Episode 16: Super Challenge 64
Sorry, not sorry for the long wait. I wasn't motivated to even continue, but I'm going to try to finish this season before the year ends, maybe. I'm not even an Smg4 fan anymore...but I'm still gonna finish this book even if it kills me.
Also, since I have a job, it's gonna take more time away from Wattpad, probably.
☆Opening 2☆
[Narrator POV]
Last time on Smg4: A New Face, both Milky and Chaos were catching up like good old times as they almost ate the entire buffet. They talked about their lifes, their hobbies, etc. Chaos even offered to have a rematch against Milky once again, to test out his new strength, which Milky agreed too. After they teleported towards a wasteland, they soon got into their fighting stance until they both charged towards eachother into battle.
Chaos was trying to get a feel of Milky's power, noticing that she hasn't gotten that much stronger since they went their separate ways, or even gotten stronger at all. Chaos, slowly transformed into his Super form then went straight to the 3rd level, now knowing that Milky has way more power in her then he actually hoped for. In the end, Milky was the winner, winning against the beam struggle against Chaos. However, she also noticed from one of Chaos' attacks earlier that she believed that Chaos was holding a lot back, but she dismissed the idea.
Now, let's jump into the story today and see what our main protagonist and the gang doing.
[Third POV]
It's been a few days since Milky and Chaos fought. Hiroshi was sleeping through it, so he didn't know what was going on. Anyways, it was a beautiful morning in the Mushroom Kingdom. As we can see in the castle, that Smg4 was at his computer again, and singing some retarded Mario theme, until he heard a muffled scream, making him raised an eyebrow. However, Smg4 just shrugged off and continued his singing mode, before the muffled screaming was heard again, getting him annoyed.
Smg4 tried to continue to go back into singing mode, but Mario just ruined his entire mood.
Mario: {Crashing} Mah penis!
Smg4 then crashed through the door, extremely triggered.
Smg4: {Triggered} WILL YOU SHUT UP?!!!
Smg4 then jumped down from the stairs to see what was all that damn commotion was.
Smg4: What the heck is going on out here!?
Mario: {Running backwards, but still crashing into everything} I'M GONNA DO IT BRO! I'M GONNA DO IT!
As we can see, Mario was running backwards while both Meggy and Hiroshi was watching him crashing into everything, even Toad. Hiroshi was leaning against the wall, enjoying the show.
Meggy: {Smiles sheepishly, rubs head}...I told Red it wasn't possible to walk backwards for a whole day.
Mario than ran backwards passed them while crashing...into the kitchen probably.
Peach: {In horror} AH! DA MEATLOAF!
Hiroshi: Heh, and Mario took up the challenge, wanting to proof Meggy wrong.
Hearing this, Smg4 grew curious about this.
Smg4: {Interested} Hmmm...Is it possible challenges huh?
Mario: {Still running backwards} THEY SAY I RUN FASTER THAN LIGHT ITSELF-
Mario said as he ran backwards through the door and out away he goes. Hiroshi, Meggy, and Smg4 were seeing him leave through the broken door.
Hiroshi: Heh, he'll be missed.
Meggy: Shouldn't we do something?
Hiroshi: Nah.
Smg4: Actually yeah....CHALLENGE VIDEO TIME!
This especially caught Meggy's attention as she loves challenges
Meggy: {Excitedly} CHALLENGES?! BRING IT ON!!!
As for Hiroshi, well, he wasn't really excited for challenges. Too much work for him.
Hiroshi: Aw man, challenges? Man, too much work for me....I rather take a nap.
Just then, a fishing hook that was attached to a note came near Hiroshi as he took it and read it....
.....It was his contract that he signed for being the main character and following the plot of the story or he can say goodbye to his meatballs and his pun book collection.
Hiroshi: ........Welp, looks like I'm excited for some challenges! :D
[Challenge #1: Is it possible for Mario to run back for a day?]
Scene change, we can see Shaggy slapping the hell out of Goku...
Shaggy: Like, fuck you Goku!
...Before Mario ran over both Goku and Shaggy with 1% of his power. Mario was still running backwards as he unknowingly was crashing into everyone.
Mario: {Happily} HAH! I'm destroying this challenge!
