Episode 14: Mario's Valentine Advice

Hello everypony. Hope you're excited for today's episode. Let's start, shall we?


☆Opening 2☆


[Narrator's POV]

Last time on SMG4: A New Face, Bowser was hosting a cooking show with Hiroshi, Shantae, Milky, and the rest of gang were competing as they both got separated in two teams, being; Team Spicy and Team Thicc. Milky was the assistant of Bowser since it wouldn't be fair if she joined, considering the numbers of each team. Team Spicy were baking a cake as Team Thicc cooked some delicious roasted chicken. However, both sides were going down hill. The cake mix became an alive abomination as for the chicken...wasn't done properly. However, in the end, Team Spicy won since....Bowser sorta died when eating the poisonous cake.

Yep, just another day for Hiroshi and the crew, along with Shantae and Milky, who are new to the group. Now, let's jump in today's episode and see how Hiroshi, Mario, and Luigi are gonna help out with Shroomy's first date.

Find out on today's episode of "SMG4: A New Face"!

[Third POV]

It was a peaceful day at the Mushroom Kingdom as it's been a few days since Bowser's cooking show. As we can see outside the city, by the forest, Hiroshi, Mario, and Luigi are walking back home. They were just hanging out. Hiroshi having his lazy smile with his hands in his hoodie pockets, Luigi walking normally, and Mario....who has a body pillow...with a plate of Spaghetti for a face. I seriously don't understand Mario's taste for things anymore.

Mario: {Excitedly} Oh boy! You and Mario are gonna have a sexy date when we get home!

Luigi's left eye twitches, pretty much adorable with Mario's brain sometimes.

Luigi: {Eye twitches} Ohhh, what is wrong with you?

Hiroshi: Heh. Tobia honest, I gave up thinking about that long ago, Luigi.

Just then, the gang stopped and heard someone crying. The crying was coming from their right.

Mario: It sounds like a baby is crying over there.

Hiroshi: {Confused} 'I wonder who's crying on a peaceful day like this..?'

As they went to investigate the crying sound, they noticed that the one who was crying was Shroomy. He was hugging his knees while hiding under the bench.

Mario: Oh, it's not a baby! Just Shroomy being his normal self! He's probably trying to get a mental breakdown badge.

Hiroshi: Wow. He's working a ton to get that type of a badge. A skele-ton (Ba-dum-tss!)

Luigi: {Worried} What's wrong Shroomy?

Shroomy: {Nervous asf} Oh, I have a date you see

Both Mario and Luigi looked at eachother with a "Nani wtf" face as Hiroshi had no reaction, just keeping his smile.

Mario: Shroomy...has a date...?

Hiroshi: Heh. Seems like it.


...Mario just continued to freak out. As for Luigi and Hiroshi, they were happy for their friend.

Luigi: So Shroomy who's the lucky girl?

Hiroshi: {Smiles, winks} Heh. You lucky son of a gun. Congratulations buddy, where is your date anyway..?

Shroomy: {Nervously pointed} S-She's the beautiful young lady sitting on the bench over there.

The gang then looked behind them to see a girl sitting at the bench. As she turned around, it was revealed that she's a red...teletubby. Wait wut....?

Hiroshi had so many questions at this point.

Hiroshi: {Confused} Uh....Dafuq? That Teletubby is being a bit too sus. Hold on....is that a male with a wig...? You have weird taste, mah boi.

Mario: I don't know what this is, but it's kinda hot.

When Mario said that, he looked at his Spag body pillow and apologized as Luigi was just speechless.

Luigi: Don't worry Shroomy! We can help you with your date!

Hiroshi: ....We are?

Shroomy: {Happily} Hot diggity! Okay! Let's do this!

Shroomy then got up and was preparing himself to talk to his date.

Shroomy: Alright Shroomy, just walk up and look casual. I CAN DO THIS!

..Yeah. Act casual, because Shroomy is shaking like a leaf as he walking up towards his date.

Shroomy: {Nervous asf} Just act casual..!

