Episode 18: Hanging Out With The Girls (Part 2)
Sorry for the long wait, hope you're ready for another episode.
☆Opening 2☆
[Narrator POV]
Last time on, "Smg4 Harem: A New Face", both Hiroshi and Meggy hang out all day together. Meggy wanted to train for the upcoming Splatfest and Hiroshi, being the kind person he is, decided to sacrifice his lazy day and help her out. For the first time, Hiroshi was invited to Inkopolis...only to sorta hate it because how Inklings and Octolings can be towards humans, except a few. Yeah, Hiroshi isn't coming back anytime soon. Still, as promised, Hiroshi helped Meggy with training in mostly speed as all Hiroshi did was dodged her attacks. After a good amount of training, both Hiroshi and Meggy left to go get something to eat, unknowingly that they were being watched by a current Octoling.
When both Meggy and Hiroshi were eating, cracking jokes, having a good time and bonding closer than ever before, Meggy realized that she was in love with Hiroshi for awhile as the signs were now cleared. Now, it's time for the other girls to be closer to Hiroshi than ever before.
[Third POV]
It's been a few days since Meggy and Hiroshi hung out. It was a beautiful morning in the Mushroom Kingdom as we can see someone else house that's coming towards our view. This house was our favorite cyborg girl; Tari
She was busy playing her favorite video game: Super Smash Each Other In The Ass Brothers. Weird name, but this is the Smg4verse, so it's normal.
Tari: {Playing her video game} Hmm, it's actually...kinda lonely to play by myself. Maybe I can ask someone to play with me? But the last time I did...everyone was actually busy with their own thing. {Sighs} Oh well. I wonder what's today?
As Tari quickly checked her time on her phone, her eyes widen as she noticed what today is. Today is the day that GTD5 (Grand Theft Duckie 5) comes out today.
Tari: {Excitedly} Oh my gosh! Today is the day my favorite video game comes out!! I must get to the game store quickly!
Tari grabbed her money, put on her sandals and ran out her home, locking the door behind. Timeskip ahead a bit, we can see Tari making her way to the game store and as she was making her way downtown, she saw Hiroshi sitting on a bench, writing in his book. Probably writing down his hilarious jokes. Tari's heart skipped a beat as she saw him minding his own business as he probably didn't want to be bothered, but it wouldn't hurt to ask if he wants to hang out, since Tari knows that they never hangout in a long time, just the two of them.
With enough courage, Tari walked up to Hiroshi, tapping his shoulder to get his attention. Hiroshi turned around and smiled at Tari, making her blush as she began to be shy again.
Hiroshi: {Smiles} Heh, hello there Tari. What's up?
Tari: {Nervously} O-Oh, um, n-nothing much, Sans. Um, I was just wondering...if maybe you want to hang out with me...?
Hiroshi smiled brightly at Tari as he got up and put his pun book away.
Hiroshi: Hehe, I'll be a complete dumbass if I refuse. Of course, Tari! Let's hang out just like old times, just the two of us.
[♡Hanging Out With Tari, START!♡]
Tari began to blush even more, seeing his smile. Tari loved his smile. It's like he smiles and showing the world that nothing can get him down, that everything is okay. Anyways, as both Tari and Hiroshi were walking together, our lazy protagonist decides to start a conversation.
Hiroshi: {Lazily smiled} Heh so, Tari? Where are we headed? You did invite me after all. Any place you want to go?
Tari: {Blushes a bit} O-Oh, um, well...I-
Before Tari can finish what she was gonna say, 3 people came up to them. 2 boys and 1 girl. Tari recognized them as she was frozen in fear. These ungrateful meat shields are Tari's bullies.
Male Bully #1: {Smirks} Well, well, well...if it isn't the weak pathetic bimbo!
Male Bully #2: {Points at Hiroshi} Are you on date with this smiling freak? Get real! Who would love you?!
Female Bully: {Smirks} He can do so much better~. Hey cutie~, why don't you leave this weak mistake and date a real woman like me.
