Episode 15: Catching Up Like Old Times. A Friendly Match; Milky vs Chaos!

Sorry for the long wait! There's a reason behind it. Anyways, let the story begin.

From now on, here's a warning that I'll put here and won't repeat it again: ALL IMAGES/VIDEOS BELONGS TO THE ORIGINAL ARTIST, NOT ME!


☆Opening 2☆


[Narrator POV]

Last time on SMG4: A New Face, Hiroshi and the Mario Bros were coming back to the castle after hanging out, only to see that Shroomy was shivering, acting scared. Turns out, that Shroomy has a date with a teletubby girl. Long story short, Shroomy's friends tried helping him out with his date, but failing miserably. At the end, Shroomy decided that him and his date should remain as friends, meaning that all the people that helped him...was all in vain. During this episode, this got Hiroshi thinking about his small crush on Shantae.

It was true that Hiroshi finally felt a small spark when meeting Shantae for the first time, the same thing for Shantae when she met Hiroshi, but the special feelings that he had for Shantae was soon gone, almost making him think about his traumatizing past....and a little mistake I, the author, made. Soon, Hiroshi just sees Shantae as a friend for now. He was NOT ready for another relationship for awhile or for a long time.

Now, on the other side of the Kingdom, at the city, a female bunny mobian; named Milky was going home after shopping, waiting to eat some delicious food, especially her favorite dessert; Carrot Cake. That is until she bumped into an old friend/rival; Chaos. You must be wondering what would they do today?

Find out today on "SMG4: A New Face"!

[Third POV]

It's been at least an hour since the situation with Shroomy and his date. In the Kingdom, in the city, we can see a famous restaurant in the distance. As the camera zooms in towards the inside of the building, we can see a large table with a mountain full of empty plates, still growing. This is the cause of Milky the Bunny as she was eating like a Saiyan.

You probably didn't know this as I forgot to mention, but Milky actually has a Saiyan appetite and she can eat a lot, without gaining a single pound. Shocking, right? Anyways, a navy blue Hedgehog was also eating like a Saiyan. This is actually Milky's bestie and rival; Chaos.

Meet another warrior like Milky. His full name is, Chaos Kuren the Hedgehog, who is a year older than Milky. He's a powerful hedgehog warrior with unbelievable power as his potential is also huge. He has the potential to have Saiyan-like transformations, even though he isn't a Saiyan himself. He and Milky had a match a few years ago, and Chaos could only make Milky use 20% of her power, and he was in his 3rd form! Talk about too overpowered, even though Milky isn't. In those years since they last seen eachother, Chaos has been training non-stop, as Milky has been training as well, just not that much as she's been taking it easy for awhile.

Both Milky and Chaos actually started off as enemies when they were very young. This happened right after when Milky left Hiroshi. Chaos was a cocky, rude, and prideful little warrior, but Milky soon put him in his place, saying that he isn't the most powerful being in the universe if he doesn't put much effort. Both of them always fought to mostly prove who's the best, but Milky always came out on top. As years goes by, Chaos trained and trained, achieving power like no other, however he also trained to be...a better friend and person. He came to respect the strong woman that Milky is and her power. The rest is mostly history from there on out. Now, Chaos is the most caring and kindhearted person he is today.

Anyways, as they were eating a massive pile of food, everyone in the restaurant was either shocked in awe or in disgusted to see the mobian warriors eating so much food and not get fat from how fast they were eating.

After Milky gulps down her 15th giant bowl of Ramen, she wiped her and stared a conversation with Chaos.

Milky: {Smiles} Man, this food is so good!~ So Chaos, how's it been? It's been a few years since we last seen eachother. It also seems that you have gain 200× times stronger since last time.

Chaos, who has finished eating a big rice ball and a giant meat bone, swallowed before responding.

Chaos: {Licks lips, pats belly} Hehe. Well Milky, I've been going rather good and yes, I have gotten way stronger since last time. I've been training non-stop everyday. Don't worry, I've been resting as well. I even completely mastered the 3rd level of my Super form. Oh, and I also adopted a girl named; Siren. She's so adorable and started calling me Dad. She's being babysitted at the meantime.

Milly felt her heart tug after hearing that Chaos adopted a little girl. Milky was happy to hear that that Chaos kept up with his training all this time since they both went their separate ways. Milky, on the other hand, haven't really kept up with her training lately, but she is still pretty strong as hell, way stronger than Hiroshi, that's for sure.

Milky: {Eats some dumplings, smiled} Awww, Chaos! That's so beautiful!♡. And that's amazing, your power is extraordinary!

Chaos: {Drinks a bit of his milkshake, blushes a bit} Heh, thank you Milky. Although, your power is amazing as well, but I can tell that you haven't gotten that strong in awhile.