Meanwhile, Frankie was on a swing, talking about how he has crippling depression, before Mario came crashing towards him, making Frankie get yeeted off the swing and pretty far (35129.9 ft), making him crash into the billboard.
Super Smash Bros Announcer: A new record!!
Mario: {Still running into everything like The Juggernaut} Haha! Mario's fast as fuck express!
Meanwhile at the hospital, we can see a Doctor and a citizen going over his sickness.
Doctor: {Upset} I-Imma so sorry...
Citizen: No! Lumpy penis syndrome? Are you kidding me?
Just then, Mario came crashing through the Doctor's room, taking off the citizen's lower area, shocking the Doctor as well.
Doctor: (•_•)
Citizen: Alright! I'm cured!
Meanwhile with Mario again, we can see that Mario began to crash through multiple buildings and having the cries if it's victims while a policemen caught Mario breaking the law.
Police Officer: {Shocked} WA- JESUS CHRIST!
Mario than pass the police officer as the police officer yelled out "Jaywalking". Smg4 was seeing everything in pure shock.
Smg4: {Shocked} Uhh...hehe. Let's come back to Mario later.
[Challenge #2: Is it possible for Tari to be good at a sport?]
Scene change, we can now see that it is Tari's turn to do the challenge.
Tari: Sports?! Aw man...{Takes out a Wii Fit game, Determined} Well...I CAME PREPARED!!!
Suddenly, the scene changed again as Tari was actually doing a real sport and she's against....a lot of big football players.
Suddenly, Tari has her helmet on and has the football. Hiroshi was also there, but he was sitting on bleachers(?) with a bag of popcorn and a large soda. He was enjoying the show entirely.
Hiroshi: {Stuffed his mouth full of popcorn} Alright guys, let's get it on! You got this Tari! {Slurps his drink}
The whistle is blown as the Chargin' Chuck started to go after Tari.
Chargin' Chuck:
As the Chargin' Chucks charged at Tari, she screamed in fear, but quickly thought about the old training from her sensei.
Tari: {Thinking} Remember your training from your old Sensei!
Her Sensei was actually Reggie, as we can see him playing some sports game with a mat. His body was still ready. As Tari finished with her thought...she already got tackled by the many Chargin' Chucks.
Hiroshi: Heh, I guess you say that charging gave me a chuckle. Hah! 'Is Tari okay though...?'
Tari: {Le coughs}....
Hiroshi: Yep, she's alright. :)
Scene change again, we can see Tari was trying out some boxing this time. Tari is getting trained by the amazing Doc Louis, even though she was shivering like a leave. Hiroshi was in the background, eating a chocolate bar.
Doc Louis: Hit em baby! Show em what you got Mac baby!
Tari: {Uncertain} Uhh...
Tari, who was very uncertain and worried, threw the first punch, the weakest punch actually, at Doc's stomach. Only to hear a squeaking sound, making Tari worried. She was on her knees and apologizing for "hurting" Doc.
Tari: {Upset} I'M SO SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO HURT YOU! {Crying} Please don't hate me....
Hiroshi/Doc Louis: ......
Yeah, they were just both speechless. Anyways, in the next scene, we can see Tari is trying out soccer ball next, but Hiroshi wasn't with her this time as he went his separate way....okay, he got distracted by a book store that was selling a lot of pun books, so that's the reason he left.
Tari was still looking uncertain, but decided to try it out. She kicked the ball with just enough force as the ball ricochet off the goal bar....and slammed into Toadsworth head...ouch.
Toadsworth: My spine is in my brain! :D
Tari was horrified on what she did, so she decided to do it gently this time.
Tari: M-Maybe I should be more gentle...
And gentle she did....as ball ended up in the street...until a car crashed into the ball....
...and exploded. Yep, this is what happens when you try speeding in a neighborhood, kids!
Tari was frozen in shocked at what happened as Mario ran passed her.
Mario: That's-a SPICY meat-a-ball!!
[Challenge Failed!]
[Challenge #3: Is it possible for Meggy to cross a lake?]
In the next scene, we can see Meggy was by the lake, ready to take on her challenge...well, sorta since water for inklings are such a pain to deal with.
Meggy: {Nervously} I can...cross this lake!
