Episode 17: Hanging Out With The Girls (Part 1)
Hello readers. Hope you're ready for today's chapter. This episode is gonna be random again, so I'm sorry about that.
Requested(Idea) by: gui0912345 - This idea for this chapter was his. It's thanks to him♡.
☆Opening 2☆
[Narrator POV]
Last time on Smg4: A New Face, Smg4 and his friends did challenges. Some were unsuccessful and others were successful in the end. Mario made the city demolished when doing his challenge, which it was somehow back to normal. Hiroshi spend a full week recovering his back from getting crushed by big steel beams. He mostly regretted not practicing any healing magic at all. Yeah, Hiroshi fell all of his challenges in the end. Now, in this episode...it's gonna be different as we are gonna see some growth with Hiroshi and the girls, who has crushes on him, become a bit closer.
This is a special episode. Hope you enjoy♡.
[Third POV]
It was a beautiful morning in the Mushroom Kingdom. The birds are singing, gangs are killing eachother, people being crazy all around, y'know...the usual. Anyways, outside of Princess Peach's castle, we can see our lazy protagonist meditating by the lake. Since he finally recovered from his...painfully back pain, he soon started to train again. He wanted to make his Master proud of him. Speaking of his Master, Hiroshi hasn't seen her for awhile. Probably she's busy, like always.
Anyways, Hiroshi opened his eyes and stood up. He looked at his hands, closing them and opening them again a few times. He then smirked.
Hiroshi: {Smirks, while looking at his hands} Heh, the progress is turning out wonderful. I can feel it. The power of Ki throughout my body. Of course I haven't fully understand it and it's taking...quite a while for me to bring it out, but it's worth it in the end. {Sighs} Sooner or later, I'll master this power. Ki infused with my magic can make me reach to new heights I can only dream. Heh, I wonder how far I'll go.
Hiroshi looked into the beautiful sky as he stretched and yawns.
Hiroshi: {Yawns, stretched} Man, I can go for a nap-
???: {Happily} Sans!
Hiroshi turned around to see who was calling him, only to see it's one of his good friends. Meet our lovable Inkling girl; Meggy Spletzer.
She seemed happy to have spot Hiroshi by the lake by the castle. Hiroshi wanted to know what she wanted. Hiroshi smiled his lazy smile at his friend.
Hiroshi: {Smiled lazily} Heh, what's good Meggy?
Meggy: {Smiles} Nothing much, I was just wondering if you can help me train for Splatfest?
Hiroshi: {Confused} The Splatfest...?
Meggy: Oh right, I haven't explained what the Splatfest is all about. Let me explain...
Meggy then went ahead and explained what a Splatfest is really all about. Hiroshi felt sorry Meggy as she never won any, no matter how hard she trained.
(A/N): I don't know if I already mentioned this in one of the episodes, so I'm sorry if I'm repeating it.
Meggy: {Finishing her story}...and that's why I must train because I refuse to give up.
Hiroshi smiled. He loved seeing Meggy's determination. He was proud of her for not giving up. Alright, it's been decided, he'll help Meggy train for the Splatfest.
Hiroshi: {Smiled} Heh, okay. I'll help you train Meggy, besides we haven't hang out with just the 2 of us. Plus, it'll be a great time to spend time together and get to know eachother.
Hiroshi said, giving a small wink at her.
This caused Meggy's cheeks to become a bit red. What was she feeling this weird feeling inside of her? She doesn't know what she felt in her heart, but she quickly shook it off.
Meggy: {Blushed a bit} O-Okay Hiroshi, let's go to Inkopolis and start our training.
Hiroshi: Heh, okay.
[♡Hanging out with Meggy, START!♡]
[Hiroshi's POV]
After my nap-, uh, meditation, I actually realized that my little training with Ki is actually making me stronger. I could feel it. My magic, infused with Ki is off the charts. Although, I don't know how powerful I am at this point, since I am very rusty for not training for a long time. However, I know that I'm very weak against my Master and this...Chaos character that she talked about. Man, the sooner I'm done with training...I can go back to being lazy. This is too much work for me...although, the progress is worth it at the end.
I squeezed my fist and open it a few times. I know that I haven't fully understand Ki at all, but I'm getting there. I remember to first time that Milky training me.....it was a bit terrifying. She never went easy on me. Yeah, she was one scary woman. She acts like a big older sister...or probably a Mother. I haven't really thought about that, so maybe in between. After she did train me, I actually became way more powerful than I have ever before. Without...I guess I'll be even way weaker than ever. My own soul...the source of my magic is...a massive mystery that I don't even know the limits of it.