Poor Tari was shaking like a leaf as tears were running down face. She was hurt by them. It wasn't her fault that she was this pathetic. Hiroshi holded Tari close to him in a protective manner as she continued to shake as more tears falls. At this point, Hiroshi lost his smile as it was replaced with a glare, that made the bullies a bit uneasy.
Hiroshi: {Coldly} Listen here assholes, I'm a nice guy...but I don't tolerate bullies. What you did to Tari was crossing the damn line. Nobody makes Tari cry when I'm around. {Towards the Fem Bully} And why the hell would I date you flat-chested ugly ass, you skank? I rather rip my own eyes than to even stare at you for even 5 seconds. You better leave....or you'll have a bad time!
Even though they were scared, Male Bully #1 tried to act tough and threatened Hiroshi....big mistake.
Male Bully #1: {Walks up to Hiroshi} Tch! You think you're all big talk, punk! I don't give a shit who you are! That bitch-
Hiroshi didn't give him time to finish his sentence as he quickly grabbed the bully's arm...and broke it in half with only one hand, like a twig. The male bully was screaming in pure agony as blood was dripping from his broken arm. Hiroshi smiled evilly at his pain as male bully #2 ran away. For the Female Bully, she was frozen petrified of what she saw next.
Hiroshi's left eye was glowing as a giant Gaster Blaster appeared behind both him and Tari, who was still covering her eyes in fear, ready to blast to Bully into oblivion. Hiroshi's glare power was even increasing as the fem bully was trembling in horror, even the other bully who was still holding his broken arm.
Hiroshi: {Angry} My fists are rated-e for everyone, bitch! If any of you come near us again, I'll make sure all of your 206 bones are broken beyond repair....in other words, you won't exist! NOW GET THE HELL OUT OF MY SIGHT!!
They both ran away in pure horror as Hiroshi deactivated his magic and turned around to face Tari. He crouched down towards Tari's level and softly spoke to her.
Hiroshi: {Softly} Hey...Tari? It's okay. They are gone now, please open your eyes.
That's what Tari did. She slowly opened her eyes as Hiroshi gently wiped them.
Hiroshi: {Wipes her tears} It's gonna be okay Tari. Why? Because I'm here. I'm always gonna be here for you. I don't want to see that pretty face sad..okay?
(A/N): Sorry if it's a bit blurry..
Tari quickly hugged Hiroshi and he hugged back. Tari was also blushing for Hiroshi calling her pretty.
Tari: {Sniffs} T-Thank you...
Hiroshi: {Smiles} Anything for you, Tari.
As Tari was finish wiping her tears, Hiroshi held her hand as they continued walking, making Tari blush softly as Hiroshi smiled at him.
Hiroshi: {Smiles} Heh, hope you don't mind if we held hands. Considering what happened earlier, I still want you to be safe around me, okay?
Tari smiled warmly at Hiroshi. She didn't mind as she was holding onto someone's hand, and that hand belongs to the person she loves most.
Tari: {Smiles} Yes...I don't mind.
Holding hands now, both Tari and Hiroshi were walking down to the game store since Tari told Hiroshi that she wanted to get a new game, and Hiroshi didn't mind one bit. So, they went to the game store and when they got there, there was one copy of GTD5 left. Lucky for them, however the prize was a total ripoff.
Tari: {Upset} What?! B-But the game costed $60 when it was announced!
Male Employee: {Smokes his cigar} Heh, sorry sweetheart. I'll run my business however I like. If you don't have the money, GET LOST! Haha!
Tari was very sad again, she didn't had the money. The ripoff prize for GTD5 is around $400,000. Nobody can afford that! However, before Tari can leave, Hiroshi quietly brought out a suitcase to the male employee, showing it to him. He was quiet this whole time and knew what was about to happen, so he came prepared. Hiroshi then opened the suitcase, making both Tari's and the Employee's eyes popped out. Hiroshi was revealing them gold bars. Lots of it.