Meggy then placed her hand in the water and not even seconds later, she brought it back up to see that her hand....is a skeleton?? I thought inklings don't have bones?
Also, are we sure that Smg3 didn't put any sulfuric acid in the lake by chance? No? Just me...? Okay.
Anyways, Meggy was still nervous as hell for this challenge.
Meggy: {Still nervous} Mmmm...Waters' feeling good....
Just then we can see some dumb inkling, that goes by the name; Splat Tim, jumping into the pool to swim...but only getting caught on fire. How the hell does that work? Anyways, Meggy needs to think of something quick.
Meggy: Dangit....There has to be a way I can cross besides swimming...
Meggy started to look around for a way to cross over. First, she saw Waluigi using Wario like a boat as they both laughed, SpongeBob driving a boat while singing, and Doc Louis training Tari as she was running. Now, if we can track back a bit towards SpongeBob, where Meggy didn't noticed, that in the background further away, was Hiroshi. Our boy was sleeping while having a hay straw in his mouth, a sun hat covering his face while he's laying down, and a fishing rod doing the work. Should he be training for the upcoming Arc..?
Anyways, finally, Meggy found a conveniently placed motorbike(?) near the water.
Meggy: {Cute le gasps} How convenient.
Meggy then started to ride her motorbike(?) while happily woomy-ing. Suddenly, she got interrupted by some damn hungry sharks. Meggy, who wasn't surprised, suddenly took out her ink gun and shot both the sharks. Smirking while spinning her weapon in her hand, she failed to realize that a 3rd shark come from under her and smacked her away from her vehicle and into the sky a bit before coming back down towards the shark.
Meggy used her legs to hold the shark's jaw opened.
Quickly thinking, Meggy pulled out her Ink-zooka and aim it inside the shark's mouth.
Meggy: Hasta La Vista...Woomy!
With the triggered pulled, Meggy fired the inkzooka in the shark's mouth, making her launch away and landed back on the motorbike(?).
So, um, I hope our boi; Chomper384 isn't too upset that Meggy whooped his species' ass? (Hope that didn't come out wrong). 😣
Anyways, as Meggy started to celebrate her little victory....she suddenly got swallowed up by a big fish, making her respawn as she cutely pouted with her arms crossed.
[Challenge Failed!]
[Challenge #4: Can Hiroshi go through 24 hours without making any puns?]
{Requested by: KeybladeSG900 unimeta } - Since it's the same request, I mentioned you both.
In the next scene by the beach, we can see Hiroshi looking at his challenge script on paper....while looking very uncertain...and a bit horrified?
Hiroshi: {Nervously sweating} W-Wait! C-Come on, guys! K-Keyblade and Uni, you both can't do this me! M-My beautiful puns are keeping this story together!
(A/N): I-Is he....seriously breaking the fourth wall...? *Sighs* Can anyone of you donate some duck tape for the 4th wall, please? :(
...Seriously, Hiroshi...just do the challenge. It isn't the end of the world. Damn 4th wall breaker son of a bi-, ahem! Anyways, Hiroshi inhaled and exhale before looking at the readers.
Hiroshi: {Nervously gulps} F-Fine...I can do this, no biggie.
And thus, Hiroshi started his hardest challenge yet....going through 24 hours of not saying a single pun. It was bloody torture for him. It's literally been at least 1 hour as we can see our hero sweating a lot, looking very nervous. When he was walking around town, he see many things that he can think of a good pun for it. A pizza pun, pasta pun, wheels pun, etc! He couldn't take it anymore!!!
Hiroshi: {Looking at a bottle of a ketchup}....
After fighting his inner comedy....Hiroshi couldn't take it anymore!
Hiroshi: {Points at the bottle of ketchup} Sorry tomato, but I'll just ketchup with you later! {Points at his conveniently placed pizza} My jokes are pretty cheesy, right?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
....Hiroshi was laughing like a madman.
[Challenge Failed!]
[Challenge #5: Can Hiroshi survive through Meggy's favorite word, "paint"?]
{Requested by: Dattommyboi_64 }
As we can see in the next scene, we see Hiroshi walking downtown, wiping his tears from laughing so much as he looked at the readers.
