Episode 13: Mario's Hell Kitchen
Hello everypony. Hope you enjoys today's episode♡.
☆Opening 2☆
[Narrator POV]
Last time on SMG4: A New Face, Hiroshi was secretly training a bit to learn about Ki Manipulation on the book he found or mostly fell out of the sky. As barely a week passed and he was still training, he soon got a surprised visit from his Master; Milky the Bunny, that he hasn't seen in many years. Hiroshi was then met with a beautiful genie girl he has ever laid eyes on; Shantae. She was so gorgeous that Hiros has actually fallen for her, even though he wasn't into relationships anymore because of his past. Unknown to Hiroshi, Shantae has also fallen in love at first sight for him. Words couldn't describe on how handsome and perfect Hiroshi was towards her. They both wanted to get to know eachother and possibly ask eachother out.
When Hiroshi pulled his Master out, along with Shantae, for almost revealing her real power, Milky actually caught on Hiroshi's lack of training and becoming lazy. Hiroshi saying that he's already the strongest in the world, made Milky a bit angry. She said that Hiroshi has gotten weaker and rusty, someone named; Chaos can defeat him and telling him that she was a bit disappointed. His power won't matter when there are other people out there far stronger than him. Hiroshi felt a bit down, until Shantae defended him, saying that he is probably training once again, considering that their Master did gave the book towards Hiroshi to help him out.
Later that day, Meggy, along with Shantae, Hiroshi, and Milky went to Chungus court to help Mario. A lot of Chungus' started to hit on Milky, making the girl just ignore it and not do anything about it. Both Hiroshi and Meggy helped Mario out by telling Judge Chungus about making their own game. After successfully making a new Chungus game, both Hiroshi and Shantae exchange numbers as both her and Milky went back home, close to the Mushroom Kingdom.
Now, let's jump into today's story and let's see on where does this new history takes us to~.
[Third POV]
It's been a full week since Hiroshi met Milky and met his Goddess; Shantae, who has been keeping in touch with Hiroshi a lot. Texting eachother, sending memes towards eachother, gaming, calling, etc. To Hiroshi, Shantae was just so perfect. I think Hiroshi has a thing for tan skin...yep. During that entire week, Saiko has been re jealous of Shantae, showing up and having Hiroshi fallen for her and her....looks. Tari was also jealous, but kept for herself.
Anyways, today Bowser was in front of the audience as he was wearing a chef's hat. The audience were clapping and cheering loudly.
Bowser: Welcome...to my cooking show!!!
That's right ladies and gentlemen, today, Bowser is hosting a cooking show and there are two teams. Who are the two teams you ask? Well, we just need to find out. The crowd goes wild as Bowser continues.
Bowser: Before we start, please welcome my assistant, Milky.
Milky then came onto the stage, smiling and waving as the crowd went crazy, cheering at the woman. Milky was wearing a Chef's hat and an apron that says, "Kiss the Cook".
Milky: {Giggles} Thanks for having me here, Bowser~♡.
Bowser: {Blushes, nervous} Haha...A-Anytime, Ms.Bunny.
Milky: {Towards the crowd} Are you ready people!! Today, we have two teams that will go against eachother to see WHO are the better cooks! First up, we have Team Spicy!
On cue, as the crowd continued to cheer, Team Spicy were making their way onto the stage. Mario, Meggy, Boopkins, Bob, Smg4, and Hiroshi. Hiroshi was wearing a Chef hat and an apron that says, "Pun Daddy". This was actually an odd gift from Milky, but he wasn't gonna question it.
Milky: Next up, we got the second team, Team Thicc!!
On cue, Team Thicc was arriving on stage. Saiko, Tari, Luigi, Shroomy, Toad, and Shantae. Like Hiroshi, and sorta everyone else, she was wearing a Chef's hat and an apron that says, "Waifu Material". Milky then let Bowser finish the rest of his speech, which he was grateful for.
Bowser: Give it up for Team Spicy and Team Thicc!!!
Bowser then put his mic towards Mario and Hiroshi.
Bowser: Are you ready Chefs?
Mario: {Determined} Just like I promised Master Roshi, I will spare no th•t.
Hiroshi: {Smirks, cracks his knuckles} Hehe~. The opposite team is gonna have a bad time~.