Milky: Oh, you noticed? Well yes, you are right. I've been taking it easy for awhile. I've been training other students as well. Their names are Shantae and Hiroshi.

This actually caught Chaos' attention, not know that Milky actually took both Shantae and Hiroshi under her wing. Chaos was wondering which student is stronger.

Chaos: Hm, interesting. Tell me Milky, which student is stronger? Shantae or Hiroshi...?

Milky: {Drinks some wine} Easy, it's Hiroshi. He is 500× times more powerful than Shantae in many ways. I know he can defeat Shantae with one move, without even trying and without giving her time to think. Although, Shantae is a tough girl as she is learning different types of magic and training in martial arts in her own special way. {Sighs} However, Hiroshi hasn't been training at all for years now, becoming very lazy and thinking he is the strongest in the universe and can handle anything, even though I'm way more powerful than him, I won't always be there. He became way weaker and rusty over the years, but he has been training once again with Ki this time, even though it would only just be a little bit... He is also my star pupil considering his extraordinary potential, even though he's been slacking...a lot.

Chaos was surprised to hear this and he actually couldn't believe about Hiroshi's laziness. When Milky said that Hiroshi's potential is extraordinary, this caught his attention.

Chaos: {Sighs} Seriously? This Hiroshi boy has so much potential but decided to not fully grasp it? Talk about lazy and a waste of skill. Well, even though he began training again, my point still stands.

Milky: {Eats a big ball of rice} Hm, even though he's been slacking a lot and never takes things seriously, I'm still proud of him to call family, even Shantae. {Swallows a steak} Anyways, speaking of training, how about we go a few rounds, just like old times?

Chaos putted his milkshake down and smirked at Milky. He was always excited to fight her. She was a worthy rival indeed.

Chaos: {Excitedly} Aw hell yeah! I've been waiting for you to say that!

Milky: {Smirks} Hehe, I love that answer. Anyways, check please!

The waiter came over with the bill and the paper was hella long, making Milky sweat a bit, even Chaos.

Waiter: {TF2 Heavy's voice} It costs $400,000.

Milky smiled nervously, seemingly to not have the money, as Chaos doesn't have enough. So they only did one they can do. Milky grabbed onto Chaos as he....


...teleported out of the place with Milky grabbing onto him, making her teleport with him.


Back with Milky and Chaos, they are teleported to a waste land, far away from the cities and people.

Milky let go of Chaos and looked around.

Milky: {Looks around} Heh. Nice, we can fight without worrying about the citizens. Also, thanks for getting us out of the bill problem.

Chaos: Heh, no problem Milky! Now, shall we see who is powerful between us? I'm getting really hype for this fight once again, my friend.

Chaos than got in a fight stance, getting hype to fight Milky once again.

Milky smirked as she also got into fighting stance, feeling her blood being pumped.

Milky: {Smirks} I'm excited as well. Show me the results of your training!

They both didn't move for a few seconds, until they both charged at eachother with insane speeds, having their fist clashed against eachother, making a giants electric shockwave between them as a massive 20ft crater formed

Both of them seem to be struggling against eachother, however that wasn't the case. Milky wasn't serious at all yet, while Chaos is a tad bit serious. Just then, they suddenly disappeared all of a sudden as shockwaves from left to right all over the place started happening.

They both were at high speeds, duking it out as many punches and kickes were made. They both were enjoying the fight until Chaos realized that he needs to take it up a notch if he wants to make Milky go all out. However, he was a bit distracted with that idea as Milky delivered a thunderous punch towards his face, making him yell out in pain as he went flying into a mountain.

Milky landed on the ground with her arms crossed and a smiled on her face.

Milky: {Smiles, arms crossed} Hmph! Looks like I still got it. Come on, Chaos! You should know by now that your base form can't keep up with me for that long. I must admit, you lasted a bit longer in your base form, but you won't get me serious if you step it up~. Hehe.

Just then, the ground started to shake as a giant beam of yellow energy shot into the sky. It was Chaos as he gave a mighty roar. His fur was flashed yellow over and over again, his eyes turning red, until the area around them exploded. Milky had to cover her eyes with her right arm as dust was flown into her direction. Once the dust clear, Milky saw Chaos in a form with all his glory.

Behold Super!Chaos! This transformation is the first level of his Super forms as it multiples his power by 50×. However, since Chaos completely mastered this form through, his multiple for this form became 60× instead. Milky smirked as Chaos looked serious.

Super!Chaos: {Serious} Hmph! I gotta admit, you're still very powerful for someone who has no transformations. However, I'm not done yet as I'll show you what I'm made of!