Hiroshi: {Wipes his single tear away, calming down} Haha....heh. Wait, survive Meggy's favorite word? Um, let's find out. How bad can it be?
And just by luck and conveniently, Hiroshi found Meggy eating noodles at a table by herself, seemingly a little upset from losing a challenge earlier. Hiroshi inhales and exhales again, getting ready to grab her attention as Hiroshi was at the other side from the street away from her.
After hearing the word "paint", Meggy dropped her chopped sticks and looked at Hiroshi with firey excitement in her eyes. This made Hiroshi froze in spot, having to nervously keep his smile as he started sweating a bit.
Hiroshi: {Nervously smiling} Uh oh.....
Meggy just suddenly went crazy, shooting her weapon at Hiroshi as he ran for the hills. Meggy was firing all her weapons and throwing a lot of ink bombs, different types, and by spamming it. It was pure and utter chaos!
As Hiroshi stopped quickly, he realized that many bombs are coming towards him as Hiroshi quickly dodged every single one.
Hiroshi: {Stops dodging, crosses arms in victory} Hah! Looks like I win-
....Hiroshi didn't get the finish hid sentence as a steel bar crashed onto Hiroshi as we can hear some sick cracking noises....that are his bones, mostly his spine.....Oh boy, he is gonna feel that in the morning.
Hiroshi: {Screaming bloody murder}
[Correction: Challenge Failed!]
[Challenge #6: For Hiroshi, can he win against the author?]
{Requested by: DarkknightXenkai }
Since Hiroshi is still screaming bloody murder in the background as half of his body is trapped under the giant steel bars and Meggy is freaking out a lot in panic as she tries to help out Hiroshi out while apologizing, I guess I'll have to answer
Ahem! Well, technically he actually can't defeat Milky (aka me, the author). Since Hiroshi hasn't been training for many years, getting rusty, not perfecting his magic, that boy stands no chance against me, who actually taught him everything and continued with my training. He won't last 5 minutes if Hiroshi ever decided to use his full power. However, the way I write the plot...power levels are bullshit these days....so, it probably won't matter in the end.
Ahem, well...Hiroshi did wanted me to fight him when I still took him in as my student and when he was very young....however it didn't go very well. Why you ask...? Well.....
We can see a younger version of Milky, meditating as she continued her training as a younger version of Hiroshi came running towards his Master.
Young!Hiroshi: Master Milky! I want to test your strength! Punch me! I can handle it.
Milky was confused on why Hiroshi suddenly asked her to test her strength on the boy, who was 6 years old at that time, however she didn't give it much thought.
Young!Milky: Uh...you sure...? You aren't ready.
Young!Hiroshi: Do it! No balls-
"I actually didn't let Hiroshi finish as I....punched him in his no-no square...very hard. I remember that he was in pain when holding his area when lying on the ground into a ball. I asked him if he was okay and he said..."
Young!Milky: .....Yeah, you seemed alright.
"And...that was my answer. Yeah, we were stupid kids. Well, I was in my teenager years...so yeah."
(Flashback end!)
And there you go, my friend. Hiroshi is way weaker than me and even Chaos combined. However, don't underestimate him as he can quickly adapt and learn in battle. His potential is off the charts and he can grow pretty strong very fast if he does his training right.
[Challenge Failed?]
Anyways, enough about him. I decided to skip Bob's challenge because...let's be real here.
He pretty much fails at life anyways. Now, moving on.
As we can see now, Mario was still running backwards as he was now showing up on the news as Kermit the Frog was the news man.
Breaking News!!
Kermit: We interrupt this broadcast to bring this special news bulletin. A fat red italian man is going on a destruction rampage, running backwards across the Mushroom Kingdom.
Like he said, Mario was causing destruction by running backwards.
Mario: OH HO HO HO HO!!
Police Officer of Da Law: STOP BREAKING THE LAW, ASSHOLE!!
Mario: {Determined} NO! I want to complete this challenge! I didn't even do anything illegal!
Mario said as he crashed into a few cars, making them exploded on impact.
Police of Da Law: Stop it. {Cocks both shotguns} Get some help.
Mario then turned his head 180° to see what he can use to make the police leave him alone as he sees Obama on his motorcycle.