Hiroshi said as he winks towards Shantae's direction, making the girl blush a bit and look away. This caused Saiko to tighten her fist in anger a bit, as Tari was a bit sad and jealous. However, these girls were determined determined to get Hiroshi first before Shantae can.
Bowser: And now for the dishes...
For Team Spicy, they'll bake a delicious looking chocolate cake 🎂.
As for Team Thicc, they'll bake some roasted chicken 🍗🐔.
These two dishes are looking mighty delicious indeed.
Bowser: And now...
Bowser said as he claps, switching towards the next scene as the teams were in a kitchen.
Luigi: {Excitedly} We can do this gang!
Toad: {Uninterested} I want to die...
Hiroshi: {Stares at Shantae lovingly} I'll be rooting for you~.
Shantae: {Blushes, smile shyly} W-Well, I'll be rooting for you as well.
Saiko: {Annoyed} Tch!
Tari: {Sighs}...
Bowser then opens the door, showing an opposite kitchen room.
Bowser: Teams will be competing in opposite kitchens...are you ready?
Hiroshi: Aye Aye, Captian!!
Shantae: {Giggles} Hehe.
As the Team Thicc went in there respective room, the timer then begins as we are seeing how Team Spicy is doing.
[Timer: 30 minutes]
Team Spicy then huddles up together, discussing a plan.
Smg4: Okay guys. Here's the game plan. You'll all have been given jobs that will maximize our efficiency. Boopkins, you will gather ingredients.
The image shows Boopkins being a bit under pressure...?
Smg4: Bob, you'll be mixing.
Bob then took out his...very giant spoon. Where the hell did he kept that thing at?
Bob: {Takes out giant spoon} HeLL yEaH, bOi!
Smg4: Meggy and Hiroshi, you'll do the frosting.
The image shows Meggy slowly trying to eat a cupcake, as Hiroshi was also doing the same thing, although he is just eating it without a care in the world.
Smg4: I'll be doing oven duty as Mario will just sit in the corner and do nothing.
This caused Mario to be pretty upset.
Mario: {Upset} WHAT?! What the hell?!
Smg4: You're too dangerous! You'll end up injuring someone!
Mario then pulled out a knife.
Mario: Ooooooh. Want to say that again?
Smg4: {Unaffected} God dammit.
Boopkins: Alright, well...I'm gonna go get the ingredients now. Lalalalala.
Boopkins said as he walks away. Mario was still upset.
Mario: {Totally upset} COME ON! I'M ACTUALLY A GOOD COOK-
Smg4 didn't listen as he went to work, running away from Mario.
Smg4: I got sh•t to do.
Meanwhile with Fishy Boopkins...
Boopkins: This should be pretty easy- Ooooooooh Nooooo!
When Boopkins opened the door towards the....trash room, he was shocked to see that there's a lot of trash. It was...sorta a thicc pantry.
Boopkins: {Uncertain} Uuuuuh, there's so much. Uuuuh. Oh, I found the milk!
...Yeah, that's not milk. Boopkins just found bleach, and not the anime. Bowser...just couldn't believe his eyes.
Boopkins: Uuuuuuh, only sometimes.
..Nope, it's all the time Boopkins.
Bowser: {Angered} Where's the lamb sauce!?
Bowser said as he threw Boopkins across the kitchen. Meanwhile with Hiroshi and Meggy, they both rose from the ground as Meggy took out her weapons.
[Frosting Level: PINGAS]
Meggy: Let's get FROSTING!!! Woomy, Woomy, Woomy!
Hiroshi: {Excited as well} Yes! Let's paint it all white!
Bowser: No!
Bowser said as he took away Meggy's weapon, making her whine like a sad puppy.
Hiroshi: {Sad as well} ...Poor Woomy :(
Bowser: Don't even THINK about it! You're not going near ANY of your toys after last time.
As we can see back in Season 1 in the Bob Arc, Meggy did went a bit overboard and did caused a fire in Bob's Mansion.
Hiroshi: 'Ah, good times. When can we burn down another building...?'.
Bowser: Here you go! :D
Bowser said as he gave some frosting that says, "Frosting 4 Kidz". It even has two faces on inklings. Meggy was not amused.
Bowser then turn towards Hiroshi.
Bowser: Hiroshi, when we first met, you said you can cook mostly anything, correct?
Hiroshi: {Hesitated}......yes?
Bowser: Then why aren't you helping Meggy out on correcting her doing anything...?