Anyways, enough about a bit of my lore. When Meggy invited me to help her train for the Splatfest that's coming up within a year or so, I just couldn't turn her down, since she did told me that Red, aka Mario, rather eat Spaghetti than help her. So, being the kindhearted person I am...and sacrificing my lazy day, I said yes. She brought me to a beautiful place called; Inkopolis.
I was amazed by the place and structures. The buildings, the stores, everything was pretty neat. Well, I would say that I love this place....if most of these Inklings and Octolings weren't so damn racist towards humans.
Hiroshi: {A bit annoyed, mumbles} These species are some racist ass motherfu-
Yeah, I seriously don't like racist people, but what can I do? I just ignored but deep down, I was annoyed but I wasn't showing it. Some of the non-racist species are cool. I just wished most of them women would stop staring at me like icandy. I know my Mother said I was a cute kid, but to have it on this level is a total nightmare. I mean, I already have Saiko doing that to me and I don't need everyone else doing that. Although, I am already used to how Saiko is towards me. Yes, I know what Saiko is trying to. I ain't dense, I just ignore it.
Anyways, Meggy nervously told me to ignore them as she can see the uncomfortable face I'm making. Finally, we made to the training grounds.
[Third POV]
As we can see in this scene, both Hiroshi and Meggy are about to go against eachother. They were standing on the opposite side, facing eachother. Meggy had her weapon out, ready for her training. As for Hiroshi, he was just standing there, smirking.
Meggy was confused on why he didn't have his weapon.
Meggy: {Confused} Hey, Sans? Where is your weapon?
Hiroshi: Hm? Oh, I don't need it buddy, trust me. Today's training is you...trying to hit me with her ink gun, got it?
Meggy: Well...okay. {Smirks} Heh, don't get too confident.
Hiroshi: Heh. Just a heads up, I'm pretty good at dodging and pretty fast. Try to keep up.
Meggy: {Smirks bigger} Bring it on! Challenge accepted!
Announcer: 3...2...1...GO!!
Meggy soon rushed towards and starts firing her weapon, shooting ink. Hiroshi kept his smile as he simply dodged out of the way.
Hiroshi: Heh, nice try Meg-
Hiroshi then noticed that a Splat bomb was near Hiroshi's face and was about to explode, but with quick thinking, Hiroshi deflected the bomb back towards Meggy, who quickly dodged out the way before the bomb exploded.
Meggy continued to fire her weapon as Hiroshi continued to lazily dodge and getting away from Meggy by jumping a few feet back every now and then. Meggy then decided to go serious as she began to spam many different type of bombs towards Hiroshi, making his eyes go wide.
Hiroshi: Oh shit. {Continues to smirk} Heh.
Hiroshi then continue to crazily dodge all of Meggy's bombs.
Yep, this is how Hiroshi was dodging. Meggy was surprised that Hiroshi was dodging EVERY SINGLE BOMB easily. Meggy then brought out her Splat Roller and started to attack Hiroshi at close combat. Hiroshi just kept his smirk at he kept dodging her attacks.
Hiroshi: {While dodging} Heh, is that all you got?
Meggy: {Smirking, still attacking} I can do this all day.
[Mini Timeskip towards hours later and brought to you by Hiroshi brutally murdering Francis in front of everyone, Omni-man style]
Many hours later of training, Meggy was tired as Hiroshi was barely sweating. Meggy went all out towards Hiroshi. Using bombs, melee weapons, missiles, etc, but nothing got him. Hiroshi was too fast and he was playing way too much. Meggy was amazed by Hiroshi, not knowing he got these amazing skills and pretty fast, not to mention that he has plenty of stamina left.
Meggy: {Panting a bit} Oh my squid! You're...amazing, Sans! Thanks for the training as I actually had fun with you.
Hiroshi: Hehe...don't mention it. Glad to help.
More of the reason on why Hiroshi agreed to train Meggy, was for him to train himself. He wanted to train his speed and stamina. So far, he was doing great, but he knows he can do better. Suddenly, Meggy's stomach growled as she blushes in embarrassment.
Hiroshi: {Chuckles} Hehe, looks like someone is hun-
Hiroshi stomach growls as well, making him hold his stomach as he nervously chuckles. This made Meggy giggled.
Hiroshi: {Nervously laughs} Heh, well, I guess we're both hungry. Wanna grab something to eat?