Obama: I'm....uhh...gonna pray.
Mario said as took Obama's motorcycle with him on it until Mario did a strong ass kick towards Obama and his motorcycle to the policeman as it exploded on impact. Looks like Mario wins as he flips them off.
[Challenge #7: Is it possible for Boopkins to go an hour without anime?]
In the next scene, underwater of Boopkins home, he was actually upset on what challenge he suddenly gotten.
Boopkins: {Upset} Oh man, I don't know if I can do this...
Then Bob suddenly came out of now. Wait, how can he breathe underwater?
Bob: Do It BoOpKiNs YoU LiTtLe b$tcH!
[Bob fails again...]
Bob: {Annoyed} OH FoR tHe LovE Of pIsS aRE yOu kIDDInG mE...
Anyways, Boopkins his box of anime on his bed as the time was 2:01 pm.
Boopkins: {Sadly} I'll see you ladies later, eeeehhhhh... :(
Boopkins then jumped onto his couch as he needs to think of something that'll distract him from anime.
Boopkins: Okay, you can do this Boopkins!
Anime: Hey!
Boopkins: Huh?
Boopkins suddenly looked to his left...to see his anime is trying to get his attention.
Naruto: Notice me Senpai! I need some big ol' ASS!
Yeah, Boopkins was probably going crazy. He needs to think of a distraction fast.
Boopkins: Ah! Oh man! Oh maybe TV will help distract me...
Boopkins then turned on his TV to see Mario on the news. Switching the channel, he saw Smg3 saying that Steve is the father or a chicken little, next was Eggman saying he likes anime and hentai as well, then it was the YouTuber named; Lost Pause, probably being turned on by anime nekos.
Boopkins couldn't take it anymore as he threw his remote at his TV as it went flying. Boopkins ran out of his home as he sees Shaggy aiming his shotgun at Goku.
Shaggy: {Aims his weapon at Goku} Like, fuck you Goku!
🎵Scooby-Doo Doo, where are you? It's time to kill a Saiyan!🎵
Boopkins: {Scared} AH! Dragon Ball!
Boopkins just kept running and running. Everywhere he goes, he sees nothing but anime. First, it was Toadette saying "Nico! Nico! Niii!", then Colonel Sanders saying the same thing. Boopkins was too afraid, until he bumped into Bob.
Boopkins: Huh? Bob! You need to help me man! I can't watch anime!
Bob: (OwO)
Boopkins suddenly woke up from his nightmare. It was just a horrible dream.
Boopkins: {Wakes up} AH! W-WHAT'S GOING ON?! ANIME! WHA?! Huh?
Boopkins just realized that it's actually 3:00 pm, meaning he passed his challenge.
Boopkins: {Happily} Oh I made it without watching anime!
Bob: Bo0pKiNs I n3eD hElP!
Boopkins suddenly got scared again and ran away.
Boopkins: {Scared} AHH GET AWAY! NO!!
Bob: Oh DiCkS.
[Bob fails....again.]
Bob: {Angry} oH sON Of A b1tc-
[Challenge #8: Is it possible for Saiko to be nice?]
Seeing this challenge that was requested, Saiko sorta took offensive to that.
Saiko: {Angry} Nice??? I AM NICE!
Suddenly, Saiko saw a old geezer about to cross the street.
Old Geezer:
Saiko decided to get his attention and possibly help him.
Saiko: Kon'nichiwa!
Old Geezer: What? Who's there?!
Saiko holded out her hand while having a creepy ass smile.
Saiko: {Creepy smile} Need help crossing?
....Yeah, I guess the Old Geezer's heart just stopped working, literally.
{Heart.exe has stopped working}
Yep, Saiko decided to try again since this didn't count for her.
Saiko: Ok, that one doesn't count.
As soon as Saiko walked away, a car crashed into the Old Geezer and instantly died. Well, at least he was finished off before cardiac arrest got to him...
Next, we see Saiko walking in a park, only to hear a kid's whining cause his cat was stuck in a tree. Saiko smiled, seemingly this is another chance of being nice. So...Saiko took out her chainsaw and started cutting down the tree while laughing her insanity off...oh boy.