Hiroshi: {Derpy face} Uuuuuhh, because I lost brain cells because of plot...?
Bowser: ....Okay, have a nice day.
Meanwhile with Boopkins, he was pretty much getting everything out of the pantry. Looks like he was really struggling.
Boopkins: I didn't know what to get, so I got everything.
Boopkins then started to dig through the garbage.He was looking for eggs, but got Dr.Robotnik instead. He kept looking as he got a box that says, "Super Nut", while having a picture of Luigi on it. Boopkins kept looking as he finally discovered a anime girl doll of a chef.
Boopkins: Heeeey~, that's pretty good~.
Bob then kicked away Boopkins for wasting time.
Bob: jEsUs cHrIsT, yOu'Re wAsTiNg tImE! If wE pUt eVeRyThiNg iN, tHeN wE'rE bOuNd tO gEt sOmE oF tHe iNgReDienTs, rIgHt? {Struggling} Get! In there, you! B••ch!
Bob was struggling as he was putting all of the garbage in the mixing bowl, however he was successful in the end.
Bob: 1 MiLLioN Iq b••CheS! AnD nOw wE jUsT mIx tHiS cRaP!
Bob then took out his big ass spoon and started...mixing in the small bowl.
Bob: hElL yEaH, I eXpEcT a PrOmOtiOn aFtEr tHiS, SMG4!
We can just tell that Bowser was just tired with everyone.
Bowser: Is there anyone of you who isn't a dumbass motherf••ka?
Meanwhile, with Mario all alone in the time out corner couldn't just stand there doing nothing since he was bored out of his mind.
Mario then sneaked towards the oven as he looked all over as he doesn't see Smg4 anywhere, thinking that the coast was clear.
Mario: {Happily} Just gonna pre-heat the oven! :D
As Mario was about to pre-heat the oven, Smg4 suddenly appeared as the oven door opened and slapped Mario, saying:
Mario was sent flying, crashing back into the time out corner. He was a bit dizzy from the impact. He then saw both Hiroshi and Meggy by the time out corner as well. Meggy pouting in a adorable way and Hiroshi, who was next to Meggy, was ready to take a nap.
Mario: You guys too, huh?
Meggy: {Sad woomy noises} Yeah...
Hiroshi: Meh, I was too lazy to care about cooking, so I'm here with Meggy and going to take a nap.
Hiroshi then rubbed Meggy's head, making her smile a bit as he started to fall asleep quickly. Meanwhile with Bob, he has just finished mixing his...garbage.
Bob: {Proudly} LooK aT tHaT. ThAt iS sOmE mOzArT cRaP rIgHt tHeRe.
We can now see the-...w-wait! What kind of abomination is that?!?!
(A/N) [aka Milky the Bunny]:
Seriously! Kill it with fire!! Ugh, this is Bob's unholy creation. And..oh God! It's alive!! The power of christ compels you!!! There was a hand coming out as Bob wasn't having it as he was smacking it with the broom.
Bob: HeY! StAy iN tHe bOwL, aSShOlE!! TeLL sAtAn tO cAlM hIs tItS! OrDeR uP!
Bob then gave the abomination to Smg4, happy to get it.
Smg4: Hell yeh!
Smg4 was not happy anymore as a orange octopus tentacle came out of the bowl and started to strangle him.
Smg4: {Freaking out} AHH! JESUS CHRIST! Help! Help meh, ya idiot!
Meggy was worried about her friend...but as for Mario and Hiroshi.
Mario: OOoooh...Sorry. I apparently can't cook so I can't help.
Hiroshi opened his right eye, to see Smg4 in trouble but...
Hiroshi: Heh, sorry bud. You're on your own. I don't deal with tentacles.
...Yeah, he just went back to sleep after that. Meanwhile with Team Thicc, a bit earlier were getting ready as well, with Milky observing them.
Shroomy: Alright folks! We're gonna need to cook some meat and chop some vegetables! Got it?
Toad, with a shotgun and a evil smile was tot ready.
Toad: {Pumps shotgun} I'll get the chicken!
Milky: {A bit concerned} 'When did this evil little mushroom got the shotgun..?'
Shantae: {Nervously smile} (💧) S-Sorry little dude! We already got chicken.
Tari: Y-Yeah. That...isn't necessary...