Meggy: Hehe, sure thing. Maybe somewhere outside of Inkopolis, since I did noticed that a lot of people isn't fond of humans.
Hiroshi: {Smiles} Agreed.
As both Hiroshi and Meggy went to get something to eat, they fail to realize that a current Octoling girl was spying on them, especially on a current lazy boi, who caught their interest. She was smirking and was looking at Hiroshi with lust.
???: {Lustfully} Oh my~, since when did that Meggy girl had a sexy hunk of man like him~? I must get to know him. Maybe next time~♡.
The said Octoling girl wiped her drool off, giggling.
???: Hehe~, oops. I didn't noticed that I was drooling. Well, it's that handsome devil's fault for making me this way~.
Back to Meggy and Hiroshi, both of them entered a restaurant and started to order their food as the waiter came to their table.
Ms.Kuroki: Welcome to the MK Buffet. I-I am Ms.Kuroki and I'll be your waiter tonight. What can I get you, young couples?
Hiroshi: {Chuckles a bit} Hehe, we're just friends.
Meggy didn't realize that she was blushing, thinking that her and Sans are a cute couple, but hearing that Hiroshi only saw her as a friend....actually hurt her heart for some reason.
Ms.Kuroki: M-My apologies.
Hiroshi: Heh, no worries. So, Meggy? Want to order first?
Meggy quickly snapped out of her thoughts.
Meggy: H-Huh? Oh yeah! I'll have a giant bowl of Ramen, please. 'Why did it hurt...when Hiroshi said we're just friends...?'
Hiroshi: And I'll have a plate of your famous Spaghetti please.
Ms.Kuroki wrote their order down and as she said that their order will be ready shortly. However, when Kuroki left, Meggy was shocked to hear that Hiroshi was ordering Spaghetti, that he quoted back in Episode 1, a "boring dish". Hiroshi saw Meggy's surprised face.
Hiroshi: {Raised an eyebrow} ....What?
Meggy: I-It's just that you ordered Spaghetti, the dish you found boring when you told us when we met.
Hiroshi: Oh...well, funny story on why I said that. The true is....
In a mini Flashback, a couple years ago, Hiroshi was explaining Meggy that he and his little sister was going out to eat since it was her birthday and Hiroshi thought it would a good distraction for their Mother to set up the party. When Hiroshi ordered some delicious famous Spaghetti from a restaurant and were eating outside, Hiroshi mentioned that he...actually saw and sorta met Mario when he was dancing naked on many plates of Spaghetti. That image made Hiroshi lost his appetite and never saw Spaghetti the same way, but got over it soon. Hiroshi did managed to save his sister's innocent by covering her eyes. He did promise himself for when he somehow meets Mario, he'll just think of a quick lie.
Hiroshi: ...And that's the reason why I said that Spaghetti is boring to Mario, so for when I eat Spaghetti, he won't be all over me. Although, he almost ruined Spaghetti for me.
Meggy then started to giggle, making Hiroshi softly smile at her.
Meggy: {Giggles} Hehe, that's Red for you. He can be very weird most of the time, but he's fun to hang around with.
Hiroshi: Heh, can't argue with that.
Just then, their food got delivered by Kuroki as she bowed, saying to enjoy their meal as she went to take orders from other customers.
Hiroshi: {Licks lips} Wow, this all looks delicious.
Meggy: {Rubs her hands} I know, right?! Let's dig in!
Both Meggy and Hiroshi were enjoying their delicious meal, savoring the flavor.
Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into a few hours. Both Meggy and Hiroshi were having a good time as they order more food, laughing with eachother with Hiroshi telling plenty of jokes/puns, getting to know eachother better, etc. Hiroshi even told his Highschool life, his love for puns, even his weird love for ketchup and Ramen, and even his family. Meggy was telling Hiroshi more about her, like, her past if she can remember most of it, her life in Inkopolis and being champion of Splatfest since it was her dream job.
Both of them were having a very good time, knowing eachother better and even getting closer. When Meggy saw Hiroshi smiling and laughing...she can feel that feeling inside her heart again.
She finally realized what she was feeling......
She was in love....she was in love with Hiroshi♡.
To be continued...
There we go! Hope you enjoyed. Again, this episode was random, but I thought that the girls needed to be a bit closer to Hiroshi before confession. Thanks to a friend who thought of this idea. Also, sorry if it's short. This chapter is the best I can do, since I don't do scripts anymore. I'm typing this story as I think.
☆Ending 2☆
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November 12, 2022
Time: 8:04 am
Words: 2,521
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