Milky: Heh, well then, show me what you got!

[Play Music!]

They didn't move for a bit as they both were glaring at eachother, before the both sped off. Milky using her super speed running next to Chaos, who was flying next to her, matching her speed. Just then, they started to trade blows towards eachother, one punch and kick after the other at such speed. Milky was keeping up with Chaos, even in his super form. Chaos went in for a punch towards her face, however Milky dodging it by placing her hands on the ground and tried to kick Chaos with both her feet, only to Chaos to dodge it as and have her a powerful knee kick towards her stomach.

Milky: {In pain} Ugh!

Chaos didn't stop as he spinned kicked Milky towards a mountain. As Milky crashed into the mountain, she quickly got back up, holding her stomach. She has to admit, Chaos can hit like a freight train and he has gotten way better at becoming a fighter. It's also her fault that she's been taking it easy for awhile. Looks like Milky has to step up her game.

Milky: {Smirks} Not bad, not bad at all!

Both Milky and Chaos then charged at eachother, trading blows for blows again, sending shockwaves everywhere ad their fight continues.

Even at full power in his super form only, Chaos know that Milky is still holding a lot back. However, not yet, as Chaos wants to try something. Chaos then jumped back from Milky, gaining a confused look on her.

[Stop Music!]

Milky: {Confused} Huh? Are you quitting know, Chaos? I was barely warming up!

That comment almost made Chaos choke on his own spit. Seriously, she was just warming up?!

[Play Music!]

Super!Chaos: {Shocked} Seriously?! You were warming up? Tch, I should've figured that out. However, back to your question, no, I am not quitting. I've been meaning to try out this technique against you once I had more proper training with it. But since you made that comment about warming up, I realized that I should've go straight to full power right from the start! Super Form Phase 3, here I go!!

Milky: ...Huh?

Chaos: {Starts powering up} Haaa!!

As Chaos' power kept rising more and more to extraordinary heights, the clouds around them began to swirl as lightning started to strike and the ground kept shaking and shaking. Milky was on guard as she began thinking.

Milky: {On guard, serious} 'Hm, looks like he's skipping his Hyper form and going straight to the 3rd level. Also, what techniques does he means-...{Realization}...oh, don't tell me he's gonna use that technique. I'm not quite sure if the 3rd level and the technique will be a good combination. Oh well, I better prepare myself!'

Suddenly, Chaos's spines(hair) started to grow longer as he gave a final mighty roar into the heavens. Milky is seeing Chaos in his 3rd form in all its glory. The seriousness in his voice and eyes, the electricity forming around him, the power, everything is perfect. Milky wouldn't lie that she actually found him...pretty attractive like that, but decided to push those thoughts aside, but the blush won't go away. Behind, SuperFormPhase3!Chaos! Or for short; SFP3!Chaos.

Note: SFP equals Super Form Phase. Just in case...you didn't get that.

Milky: {Blushes} '.....Mommy likey~'

[Stop Music!]

....God dammit me! Anyways, Chaos wasn't done yet as he finally yelled the words of his technique.

SFP3!Chaos: KAIO-KEN!!

A red aura suddenly burst around him, making his power and speed double. Milky was surprised that he managed to combine the Kaio-Ken technique with his Super form, and his 3rd level no less. Milky was very proud and noticed that his power was....hella massive as hell! This definitely caught her attention.

Milky: {Very excited} Holy damn! Your power is amazing! You definitely have my attention.

[Play Music!]

SFP3!Chaos (Kaio-ken): {Smirks} Heh, I'm glad Milky, but let's not waste anymore time and make this final attack count, because I can't hold this for long as I can feel my muscle starting to already ache.

Milky smiled as she power up, her white aura finally showing. This is it, time to see who finally the strongest between both of them.

Milky: {Smiles} Fine by me. No more holding back. Time to see who is still number 1!

Milky then started to power up all the way, getting into a familiar stance with her both arms out. She was charging her best attack. The area around began to shook and electricity began to form around her.

Milky: {Charging up} FINAL!!!!

Chaos, in turn, answer towards Milky's attack, charging up as well. He also got into a familiar stance. Chaos has both his arms out and one knee forward as a giant blue sphere of energy formed in front of him, gaining electricity around him as well. He then shifted his arms forward and turned his hands into a 90-degree angle, still charging his attack into a big one.

SFP3!Chaos (Kaio-ken): {Powering up to max} 100x BIG BANG!!!!!

They both kept powering up more and more and more, making the entire battle field shook as it also reached the Kingdom. Everyone was panicking...but for Hiroshi, that dude is knocked out, sleeping and not giving 2 sh•ts at all. Back with the mobian warriors, they kept charging the attack to the max.