Tari finally said as took out some chicken in the fridge, that was actually stocked with chicken.
Toad was disappointed as he looked at his gun and threw it away.
However, the shotgun still fired and it hitted Sans the Skeleton.
Milky: {Winced} Oh, somebody is gonna feel that alright.
Meanwhile with Hiroshi, he quickly jerked up from his nap and was almost into panic mode.
Hiroshi: {Breathing a bit heavily} W-Why did I felt like I got shot from the future....? Meh, it's probably nothing.
Hiroshi just went back to sleep. Back with Team Thicc!
Saiko: {Annoyed} Ugh, just add sauce to it.
Milky: (💧) Uh, sweetie..? That's not how it-
Before Milky can finish her sentence, Bowser came rushing towards Saiko's face and started yelling.
Bowser: The f••king chicken is F••KING RAW!
Milky: {Sighs} Thanks, Bowser. I was about to say that.
Bowser's yelling scared Luigi as he started to cook a bit faster.
Luigi: {Whimpers a bit} P-Please don't yell! See Chef, we're cooking it!
Toad, being very unpatient, decided to try and speed things up, his way.
Toad: You're too slow! Come on! I wanna get outta here!!
Toad then has an idea as he looked at Bowser with an evil face.
Milky's face paled a bit.
Milky: Oh no...
Suddenly, Toad jumped onto Bowser's back, making him breathe fire everywhere. Luigi also then got caught on fire, making him scream in pure agony.
[Comment "F" for poor Luigi, please]
Milky just facepalmed hard, as Shantae, who was getting vegetables, had her eyes widen in shocked as she turned towards her Master.
Shantae: Um...Shouldn't we help..?
Milky: {Sighs} No...they are on their own. I swear I am too old for this.
Just then, Milky's eyes catches on fire, making her scream as Shantae yelled in worry.
Well...it looks like she saw that horrible monster cake in her vision. Meanwhile, we can see that Shroomy was thinking on how to use a knife to cut the vegetables as Bowser and Toad was burning everything in the background. Shroomy decided to get Tari's help.
Shroomy: Hey Tari, your hands look deadly. Can you help chop some vegetables please?
Tari looked at the knife and saw how sharp it is, being a bit worried. She hesitated a bit but decided to help Shroomy out.
Tari: Uh...ok...
We can see that Tari....is now having a very hard time to decide a carrots fate.
Tari: {Hesitating} I'm sorry Mr.Carrot...
In Tari's imagination, she can see that the carrot is acting like a baby, making Tari throw the knife away.
Tari: I CAN'T DO IT!
As Tari did throw the knife away, the knife stabbed Boopkins' new toy to the wall.
Boopkins: {Worried, upset} Chef-chan!
Back with Tari, she was now treating the carrot as a baby.
Tari: You're okay now Mr.Carrot.
Shroomy: (0_0)...
Shroomy decided to turn to someone else, and that person is Saiko.
Shroomy: Oh hey, Saiko! Can you help chop these vegetables? You seem good with a knife, just like one of them yanderes I see on the internets.
..Yep, Saiko went to a level 21 of psycho after hearing that part.
Saiko: {Crazy} Maybe we can add Mushrooms to the dish, including that stupid elf girl!
Shroomy: {Scared} Hehe...that's a funny joke. Please don't hurt me.
Shantae, who heard Saiko, was kinda hurt and creeped out.
Shantae: {Upset} Eh?! What have I ever do to you?! 'Also, I am not an elf, but I ain't telling her that!'.
Meanwhile, with Luigi, he was quickly putting peppers and seasonings towards the chicken, as Toad was roasting marshmallows on a still burning Luigi.
Toad: Hey stop moving! I'm trying to cook!
Meanwhile, Tari has noticed the fire is spreading fast, making her extremely worried.
Tari: {Very worried} Uh...shouldn't we extinguish this fire?
Toad: NAH! That's probably nothin'!
Just then, the timer was shown as the two teams were running out of time.
[Timer: 5 minutes left]
Bowser: Ya'll better hurry up!
Tari then quickly opened the door towards Team Spicy's kitchen for help.
Tari: Do you guys have a fire extin-
Only to stop in her tracks when she sees the chaos happening.