How the hell did he got all this gold?! Anyways, the Employee was drooling at the sight of gold. Hiroshi kept his smile.
Hiroshi: {Smiles lazily} You can have all this gold if you-
Hiroshi didn't get to finish the male employee quickly snatched the case and threw the game at Hiroshi, successfully catching it.
Employee: Hahaha!! Take it, I don't care! Fuck this business!! I'm rich!!
The male employee was dancing like an idiot as both Tari and Hiroshi started leaving.
Hiroshi: {Smiles} Pleasure doing business with you...{Squinting eyes to see name tag} Mr. Beta Ribbones.
As both Hiroshi and Tari left the game store, Tari was happily hugging her game tight.
Tari: {Smiles} Oh thank you, Sans!! How can I ever repay you?
Hiroshi: Heh, no need. Seeing you happy is enough for me.
Hiroshi smiled at Tari, who blushed and smiled back. Tari then decided to ask a question that's been sorta on her mind.
Tari: Hey, um, Sans? I was wondering...how in the world did you got gold bars?
Hiroshi started to sweat a bit, trying to think of an answer.
Hiroshi: {Sweating a bit} Oh...well...I...
Meanwhile at Milky's Mansion, we can see Milky in her nightgown as her eye was twitching in anger, seeing her vault was opened.
Back to Hiroshi, who was shaken slightly by his Master's threat. Actually, he was scared for his life.
Hiroshi: {Slightly scared} Uh...I totally didn't steal from my Master...and now I believe my no-no square is going to heaven...
Tari: {Confused} What...?
Hiroshi: {Quickly shakes head, smiles} N-Nothing. Come on Tari, do you want to grab something to eat?
Tari: {Nods} Um, yeah, I-I can grab a bite.
Hiroshi: {Smiles} Sweet! Come on, I know a place.
Grabbing her hand again, Hiroshi led Tari to a burger joint, called: In-n-Out Burger.
[Q&A: What is your favorite burger place? My answer is in-n-out, chick-fil-a, Tams Jr., and more. As long as it sells mouth-watering goodness♡]
Both Hiroshi and Tari went up to the register and ordered their meal. Some of the employees commented that both Tari and Hiroshi makes a great couple, to which Hiroshi calmy said that they are just friends. Tari, on the other hand, was a blushing mess when she heard that both Hiroshi and herself makes a great couple. A lot of scenarios were playing in her head. Hiroshi and her going on dates, holding hands romanticly, kissing, showing love for eachother, getting married. Yep, it was starting to make girl go dizzy, until Hiroshi had to snapped her out of her fantasy world.
Later, when they are seated, they finally got their delicious meal.
[Hiroshi's meal]:
[Tari's meal]:
Both Tari and Hiroshi were having a good time. Hanging out, enjoying eachother's company, bonding with eachother as they got to know eachother way more than usual. It was a fun da-, er time for them. Hiroshi was cracking jokes, talking about his day, his family, all with a smile.
No matter what, he always smiles. It was a sign of him saying that nothing can get him down. Tari admires his positive and bright smile. She always has. Her love for Hiroshi was increasing as she was getting to know him better, as they were getting closer.
Tari: {Smiles} 'You truly are the one for me, Sansy. One day, if I get enough confidence, I'll confess to you'.
Unknown to them, a current pink-haired girl was watching everything with jealousy. She was jealous that her Sanspai (Senpai) was hanging out with Tari and not her. She walked away, determined to get Sansy to hang out with her next time. Just her and him, alone together.
There we go! Hope you enjoyed part 2. I tried my best. Wasn't too sure about it. Still, I hope you guys still like it. It wasn't that easy, but I got it done.
☆Ending 2☆
MrRibbones (Beta Ribbones) - Give our boi some love and support please. He deserves it.
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Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving 🍗🍗🥧🥧🦃🦃
November 22, 2022
Time: 12:58 pm
Words: 2,233
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