The Teletubby...trap waved at Shroomy, making the poor mushroom boi panic.

Shroomy: 'Oh my gosh, she said hello! This is the furthest I've ever come. Say hi back you dummy!

Shroomy was having a hard time to just normally wave as he weakly said "Howdy". Luckily, the trap answered back with a "What's up". Shroomy then nervously quickly sat down at the bench next to her. Shroomy decided to start a conversation...with the help of Mario of course.

Shroomy: Thanks so much for coming. I'm happy we could get the chance to meet eachother. Did I also mention how you're looking beautiful today. So beautiful you make my Super Mario go Wahoo!

Red Teletubby Trap: ...Wut?

Hiroshi: {Hiding behind a bush, confused} 'Dafuq....?'

Yeah, what the hell, Mario? You ain't helping with the situation!! Shroomy began to freak out.

Shroomy: {Freaking out} Um, Um, Um. Ahhh...

Mario: {In the background} Ah yEEeeeess.

Hiroshi: {Facepalmed} 'Mah boi is doomed'.

Shroomy: {Nervous laughter} Heheh... Anyway, would you like to do today? I know I want to cover you in some nice spaghetti meatballs!

Hiroshi: {Confused asf at the moment}

Shroomy: Oooh Spaghetti...

Yep, Mario wasn't helping at all. Spaghetti this, Spaghetti that. Geez Mario, you're pretty much useless when it comes to love. At this point, Mario was making gargling noises that Luigi needed to slap his brother back to sense. Shroomy then started to apologize for what he has just said.

Shroomy: I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! Okay. Okay. What I meant to say was...want to make paisanos together?

Red Teletubby Trap/Hiroshi: {Shocked}

Mario, you ain't helping at all!!! At this point, Luigi was tired of Mario that he kicked him away, and holded up another sign.

Luigi: Mama Mia...

Shroomy: {Still nervous asf} Hehe... Oh let's just hang out.

Red Teletubby Trap: Okee Dokee.

Shroomy: Alrighty then...Oh! I do know a few places that we could go...

As Shroomy and his...mate left, both Luigi and Hiroshi looked back at Mario, seemingly talking to himself or to his weird body pillow.

Mario: No one understands true romance but Mario...

Hiroshi: {Shakes head} Mario, you don't even know anything about relationships. Believe me, I know from experience.

Luigi: You dated before, Hiroshi? Who was the girl?

Hiroshi didn't say anything as he was starting to panic a bit as his pupils shrunken. It was hard to breathe as he was starting to remember about his past. His horrifying, bloody, screaming, demonic past. The Mario Brothers were starting to worry about Hiroshi, but he quickly shook his head and started to walk off, a bit quickly than usual.

Hiroshi: {Sweating a bit} W-Well, would you look at that! We need to get to Shroomy and h-help him out!!

When Hiroshi quickly left after Shroomy, both Mario and Luigi noticed that Hiroshi was shaken up and in his voice...there was a bit a fear coming from him. It's like he has been through hell, back and forth. It was very odd to see Hiroshi so pale and scared like that. It wasn't like him. Both Mario and Luigi were worried, but it was best to not bring it up for his sake.

Next scene, we can see that the gang were at a love theme park called; "Tender Tunnel". Seemingly enough, Hiroshi was back to his old self already. Anyways, enough about him, as we can see both Shroomy and the red teletubby trap in a boat. Shroomy was still a nervous wreck.

Shroomy: Luigi, I can't do this. It's too much.

Luigi, who was by the controls for the ride, try to cheer(?) up Shroomy.

Luigi: Oh C'mon! Every date needs a relaxing and peaceful event!

Shroomy: {Sarcastically} Oh yeah! Really feelin' relaxed right now...!

Hiroshi: Heh. You got this buddy.

Luigi: And with events like these you can go in for...THE HAND TOUCH!!!

Luigi said the last part as he wiggled his right eyebrow. Shroomy looked at his date's hand and just couldn't do it.

Shroomy: I can't do that! That's illegal!