Mario wasn't helping since he's angry, Boopkins is crying over a doll, Smg4 is still in danger, Meggy is trying to save him, Bob recoding them, and Hiroshi is still asleep. Both Milky and Shantae came in as well to see the chaos. Milky facepalmed hard to see Hiroshi asleep and Shantae was shocked again. Mario then walked up towards the trio.
Mario: So...how are you guys doing? :D
Tari: {Nervously} We're having a team meltdown...hehe.
Shantae: Sure...if you want to put it like that.
Mario: Hey...are you copying us?
Suddenly, Meggy was then thrown into some shelfs.
Mario: {Annoyed} Only if SMG4 admits I CAN COOK!
As Smg4 was screaming his head off, Smg4 stopped and shook his head in a sassy way(?), before going back to shouting. All this commotion woke Hiroshi from his nap, a bit annoyed.
Hiroshi: {Annoyed, sighs} Why can't I sleep in peace..?
Milky: {Annoyed as well} Well, maybe you can, if you would've help them as well!!
Hiroshi: ....Why can't you?
Milky's body froze a bit as she started to recall a memory. That memory made her eye twitch in anger as well as making her blush.
Milky: {Blushes, eye twitches in anger} (💢) I-I am not....dealing with tentacles. I've seen...too many things happening from that...! I ain't dealing with tentacles for the damn tenth time and always ending up the same position!!
Hiroshi just looked at the readers with an unreadable face. He was probably too tired to give a sh•t.
Hiroshi: '.....Let your imaginations run wild...'.
Meggy was getting annoyed with this situation already, even with Smg4 has he won't admit that Mario is an "okay" cook.
On cue, Smg4 got thrown away from the tentacle, Meggy got caught by it and was being swinged around. She was screaming, making Hiroshi jolt up. His Meggy senses was going off.
Hiroshi: 'Oh sh•t! Meggy!'
Meggy: SMG4!!!!!!
Smg4 finally gave in defeat.
Smg4: Ugh...FINE!
As much as it pains him to say it, he needs to say it. Smg4 turned towards Mario and started to say on what he didn't want to say.
Smg4: {Eye twitches} You're "OKAY" at cooking, Mario....
That's all Mario needed to hear as he made....some sort of face.
Mario: UUUUHHHHHHH...Okey dokey!
[I bet you can't comment a meme about this image]
Mario then got to work as he quickly got some ketchup.
Mario: Guess what time it is? I'M ON MY PERIOOOOD!
Mario said as he squirted plenty of ketchup all over Bob.
Bob: {Grossed out} o ChRiSt tHiS dIsGuStinG wHaT iS tHiS?
Hiroshi: That's a waste of good ketchup. :(
Mario said as he tackled Bob down. As the tentacle continued to shake Meggy around, Mario called it's attention, seeing that Mario was holding Bob, covered in ketchup.
Mario: Hey stinky! MMMMMMMmmm! So tasty!
Falling for the bait, the tentacle then throw Meggy away from it. When Meggy was about to fall, Hiroshi quickly caught her in bridal style.
Hiroshi: {Smiles} Hehe, looks like you have just fallen for me, huh?~
[Hiroshi used "flirt". It was super effective]
Meggy blushed as she quickly got off him, pouted and crossed her arms.
Meggy: {Blushes, pouting} S-Shut up.
Shantae seeing this, just giggles as Tari felt left out. Hiroshi just chuckles, finding Meggy's reaction cute. Anyways, the tentacle bowl than started to charge at Bob.
Bob: {Scared} HoLy CrAp PlEaSe DoN't EaT mY pInGaS pLeAsE!
Meanwhile, the timer was now showing that 2 minutes only remains. Shroomy was thinking that all hope is lost.
Shroomy: Oh nuuuu! There's no more time left... D: Oh, and we're also gonna burn to death as well!
However, not all hope was lost as Saiko thought of a quick plan.
Shroomy: What?
Saiko: INSULT ME! I work faster when I'm angry!
Shroomy: Okay. I understand. You're a gosh darn meanie :D
Saiko was just looking at Shroomy with a "Really?" look. Shroomy just nervously laughs as he thought of another insult that would really get under her skin. He just hopes he isn't the one being skinned.
Shroomy: Hiroshi will never love you for having a horrendous face and a crappy personality! Hehe....
Yeah...that was the switch alright. Saiko went into Psycho Mode level INFINITE. Oh boi..
Shroomy: Oh dear!