The cat and the tree crashed down onto the floor as Saiko obtained the cat as the zelda-obtian-item.mp4 played.
Saiko: Alright kid, take your cat. Kid? {Sighs} Dammit...
As Saiko walked away, we can see behind her that the kid's head...was crushed by the tree. Yep, he dead fam.
Anyways, Saiko sat at the bench, seemingly upset and defeated. She is trying so hard to be nice.
Saiko: {Upset} I...I am nice...
The cat that Saiko saved started meowing and rubbing his head against Saiko's leg, making Saiko smile just a tiny bit.
Saiko: At least you understand mr.kitten.
Suddenly, Saiko just had an idea on what to do. Another nice idea.
Saiko: Wait right here!
Saiko then first went to a vending machine, then stabbed it, making the machine dead somehow as it dropped a bottle of milk. Now, she brought the milk back to the cat, who was very happy for his milk.
Saiko: {Happily} Now, where is Hiroshi-Senpai at? I want him to praise me for doing a good job♡.
[Challenge #9: Is it possible for Luigi to get through a haunted mansion?]
Now, it's time for Luigi's time to shine in this challenge. In this next scene, it was already night time as we can see that Luigi was trying to get through the haunted mansion.
Luigi: {Scared asf} Oh, why did I agree to this? I don't know how to get out of here.
Luigi was slowly crawling through the haunted mansion. Poor Luigi.
Luigi: {Scared asf} Help me...
Luigi opened a door, only to get jumpscared by a Boo.
Quickly, Luigi ran towards the next door and opened it, but got also jumpscared by a Dry Bones.
Luigi once again quickly ran towards the other door, hoping that it was the exit, only to see Baldi there with his ruler. Poor Luigi, he isn't gonna make it. Luigi then crawled into a bigger room.
Luigi: I'm going to die here, I know it!
Suddenly, he heard a scream, a familiar italian scream.
Luigi: What is that?!
Suddenly, into view was Mario, still running backwards and away from the police. As Mario ran passed Luigi, he suddenly grabbed onto Mario's leg, seemingly getting dragged along the way.
Mario: Oh hey bro! What are you doing here?
Luigi: I should be asking you the same question!
The police car was suddenly gaining on them, freaking Luigi out more.
Luigi: {Freaking out} Wah! Bro get us out of here!
Mario: Where's the exit?
Mario said as he crashed outside of the mansion, leaving Luigi behind outside.
Mario: See you bro!
Luigi suddenly realized that he was out of the haunted mansion. He was very happy to have pass his scary challenge.
...Until a police car ran Luigi over. Man, our boy cannot get a single break.
Now, back to Mario was still doing his challenge, he was now....running away from a tank?! God dammit Mario!
[Mario's Wanted Level: ☆☆☆☆☆]
National Sergeant: FIRE EVERYTHING!!
The tank fired, but missed Mario by a meter.
Tank Crew Operator: Uhh, Sarge? What do we do?
Tank Operator: BUT SARGE!!! IT'S TOO DANGE-
Sergeant: Tis time to end this!
[Mario's Wanted Level: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆]
Mario's wanted level has just increased as a starfox jet dropped a nuke?! Oh come on!!
They dropped the entire nuke bomb on the city as an explosion came into view. Was that....just a bit overkill?
Seriously, everything was destroyed...except Mario, who jumped backwards out of the rubble and continued running backwards until the screaming sun came up. Mario suddenly realized that it has already been a day and he passed the challenge.
To be continued...
☆Ending 2☆
There we go! Another episode done! Hope you enjoyed. Like I said before, I'm going to try and get this Season done before the year ends, but I can't make promises. Since I am not a Smg4 fan anymore, I'm still gonna complete this story for you fans♡.
Credit to those who are mentioned♡. Thank you for the challenge requests. I had fun with them. Even the one who didn't do a challenge request, it's fine my sharky friend♡. I still wanted to mention you. Hope you enjoyed it.
Remember to vote, share, and add this story in your reading list. Please and Thank you♡. Give me a follow if you want more future updates and notifications from me.
"H-Hello there. Hope you enjoyed today's episode. P-Please let this story grow. Thank you...o-oh, and Happy Halloween"
October 30, 2022
Time: 2:25 pm
Words: 4,516
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