....No it isn't. At least, I don't think so.

Luigi: {Courageous him} Dew it!

Hiroshi: The worst thing you can do is get slapped, bruh. 'Heh. I hope Epic doesn't slap me with his rubber chicken for taking his line'. :)

Shroomy then started to move his hand towards his mate, but was shaking a lot and hesitated.

Shroomy: Come on Shroomy you can do this cmon...Why's it hurt? YOU CAN DO IT MAN COME ON! CMON SHROOMY!! GET HER HAND CMON...!!

...Shroomy just took his date's entire arm off. Yikes.

Shroomy: {Tries to play it off, nervously} Hehe. Got your arm...Ah, lemme just leave it here.

Shroomy said as he put the arm on edge of the boat, only to fall in the water. Hiroshi facepalmed hard as Luigi shook his head.

Luigi: Ugh...I'm gonna need back up.

In the next scene, we can see that Shroomy was sitting at the bench with Boopkins as Hiroshi was leaning against the pole in a cool way, just looking on Social Media, or probably new music to listen to.

Shroomy: {Sighs} Oh man. This is hard...

Hiroshi: {Looking through his phone} Tell me about it. To be honest, I rather sleep.

Boopkins: Don't worry, Shroomy, I got a great idea.

Shroomy: And what might that be...

Boopkins: Well, as an expert in girls-

Hiroshi: {Yawns} 'Bullsh•t...wait, where the hell did he got a Hatsune Miku body pillow...?'.

Boopkins: - it is my professional opinion that you two should watch something together.

Shroomy: But I don't know what I would watch...

Boopkins: Oh well! Let me check my collection.

As Boopkins said that, dozen of office dressers suddenly appeared. Hiroshi's eye opened wide as he saw the collection. He should've expected this, but at the same time, he didn't.

Hiroshi: {Eyes widen, shocked}

Shroomy was shocked as Hiroshi was. Just a few feet away, Shantae was walking down the road until she spotted Hiroshi, Shroomy, and Boopkins. She was surprised at...Boopkins collection, but she was more happy to see her bestie; Hiroshi. Shantae then walked up to Hiroshi and tap his shoulder, getting his attention. Hiroshi was surprised to see Shantae here.

Hiroshi: {A bit surprised} Shantae..? What are you doing here..?

Shantae: {Smiles} No reason. I was just taking a walk until I bumped into you guys. By the way, what's going on?

Hiroshi: Well, long story short, Shroomy found an......interesting somebody and needed help with his date, so we're helping him out. 'And when I mean "We", I mean "Them".

Shantae: {Gasps} Shroomy has a date?! Congrats!

Shroomy: Um, thanks miss.

Boopkins: {Happily} La-la-la-la-la! Hmmm... Which one? Which one?

Suddenly, Boopkins then got a better idea.

Boopkins: Uh, you know what? I got a better idea and make a special movie just for you.

Boopkins then ran off towards the direction of the movie theater.

Boopkins: Meet me at the theater in 30 minutes.

Shroomy: Oh boy...

Hiroshi then looked at Shantae.

Hiroshi: Sooo...? Want to go see the movie with me to see how it goes?

Shantae: {Smiles} I would love too!

Hiroshi: Heh. Sweet.

Scene change, both Shroomy and his date were sitting in the theater room as both Hiroshi and Shantae were sitting in the back row. Shantae was pretty confused about Shroomy's date, thinking that Teletubby looks a bit sussy. Hiroshi just told to not worry about it too much. Shroomy decided to start another conversation with his date.

Shroomy: So...uhhh...what type of movies you like?

Red Teletubby Trap: Moist and delicious.

Both Hiroshi and Shantae looked at eachother, giving eachother raised eyebrows, before shrugging it off.

Shroomy: {Weirded out, before changing the subject} Uhhhhhh.....Oh, hey movie started.

Both Hiroshi and Shantae were eating popcorn as the movie started.