Saiko then pushed Shroomy out the way as she went super ultra infinite psycho mode on those vegetables, while laughing her insanity off.
Shroomy: {Unaffected} Wow...
Meanwhile with Toad, he was poking a unconscious flaming Luigi, who is already completed the chicken, with a stick.
Toad: Come on!...I didn't tell you to stop moving completely!
Geez Toad, give mah baby a break!! Anyways, just on cue, the evil tentacle bowl came crashing through the wall, knocking both Mario and Bob over, and frightening Tari. Then the tentacle bowl crashed into the fire, getting caught on fire, making it scream in agony. Toad, seeing this, was scared and offered Luigi to tentacle bowl in ordered to be free.
Toad: {Scared, forcefully smiling} I offer you my humble sacrifice! {Mumbles} Please don't eat me.
Shroomy: Ooohhh....that looks delicious!
Not really, Shroomy. Anyways, when Saiko, still in her psycho mode, seeing the tentacle bowl monster...thing, smirked as she charged towards the tentacle and successfully sliced it. Hiroshi, who was with the gang, along with Milky and Shantae, can't help but find Saiko's aggressiveness...kinda attractive.
Hiroshi: 'Hm...I don't know why, but that's actually pretty hot. Heh! Get it, cause the....kitchen is on fire...okay'.
Anyways, after cutting the tentacle off and Mario somehow a bit excited for the piece of the tentacle, the flaming abomination bowl turned into a fine looking chocolate cake. Saiko then suddenly came back to her senses.
Saiko: What happened?...I blacked out...
Meggy: {Happy woomy noises} WE DID IT!!
Hiroshi: That was amazing, Saiko! You were so cool!
Saiko blushed at Hiroshi's compliment, feeling happy that she was now getting his attention....until Mario came, pretending to be an Inkling.
Mario: Meggy, look! I'm an Inkling! Woomy!
Meggy: {Confused, probably offended} 'Dafuq?'.
Hiroshi: Uh...Mario? I find that kinda racist.
Shroomy: Hey guys! We finished too! Yippee!
Shroomy said as he put some of the pepper's on the chicken. Tari and Shantae cheered as well, even Luigi...who was still on fire and in pain. Poor Luigi. The timer was finally done as we can see the gang back on the stage in the next scene, waiting for their dishes to be taste tested.
Bowser: Congrats...on not fully destroying my studio.
Milky: Yeah...thanks to me.
Bowser: I, thank you for that, Ms.Bunny.
Both teams cheered for that. Now, it's time to taste the dishes, which Bowser is gonna do because Milky ain't gonna go to a hospital anytime soon.
Bowser: Now...time for the first dish!
First, Bowser tasted the chicken that Team Thicc made. Once he took a bite, he quickly vomits it. It was horrible, shocking most of the team.
Bowser: That tastes like pingas!
Next, Bowser was going to try Team Spicy's dish. The team was a bit worried.
Bowser: And now...
When Bowser took a bite of the cake...well....here's the answer...
His head scrunched up so hard...he kinda died. Yep. Milky's eyes widen a bit.
Milky: {Nervous laugh} H-Hehe...good thing Bowser was the sacrifice....oh boy.
Mario: It was so delicious that he died! WE WIN!!
Milky: ....I guess?
Team Spicy then celebrated their victory.
Hiroshi looked over at Shantae, who looked back at him, as he winked at her, making her blush and smile shyly.
Hiroshi/Shantae: 'God, I already love her/him!'.
[Please comment here on what is your Top 5/10 favorite foods/drinks? (Emoji's included)]
♡Mines are♡: (Food) 🍕Pizza, 🍔Burgers, Chili Cheese Fries, 🍗Fried Chicken, & 🍣Sushi. (Drinks) Iced Tea, ☕️Coffee, Chocolate Milk, Fruit Punch, Coke Cola.
To be continued...
☆Ending 2☆
Yay. Another episode is done. Hope you guys are enjoying this story so far. Anyways, I've been trying to have a lot of images..or some from the smg4 episode to be on here. Most images or very perfect ones are hard to find, but I'm trying my best here.
Remember to vote, share, and add this story in your reading list. Please and Thank you~.
"H-Hello...I-I'm Fluttershy. Thank you...for reading my story. Please support me....*whispering* I-Is there something on my face...? You keep staring".
August 6, 2022
Time: 10:56 pm
Words: 4,311
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