type of story someday?]

While watching the movie, Saiko was enjoying it with a mouth full of popcorn...as Hiroshi was sleeping throughout most of movie. However, Hiroshi has to quickly jolt up when Saiko starts talking to him. Our boi just wants his sleep! Anyways, after a few hours of watching the horror movie, while Hiroshi desperately trying to sleep in peace, the both exited out of the theater and was making their way to a place to get some to eat. Saiko was very good mood as she was making progress towards Hiroshi....if the progress is to make him even extra tired, then it is working. Hiroshi is so tired that he is putting Aizawa from MHA to shame.

Saiko: {Smiling} That movie was so amazing, Sansy! I loved the murdering scenes each time! It makes me laugh.

Hiroshi: {Yawns}....Huh? Oh, yep...totally funny...'Wait...there was murdering...?? Damn, I missed a lot.'.

Hiroshi yawns again. He seriously needs his sleep or he'll...just collapse. Saiko, not noticing anything, took Hiroshi to a Cafe. They both took their seats as a waiter lead them to their table.

Hiroshi: {Stretches, yawns} Wow, this Cafe looks amazing, thanks for taking me here Saiko.

Saiko: No problem Sansy. I heard that they sell the best chicken here! 'They better not disappoint...or I'll blow up their entire cafe!'.

Hiroshi: {Lazily and tiredly smiled} Heh, I bet they do sell the best chicken.

Just then, a butler came and asked for their order

Butler: {Gently bows} Good after sir and ma'am, how can I serve you?

Saiko: I would like chicken, lots of it!

Hiroshi: Same here, please.

Butler: Right away sir and ma'am. Any drinks?

Saiko: I'll take some wine.

Hiroshi: {Tired asf}....Coffee...lots of it. Make my coffee strong as shit please...

Butler: {Writes down order} Understood. Just wait as I'll bring your meal and drinks to you lovely young couples~.

Hiroshi: Huh?...Oh, we're not-

Before Hiroshi can finish his sentence, Saiko quickly covered his mouth, said girl was blushing after that comment from the Butler.

Saiko: {Blushing} P-P-P-Please...don't listen to him and hurry!

The Butler nodded as he left to fetch their meal and beverages. Saiko quickly removed her hand away from as Hiroshi just looked at her.

Hiroshi: Saiko...why did you prevent me for correcting the guy...?

Saiko: {Blushes, sweating a bit and fidgets} O-Oh...uh, nothing Sans! J-Just...uh, wanting the Butler to hurry up with the food....t-that's all.

Hiroshi: ....

[Text a meme or anything about this picture. Bet you can't do it!! Haha!]

Hiroshi...just stared at Saiko, motherfuckerly may I add, as she avoided eye contact while she still blushed. Hiroshi just decided to not question it further as the food and beverages arrived pretty fast as they started to enjoy their meal. Hiroshi was drinking a lot of coffee while eating his chicken, but still feel tired as hell.

Hiroshi, with enough energy luckily, started a conversation with Saiko. Talking about their day, their likes and dislikes, etc. Hiroshi talked about his family and finally knew that Saiko didn't got any family...but was from a video game and came alive by some weird wizard wand. Hiroshi listened, as much as he could (which was little), that Saiko wanted attention from being ignored/rejected for so long and everything was going down the drain until she join the gang.

Hiroshi felt bad for the life that Saiko had before. Now, he feels happy that Saiko is finding a place she can truly be accepted. Hiroshi doesn't really judge people at all, just very evil ones. Anyways, after their meal, both Hiroshi and Saiko headed to the park, while talking about other things. Hiroshi was also putting some jokes/puns here and there, which Saiko laughed. Hiroshi mentally sighed in relief. Looks like he still got it as a comedian.

A few minutes later, both Hiroshi and Saiko arrived at the park and decided to sit on the grassy hill together, watching kids play around and other couples walk through park. Saiko looked at the kids...and was wondering a life if she decided to settle down and have kids with Hiroshi. Dear God woman, you gotta wait! Too soon! Maybe someday, but it's too soon right now.

Saiko: Hey, Sans?

Hiroshi: Yeah..?

Saiko: Do...Do you believe in destiny...?

Hiroshi: {Looks down a bit}.....

Saiko: Sans..?

Hiroshi: Uh, y-yeah...I do. Although...most destinies aren't meant for happy endings, y'know? There are some destinies that have sad, bad, neutral endings...and happy endings are just a big "what-if" in different universes...and you just gotta be lucky enough...to unlock those happy destiny endings.

Saiko: Is that how you see it...?

Hiroshi doesn't answer for a good minute as he looked towards the ground then towards Saiko and slowly nodded.

Hiroshi: ....Yes...and I accepted that destiny. No matter how hard you try, your destiny can't change...so, don't worry about and just live. Heh, that's how I choose my life. Don't worry about anything and live your life to the fullest.

Saiko nodded and agreed with Hiroshi. Destiny can be difficult to change, but...you can still try, right? Anyways, after a few more minutes of sitting around and enjoying the atmosphere together, Saiko finally noticed that Hiroshi has been yawning a lot and looking extremely tired, and that worried her.

Saiko: Sans? Are you okay? You look extremely tired... Are you sleeping alright?

Hiroshi: {Yawning again} ....Huh? Uh, yeah...just been up a lot lately...been busy, y'know? I actually...do regret my decision to staying up way too late and barely getting any sleep.

Hiroshi kept yawning and starting to wobble a bit. Looks like his energy is dropping pretty fast and is about to collapse. Saiko, seeing this, decided to put her next plan to the test, even though she was blushing.

Saiko: {Blushing, gulps} W-Well Sans, if you're that tired...um, do you wanna u-use my lap as a pillow?

Hiroshi's eyes widen a bit and quickly turned to Saiko, who was averting her eyes as her blush increases.

Hiroshi: S-Saiko, are you sure...?

Saiko: H-Hai...so, um, come here.

Saiko scooted away a bit from Hiroshi and gently tapped her thighs.

Saiko: C-Come on and rest on my thighs.

Hiroshi: {A bit nervous, scratches his neck} Well...okay. Hope this won't be too much trouble for you.

Hiroshi then slowly got comfortable as he laid down and rested his head on Saiko's head.

Hiroshi: 'Huh, Saiko's thighs...are really soft like pillows. The cool breeze and the beautiful birds in the nature that are singing...is...making...me...very sleepy..'.

And so, Hiroshi quickly fell asleep as Saiko's, surprisingly soft, pillow thighs and cool breeze plus nature smell, made him feel at peace.

As Hiroshi quickly fell asleep, as he deeply needed it, Saiko softly smiled as she played with a bit of his hair.

Saiko: {Warmly & softly smiled} 'The reason why I asked if you believe in destiny...is because you are my destiny, Sans. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. You need to take full responsibility for making me feel this way. It's...something about you that made me feel....love. Heh, look at you...you look so cute while you are peacefully sleeping like this. I-Im not ready to confess yet...not yet until I muster up the courage and find the right time to do so.'.

Saiko the gently moved her hair behind her ear and gently kissed Sans on the forehead, making him move just a tiny bit in his sleep, before the screen began going dark.

Saiko: Sleep well, Senpai♡.


[Ending 2]


There we go! Hope you guys enjoyed it. Sorry if it's not good. I'm not even trying for these episodes. I just want to hurry up and move on the the real episodes, but I gotta do these episodes and intro Hiroshi to the new girls before we move on. I'm not even trying. So, maybe 3 or 4 more parts of "Hanging out with the girls" and then, we'll move on closer to the Anime War Arc. Hope you're ready.

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March 3, 2023


Time: 6:10 am

Words: 2,515

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