[Title: The Mushroom and the Tubbie]

Hiroshi: {Confused, eating popcorn} Huh, kind of a odd title.

Boopkins (Narrating): "One day, a mushroom and a teletubby walked into a house and met eachother. Uh, then the mushroom confessed his true feelings".

Mushroom Dude: {Random sexual gibberish}

Red Teletubby: Heeeey~

The Red Teletubby then tackled the Mushroom Dude and started humping.

Boopkins (Narrating): "Then they loved eachother very very much. The end".

[Weird ass movie end!]

Shroomy has no words as he had a face of horror written all over it.


Even both Hiroshi and Shantae were speechless.

Hiroshi: ....................Dafuq??

Shantae: {Traumatized}

Red Teletubby Trap: {Curious} That's really interesting.

Shroomy couldn't take anymore as he went smashing through the wall to escape. Just then, Boopkins came back in the room.

Boopkins: You like it, Shroomy? Shroomy...?

Hiroshi: For this cancerous movie Boopkins, I'm gonna give you one star on yelp!

Boopkins: Aw...

Scene change, we can that both Shroomy and his date is walking around a theme park, while Hiroshi and Shantae were following close behind him. Next thing you know, Tari also decided to help him out.

Tari: You know what you should do? Get her a plushie! Girls love plushies.

Tari then went towards the...prize booth? Or whatever it's called.

Tari: Oh look, how convenient, a plush duck!

When looking at the plushie of a duck, Tari just had to be so cute.

Hiroshi: Heh. Do you want that duck, Tari?

Tari then went up towards Hiroshi and started to shake himExcitedly, making the poor boy dizzy.

Tari: {Excitedly} Huh!? You will!!? Oh please, please, please, please!!!!! GET ME THE DUCK PRETTY PLEASE WITH CHERRY ON TOP!!!!

Shantae: {Worried} T-Tari! Stop, you're shaking him too much!

Tari quickly let go of Hiroshi was now completely dizzy.

Tari: Ah! I-I'm so sorry.

Hiroshi: {Shakes head quickly} I-It's fine. Anyways, of course I'll get you the ducky. How much is the game anyway..?

Duke: I've got balls of steel.

He said as he hold up a sign that says, "1 ball = $50". Both Hiroshi and Shroomy were flabbergasted. Seriously, 50 bucks?! What a rip-off.

Shroomy: {Sadly} Ah man, I could only afford one attempt.

Hiroshi: {Eyes twitches, sighs} Fine, here's your cash.

Hiroshi payed $50 and grabbed the ball from Duke.

Tari: {Towards Shroomy} Pssst, Shroomy! FOCUSSSS!!!

Shroomy then looked at his date, finding confidence in himself again.

Shroomy: You can do it Shroomy! Do it for her! Good sir, I'll buy one ball please.

Timeskip a couple seconds later, we can see Shroomy was talking inside of his head for awhile, focusing and training and all of whatever he's saying. Just then, he threw the ball as it hit Duke right in the head, earning a cracking sound. Shroomy was scratching his head until he gave the dead body towards his date as Hiroshi, Tari, and Shantae were speechless.

Shroomy: Hey look, I got you a prize.

[Red Teletubby Trap earned a prize for committing a murder...by thier date]

They have now soon left the others.

Hiroshi: Well...that was something.

Tari: It...sure was.

Hiroshi: Oh right, here you go, Tari.

Hiroshi then gave Tari her new rubber duckie, making the blue jay girl gasped in happiness as she hugged Hiroshi.

Tari: {Happily} Thank you, Thank you! This means so much to me, Hiroshi!

Hiroshi: Hehe, no problem.

As Tari left for home, Hiroshi turned to Shantae and gave her a Sonic plush, making her surprised and shocked.

Shantae: {Surprised} F-For me...?

Hiroshi: {Smiles} Yeah. I saw you staring at this plush and I got it for you. And look, I got my money back!

Hiroshi showed her his $50 in his hand, making Shantae giggled. Her heart was also beating as a blush crept on her face.