Milky/SFP3!Chaos (Kaio-ken): Ka...me...ha...me....

With all of their might, Milky thrust her arms forward as Chaos gave one last might yell, unleashing their attack.

Milky/SFP3!Chaos (Kaio-ken): HAAA!!

Their beams clashed, destroyed a lot around them as it became a beam struggle with both of them. Chaos wasn't giving as he putted more power into his beam, pushing Milky's beam back a bit, but Milky did the same thing as well.

SFP3!Chaos (Kaio-ken): 'Ngh! Dammit! Looks like I got no choice but to push the Kaio-ken even further. This is gonna destroy my body since I haven't mastered this at all'. Ngh...o-okay, here it goes! Body don't fail me now!! KAIO-KEN TIMES 3!!!!

Milky: !

Chaos' beam became bigger, starting to push Milky back even further as she started to struggle even more. Chaos can feel his body tearing itself apart. He barely started training the Kaio-ken to withstand his Super forms as it can come in handy in the future. It was a difficult task since the Kaio-ken and Super forms don't work so well together. Chaos needed more time, lots of time. He just hopes he can win this so he can quickly power down.

As Milky was struggling, she suddenly smiled, very proud that Chaos has gotten THIS strong over the years.

Milky: {Smiles} Heh....Hehe, I am..so proud of you Chaos to have made it this far all by yourself. I have never felt...so damn excited in my life! More excited than ever...however....

Suddenly, Milky power increased even further, catching Chaos off guard and by surprised, only to realize one thing of her sudden increase of power...

Milky: {Smirks} You still have a long way to go...to make me go fully all out!! HAAA!!!

...Yes, Milky was still holding back. Milky used around 60% of her full base form power, easily overpowering Chaos' beam.

SFP3!Chaos (Kaio-ken x3): {In fear} Oh shi-!

Milky's beam swallowed up Chaos as the beam destroyed 70% of the wasteland, including the mountains as well. As the beam disappeared, Milky powered down as she took a breather. Damn, that battle was intense for her. Good thing her clothes aren't damaged or Chaos would see the wrath of her anger. Speaking of Chaos, he was still alive and breathing, such unconscious. Milky flew over to Chaos and check up on him. He has some cuts, blood here and there, and bruises...but still alive. Milky picked him up in bridal style and softly smiled.

[Stop Music!]

Milky: {Softly smiles} Heh. Congratulations Chaos, you've managed to make me release at least 60% of my power in just in my base form~. I didn't even need my own Kaio-ken at all. However, this battle showed me something. I still need to get stronger as well. It's about time I train again. I still need to unlock my full potential as I have a very long way to go. You keep surprising me. It's actually kinda cute~♡. {Giggles}.

Milky then flew into the sky by using her ki. She decided to take Chaos towards her house. She noticed something during her battle with Chaos.

Milky: 'Hmm...earlier in the fight, once Chaos landed his knee in my stomach and punched me towards a mountain, I could've sworn......that I think he was hiding more power than I can imagine...maybe...another form? Meh, it's probably nothing. I probably got hit in the head too hard'.

Milky then flew faster towards her home, disappearing into the distant as the screen turned dark.

To be continued...

☆Ending 2☆


There we go! Another episode is done. Sorry for the long wait. I had a reason for it. I was gonna wait until I get at least a few more challenges for either Hiroshi, Shantae, or/and Milky (Me)... but I barely got any challenges comment down. There is still time before next Saturday.

As for this chapter, it's mostly a practice for me. A practice chapter for fighting. I'm gonna need plenty of practice before the Anime War. I hope this is good enough for the Anime War as I plan to make the Arc longer and more fighting into it.

Sorry if this chapter is random all of a sudden. I actually mentioned this before, but I try to do some things differently than to plainly write the same smg4 episode if you catch my drift.

Speaking of the Anime War, when Hiroshi does battle. Can you comment on which theme/ost will be good for current things. Please tell me which theme/ost will be good for a battle and current scenes.

Oh yeah! Even though I mentioned this before, you probably didn't see or know, but I made another Smg4 book. An Smg4 Harem book What-if, featuring this story.

This story is available on my Kuroki_Tomoko24 account. Please feel free to check it out. Make sure to vote, comment which type what-if you want me to write down, share the story, and add the story in your reading list. Please and Thank you♡. Sorry if I'm mentioning this book again. I would like that story to be popular like this story, but I ain't in no rush for that.

Congratulations as well, cuz I ain't uploading this on a Saturday, but today as I like to get this story out of the way and go onto my other stories on my other accounts.

(Oc by): Chaos Kuren the Hedgehog - MonarchChaos


September 16, 2022


Time: 8:05 pm

Words: 3,742

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