Shantae: {Blushes happily} T-Thanks, Hiroshi. I'll cherish this plush forever.

Hiroshi: Heh. No problem. Now c'mon, let's catch up towards Shroomy.

Shantae: Right!

In the next scene, we can see that both Hiroshi and Shantae are with Shroomy and Bob as Shroomy's date is...eating or licking the soda boxes...? Bob decided to go with his plan.

Bob: AlrIgHt ShRooMy, iF yOu wAnT tHe b••ChEs tO lOvE yOu, yOu'vE gOt tO shOw oFf.

Shroomy was about to say something, but Bob beat him to it, already knowing the answer.

Bob: iF yOu sHoW yOuR bAdGe cOllEcTiOn, i'M gOinG tO kIcK yOuR aSs.

That made Shroomy shut up. Hiroshi and Shantae was just watching, wanting to see how this goes down. Bob then pulled out a big fat stack of cash.

Bob: YoU gOt tO sHoW hOw mUcH mOnEy yOu oWn BRo.

Hiroshi: {Confused} Uhh...Most women don't care about mon-

Bob: ShUt uP, sAnS!

Hiroshi: {Sighs} Why do I even bother..?

Shantae just patted Hiroshi in the back, trying to cheer him up, even though Hiroshi wasn't upset, just a bit annoyed. Shroomy then went up towards his date, making it look at him.

Shroomy: {Gansta mode on} Hey, miss. {Holds up a piggy bank} Are you ready? You ready to know my savings, here you go.

As Shroomy dropped his piggy bank on floor, we can see that it wasn't much, only 3 dimes.

Shroomy: Count 'em, three

Hiroshi: I feel bad for the guy....

Shantae: Same here.

Red Teletubby Trap:

Bob: oH fOr tHe lOvE oF gOd.

In the next scene, we can see that the gang were at Shroomy's place. It didn't look that much.

Bob: oKaY bRo, eVeRy gIrL lIkEs a bAdAsS wItH a SlIcK hOuSe. sHoW hEr wHaT yOu gOt.

Shroomy: {Happily} Aye Aye captain.

In the next scene, we can see Shroomy is showing his date around his place.

Shroomy: Pretty hot right?

Shroomy showed his 600,000 badge collection, then he showed the picture of his cat and then his bed...where he sleeps. This wasn't going anywhere.


As Bob jumped out the window, Hiroshi then looked Shantae.

Hiroshi: Want to go somewhere else...?

Shantae: Yep, let's go.

Both Shantae and Hiroshi jumped out of the same window that Bob went through. In the next scene, we can that the gang were at the store and it was time for Saiko to help out. She was happy to see Hiroshi, but not Shantae, however she decided to put that aside for now.

Saiko: Damn...she has a nice haircut.

Hiroshi: Heh. I prefer your hairstyle, Saiko. It's much more prettier.

Saiko: {Blushes, happy} T-Thanks Sansy~. Ahem! Anyways, Shroomy, if you want to be in a relationship, you have to learn to be tough!

Shroomy: But why, there's no need to fight.

Hiroshi: {Yawns} Well buddy, how are you going to deal with THAT?

As Hiroshi pointed, we can see that a troll, uh, ugly goblin(?) was starting to flirt with Shroomy's date.

Shroomy: {Shocked, then serious} Oh no! Okay, looks like it's no more Mr.Nice Shroomy.

Shroomy then started to walk towards the ugly goblin menacingly.

Shroomy: Excuse me! T-This lady is my date, you see, and I was wondering if you could...not flirt with her? That'll be good.

Yep, Shroomy was losing this battle as he wasn't for the one to be mean. The ugly goblin was growing mad by the second.


Shroomy: {Trying to be mean} I was a robot once in my life! You better stand back fellow or else I'm gonna call your parents!

That didn't budge the ugly goblin as Shroomy went even further. D-Did he went Super Saiyan 3? He's not even a Saiyan!!

Shroomy: I'm only using 1% of my power! You better watch it!


Hiroshi/Shantae: 'He's gonna lose'.

Shroomy then...gently kicked the ugly goblin in the ass...which it did nothing. Absolutely nothing. The ugly goblin teared off Shroomy's head and threw his head plus his body near Saiko, Hiroshi, and Shantae.

Shantae: Welp, pay up Sansy~.

Hiroshi: {Sighs} ....Goddammit...

Hiroshi then handed Shantae over $100, losing the bet. Hiroshi did thought that Shroomy finally got this, but he guess not.

Shroomy: {Unaffected, happy} Well that went well.

In the next and final scene, we can see that Shroomy's date was playing in the water as Shroomy was sitting away on the concrete, looking dejected. This time, Meggy was there to help out. Hiroshi and Shantae was there with her as well.

Shroomy: {Sadly} Man this date's been so rough, I don't even know if she's even enjoying it.

Meggy: You know you should just go tell her how you feel...

Shroomy: Aw. But that's really...that's really hard.

Meggy: Nothing exciting happens till you go out of your comfort zone.

Now, it was time for Hiroshi to help Shroomy boost up his confidence.

Hiroshi: {Smiles} She's right Shroomy. Don't let your fear hold you. Remember: "Nothing starts unless you take action!".

That was enough to give Shroomy the push he needs.

Shroomy: Okay. My name is Shroomy the Mushroom and I can do this!!!

Shroomy then walked up towards his date and got her attention.

Shroomy: Um, excuse me? This I...I...uh, uh...I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE! This relationship is going to fast for me. I'm so sorry! But thanks for spending time with me! It was a lot of fun! I'll see you around.

Red Teletubby Trap: ...Alrighty then.

As Shroomy went away, Hiroshi, Meggy, and Shantae were shocked on what the hell just happened. Even Mario and Luigi, who decided to show up on the this episode, were lost for words.

Luigi: Man...Love is complicated...

Mario: Love is dumb.

Meggy: {Facepalmed} You guys got that right...

When Hiroshi was looking at the direction that Shroomy left, he then looked at Shantae, before looking at the sky. He was very deep in thought. He wasn't even smiling.

Hiroshi: 'Love, huh? When I...first laid eyes on Shantae, I felt a spark in my soul that went off....but...do I really want to go through...that again...? Maybe....maybe I should just....abandoned those feelings...because...what's the point anymore..?'

[Milky's POV]

Oh boy! Today was an amazing day! I went shopping for the sales and got a lot of food for a cheap prize. I can't wait to eat all this food and cook my famous and delicious carrot cake~.

Milky: {Licks lips} Oh man, I'm already hungry just thinking about food~.

As I was carrying gorgeous back to mine and Shantae's house, I suddenly sense a familiar power behind me, just a few feet away from me.

???: {Smiles} Hehe, I knew I would find you here, Milky. To be honest, it wasn't that hard to find you considering your very insanely high battle power.

I gasped in surprised to hear that familiar voice. I turned around and was happy to who I have bumped into.

Milky: {Happily gasp} Chaos!

To be continued.....

☆Ending 2☆


Yay! Another episode done. Hope you love it. To be honest, I wasn't too sure about how I did episode since I wasn't in a good mood. Still, I hope you enjoy it either way.

(Oc) Chaos by: MonarchChaos

For next Saturday, the next episode will be the 64 Challenge episode and I need your help. If you don't mind, please comment down some Challenges for Hiroshi, Shantae, and Milky(me) if you want.

[Comment any challenges for Hiroshi, Shantae, and/or Milky here.]

That'll be a big help as for I will also think about some challenges for those 3.

We are getting closer and closer towards the Anime Arc. Who's very hype for that Arc as I will change history and make it more longer. Now, Who's hyped as f••k!?

Remember to vote, share, and add this story towards your reading list. Please and Thank you♡.

"H-Hello everybody. I-I hope you enjoyed today's new episode...please support me and give t-this story a vote...*whispers* Pretty please..?"


August 13, 2022


Time: 12:31 pm

Words: 4,017

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